
By nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 24

513 23 28
By nikki13088

GRAPHIC CONTENT! VIOLENCE! Sorry I took a bit to update, just wanted this chapter to come out right. This chapter is a lot darker, hope you like it!

Draco appeared in the familiar field to the Colonial house he had called home these past few months, but the sight that met him made him fall to his knees. The house was just completely engulfed in flames and the once green grassed field they stood in was now singed. Draco managed to get to his feet and ran as fast as he could across the scorched land hearing the others close behind him. They soon skidded to a halt just watching the flames rising and rising and Draco ran around the back to the porch area and desperately looked for any sign of Ginny. The fear and worry were evident on his face and he tried with all his might to keep his shaking legs working as he searched all around the outside of the large house.

"DON'T MOVE!" he heard someone call out from behind him and he immediately froze. He heard the man take a few steps closer to him and then stop.  "Draco?"

He heard the man's voice again and soon realized it was Mr. Weasley and he turned around to find Arthur lowering his wand. The others soon came around the back and Ron ran up to his dad and embraced him, followed by the rest of the Weasley sons.

"Dad, where are the girls, we ran into Luna and she said there was an attack." Ron said frantically.

"I'm not sure, but I know they got out. Hermione and Narcissa are with Ginny, I had to get your Mother to safety and left her with Luna but by the time I got back the house was in flames. Ginny did this, there were too many of them about and she must have......got scared." he finished.

Draco was relieved to hear she got out, but he now worried about where she was. He spotted something across the field and walked over to it, noticing it was Ginny's bag. He picked it up and his eyes were drawn to a single strand of red hair he found stuck to it. His legs had finally decided to give out and he found himself on the ground; tears stinging his eyes as he reached down and picked up the long hair and watched as it seemed to shimmer from the glare of the flames behind him. He heard footsteps beside him and he turned to see Harry squat down beside him.

"We're going to find them and they are going to be just fine."

Draco just nodded and then threw the strap of Ginny's bag over his head and got up and walked back over to the others. Bill filled his Father in on what was going on with the mission and how they hadn't talked to Kingsley and how Neville needed to get to St. Mungo's.

"Bill, your pocket.... its glowing." Arthur said suddenly.

Bill quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out the small round object that Kingsley had given him and in very small letters in a swirled mess appeared a message.

"Attack at Ministry, in hiding, will contact when able."

Bill read the message out to them.

"We need to get out of this area, with the Ministry being overrun and Kingsley's whereabouts unknown things are about to go from really bad to a world of shit." Arthur said. "There's a wooded area across the way, let's lie low in there for now until this area clears out and then we will come up with a next plan of action. I know Hermione will try and find some way of contacting one of us or even McGonagall so let's just focus on getting somewhere safe. The girls couldn't have gotten too far; Ginny isn't able to apparate with her being pregnant so they are traveling on foot most likely."

"How do we even know they haven't been captured or worse? I found Ginny's bag on the ground and nothing but burnt bodies scattered about...... what if she accidentally killed...." Draco trailed off.

"She didn't, Hermione is smart she knows how deadly Ginny's powers can be, she would have avoided them....... I just know it." Ron said in a firm tone.

Draco just nodded.

"Charlie and I are going to head back to Luna and Molly and then Charlie will get us back to Neville and George. I'm sure Luna knows some kind of healing to be able to get Neville to St. Mungo's....... I just hope it's not too late." Arthur said the last part more to himself than anyone else. "You lot start heading over to the woods and we will catch up. I'll try and find some way of getting a message to McGonagall and if you guys run into trouble..... well let's just hope you don't."

"What if we need to leave the woods or something?" Harry asked, afraid he would be separated from Luna again.

Arthur just shook his head. "Well, Harry..... let's just hope you don't have to, either way we will find our way back to you, but you need to go now, it's not safe here and Neville needs us; now go." he said then turned to Charlie and apparated back to Luna and Molly.

The rest of them started making their way around the edge of the lake towards the thick wooded area, hoping that they would find some proof that the others were alright.


"Hermione, I need to stop for a minute" Ginny said through her heavy breathing; leaning against a nearby tree then sliding down it to sit.

Hermione turned back to her redheaded friend and walked over to her and took a seat next to her and Narcissa did the same. They looked a mess between the mud that covered them and the scratches all over their faces and arms from the thick woods and branches that constantly scraped against them. They didn't say anything; they were all a bit shocked at the position they were in and showing emotion at the moment seemed to be the most useless thing they could do right now, at least that's how Ginny was feeling.

Ginny turned to look at Hermione; she had a hard look on her face and she then turned to lock eyes with Ginny.

"We have to keep walking; I need to get a message to McGonagall or someone." She stated without any emotion, just a blank look in her eyes.

"Hermione, shouldn't we rest a bit more? Ginny's over five months pregnant and we've been walking for hours and the sun is just about up and-

"NO!" she yelled out cutting Narcissa off.

Narcissa just glared at her, she knew she was trying to get them somewhere safe, but running Ginny into exhaustion wasn't her idea of safe.

"It's ok Narcissa, I can keep going." Ginny said as she held out her hand for Narcissa to help her up.

They all suddenly heard movement up ahead and Hermione quickly jumped up from her spot against the tree. She instinctively placed herself in front of Ginny and had her wand in one hand and a dagger in the other. A spell flew right at her that she quickly blocked and then ran full speed straight at her target bringing the knife up to stab it into the Death Eaters chest but he grabbed her arm before she could. He brought a hand back and slapped her hard across the face, sending her to the ground. Narcissa quickly threw a spell at the man making him fall dead to the floor and she ran over to help Hermione up when another Death Eater grabbed her by the hair and yanked her backwards. Ginny went to make a move when she felt a tight grip on her arm and a knife to her throat.

"Move and you die, " she heard a deep voice say in her ear that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

Hermione quickly scrambled up to her feet and had her wand pointed at the man holding Ginny.

"Drop your wand or your friend dies." the man said, pushing the blade deeper against Ginny's throat making her let out a small whimper.

Hermione was seething with rage, but she reluctantly dropped her wand and she saw the man holding Narcissa tie her hands up and then make his way over to Hermione to do the same. Narcissa looked at Ginny and moved her gaze down to Ginny's hand as she watched Ginny slowly slide the knife Hermione gave her from her pocket. She waited until Ginny had gotten a firm grip on the knife and then Narcissa leapt forward throwing her bound hands around the man's neck pulling him backwards to the ground with her.

Ginny quickly pushed the knife deep into the man's stomach and she felt the blade he held to her throat lightly graze her neck as she pushed his hand away as fast as she could. Hermione quickly grabbed her wand and ran to Ginny and hit the man with a killing curse. Narcissa had the rope around her hands tightly around the man's neck and pulled as tightly as she can as the man struggled for her to let go or to get some air. She let out an emotional growl as she felt the man's body start to go limp until soon he lay dead on top of her. She threw herself back onto the ground and regained her breath before pushing him off of her examining the harsh rope burn on her hands. Hermione quickly cut her hands free and then turned back to Ginny, who had her hand up to her throat.

"Let me see Ginny, move your hand, let me see." she said, grabbing Ginny's hand away from her neck. She studied it for a moment and saw the bleeding was starting to stop. "You're lucky, it's not deep. I rather not use a healing charm if we can avoid it, unless you need it?" she said looking at Ginny.

"I'm fine." she said, wiping her bloody hands off on her muddy clothes.

Ginny's mind went back to the day she killed Warren and felt his warm blood spill out onto her and here she was again with another man's blood on her hands. She knew it was just how the world worked these days and decided to push those feelings aside and swiftly pulled the knife from the man's stomach and wiped it off.

They had run into a few other Death Eaters before this small group and they were just numb now from everything; so numb that even brutally murdering these men hadn't registered yet. They just had to keep going and had to keep surviving, there was no time to stop and deal with feelings. Ginny stuck the knife back in her pocket and followed Hermione and Narcissa through the crowded woods as the morning sun started to rise in the distance.


"His throat was slit" Bill said, looking at the dead body of the Death Eater they had found on the bank of the lake.

Draco remembered the fear that filled him when he saw a body across the way and was scared it would be Ginny or one of the others. He was relieved upon approaching  it when he saw the Death Eater mask hanging off the man's face.

"Well, seems the girls are holding their own out here, which means we are heading in the right direction." Harry said.

"If it's even them; but then that means there are still Death Eaters running around these woods."Ron said with worry in his voice.

"Come on, let's keep going." Bill said as they walked on.

"Draco, does Ginny happen to have water in that bag of hers............ or food?" Ron asked.

"Yeah Weasley, I'm sure she made a pit stop to the kitchen on her way out," he said sarcastically opening the bag and sticking his hand inside to see what she had in there.

He pulled out a small bag and reached inside and he stopped walking. The others turned to see what the hold up was and saw him standing there holding something.

Draco looked at the tiny baby outfit that Ginny had grabbed last minute on her way out of the house. He felt a smile tug across his face when he read what it said and took note of the snake on it. The others saw it also and there was a heavy silence that had fallen upon them all. His smile turned to worry and then to anger as he thought of her being out there pregnant with their child and how he wasn't able to be there for her...... to protect her. Harry came over and gave him a light pat on the back.

"Come on, let's go find them." he said with a small smile.

Draco nodded and then put the small outfit away and snapped Ginny's bag closed. They continued walking through the heavy woods noticing that it was apparent someone had come through this way with how the branches were separated and the mud had footprints in it. They unknowingly found themselves quickening their pace in hopes of finding the girls faster and now that they had a clear trail of where they possibly were they felt a small glimmer of hope.

They went from running at full speed to a quickened walk and then to a light jog, none of them wanting to stop. Along the way they came across the bodies of Death Eaters that had been murdered or fell victim to the killing curse which meant the girls were holding their own so far...... if it was even them they were tracking.

After another hour or so they noticed the sun was starting to peak through the trees and they found themselves back to a running pace. Draco could hear Ron panting and trying to keep going and he knew that Ron had Hermione and his sister clear in his head as he pushed on to keep going. They soon came across another three bodies lying dead in the woods. Bill studied them for a moment, realizing one was strangled to death, and another viciously stabbed and then another one finished off with a curse.

"Are we sure the girls did this?" Bill said, studying the gruesome scene.

"Let's hope so, otherwise who the hell are we tracking." Draco said taking in the scene himself.

"This blood is still wet." Harry said, wiping his shoe off in some nearby grass as he stepped in a puddle of blood from one of the fallen men. "This wasn't done to long ago then."

"So we must be close, come on, " Ron said finding a new wave of energy and adrenaline that pushed him to break out into a run to hopefully catch up with them.

The rest of them followed suit and all Draco could think of with every step he took was seeing Ginny again. The image of her was firmly in his mind as he barreled through the woods to get to her side as fast as he could. The thought of just feeling her was causing his emotions to rise and he pushed them aside and focused his mind as he continued making his way to her.


She fell to her hands and knees onto the dirty ground feeling the sharp twigs and tiny rocks beneath her and seeing the sunlight shine through her muddy hair. She just stayed there and tried to catch her breath and then she felt Hermione grab her arm and pull her back up.

"Come on Ginny we have to keep going."

"HERMIONE PLEASE STOP!" she yelled out with anger ripping her arm from her grip.

Hermione had a look of guilt on her face and turned to face her. "I'm sorry Ginny, I know you're probably exhausted....... well, probably past that, but I need to make sure we get somewhere safe." she said in a softer tone.

"I know.......I get that......I just need a minute.......please" she pleaded looking at Hermione as she became close to tears.

Hermione looked at her friend, her lips were dry and her once red hair was caked with mud and leaves; she had dried blood and dirt covering her........ they all did. She was just trying to keep Ginny safe like she told Draco she would; not that she wouldn't have even if he didn't ask her to.  She finally gave Ginny a small nod and then helped her over to a small rock to sit on.

They sat there in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. Ginny quickly wiped away a few tears that fell from her face and let out a frustrated growl, she was so tired of crying all the time and was just angry at this point. She started picking the leaves and twigs out of hair when they heard movement across the way, making them all jump up with their wands out.

"This is why we don't stop." Hermione whispered to them.

Hermione pulled Ginny behind a nearby tree with her and Narcissa got behind another and they watched as two Death Eaters came walking by with what looked like their latest victim. Hermione made eye contact with Narcissa to take down one while she did the other and with a quick movement, they jumped out and sent a spell at each one knocking them dead to the ground. Hermione turned to the person they had tied up and her eyes grew wide.

"Percy?" came Ginny's voice.

He looked at all of them with surprise and then he felt Ginny's arms around him.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the Ministry?" she asked him. She hadn't seen Percy since a few days after the final battle and she was angry at him for being so distant but she was just happy to see one of her brothers.

"There was an attack, it's been overrun and I was trying to escape when I was knocked out and then woke up to some Death Eaters dragging me somewhere." he looked at her again and a small smile spread across his face. "I can't believe I'm looking at you right now."

Ginny pulled him into another hug.

"Where are you headed? I know there are some old Order members in another town not too far from here, perhaps we could try there and hope to get out a message for some help?" he said brightly.

"That would be great" Narcissa spoke up.

Percy looked at her for a moment and then a bright smile spread across his face. "Wonderful"


He quickly ran up to the bodies on the ground and placed his hand on one of their throats to check for a pulse.

"They're still warm....... this must have just happened, let's keep moving." Harry said leading the way.

"I really hope we are tracking the right people, how do we know we aren't so far off from where they are?" Ron stated.

"Who else would be heading away from town and able to take down these Death Eaters? I'm sure it's no random Muggle." Bill said.

"I hope you're right." Draco said.

There was a part of him that worried they were heading the wrong way and he couldn't bear the thought that Ginny wouldn't be at the end of this trail they had followed for hours. He looked at Ron, who seemed to be thinking the same thing he was and he sympathized a bit with him knowing what he was going through. They walked quickly following the fresh tracks that led away from the two dead Death Eaters on the ground and soon found themselves breaking into a run.

"WHOA, HOLD ON A MINUTE!" Bill shouted suddenly, making them all quickly stop and turn to face him. "I think Kingsley is sending another message." He said taking the small glowing object out of his pocket.

He studied it for a moment and read out the first message. "Kingsley made contact with McGonagall, he wants us to try and owl her somehow."

"With what, exactly, a leaf and some shit? Maybe strap it to a pigeon and hope for the best?" Draco sneered.

Bill shot him a glare and then continued. "I guess when we find some kind of safe place, if not, then we will have to find a different way to communicate."

"We'll figure it out once we find the girls so let's just focus on that for now, ok?" Harry said.

Draco and Ron nodded and then Harry looked to Bill.

"Bill? Ok?" Harry repeated.

Bill just looked at the next message that appeared within the small object and his eyes were wide.

"What is it?" Ron asked.

"Uh..... Kingsley found out who the spy is" he choked out.

"And, who is it?" Draco asked, all of them apparently anxious to find out.

"It's.......... Percy" Bill said with a shocked expression etched upon his face.

"WHAT!" they all yelled.

"PERCY? THAT TRAITOR!" Ron bellowed, rage running through him.

"Ron we can't lose our heads right now, let's-

Harry was cut off by the sound of a blood curdling scream that that they heard in the distance. Forgetting about the fact that their own brother had betrayed them, they all ran as fast as their legs would carry them in the direction of the screams.


"I still can't believe you're here, Mom will be so happy when she sees you." Ginny smiled walking beside her brother.

"Mom? Where is she?"

"She was hurt back at the place we were staying at, Dad and Luna went to take her somewhere safe and then we were separated." she sighed, a frown coming to her face at the mention of her Mother.

"Where were you guys staying?" he asked with interest.

"Oh, just at this-

"Does it matter? It's gone now" Hermione cut in.

Percy turned to look at her and then he gave her a smirk. "No, I suppose it doesn't."

"You seem so different Percy" Ginny said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah, how so?" he chuckled.

"I don't know, less............ uptight.... geeky" she giggled and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Ha, yeah, well I guess in today's world you need to adapt....... isn't that right Hermione?" he turned to lock eyes with her.

She just stared at him and then she looked at Narcissa, who seemed to have the same suspicious expression on her face. They continued walking and Percy continued asking Ginny questions and she laughed and joked with him the entire way.

"We are almost there, it's just up ahead." he said gesturing with his hands.

Hermione looked around up ahead to take a look and noticed the woods coming to a stop and then it dipped down into an area she couldn't make out from this distance.

"I still can't believe you're pregnant." Percy said playfully rubbing her stomach.

"With twins." she added with a bright smile.

"Oh wow, guess Draco does think more is better." he joked.

Ginny giggled, "Yeah, I suppose so."

She was walking beside him when her smile started to fade and she turned to Percy.

"Percy...... how do you know Draco is the Father?" she asked him, an alarming look on her face.

"Oh, Kingsley must have told me."

"You're lying, Kingsley would never tell anyone at the Ministry about this, not with there being a spy in-" She stopped walking and looked at him. "You.... are you...."

"What are you talking about Ginny? It's me, your brother."

"Tell me Percy, how is it that you were attacked by Death Eaters, but you've managed to keep your wand?" Hermione said quickly grabbing his wand from his pocket and then pointing it at him.

"Alright, alright...... just don't do anything........ NOW!" he yelled, jumping out of the way as two spells flew out hitting Hermione and Narcissa.

Ginny quickly reached for her wand when she felt a hard slap to her face bringing her to her knees.

"No no no, dear."

She touched her lip to find she was bleeding and turned to see it was her own brother that hit her. She was too shocked to even properly respond to what was happening and soon felt her body grow hot, but before anything more could come about she felt a blow to the back of her head and fell unconscious.

"GINNY!" Hermione screamed, shaking off the effects of an Expelliarmus spell and reached for her knife.

She saw a group of Death Eaters surrounding them suddenly and then felt the Cruciatus curse hit her and she fell to the floor letting out a piercing scream that filled the woods. Narcissa scrambled to try and fight off the binding charm she found herself in but before she could successfully be free of it she found herself under the same fate as Hermione.

"Bind them and bring them to camp. Good work!" Percy said, turning on his heel and heading to the Death Eater camp just ahead.


They ran through the woods so fast they didn't dare slow down or complain about the pain that ran through their bodies as they continued barreling through the thick trees and branches that were in their path. Draco stopped suddenly when he felt his foot hit something and he turned and looked down to see what it was.

"Isn't this Granger's wand?" he said, holding it up to show the others.

"HERMIONE! IT'S HER, WE WERE RIGHT, IT'S THEM!" Ron yelled with excitement and it soon faded. "You think that was her screaming?" he said sounding frantic suddenly.

"I think so, I think they finally might've run into more than they could handle." Bill said.

Draco handed her wand to Ron, who pocketed it and they continued running forward and soon came to the edge of the woods. They found themselves looking down into a rather large Death Eater camp, this one was more than just tents, there were a few small buildings as well and a lot of Death Eaters. They watched it for a few moments and then Ron spotted Percy directing some Death Eaters about and writing something down. He was seething with rage and went to make a move when Bill grabbed his arm to hold him back.

"Ron we are all angry at how Percy betrayed us, but you will be killed if you go marching right in there. We need a plan."

"Percy seems to be the leader of this location; if the girls came across him, I can bet you anything he played the brother card to lure them back here."Harry said studying the camp.

"Let's try and get a bit closer, maybe we can overhear if the girls are there, which they most likely are. Then maybe we can sneak them out somehow, either way we need to get down there and have a better listen." Bill said.

They all nodded in agreement and strategically planned a move to get closer to the campsite.


Ginny opened her eyes to find herself in a dark room with only the sunlight shining through a tiny window that lit some of it. She looked down at her hands and found them shackled and completely covered in some kind of metal casing.

"Those are to keep you from setting the place on fire."

She looked up to see Percy standing above her and she quickly scrambled to stand up. She soon found her feet were shackled as well and no matter how hard she tried to conjure up her powers she couldn't get a flame in these metal things.

"You know, I knew there was something up with the area you guys were staying in, even at the Burrow. We knew there was some kind of magic being used we didn't know about and here I come to see its you. You're quite the firecracker aren't you Gin." he chuckled. "We knew you must be in this area and sure enough, here you are; then I spotted you lot making your way into the woods and the rest was all planned out. I knew you would be the loving little sister who loved her brother and welcomed me back with open arms...... so foolish really."

"GO TO HELL YOU TRAITOR!" she hissed at him with such hate and anger as tears fell down her face.

"Aw, don't be so judgmental little sis, the job came with great perks and well, I couldn't turn it down."


He took a step closer to her and she backed up against the wall.

"I don't have a problem hurting you; in fact, I'm going to kill you Ginny...... and your babies." He gave her a smile as if he had just said the most loving thing to her. "But before I do that, I need some answers; you're going to tell me everything about Draco and Potter and then all about these little missions they have been on."

"Screw you, I'm not telling you anything."

Percy nodded to one of the Death Eaters accompanying him in the room with Ginny and the man stepped forward and backhanded her so hard she fell to the floor. She felt the sting on her cheek and knew there must have been a huge welt mark on her face.

"Let's start again now......" Percy said, taking a seat in front of her.


Hermione paced around the small cell as far as the shackles around her wrists would allow desperately thinking of some kind of idea to try and get out of this mess. Her thoughts went to Ginny and where she was right now and if she was ok. She turned to Narcissa, who was in another cell across from her shackled as well and then another woman Hermione had recognized from the small town sat in another nearby cell.

"Hermione, any ideas?" Narcissa whispered across to her.

Hermione just shook her head in defeat. Narcissa just gave her a small smile and they started thinking about how this might be it for them, but neither of them would go down without a fight.

Suddenly two men came in and stood in the middle of the room, one looked like he was a higher ranking Death Eater and the other was a large tall man with a menacing look on his face.

"Alright, these two are new" the one man said, gesturing to Hermione and Narcissa. "And Miss, what was it again?" he asked the other Death Eater.

"Helner" he grunted.

"Ah yes, Miss Helner, you've already had a bit of fun with the men here I've heard." he laughed slapping the other guard jokingly.

Hermione made a disgusted face at the comment.

"Alright, well you can kill Miss Helner now and then you have two more here to have a bit of fun with" the man said with a wicked smile spreading across his face as he looked from Hermione to Narcissa. "After that, kill them also and make sure you put them out with the other bodies at the edge of camp, I don't think I can handle Percy's bitching about the smell anymore." he said quickly turning to leave yelling out "have fun" over his shoulder.

The taller Death Eater walked over to the cell with the other woman in it and she pleaded and begged for him to spare her. Her screams pierced through the room as the man casually gutted her until she bled to death. Hermione watched in horror and suddenly felt those hard walls she had put up to stay strong this entire time come crumbling down and she backed up against the cell wall and let the tears fall.

The man turned his attention to Hermione and made his way to her cell and she became petrified at what was about to happen. He entered and started to walk over to her then roughly grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

"NO WAIT!" Narcissa yelled out to him.

He stopped and looked at her.

Narcissa wracked her brain to try and get his attention away from Hermione and she placed a seductive smile on her face. "Why don't you come over here to someone with more........... experience?" she said trying not to let the disgust she was feeling show.

He just stared at her and he thought about it for a moment. Narcissa decided to push on in hopes he would abandon the young girl and head her way.

"Come on, it's not every day you get to have a little fun with the wife of Lucius Malfoy." she said unbuttoning her blouse to show off part of her chest.

"Narcissa no, don't" Hermione cried.

"Shut up Mudblood" the man said roughly throwing her backwards onto the floor.

He made his way out of Hermione's cell and over to Narcissa's and walked inside with a sadistic smile on his face. Narcissa just returned the same kind of smile to him and braced herself for what was coming, but was grateful that she could at least buy Hermione some time in hopes she would come up with a plan. Narcissa was hoping to grab something from the man's belt to fight her way out, but her heart sank when he took his wand and his knife out of his pocket and placed it aside.

He grabbed her roughly around the neck and slammed her against the wall and she instinctively brought her hands up to try and push him away in a fit of panic which seemed to only fuel him further. She heard Hermione screaming for him to stop, but the man just became rougher with her and Narcissa tried biting him, scratching him, punching him; anything to try and make him get off of her. He became angry and picked her up by the throat from the floor and slammed her head against the wall then forced her legs apart. She tried so hard to stay conscious and started finding it hard to breath as his grip on her neck became tighter; she could now feel him between her legs and silent tears fell down her face.

Suddenly, he stopped and his grip around her neck loosened and Narcissa looked down to see blood coming from his mouth and then he fell to the floor along with her. She let out an emotional gasp when she saw Draco standing there along with Bill. Draco threw the knife aside that he used to stab the man in the back and ran to his Mother's side and quickly waved his wand to unlock her shackles.

"Mother, are you alright." he said, embracing her tightly as he desperately tried to shake the images of what he had witnessed out of his mind.

She just nodded frantically and then quickly regained herself and stood up; pushing all thoughts of her being violated aside. "Yes, but we need to find Ginny, we need to go now." she said wiping her tears quickly aside.

Bill was helping Hermione out of her shackles and her mind went to Ron.

"Where's Ron? Is he alright?" she cried, grabbing Bill's shirt with shaky hands.

"Yes yes he's fine Hermione, him and Harry are keeping watch outside so we could sneak in here." he explained wrapping her in a big bear hug.

She looked over at Draco and she felt so guilty. "I'm sorry Draco, I tried to protect Ginny as long as I could I-

"STOP!" he said, "I know you did." he looked at her with a stern look.

She nodded and then they quickly made their way to the door.

The door opened and Hermione's eyes went straight to him. "Ron?" she said in almost a whisper.

He turned to see her and his face turned to relief, his lips trembling from the emotion that came over him. She ran to him throwing herself into his arms and as he picked her up from the ground in a tight hug. She shook with sobs at feeling him against her and he did the same; she couldn't believe he made it back to her. He grabbed her face and kissed her deeply and then buried his face in the crook of her neck; taking in every bit of her, not caring that she was covered in mud and blood.

She broke apart from him and he handed her wand back to her that they had found in the woods and she smiled brightly at him. She then turned to Harry and gave him a huge hug also.

"We need to get to Ginny, do you guys have any idea where she is?" Bill asked.

"She's in a building across the camp, I saw them bring her there before they threw us in here." Narcissa explained.

Harry looked around the corner of the building and took in the layout of the camp. "Now the only issue is how do we get to the other side."


All Ginny could taste was blood in her mouth and she kept having to spit globs of it out with every hit she had to endure. She couldn't believe her own brother just sat there and watched a Death Eater slap her around, especially being pregnant.

"I really don't want to have to do this, but you're leaving me no choice. I mean you're my sister and a quick death would be much less painful, however, I won't hesitate to torture you until you beg for death, now start giving me some answers Ginny." Percy sighed rubbing his temples.

She didn't say anything, she was just shaking and kept trying to pull her hands free of the shackles even though she knew it was useless; she even kept pulling after much bruising and bleeding formed around her wrists.

"Last chance, this time we won't be aiming for that pretty face." He said looking at her pregnant belly.

She just sank to the floor in the corner and cried as she trembled with fear; all she could think of was Draco right now and how she wished he was here. She tried to ignite some kind of power, but the metal covering her hands made it useless and with the amount of fear running through her, she couldn't focus enough to try and conjure it up any other way. She saw Percy nod to the Death Eater who walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair and stood her up. He lifted his fist back and she tightly shut her eyes, then braced herself for the impact of the blow; the entire time she thought only of those mercury eyes she loved so much and let herself get lost in them.

A/N: Your thoughts? What do you think about Percy? I know he is a lot more out of character but wouldn't you be to if you joined the Death Eaters? lol. Sorry for the small cliffhanger but this chapter would have turned out mega long so I ended it there and will have the next one up soon! PLEASE REVIEW!

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