The King & The School

By kangacookieUwU

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You are a high school student who is transferring to Smash High, the best school in the area. However, everyt... More

Part 1: Court of Love
Chapter 1: the new guy
Chapter 2: the new friend
Chapter 3: the new house
Chapter 4: the new classes
Chapter 5: the new meeting
Chapter 6: the new performance
Chapter 7: the new show
Chapter 8: the new problem
Chapter 9: the new opportunity
Chapter 10: the new investigation
Chapter 11: the new case
Chapter 12: the new attorney
Chapter 13: the new evidence
Chapter 15: the new mystery?
Author's Note
Part 2: City of Dreams!
Chapter 1: Another Friend
Chapter 2: Another Date
Chapter 3: Another Party
Chapter 4: Another Weekend
Chapter 5: Another Ally
Chapter 6: Another Plan
Chapter 7: Another Rival
Chapter 8: Another Failure
Chapter 9: Another Problem
Chapter 10: Another Enemy
Chapter 11: Another Chase
Chapter 12: Another Victim
Chapter 13: Another Encounter
Chapter 14: Another Villain?
Chapter 15: Another Mystery?
Author's Note

Chapter 14: the new day

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By kangacookieUwU

Its day 2 of the trail. U and nuckles meet up with prosecuter shadow. He looks meen but he evil smiles at u. He must be up to sumthing. U walk in to the cortroom and u sit down to wait for juge boyfrend. Some oneelse walks in.

"It is friday so jugy boyfren is not hear. Juge riki is taking jugy boyfrens plase" juge riki says. Juge riki walks into the room and bangs the hammer and he starts the case. "Wood shadow like to call up his witness?"

"Gladly" shadow says with a smile. "Wood kirby plese come up to testify?"

O no! ITs kirby. Wat will u do?

"Ok then. Kirbo is now gonna testify!" juge riki says

Kirby smiles. "Ok so hears wat happened. Just before lunch me and isabelle were both in corus together. We were goofing off becuz ms zelda is kinda boring and we were taking selfys and stuff. Afterwards we walked into lunh and the bell ring and sayed assemboly. We both recognised Dededes voice and rold our eyes. She sayed that i shold go to make fun of them and she wold go to the annoncement room to see if they were there. Then she grabbed her phone and lunchbox and leleft. That was the last time i saw her alive. After that i walked in and checked in and wario checked me in and then susly walked out grining. I saw him and dark pit walk somewere and then imedatly run out. They must have comited teh m*rd3r "

"Very well nuck-nuck and his assistnat shall begin the cross examinashun" juge riki says.

U and nuckles look into the testimony and u see a contradicshun

"OBJECTION" u scream. "According to wario he saw isabelle chec in to the assemboly so she coldnt have left before teh assemboly"

"W-well i um" kirby stutters as he finds excuse. "Well i didnt spesify that it was before the assemboly. Uh she was sitting next to me in the assemboly yeah. And then she told me that she had to go to the annoncement room to uh get something yeah"

U and nuckles examine a bit more and nuckles says "OBJECTION!. In ur prevos testimony didnt u say that isabelle told u to go in and left from the lunchroom. Therefore ur testimony is f-"

"HOLD IT" prosecuter shadow screams. "Actally we have evidense that supports kirbys first clame that isabelle wasnt in the class"

"WAT?!?!?!?!?!?" everyone screamed

Shadow lafs. "Yes. the school fotografer was nice enuff to share sum picturs with me of isabelles last minutes. Look if u want"

Shadow gets out pictures. The first one is of isabelle and kirby eating to gether. The second one is of isabelle walking thru the halway just a few minutes before the assemboly started but like 2 minutes after the frist pic was taken. The last pic was a panoramic shot of all the students in the oditorum and isabelle wasnt in it.

"How do i no that these rnt fake?" nuckles says

"Well if u want i can get the fotografer out to verify these pics. Would pacman like to take the podium?"

Pacman walks up and stands at the podium next to kirby.

"My name is pacman and i am in 10th grade and i am a fotografer at smash high. I did indeed take these pics."

Pacman walks down and shadow smiles. "See i told u he did take them. Now can we just get the gilty verdict alredy-"

"HOLD IT" nuckles says. "Juge riki may we have a quick 10 minute recess?"

"Yes indeedy, frend!" juge riki says. Shadow angrily walks off and u and nuckles go to talk.

"They have picture proof that isabelle wasnt in there wich means they think wario was lying in his accout were he saw isabelle walk into the place and that means theyll think that him and the rest of the gang did it." u say sadly. "And that means that me and Dedede-"

"Stop rite there." nuckles says. "We no they didnt do it. They couldnt have. Lets just look thru the evidense and... WAIT A MINUTE HOLD ON." nuckles flips thru the evidense and he gasps. "I GOT EM. I NO HOW TO PROOVE THEM INNOSENT!!1!1"

"U do?" u say

"Not only tbat but i think i fond wo framed them to!1!!" nuckles says happy. Wen the recess is over nuckles walks in with a skip in his step and wen juge riki calles the case to start agan he slams the evidense on the table and says, "I've come to make an announcement; Shadow the Hedgehog is a bench glass mothertrucker, he is lying in court. That's right, he took the court evidence, and he messed it up, and then he said that the records were "100% correct" and I said that's wrong, so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com, Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small brain, it's the size of a walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what, here's what the actual evidence is."

Nuckles pulls out the pictures and a cople files. He opens them up and shows evryone and they gasp. Shadow looks nervos

Nuckles continues talking. "THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. All truth, nothing Shadow has said. Look at that, it looks like Shadow is a liar. He lied, so guess what, I'm gonna EXPOSE THE TRUTH. THATS RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Except I'm not only gonna expose the lies for this case, I'm gonna go higher. I'm exposing the lies to EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER LIED ABOUT. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, SHADOW? I'M EXPOSING YOU IN COURT, YOU IDIOT. You have 23 hours before I post your lies on Twitter."

Everyone is amazed by wat nuckles ahs fond. Shadow is sweting nervosly and swearing under his breth

"Juge riki no can see nuck-nuck" juge riki says. "Plz read out loud"

"I'm glad u asked" nuckles says. "Can i plz have pacman back on the podium."

Pacman walks up and nuckles grins. "U claimed that u took these pictures rite?"

"Yes i did. I was there and was taking pics for the yearbook so of corse i had to go for the coolest girl in the school isabelle. And the assemboly is a good image of students taking action aganst injustise so i had to get that"

"So u were there personally?" nuckles says. U realise wat he is on to.

"Y-yes i was" pacman says as he starts to get nervos. "I w-wood never lie in c-cort"

"NO THATS WRONG" u scream. "According to this record of who wasnt in class u werent there the day of the m*rd3r. How cold u have taken the pic if u werent there?"

Pacman jumps back in fear. "W-well i have set up some remote camras arond the scool to take pics. Yeah that works rite?" he says as he looks back a tshadow who is still extremly angry.

"Well u see that cold work IF IT WAS ALLOWED INT TEH SCHOOL." u say. "According to the school rule book u cannot put anything arond the school with out permission. And may i ask y didnt anyone else no about this?"
Pacman dosnt answer. He is sweting and his face is now a shade of cream (u no sinse he is yellow)

"And even if they were remotly activated y wood they activate on something as common as isabelle and kirby eating lunch? Or isabelle walking thru the halls?" nuckles says. "And how wood u have nown about the assemboly? It wasnt a planned one so there is no way u cold have nown unless u were there."

Pacman starts to break down. After he caolms down a bit he talks. "Ok ill tell u wat actally happened." Shadow looks angry at him and mouths at him to not tell but pacman says "i think they shold no. Ok i was teh one wo framed u but i wasnt the one who did the m*rd3r. I also wasnt the sole person involved in the framing either. I arrived at school late that day and i herd the sond of dynamite by bts in the oditorum. I ran to the lockers to put my stuff away but then i smelled sumthing funny. I followed the smell and saw sumone walk out of the room. I went in and saw isabelles d34d body there. I felt it and it was still warm mening that that person wo walked out did it. Suddenly sumone jumped in from the window and sayed to me in these exact words "wat a shame that shes ded. Well thats just life i gess. Hey u, cold u help me with sumthing?" of corse i was nervos so i refused. "To bad" the guy sayed. "U have no choise. So wat i want u to do is to help me frame a cople of morons of this m*rd3r. Rite a note abot how this m*rd3r was done out of revenge and sign it as Dedede wario ridley and dark pit. If u refuse to do this i shall make sure u end up like isabelle" so i had no choice and i rote the fake revenge note. I also accidently snagged one of my red leather boots on a nail and it ripped. This is my testimony"

Every one is ssilent except shadow who is still swearing. Nuckles looks at pac man. "Thank u for ur testimony i wood just like to ask a couple more questions about sum oft he stuff u sayed." Pacman agrees and nuckles starts thnking

"U sayed u saw a man walk out. Do u no who this is?" nuckles asks even tho he kinda alredy has a theory.

Pacman inhales nervosly. "Well the person wore a long black jacket and was walking with a confident strut. He didnt even look back at me and dragged his sord behind him. From the back of his hed i think it was that new guy. Wat was his name?"

"S?" u say

"Yeah it looked like him" pacman says.

"Actally we do have a good bit of evidense that it was him who commited the m*rd3r. He may have also commited the morton m*rd3r as well based off of some of this evidense." nuckles says as he hands in folder of evidense to juge riki.

"Hmmmmmmm. Okie then!" juge riki says. "I will hand this over to the authorities and they can determine the best way to approach him! Any more questions nuck-nuck?"

"Yes 1 more" nuckles says. "I wood like to ask who the guy who told pacman to frame my defendants was."

Pacman thinks for a bit. "Well it definitly wasnt that S guy. This person wore a blue cape to hide there face and body but i cold tell by the voice that it was a guy. He had a raspy voice and thats all i cold tell u abot him. I dont no who it was or how old he was or anything"

"THats ok pacman thank u for ur testimony" nuckles says.

"Well this cort finds our defendants Dedede wario ridley and dark pit..." juge riki says. "NOT GUILTIY :D!1!!!!!!!11!1"

Every one chears exsept for shadow who is still angy and for pacman who is nervously standing at the podium.

"Now pac-pac" juge riki says. "Unfortunatly u did have a hand in tampering evidense so i am afraid legal action will have to be taken. I sentense u to 1 year in prisin or a bail of 89,000 dollars"

"B-but my family is poor!" Pacman crys "I cant do that to them we just bought our first hous after we just bought our first house that wasnt on the street!"

"Well then i gess its jail for u then!" juge riki says

"Please theres gotta be another option" pacman says as people take him out of the court.

"WAIT!" sumone screams. It is Dedede. "I'll pay the bail for u!"

"R-really?!?" pacman says. "T-thank u so much! Even after all i did to u"

"No probs, pacman. Its wat nice guys like me do!" Dedede says smiling as he looks at u. U run up and kiss him. He hugs u and pulls u in. Everyone chears.

After a bit u and the gang leave the cort. U and ur frends deside to hold a party at Dededes house and invite nuckles. U also invite pacman becuz he is still kinda sad. There is pizza and ice cream and its a fun time. Every one u no comes even ganondorf who was busy during most of this and hates u. Exsept for the drips who still hate u guys. After a long nite of partying the gang has another sleep over at Dededes but it is thunderstorming. U r scared but u curl up next to Dedede and everything is ok as u drift off to a deep sleep.

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