Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.3K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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Haute Camp-ture✅

289 8 7
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Alexandra found the common ground with Geoff, and they claimed their invincibility.

Heather was finally voted off. What amazing news for our campers, right.

As Geoff said, it's high time to party.

I'm dancing with Trent, a bright smile on my face. He's a great dancer, so it's an utter joy for me. He twirls me around with ease, flawlessly following the beat. Next to us, Geoff is bobbing with Gwen.

-Where did you learn to dance like this?- I whisper to Trent once I'm close to him. He twirls me one more time and drags me close by my waist.

-I had some classes. You're not bad yourself.- He winks.

-I love dancing, and it's pleasure to be led by you.

-Pleasure is mine.- He kisses my palm, smoothly leading me to another twirl.

-Hey, people I've got us something.- Duncan walks into the canteen with a bag.

-Hey! That's my bag!- I point at him.

-I borrowed it for a higher good.- He smirks.

-Duncan, my man. What did you get?- Geoff walks up to him.

Punk takes out of the bag alcohol. He got beer, some vodka, and champagne.

-I hope you didn't steal it from Chef.- I raise my eyebrow.

-Nope. I stole it from Chris.- He smirks.

-Alexandra?- Gwen places a hand on my shoulder.


-My lady, would you fancy accompanying me with some bubbly tonight?

-I would be honored.- We giggle.

-Geoff?- Duncan picks up the vodka bottle.

-I'm game.- Blond smiles.

-Trent?- Punk turns to him.

-Just a beer.

-Pussy.- Duncan coughs, and I whack his head.

-Didn't you bring an opener?- Gwen looks at Duncan.

-I can open it with a pocket knife. Give me a sec I'll get it.- Duncan states.

-No need. Hand me the bottle.

She does as I said. I take it and head towards the wall. I look for protruding parts. Once I locate it with a swift move, I open the bottle.

-And here goes the satisfying pop.- I chuckle.

-Nice.- Geoff picks up the cap that flew in the air.

-Where did you learn it, princess?- Duncan asks.

-I have friends who know how to do things like this.

-Sounds like a party crew.- Geoff perks up.

-Kind of.- I giggle.-Are we getting this party started or what cheers everyone

I hand Gwen a glass of champagne and help myself one.

Meanwhile in Losers Villa

Noah, Justin, Leshawna, Tyler, Eva, Lindsay, Beth, and, Cody are sitting in the living room, waiting for the eliminated contestant to show up. Soon Bridgette joins them with a hopeful look on her face.

-Waiting for this, douche?- Eva addresses her.

The blond doesn't answer and sits in the corner.

-To be fair, I think it's him.- Tyler says.

-Yeah, of course. He was so mean.- Lindsay adds, sitting on her boyfriend's lap.

-I think it's Heather. Alexandra is sharp she'll get rid of her ASAP if there's a chance. Geoff may be a jerk, but he's not the biggest threat.- Leshawna suggests.

-Am I the only one who thinks it may be neither of them?- Justin asks.

-Ya dig?- Cody's question.- I think there are too few people left for an uncontrolled elimination.

-Shh, someone's coming.- Bridgette stands up.

The door opens, and Heather walks through them. All of the gathered people erupt with joy, except Bridgette. She exits the room disappointed.

-What's so funny, losers?- Heather snaps.

-You, loser!- Beth high-fives Leshawna.

-God, it's going to be a long night.- Noah sighs.

-Cheer up, Noah. You're with friends.- Owen tells him and farts afterward.- Ops, sorry, hehe.

-A very long night.- Noah shakes his head.

Back on the island

-Gwen, truth or dare?- Duncan asks.

-Dare.- She answers confidently.

-I dare you to read one entry from your diary.- He smirks.

-Witch is gone, bye-bye, Heather.- She opens on the last sentence.

-Hey, not fair. Where's the spicy stuff? Where's the gossip?- Duncan protests.

-She avoided your bullet, honey. Fair and square.- I say.

-Let's see. Geoff, truth or dare?- Gwen turns to a blond boy.

-Give me your best dare.- He answers.

-Down this can.- She throws at him a full can of beer.

He opens it and drinks it whole without stopping. Then he squashes the can with just one hand.

-Easy peasy.- He says.- Alexandra, truth or dare?- He looks at me.

-Dare.- I state.

-I dare you to kiss one of us.- He orders.

I shrug and walk up to Gwen. She gives me a questioning look and, I just smile softly. I direct my eyes at her lips as if asking for permission. She blushes but nods slightly. I place my thumb on her chin and steal a quick peek from her lips. The boys are visibly shocked by my action.

-What you never said, I have to kiss a boy. Don't look so disappointed.- I stick my tongue out at Geoff.

Time skip

It's four in the morning. I'm standing in front of the cabin, smoking. All of my friends have fallen asleep, but not me. I'm wide awake like always after alcohol. Sun is rising, painting the lake in pink colors. I take out my camera and capture the view. Birds are singing, and one of them is sitting on the railing around two meters from me. I take a photo of it and stick out my hand in a friendly manner. I softly murmur a melody that came to my mind. The curious animal comes closer and soon jumps on my palm, singing. I smile, content with the situation. A flock of similar birds appears in the sky above. I outstretch my arm, and my little friend flies high, joining his comrades. That's the moment, I notice someone is standing at the door to the cabin.

-Geoff?- I tilt my head.

-You're the most precious human being I've ever seen.

I look at him with big eyes. My hair is billowing due to the chilly morning breeze. Birds are still singing above, and the Sun lazily makes its way up the sky.

-Do you know why birds sing at dawn? I believe it's to tell their mates they made it through the night, as a way of saying "I'm still here".- I look at the birds again.- Maybe, that's why we sing too. Why do we create art, as a way of saying "I'm still here".

He comes closer and places both of his palms on my cheeks. They're warm like always. I look into his blue eyes.

-You're interesting, and you're different, and I love that.- He whispers.- I'd like to laugh with you for the rest of my life.

-Geoff, are you... crying?- I wipe off his tears.

-Alexandra, I may be drunk, but please believe me.- Another tear makes its way down his face. Now, I'm crying too.

-I'm a hopeless romantic, do you know this?- I say.

-I love all of this.

-Then, would it be cheesy if I'd say I want to watch all the sunrises with you? - I turn and point at the Sun.

He buries his face in my hair, still sobbing.

-Please, don't leave me. Even though I'm a jerk, don't leave me. Even though I hurt you, don't leave me. Don't leave me.

-As long as you won't leave me again. I want you to always be there, right by my side. Don't leave again.- I cry.

-I'm in love with you. Did you hear me? I'm in love, babe. I'm in love with you, Alexandra. I was so scared to say it, but I love you, girl. I needed to drink, so much to finally reveal all my feelings in front of you. I was such a jerk. It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be very hard, but I want to do this because I want you.


Geoff: She's so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you cause you know she is. She is funny without being mean. I love her. I'm so lucky to love her. You don't get to decide who will hurt you but in the end, I'd be the happiest guy to choose to be hurt by her.

Alexandra: The first time I met him, it wasn't love at first sight. My love forms gradually. His personality, his voice, his hair, his eyes, his humor, the way he looks away and smiles, gradually, it all came to me. He is exactly what I'm looking for. Yet, somehow it feels strange to stay next to him like this again.

-Guys?- Gwen steps out of the cabin with messy hair.

Geoff is resting his chin on the top of my head. We're watching the sunrise.

-Morning, Gwen.- I smile sweetly.

-But, you and him. I'm so confused.- She rubs her temple.

-Maybe, I'll let you have a girl talk?

-Thanks, Geoffy.- He kisses my palm and heads off in the restroom's direction.

-So?- She nudges me.

-He was crying.- I say dead serious.

-What? Geoff and crying? Are you sure you weren't drunk?- She rests her palms on the railing next to me.

-Gwen, I'm serious. I never saw him like that... so vulnerable. It was as if you could break him with a single word.

-What did you do?

-Me? I was crying too.- I smile bitterly.- Gwen, I think I can be in love with him.


-And I think, he can be in love with me.

-But, Bridgette...

-I know... that's why I'm so lost again.

She hugs me, and I gladly relax in her arms.

-Let's get breakfast, beauty. I'm famished.

-Hangover?- I raise my brow.

-Oh, shut up you. I'm surprised how can you stay awake after all of this.

-If they were giving me a penny for every night I skipped my sleep, I could become a millionaire.

Time skip

-What's going on? Are we having a night challenge?- Trent join us next to the campfire.

We all gathered in the said location since Chef said so.

-Maybe, we are left with Chef again. Who knows what he could have thought about.- Gwen suggests.

-Alexandra?- Duncan looks at me.

-Don't look at me. I have no idea.- I shake my head.

-I have.- Chef appears out of nowhere with a well-known screen.

-Hi, Chef. What are we doing?- I wave to him.

-You nothing. Today those who were eliminated get to say what they think.- Chef explains and turns the screen on.

We are welcomed with the sight of the losers' villa. I sigh, remembering my stay there. All the contestants are gathered around the pool, and Chris is with them as well.

-It's high time we found what our ex-campers think of the final five.- Chris announces.

-Alexandra is my favorite. She's strong and wise. She knows what she's doing. I'd say the same thing I said on the second day. She has this victory in her bag. - Eva starts.- And since Heather, that scum-sucking, backstabbing witch, is already here, there's only one person left I can hate. Geoff, prepare your sorry butt for wipeout cause you're not getting away with what you did!

-Wow, cheers to the sharp start.- Chris chuckles.

-You're welcome, McLin.- She nods.

-Just throwing a few shrimps on the barbie! Hey Noah, that means you! Haha! Just kidding! Okay, well Duncan is a psycho thief.- Izzy speaks her mind.

-Alexandra is a formidable competitor, but I can't say I'm a fan of her ways.- Heather comments.

-Alexandra is the kindest, warmest, and most friendly female on the island. She always stood up for me, so I'm rooting for her.- Harold smiles.

-Lindsay, Tyler. Give us your opinions.- Chris puts his arms around them.

-Well, Alexandra is nice, and so is Trent. He's so romantic. Yes, I want him at the finale. Maybe he'll play guitar.- Lindsay giggles.

-For me, it has to be Alexandra. Friends support each other, after all. She rocks this show! I can't imagine anyone stopping her now.- Tyler adds.

-I don't know, man. She's scary, and so is Gwen. I hope Trent wins or Geoff.- Ezekiel pipes up.

-You say it only because you were there one day. Besides, how can you not be angry about how Geoff cheated?- Beth says.

-What, he's a guy. He gets to choose who he ditches and when.

After that, he gets hit by Eva and falls to the ground knocked out.

-He so deserved it.- Beth high-fives Eva.- As for me, I hope Gwen makes it to the finale. She always stood up to Heather. She deserves it. It would be good to see Trent there as well. I wish them luck.

-Yes, Trent. Woohoo! You have this, dude. Woohoo!- Owen cheers.

-Ah yes, Trent is a nice pal. Let's be honest tho, it has to be Gwen, she's so pretty, and so is Alexandra. I can't choose between those ladies.- Cody says.

-There's no choice. Alexandra deserves the victory, I know it. With those looks and personality, she's a born celebrity.- Justin declares.

-Of course, she is. My sister is not going down easily. - Leshawna adds.- In fact, I root for both of them, Gwen and Alexandra. Show those boys no mercy.

-Sadie, Katie.- Chris suggests.

-Oh, Alexandra was always so nice.

-Yes, she was.

-And she has the best hair, for real.

-Definitely, have you touched it? Soft like a cloud.

-We get it, next.- Chris stops them.

-Ok. I want to say Alexandra is like her friend said a Sunflower. I hope she gets everything she dreams of, and so does Bunny.- DJ smiles.

-Let it be me then. As much as I'd like to see him, now I still wish him a victory. Geoff, I'm rooting and waiting. Love you.- Bridgette states.

-Too bad she hasn't seen any clips from the last episode.- Chris says only to the camera with his distinguishing smile.

-For me, the only person who can win is Duncan. Open your eyes, people.- Courtney scoffs.

-No one listens to your opinion, missy.- Noah cuts in.- Let's finish this nonsense. I cheer for Alexandra, and those who are supposed to know and aren't blind know why. Thank you.

-Wicked. Now let's make things interesting.- Chris delivers the news- You said with ease whose your favorite, but now you get to say the exact opposite. Better weigh your words cause a camper whose name is mentioned the most frequently will be instantly eliminated.

We all gasp. I look at my companion with worry. I grab Gwen's hand and squeeze it. I think both of us feel safe for now. Boys can't say the same thing.

-We'll start from Ezekiel.- Chris decides.- This time you, can do it anonymously, for now.- He chuckles.

Ezekiel: Duncan.

Noah: Duncan.

Justin: Geoff.

Katie: Geoff.

Tyler: Geoff.

Cody: Geoff.

Beth: Geoff.

Sadie: Geoff.

Courtney: Alexandra.

Harold: Duncan.

Eva: Duncan.

Bridgette: Alexandra.

Lindsey: Trent! Wait no!

DJ: Gwen.

Izzy: Duncan.

Leshawna: Geoff.

Owen: Duncan.

Heather: Gwen.

-I have to say it was close. Let's sum it up. - Chris brings the news.- Two votes on Alexandra, two votes on Gwen, and one vote on Trent. Those are safe campers. And the boy who got the most votes that are seven is Geoff! Duncan stays on the island after receiving six votes. How are you doing out there, huh? Geoff, pack your luggage now, you lost!- Chris tells the camera.

-Wait, Chris. Geoff is not here.- DJ comments.

-Which means...- Heather turns to the host.

-They're watching this.- Leshawna finishes.


What a day, huh?

How will contestants react to the latest elimination?

Does it mean Alexandra and Geoff will fall apart again?

How far will all of them go to win this time?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!


Hi there friends.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to get this episode in one chapter to move on with the story. Sorry for that little soap opera up there. I just felt like writing something romantic, hehe. Anyways you can check my new Instagram account I just created. I'll post my poems there if you're interested.

Until I see you again, take care

Midnight Cure

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