Love or Game (Complete✅)

By Suk-24

115K 11.9K 2.5K

#7 in revenge (12/10/2020) I am Nandini. Nandini Murthy. In 22, I am a renowned interior designer. I have my... More

Chapter 1- "First impression..."
Chapter 2- "Two lives..many secrets..."
Chapter 3- "The kiss quotient..."
Chapter 4 - "The vow..."
Chapter 5- "Untamed heart..."
Chapter 6 - "The thing called love..."
Chapter 7- "Mind, heart and secrets..."
Chapter 8 - "The magical words..."
Chapter 9 - "Demons of past..."
Chapter 10 - "The perfect storm..."
Chapter 11 - "Into the wild..."
Chapter 12- "Tom and Jerry.."
Chapter 13 - "Pursuit of happiness..."
Chapter 14 - "Meeting the would-be..."
Chapter 15 - "Impression and suspicion..."
Chapter 16 - "The rupture..."
Chapter- 17 "The bitter love..."
❤Upcoming Books❤
Chapter 18- "Love-hate game..."
Chapter - 19 "I don't wanna make love to you..."
Chapter 20 - "The damnation..."
Chapter 21 - "Back to the track..."
Chapter 22 - "Final curtain..."
Chapter 23- "Nandini promise..."
Chapter 24 - "Burn the happiness..."
Chapter 25 - "The mysterious letter..."
Chapter 26- " Satiric destiny..."
Chapter 27 - "Unhealed wound..."
🤗❤New story alert❤🤗
Chapter 28 -"Last piece of the puzzle..."
👉Story promotion👈
Chapter 29 - "The divergence..."
📚Launch of new book📚
Chapter 30 - "The moonlight tryst..."
Chapter 31 - "The unsaid goodbye..."
🤗New story🤗
Chapter 32 - "Forget me not..."
😞Highly Disappointed😞
😁Wait is over😁
Chapter 33 - "Prisoners of past..."
🎭Wait is over🎭
Chapter 34 - "Their worlds..."
Chapter - 35 "Catch-22"
Chapter 36 - "God's intention..."
Chapter 37 - "New brush..."
Chapter 38 - "Captain America..."
Chapter 39 - "U-turn..."
Chapter 40 - "The parched heart..."
Chapter 41 - "A new dawn..."
Chapter 42 - "Signs of past..."
Chapter 43 - "Inside out..."
📕Newly published book📕
Chapter 44 - "Blood bond..."
Chapter 45 - "It sets in my heart..."
🤗Wait is over🤗
Chapter 46 - "The turmoil...inside out..."
Chapter 47 - "She is in danger..."
Chapter 48 - "Shining armour..."
Chapter 49- "Sincerity of love..."
Chapter 50 - "The third angle..."
Chapter 51 - "Proof of love..."
Chapter 52 - "Dispute with destiny..."
Chapter 53- "An invitation..."
Chapter 54- "Broken love..."
Chapter 55 - "Before it's too late..."
Chapter 56 - "New confidant..."
Chapter 57- "Homecoming..."
Chater 58- "Painful adiós..."
Epilogue- "Love, sacrifice and destination..."
🙏Reader's sweet review🙏

Chapter 59- "Reunion..."

1.5K 187 29
By Suk-24

"Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want, not because we don't deserve it, but because we deserve much more."

When I left all my loved ones behind, that time I was convinced that life has not been fair to me. I must not deserve the normal happiness which I want. However, I was wrong. Today when I see all the reasons for happiness around me, I try to change my notion,

"If we want to behold the beauty of the rainbow then we must drench in the rain. Life has its own equation and time. If we want to balance it before the perfect time, we may face disappointment. But at the last, we get our wished equilibrium."

Right now, I am sitting in my ELYSIAN office cabin, sipping on my work break relaxation green tea. Some months have passed and these passing times have brought so many changes in our life. Maan is happy with his Superhero Dad and his Dad is happy with his naughty Champ. In fact, nowadays he is ignoring his work because of Manu and gets scolded by me very often. Although I know he has missed these moments for a long and perhaps for that, he doesn't want to miss any chance to be with his son.

"Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad."

My inner Goddess gives me some philosophical knowledge and I nod at her with a chuckle. Bhai is busy with Murthy Creation's new ventures. It is not any change though the difference is, earlier he used to remain busy to forget the circumstances and nowadays he remains busy to secure his family's future more. Navya and their expected baby. Navya is pregnant again. However, I know it's not going to be easy for her. Bhai told me that she has some medical challenges and he didn't want to risk her and the baby's life. But Navya was adamant from the beginning. In fact, this pregnancy was unplanned but keeping this baby is Navya's plan. Because of that, she didn't let Bhai know about this in the initial stage. She might fear that perhaps Bhai will force her to terminate it. However, some things can't be hidden for long. When Bhai came to know about her decision it was quite late to take any drastic decision. Since then, Bhai is taking care of his Madhu like a glass doll. I wish they get their deserved happiness. I revolve the chair and get up to walk near the glass wall. Our collaboration with Decoración is going well. Very soon Manik will visit Salvador again. I also wanted to accompany him but he strictly outlawed my wish. The reason is very simple and, to some extent, justified too. In this condition, I also shouldn't exhaust myself. My train of thoughts gets broken by the voice from behind.

"Didn't I tell you not to drink coffee at this time? Come on Nandini. Caffeine is not good for the baby's health and you claim yourself as an intelligent woman."

I turn and face my grumpy husband. Manik Malhotra the finicky would-be father. I frown at him and counter proudly.

"Yes, I am intelligent and don't keep any doubt about it. Along with this, I am the would-be mother. So, I know well what is good and what is bad for my unborn baby."

I raise the cup and add,

"This is green tea, non toxic, void of any caffeine and good for the would-be mother's health. Your nature of jumping to the conclusion without thinking is still there, Mr Malhotra. Change it."

I fake an annoyed tone. It works and the crankiness on his face immediately changes to embarrassment. I just love to trouble him. I grin inwardly. Manik saunters and stands close to me.

"Nandini, during Maan's birth, I was not there with you. I know it was my mistake and I missed those precious days. Maybe that's why I remain finicky and overstressed this time. I become tensed and timid sometimes. I know Navu's condition makes me apprehensive and I perhaps show it to you. I am sorry. I behave like an annoying and illogical person sometimes."

He sounds contrite while turning his face to hide the emotion in his eyes. This man! I can't even tease him. I place my palm on his cheek and make him meet my eyes.

"You are not annoying. Instead, you look adorable when you sound over strict and caring for my health. Manik, I also missed this care and love during Manu's birth. It was our destiny that we parted away. But it is our fortune that we again became one. You know that night when you got intimate with me in my unconscious condition, I was determined to rectify that mistake. But perhaps destiny didn't want it and I forgot to take the emergency contraceptive pill. Perhaps God wanted to create another reason to get us closer."

I pause and observe Manik's eyes. They have more questions in them. He takes some seconds and eventually asks in a timid tone,

"Nandini, you got married to me, not because of this child, right? Did I force you again to be with me? Tell me, Nandini. You have forgiven me, right?"

His eyes have pain and anxiety which brim my eyes instantly. I cup his face and utter,

"I married you because I love you. And this child is one of the sweet symbols of our love. I forgave you, Manik. I forgave you from the bottom of my heart. The moment I realised that I can't live without you, I forgot my painful past. Yes, you did a mistake. But I did mistakes too. I kept Maan away from you. I gave pain to my brother. We are humans, Manik. That's why we are prone to do errors in life. But we have our conscience too that tells us what is right and what is wrong. If we can't forget our past then we can't celebrate our present neither we can dream of our future. I love you. Whatever you are. You are mine, Manik Malhotra and even I can't deny this truth."

He scoots forward and joins his head with me. His eyes are closed. We have crossed so many hurdles in life but still, we are together. Our love turned into a game. Then the game lost in front of our love. This is our love story. Tangled but true. I snake his neck and sink my lips into his.


"Sometimes I want to slap myself."

Navya grumbles under her breath. Since the morning, she has been seeking the bunch of the newborn babies' suits that she bought last week. She knows that before birth one shouldn't buy anything for the unborn child or it may bring bad luck. But what she could do? Those clothes were so cute and adorable that she couldn't hold herself back from jumping on them. However, right now, she is not being able to find them out. Navya slams the cupboard door to close it and swears at herself again,

"You are worthless, Navu. You are just worthless. You don't have a sharp memory neither you have any capability to manage your home. And when you don't have these qualities then why do you even try?"

She vents out disgust on herself and plummets on the bed. The continuous work makes her fatigue. She pants a bit while dabbing the dupatta on her sweaty forehead. Only then, her eyes catch the sight. The desired packet of the cloths is kept on the top of the almirah. Navya bites her tongue and mumbles,

"For you, Cabir. I am to hide all these things like this."

Since Cabir has come to know about her pregnancy, invisible emotional combat has been started between them. Cabir doesn't want Navya to get over possessive or hopeful about the child. The reason is evident. The doctor is still sceptical about the health of the baby. She even told both of them to be prepared for any bad news. If all go well, then it will be an unexpected result. Navya knows that she has put her and her child's life at risk but she didn't have any other option. She wanted to be a mother and when she came to know about Nandini's pregnancy, this desperation became limitless. They both have conceived at almost the same time and she didn't want to feel the same emptiness once again. No, she is not jealous of Nandini but she is not so generous either. She can't see her empty womb in front of another woman who can have a healthy child. It may sound low and selfish but a woman's deeper emotion can't be judged so easily. Navya gets up from the bed and nears the cupboard once again. The height is high. She can't reach it without standing on a stool. Navya looks all around and walks towards the plastic chair kept in front of Cabir's study table. She drags it to the cupboard and places it in front of it. After thinking a bit, she supports her bloated belly with one hand and grabs the chair to step on it. It feels a little uncomfortable but Navya's adamance to get the packet forces her to bear the trouble. As she lifts another leg to stand on the chair, it tilts backwards. With a fearful yell, Navya tries to balance herself from the downfall. But it goes in vain. She perhaps had fallen flat on her back if two strong hands wouldn't have caught her from behind. Navya let out a suppressed wail,


Cabir holds her in a bridal style and nears the bed to place her on the mattress carefully. Navya's timid eyes meet her husband's furious ones.

"You won't let me breathe in peace, right? If you have decided to have the baby then at least take care of it properly. Not every time I will bend to your obstinance."

Cabir's red eyes and exasperated face bring tears to Navya's eyes. She utters in a choked voice,

"I am the perennial problem in your life, right? First, I couldn't save our baby and disappeared from your life and now, I am unable to give birth to a healthy child. I am incapable of everything. I couldn't be a mother and now I am not a good wife. I just give you tension."

She sobs out the last line and bends her head to hide her brimming eyes. Still, two drops of tears fall on her lap. Cabir immediately sits beside her and starts fondling her head. However, it increases her sobs more. Cabir lifts her face by resting his two fingers under her chin and meets her teary eyes. Anger and exasperation on his face now have been replaced with empathy.

"Don't say those things which hurt me more than you. You know very well that you are perfect for me. You are the best life partner and lover I can ever have for me. But try to understand. I won't be everywhere to protect you and our child. Any carelessness can be fatal for both of you. So, you should be super cautious."

He wipes her tears from her cheeks and continues,

"Now tell me. Did you have your medicine? You have your check-up today, right? It's your third trimester and the doctor has said regular check-up is a must. Nandi called me. She is also going for her check-up. She will pick you up and visit the doctor. If you feel any pain, complication or discomfort do let Nandi know. She will manage."

Navya bobs and utters with concern,

"She is also having her third trimester, Cabir. Don't you think Manik should take more care of her? She is doing her office work in full-fledged. Won't be a risk for her?"

Cabir smiles and replies,

"She is my super-woman sis. Don't forget she managed her first pregnancy single-handedly. After that, she took care of Maan so efficiently. I know this time also she will take care of all things. And about Manik; I know he is with her like a shadow. Whenever she will need him, he will be there. "

Cabir places the pillows behind her and makes her lean back on them. Navya looks at him with vulnerable eyes and asks with an ardent tone,

"Just like you. I know you will be there for me whenever I need you."

Cabir joins his forehead with hers and mouths with determination,

"I promise!"


Nandini and Champ are lying on the bed while I am working on my laptop sitting on the couch. 1 more month has passed and Nandini is now on her the most advanced stage of pregnancy. Because of that, I have almost forcefully confined her at home. Of course, she opposed it with her full force but this time I was adamant about her health. I glance at the two most precious people of my life. Nandini is trying to make Champ sleep but he is not at all interested to doze off.

"Mummum....who iz theal?(Mummum...who is there?)

Champ asks in his childish tone pointing to her full belly. Nandini giggles and answers,

"Your brother or maybe your cute little sister."

Champ widens his eyes and again enquires,

"Who puth them heaal?(Who put them here?)

His innocent question churns my stomach with a giggle. Nandini helplessly looks at me and I wink at her.

"Tell your son, Nandini who put them there?"

My naughty mind chides inwardly. Nandini glares at me and turns at Champ.

" go to sleep. It's quite late. I promise if you get up early in the morning, I will call your Buddy and you can talk to him."

Nandini tries to dodge the tricky question of her son. Champ hugs his mother sideward and pecks on her cheek.

"Pomiz?" (Promise?)

He wants to get assured. Nandini repeats,

"Nandini promise. Now,  go to sleep Munchkin."

She kisses his pouty lips. Champ looks at me and says,

"Goodh naith, Daddy..lub u...(Good night, you..)

This is the sweetest call in my life. Daddy! I am my Champ's Daddy. I was about to greet back my son when my phone rings. It's Cabir. My forehead lines with worry. He usually never calls me at this time. I hope everything is alright. I immediately tap the green button.

"Come immediately, Manik. Navya's water bag broke."

Cabir yells on the phone.

Author: So, this is a bonus chapter as some of my readers wanted.🤗🤗❤ The epilogue will be published shortly. 👍

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