Semper - Fred Weasley

By enaja1811

53.5K 1K 440

Two redheads One love In good times and bad In health and sickness At least that's what they thought... a Fre... More

Author's note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
The Wedding - How It Looks Like
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII

Chapter IV

1.9K 37 11
By enaja1811

I woke up to the faint sound of two unfamiliar voices. I wasn't able to open my eyes yet but I slowly felt my consciousness coming back. My head was pounding and I had a ringing in my ears.

„Don't touch her, you fucking prick!“, one of the men said.

„Why would you care?“, the other voice answered. I tried to recognize them.

„I don't care, let's just do our job, alright?“, the first voice said, now angrier than before.

„No need to get rude, what's up with you and this bitch, look at how young she is, I bet you also want to fu -“, he was interrupted by what sounded like a slap.

„Ouch, are you mental? You broke my nose.“, he continued.

„Just shut the fuck up already. Do I have to do everything myself?“. I tried so badly to open my eyes, I wanted to know who the men were, but I failed again. After a few minutes I heard the man who spoke first again.

Morsmordre“, he yelled. Think Penelope, think. You know this spell. But before I could come to an conclusion I felt the unconsciousness coming over again.

I felt my body lifted up. And when I was finally able to open my eyes I saw Mr. Weasley carrying me.

„Arthur..I – I mean Mr. Weasley“, I whispered.

„Shhhh, I've got you, you're safe now. You know, you can call me Arthur, dear, it's about time“, he gently said.

„Thank you.“ I managed to say and with that I closed my eyes again.

When I awoke for the third time, I found myself lying in a bed in our tent. I heard my family speaking in the living room. I tried to sit up but my head was spinning and a groan left my mouth.

„Finally back under the living, Pen?“, Fred approached my side, smiling.

„What happened?“, I asked him and his smile faded.

„Listen, I'm sorry, Pen, I feel awful, I was responsible and I failed. I tried so badly to get back to you, but there were so many people and then I lost you and -“.

„Fred! Breathe, okay? Nothing of it was your fault! I'm here now, I'm okay. Do you mind getting Arthur, I need to know what happened.“, I interrupted him.

He nodded and left the bedroom.

Not long after, Arthur and the others entered the bedroom. Ginny and Hermione rushed over to my bed and hugged me. Harry looked shaken. George had the same guilty look like Fred. And the eldest Weasley's all looked concerned.

„Can someone tell me what happened? I just remember getting knocked out and when I first woke up I heard two male voices. What happened?“, I asked them.

„The campsite was attacked by Death Eaters. We don't know why at this point. But the Dark Mark was conjured. Harry saw a man do it. Did you heard anything?“ Arthur asked.

I bet you want to fuck her. I remember every word, he didn't even had to finish the sentence, I know what he meant to say. Goosebumps erupted my body while thinking about what could have happened.

„I- erm, I think I heard them doing it. They used the spell. I knew I've heard it before. But I couldn't open my eyes, I have no idea who the men were“, I spoke with a shaking voice.

„It's alright. You have a concussion, but nothing what a simple potion can't fix.“, he patted my hand. „Rest a little more, I need to speak to the Aurors again and then we can apparate to the Burrow.“, he said and then left the room with Bill, Charlie and Percy.

Now it's only the twins with Ginny and my three best friends.

„Don't you two dare to do that ever again!“, Hermione bursted out after a moment of silence while pointing to Harry and me.

„Oi, it's not like we volunteered to get lost and injured!“, Harry defended us.

„I wonder why it's always you.“, Ron said, earning a glare from his younger sister.

„Because they are little Miss Trouble and the Chosen one.“, Fred snickered.

„Yeah, actually very funny, Fred.“, I retorted with a roll of my eyes. He raised his hands in defense.

A couple of hours went by and we were finally able to leave. I was glad. I really needed a shower right now. Ginny and Hermione apparated with Arthur, Ron and Harry with Bill, George apparated with Percy and that left Fred and I with Charlie.

Once we made it all safe to the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley ran strictly to the twins and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.

„Ouch! Mum, you're strangling us-“, one of them said.

„I shouted at you before you left.“ she said, starting to sob. „ It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L.s? Oh Fred... George....“, she refused to let them go, now fully sobbing. Eventually she let them go and then looked over to where Harry and I were standing.

„And you two, you're my babies as much as they are. I'm so glad you're all alive“, she continued to sob while hugging Harry and me now.

„Molly, it's fine, let them go. Let's all go in, ok?“, Arthur chimed in.

„You're right, dear. You all go change, shower and meanwhile I'll make you something to eat.“, she regained her typical smile and shooed us all inside.

I let the water ran over my body, washed away all the dirt and pain. I was so deep in thought that I barely heard the door burst open.

„Shit, sorry, Pen, I thought George was in here.“, at the voice of Fred I spun around. He stood in the door and stared at me.

„Close your eyes, I'm bloody naked!“, was all I managed to say as soon as I understood what was going on.

„Fuck, yeah, you're right, sorry.“, he covered his eyes with his hand but stayed in the bathroom.

„What're you doing, Fred? Did you forget how to walk? Leave!!“, I shouted at him. What is he doing?

„I'm already gone.“, with that he hurried out of the door.

I stood in the shower, trying to comprehend what had happened. It would have been funny, if it wasn't so embarrassing. He saw you naked. Brilliant. I disturbed him for life.

I finished my shower, got on new clothes and braided my hair since I'm not allowed to use a drying charm. Then I made my way downstairs.

„So, you're saying you just stood there and stared at her while she was naked?“ I heard George laughing. The door to their room was open. I didn't plan to eavesdrop but I'm curious what Fred has to say.

„I didn't do it on purpose, mate. I was shocked.“, he answered. Shocked, what a nice way to react to my body.

„Our poor Penny must be so ashamed.“, George said. Exactly. „So why couldn't you look away? Is it because you still fancy her?“, he continued. Nope, there's no way I'm listening to what he is going to answer.

I hurried down the stairs and sat down on the kitchen table. Just in time before Fred and George came downstairs.
When I made eye contact with Fred I saw him blushing and quickly looking away. Oh Merlin, now he can't look at me ever again.

1st September 1994

A couple of days later, we were leaving for the new school year. Neither Fred nor I said anything about our little encounter in the bathroom. We just went back to normal, although the tension was clearly noticeable.

Hermione asked me multiple times if something was wrong and even Ron – surprisingly – noticed that something was odd. Currently all of us were standing at the platform. Mrs. Weasley hugged all of her children, including us, goodbye.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I shared a compartment as usual. Since we’re about to reach Hogwarts soon, I decided to go change in my uniform. Hermione, as we know her, changed at the beginning.

I made my way down the corridor to a bathroom. I got in and began to undress. I was only wearing my skirt and a bra when suddenly the door opened. I turned around and was met with none other than Fred. Seriously?

„I could have been fully naked!“, I glared at him.

„Wouldn’t be the first time, huh?“, he joked. He’s joking?

Seems he had noticed my angry expression because he started rambling. „Listen, I’m sorry about what happened at home. I didn’t do it on purpose and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. If I had known that it was you, I wouldn’t have got in, obviously. Not that I thought it was bad seeing you naked. I mean you’re actually very pretty. No, cut that. Not the pretty part, because you’re really pretty. But that’s not the point. I mean it is but I want to … damn…what I’m trying to say.. I’m… just sorry, Peppy… are we okay?“ I stared at him as if he’d just told me he was a wizard.

„It’s okay, Freddie, we’re fine.“, I assured him. His smile grew and his beautiful honey colored eyes met my green ones. We just stood there and looked into each other’s eyes. His eyes dropped to my lips and lingered there for a moment before he began to lean in. I bit my bottom lip and swallowed hard, unable to take my eyes off of his. Our lips just a few inches apart.

„Oi, Fred! What is taking you so long?“, we heard a voice. He backed off and I covered my chest with my blouse.

„Am I interrupting something?“, Lee asked while looking from me to Fred and back. He raised an eyebrow but Fred just shook his head. „By the way, good to see you, Penny.“, Lee went to hug me but Fred stopped him.

„Let her get dressed, then you’re allowed to hug her. We’d better go now. See you, Pen.“, he winked and then left.

I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. What the hell was that all about. Was he really going to kiss me?

I finished getting dressed and made my way back to our compartment. I wondered how his lips would feel on mine. I shook the thought off and entered our compartment.

„You look flustered, did something happen?“, Hermione asked when she saw me.

„No. Nothing.“, I answered unconvincingly.

We arrived at Hogsmeade station within the next hour. The four of us made our way over to the carriages where Fred, George and Lee were standing. I saw Lee waving to someone behind us and before I know it, Angelina rushed past us and jumped directly into Fred’s arms. My heart dropped to my stomach and I saw George looking at me sympathetically. Oh fuck off.

We were about to get in a carriage when I felt a tapping on my shoulder. When I turned around I was met with Cedric.

„Hi Penny, nice to see you again. I’ve heard about your accident at the World Cup. I’m sorry. I hope you’re alright.“, he hugged me.

„Likewise. I’m fine, thank you.“, I smiled at him. He’s quite handsome.

„Mind sitting with me?“, he asked and pointed to his group of friends. I shared a quick look with Hermione who gave me thumbs up discreetly.

„I would like to.“, I accepted his offer and went over to his friends. He helped me get into the carriage. I took a look at my friends in the carriage in front of us and saw Fred glaring at Cedric. What’s his issue?


The ride to the castle was nice, Cedric and his friends from Hufflepuff were absolutely welcoming. He bid goodbye and I went over to the Gryffindor table. I sat down beside Hermione, with Harry and Ron across from us. I was about to ask were the twins are when Fred sat down on my other side  while George sat down on his usual place beside Ron. That was odd, normally they sat together.

„So, you and Diggory?“, Fred asked and I nearly choked on my pumpkin juice.

„And if it were so?“, I challenged him.

„Then I would be happy for you, I’m just looking out for you, you’re my best friend, right?“, he answered and I felt a little sting in my heart. Friends.

„Sure.“ I nudged him with my elbow.

After the sorting ceremony Dumbledore stood up and began his speech. This year our school will host the Triwizard Tournament. The students began to chatter excitedly. The twins loudly complained when it was said that no student under the age of 17 is allowed to participate.

„That’s rubbish!“, they shouted.

Suddenly the doors to the great hall were slammed open and an odd looking man came in. He’s limping because of his prosthetic leg and his magical eye scanned the students. His gaze lingered a little too long on Harry and me. I felt a shiver ran down my body. Something about him makes me uncomfortable. Fred seemed to notice because he rubbed my arm soothingly. Turns out it was our new DADA Professor Alastor „Mad-Eye“ Moody. I didn’t like that.

After Mad-Eye’s big entrance, Dumbledore welcomed our guests. First to arrive were beautiful girls from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, most of the boys and some girls from our school couldn’t stop drooling over them. I looked over to Fred, who just sat there and played with his wand. Is he blind? After them the boys from Durmstrang Institute arrived and with them none other than Victor Krum himself.

After the welcoming feast we all went to our common rooms. Our usual group of friends all gathered around the fireplace. Harry, Ron and Hermione all cuddled up in front of the big couch, George and Lee on one of the loveseats with Lee’s head in George’s lap and Fred and I shared the big armchair.

I looked at him

„Do you really want to take part in the tournament?“

„Sure, we need the money.“, he shrugged his shoulders and looked back at me.

„But students have died in there. And you still have the money from the bet with Bagman, right?“, I was really worried. I didn’t want them to take part in a competition like that. But I knew them good enough to knew that they at least will try.

„Erm, yes….“, he looked down at his hands and fiddled with the ring on his pointer finger. George had the same ring, a simple gold signet ring with the head of a lion. I gifted them the rings for Christmas last year.

„What’s wrong, Freddie?“, I asked. And then he told me that Bagman gave them leprechaun gold, and that it vanished. I felt so bad for the both of them. They worked so hard and didn’t deserved that.

„You know, I would give you the money without thinking twice, you just have to ask.“, I smiled at him and he finally looked at me. I know how he thought about money, it’s always been a touchy subject for the Weasley's. But my parents left me enough money, so I would rather spent it on them than anything else.

„And I wouldn’t accept it. Can we change the topic now, please?“, he batted his eyelashes and I nodded. But I won’t gave up this easily. They deserve all the happiness in the world and I’ll make sure they will get that.

“Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I’m supposed to teach you counter curses and leave it at that. I’m not supposed to show you what illegal dark curses look like until you’re in the sixth year… How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you’ve never seen?... You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful.“, Moody stood in front of our class. Because I'd missed my own class I had to take the first DADA class with Harry's year on this Thursday. Even though I was excited for this class I couldn’t shake off the odd feeling I had since I first saw Moody enter the great hall.

“He doesn’t expect us to practice dark magic in this class, does he?, I whispered to Hermione. I sat next to Hermione, with Harry and Ron at the desk behind us.

“He does. And I recommend you to pay attention in my class, you might need it in the future, Miss Campbell”. Moody turned around, now looking directly at me.

“Since we’re already talking so nicely, do you mind telling the class one of the unforgivable curses?”, he continued while staring at me intensely.

I felt my hands trembling. The class has just started and I wanted to leave already. What does he mean I might need it in the future? He’s our teacher, he’s supposed to protect us, not to threat us. Hermione nudged me with her elbow.

I cleared my throat.
“Erm, yes there is the Imperius Curse, professor. “, my voice trembled.

“Well, well, I should have known you knew that curse since you’re temporarily living with the Weasleys. Their father caused the Ministry quite the trouble.”, Moody retorted. He levitated a little spider out of a glass “Engorgio!”, the spider was now twice its size.

Moody pointed his wand at the spider again “Imperio!” he whispered. The spider went limb and was now fully under his control.

He threatened to throw her out the window, or drown her in the water. The class was laughing, except from Harry, Hermione, Neville and me.

“Next one, Mr. Longbottom.”, Moody pointed at Neville, who went pale.

“I only know one.. T-the Cr-cruciatus curse, sir.“, Neville stuttered and I felt so poor for this boy. His parents were at St. Mungo’s because of this curse.

“Exactly. Crucio!”, Moody yelled and immediately the spider began to squeal out of pain. Now nobody’s laughing anymore. I felt bile coming up my throat and Neville wasn’t far from fainting.

“Stop!”, Hermione stood up and yelled.
“Can’t you see it’s bothering them?“, she pointed from Neville to me.

Moody watched her for a second. Then he throw the spider on our desk.

Avada Kedavra!”, he pointed his wand at the spider and she was dead on point. I couldn’t take it anymore. I gathered my things and left the room, tears were running down my cheeks. I heard Moody yell after me but I couldn’t care less. I just needed to leave. I felt unable to breathe. I sprinted down the corridors, students jumped out of my way. And when I reached the courtyard I felt down on my knees and sobbed. Unaware of the person who watched the whole scene and had followed me outside.

- Fred and George's ring

AN: In the next few chapters, the original story takes a back seat

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