Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.4K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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Not so happy campers 1 (2/2) ✅
Not so happy campers 2 (1/2)✅
Not so happy campers 2 (2/2)✅
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Big sleep (2/2)✅
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Dodgebrawl (2/2)✅
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251 9 1
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Alexandra stole Chris's phone and called Porter.

The new challenge divided campers into pairs.

Gwen and Trent seem to have the most control of the situation since they won the first trial, but there are two more to fight for.

-Hold this for me.- I took out of my bag calcium.

I grab a glass, and Geoff puts one pill inside, then Chef brings me some water.

-Are you sure you're okay?- Geoff asks.


-It's not looking good.

-Gee, thanks. We should catch up with the others. Come on, Geoffy.- I blush madly- Sorry...

He smiles softly and picks me up.

-What are you doing?- I question.

-You don't look good. You just don't want to say it. I know you feel bad, no need to strain yourself. Stick around and you'll be fine, remember? We're a team right, for once, let me help.

-We're a team now.- I nod.

I don't say anything more. Soon, we arrive at the second trial location. When we approach, I notice irritated Duncan. Heather looks pissed off as well.

-That's an interesting development of the situation.- Gwen comments.


Duncan: I don't get it! How are they on good terms again?! Yesterday, she was crying because of him and now... And now she seems to be perfectly alright in his arms again. I guess I'll never have her again, pathetic.

Heather: Fuck! I was hoping they'll kill each other and drop out on their own. Now, I have to use Duncan's strength. I can't end up losing.

-Alexandra, are you alright?- Trent asks.

-She's allergic to strawberries, but we've got it under control. - Geoff answers and puts me down gently.

-Princess?- Duncan tries to come closer, but Heather restrains him with a smirk.

-It's fine.- I smile briefly.

-What's the next challenge, Chris?- Geoff turns to our host.

-On the beach, you will find three canoes. One for each team. Your challenge is to paddle your canoe while wearing handcuffs, all the way to Boney Island. Once there, you will open a package that is waiting for you. Go!

I ran as fast as I can to keep up with the pace. Unfortunately, soon I run out of stamina. I slow down, and Geoff turns to me.


-I'll go faster. Don't look back.

-What if I'm looking for you? Come on partner, we've got this.- He outstretches his hand, and I take it.

He squeezes strongly, pulling me forward. We manage to catch up with the others. I heavily plop down in a canoe while Geoff is pushing it to the water. Soon, we paddle in silence, but not for long.

-I'm sorry. I apologize for being a burden.- I say not looking back from my front seat.

-Star, you're not a burden. -He answers softly.

I decide to turn around. He looked at me as I look at the night sky, and suddenly, flowers grew in my chest.


Alexandra: I realized I can't lose so easily. Not him. I was naive, thinking I can just turn off my feelings which I developed in this crazy show. That's why I don't like relationships. I always end up being attached to people I shouldn't be attached to at all. But god, his smile. One smile and I'm all his. You may think I'm stupid. That's probably true, but there's nothing I can do.

-You can have an eye shut, I'll paddle.- He offers.

-It's not fair. I disagree.

-Do you always have to be so stubborn. You throw everything you have to help others, but when someone wants to return a favor you don't want it! You need to take care of yourself otherwise how would you take care of others. I know you weren't sleeping all night, because of me. Claim your sleep now.

I watch him with my eyes wide open. I put my paddle aside and obediently lie down in the canoe. Soon, I drift off to the sounds of the lake around me.

Geoff P.O.V.

-You silly girl, why do you always end up losing your sleep because of someone else.

I take off my shirt and cover sleeping, Alexandra. She looks so peaceful and stoic. After some more paddling, we reach the shore. The first thing that happens is Duncan approaching me and dragging Heather roughly through the sand.

-What did you do to her?!

-Do you seriously think I could hurt her?! You're crazy, dude.

-Why is she down there?!- He points at Alex

-Keep it down.

-I asked a question?!


Alexandra P.O.V


I wake up to the screaming. My alarm turns out to be angry Duncan, he's shouting at Geoff. My partner is standing shirtless, trying to calm him down. I look around the canoe and notice that the thing that kept me warm this whole time was Geoff's shirt.

-What time is it?- I ask groggily.

-Time for the challenge!- Chris yells behind me.

I look between Duncan and Geoff. Punk seems visibly down, I can tell by his eyes. I tilt my head and shiver because of the cold breeze on my skin. I sink deeper into the pink cloth.

-Slept well?- Geoff asks.

-Yeah. Here your...- I want to return his shirt but he stops me.

-No, keep it for now.- I nod.

We make our way to Chris, whose waiting patiently.

-Welcome to the second part of the second challenge. Back in episode 8, your friend Beth stole the Boney Island tiki doll.

-She said she returned it!- Gwen exclaims.

-She lied. She broke it up and flushed it down the septic tank.

-Ewww!- Heather freaks out.

-I know! The pieces in those packs need to be returned to the cave of treacherous terror! And you'll wanna do a double-quick, cause the longer you have the doll, the worse your luck. Oh yeah, one of you has to piggyback the other.- Chris explains.

I turn to my partner.

-Talking bout the previous episodes, do you remember the first one?- He questions.

-Sure I do. I don't have amnesia yet.

-How about I'll give you a piggyback again. Hop on, dudette. It's gonna be fun.- He smiles.

-Sure, dude. Let's smash this challenge.- I giggle.

Geoff holds me firmly while I unfold the map. Soon, we head off into the woods. I carefully navigate us deeper into the creepy island. The others follow different paths according to their maps. Once again, we're left alone.

We slowly follow a path I've chosen. Trees are dense, fog is floating low above the ground. Unsettling noises are all around. Suddenly, something breaks behind us, and Geoff makes a fast turn. I drop the map and my bag.

-It's just a crow. See.- I breathe.


-This place is creepy, I don't blame you.

He puts me down for a moment, so we can collect my things quickly. I gather everything and put it back in its place.

-What is it, Alexandra?- Geoff draws my attention.

-A book.

-Yeah, I see, but what's with the language. I don't understand a thing.- He looks through the pages.

-I don't understand everything as well. I'm still learning.


-I found it in my parent's bedroom. On my mom's bookshelf, it's her favorite poet.

-Can you read for me?- He looks at me.

-But, now?- I tilt my head.

-Just a little, please. Translate your favorite one.

I smile softly and take a book from his hands. I open it on one of the poems. Next to it, I scribbled translation with a pencil.

-I don't promise you much ...

Because almost nothing ...

Spring green at best ...

And clear days ...

At most a smile on your face ...

And a hand in need ...

I don't promise you much ...

Because just myself ...

I blush madly, looking at the page. Geoff places a hand on my shoulder and helps me get back on his back.

-You can read one more when we walk.- He says.

-I didn't know you like poetry.

-It's something about when you read it. I like it that way. You look happy when you read it aloud.

Time skip

-Hey, I think we're first. Come on Geoff, we can win this thing!

He runs to the cave, and I throw our parts inside.

-And that's a point for the Alexandra and Geoff dream team!- Chris announces.

-Woohoo!- We exclaim in unison.

-So, an awesome day, huh? Moldy food fights, carnivorous beavers. But, it's time for someone to win this thing. Point each for everyone, but Heather and Duncan, who could still pull a stopper.- Chris hosts from the helicopter above us.

-Wait, did he say beavers?- I ponder.

-Run!!!- Trent and Gwen approach us, soon followed by a group of beavers.

-Ahh!!!- We run after them as fast as possible.

-This way!- Trent leads us through the woods.

I run not looking back when a strong hand pulls me aside. I want to scream, but my mouth is blocked by the other hand. Geoff is pulled in right after me. It's dark and moldy. I try to break free from the grasp, but I don't have to for long.

-It's just me.- Duncan let's go of me.

-You scared me.

-More like saved your sorry butt from the beavers.- Heather snarls.

-Thanks.- I say.- Where are we?- I try to look through the darkness.

-Don't get scared, princess.- Duncan uses his lighter.

We are in a pitch-black tunnel. Insanely long and creepy. I take a step back and pass Geoff on wobbly legs. I breathe faster and faster, and out of nowhere a hand lands on my back. I yell so loud I swear a whole island could hear it.

-Alexandra! It's me, Trent!- He turns me around.

-Dude, why did you sneak up on us like this?- Geoff asks.

-Can we have this conversation somewhere else?- Gwen asks, trembling.

-Great, stuck in the underground tunnel with a claustrophobic girl. What can go wrong?- Heather tiffs.

-The best thing we can do is get the hell out of here ASAP.- Duncan takes the lead.- Let's go.

Trent picks up Gwen and go after Duncan, me and Geoff follow behind him. The tunnel is dump and without flashlight we wouldn't be able to see anything. The air is stiff, until we reach a wider part of the tunnel.

-Is this a cave?- Trent asks.

-I have a better question, do you hear leaking water?- I ask.

-Look!- Hetaher points at a small stream.

-It has to lead to the exit.- I debate.

-What if it's too small to go through?- Heather asks.

-I say we go back.- Trent suggests.

-It's risky, but what if it's worth a try.- Geoff joins in.

I close my eyes and breathe heavily, but soon I hear something I didn't want to hear. I look over Geoff's shoulder and focus.

-Guys?- I whisper.

-What?- Geoff asks.

-Something is here.- I say.

-Don't be silly.- Heather opposes.

-I'm telling you.- I insist.- Flashlight.- I look at Geoff.

He hands me a device, and I turn it on with shaking hands. I direct the light behind us, revealing two beavers. They run in our direction. 

-Follow this freaking water!- Duncan orders.

After a ten minute run we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The stream exit in the dense forest. Heather and Duncan pulls a heavy rock to block the exit, trapping beavers inside.

-That was way too close for my liking.- Trent states.

-Where are we?- Gwen asks.

-Duncan?-I turn to him.

-No idea.- He says.

-What?!- Heather turns to him.

-I said it would be safe from beavers, not that I know where it leads.- He defends himself.

-We're lost!- Gwen pulls her hair.

-Don't panic.- I take the map from my bag.- We need to head for the south beach. - I walk up to a tree and check its bunk.- This way.- I point in a direction.

-How do you know?- Heather asks.

-Moss grows on the north side of the bunk, cause there's more shadow.- I explain.

-And I'm supposed to believe in a plant.- Heather shakes her head.

-Technically, it's not a part of the plant kingdom.- I add.

-Do you have a better idea?- Duncan questions Heather.- As I thought, we're going.- He decides for them.

-After you, Alexandra.- Gwen nods.

Time skip

-What took you so long?- Chris welcomes us in the camp.

-As you said, beavers.- I shrug.

-You look awful.- Chris adds.

-But you like always look enchanting.- Gwen snarls.

-Of course, I do.- He laughs.- Back to the business. Your task? Assemble the heads in the order in which your comrades were voted off. Unless you want a wimp key!? Time for heads to roll!

I lead Geoff to the corner table and start putting totems together.

-Well look who I found. Beth and Lindsay. Too bad neither of them made it to the final six. -Heather chuckles. - What a shocker. Those pieces of wood have about as much brainpower as those two traitors.

-Okay, I think Katie was voted off the fifth.- Gwen says.

-Wasn't it Sadie?- Trent ponders.

-Ahh!- Gwen growls.

-What's the plan, partner?- Geoff looks at me

-I've got it Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, and me...?

-Yes, keep going.- Geoff encourages.

I climb onto the table, and he tosses me mentioned parts.

-Ugh. Miss Perfect.- Heather holds my totem.

-We're not there yet.- Duncan snarls.

-And to think she got to come back here?!

-Can you shut up?- Duncan shakes his head.

-Seriously, to return Chessy, artistic wannabe as her. People like her should be closed in special schools for other derealized people.

-That's it! Where's the wimp key!

-Stop!- Heather tries to pull Duncan back.

-Harold, Courtney, Owen, Leshawna, Lindsay, DJ, and Bridgette...

I grumpily put the final part.

-Woohoo! Awesome!- Geoff cheers.

-Yeah, piece of cake.- I don't take my eyes off the final part.

-We have the winner Alexandra and Geoff! That means they can't be voted off tonight!- Chris announces.

-You almost eliminated us!- Heather yells.- I just wanted to disturb her you idiot!

-Whatever.- Duncan scoffs.

Time skip

-You've all cast your votes and made your choice. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest. And you can't come back ever. The first marshmallow goes to Alexandra, and Geoff, our winners. Four campers are left, but only three marshmallows. Next Trent... and Gwen. There's one surefire way to wipe a smile off a camper's face. Show them a plate with exactly one marshmallow. - Chris builds up the tension.


Alexandra: I think the choice was obvious.

Gwen: I was waiting for it way too long. Karma is a beautiful thing.

Trent: It's high time we did this.

-I'm left with one marshmallow for the night. And either Heather or Duncan is about to go home. The last marshmallow goes to Duncan.

-Nooo!!!- Heather yells.

-Yeah bingo, sister.- Gwen makes a gun from her finger and shoots Heather.

-We had a deal!- She points at me and Gwen accusingly.

-So, did you and Beth. Turns out you shouldn't have trusted me at all.- I say.

-You planned it?!

-Not necessarily, we got through with some parts of your plan, let's say I didn't like the rest.

-What about him?!- She points at Geoff.- You wanted to kick his out of this show. You had my vote.

-Plans change.- I shurg.

-Justice is served.- Trent high-fives a goth.

-You won't get away with this!- Heather warns.

-Actually, we already did.- I state. - It was naive of you to think you can make it to the finale by manipulation and lies. The truth will always come out. Remember that. You played well, but not good enough, to outplay us.- I smile softly.

-One thing I have to say, is you were a fierce opponent. Rest assured, I'll work harder on my game till the next time. Get ready to lose.

-Can't wait to see it. But I think there won't be any second time.

On my comment, Chris smiles smugly and takes Heather in the dock direction.

-We're finally free.- Gwen hugs me.

-We are, babe. We are.- I hug back.

-How about we celebrate it?- Trent says.

-Can't believe I'm agreeing to a party on my own.- Gwen smiles.

-It's settled then. Let's get to this.- Geoff runs off to the canteen.


Ah parties, many crazy things can happen, right?

Will Duncan find the courage to read the files he stole?

What the next challenge will lead to?

When the biggest enemy is gone, you can't be sure of anyone, can you?

So many possibilities and only one chance to use them, but how?

Find out next time in Total Drama Island

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