Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

By GabeTheFallen

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... More

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Behind the Shadows

962 15 34
By GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

Once more, their plans were thwarted by Duncan, and now with Ashley in the game, who felt more like a wild card to them, couldn't be understimated, back in the day when Blackheart and his demons sought to kill Ashley in order to gain an advantage and bring Duncan and Zarathos under Mephisto's rule, Blackheart himself didn't think that she would become so powerful, nonetheless to be under the protection of The White Tiger Byakko. To Blackheart was quite hilarious that what it seemed to be an harmless girl to turn out to have more in common with her brother, both of them seemed to be magnets to interesting individuals, reckless, hotheaded, the fact that they grow stronger with every battle they go through and he list can go on.

As for Salem, she was far from pleased, her minions, one by one fell, whatever she tried, Duncan seemed to be two steps ahead of her, and now another powerful ally joined him.

Blackheart, who had the Darkhold in his possession and still was trying to decipher it, even though he gave Predator a boost, the whole book had still to be uncovered, took notice of Salem's sour mood, so decided to ask a question that he was quite eager to find the answer to.

Blackheart: "Just what is it that you saw in him?" He asked having a sly smile.

Salem: "Peg your pardon?" She asked unsure.

Blackheart: "About Duncan, you sure took quite the interest in him, so what is it that makes him so special?"

Salem adopted a thoughtful look, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand, while looking at an image of Duncan that one of her Grimm captured, it showed Duncan half transformed, despite having half of his face a burning skull, the yet to burn side had a calm expression.

Salem: "I'm not quite sure myself... at first it was his power but..."

Blackheart: "Oh, do tell, i bet that are his good looks." He said sarcastically.

Salem: "Heh, i cannot deny that he is leagues above any men that i saw in all my life, but... he feels... cursed, he has such a monstrous side, he could be made an outcast and driven away by the people just out of fear, yet he fights to protect them..."

Blackheart find it quite amusing calling Duncan, The Ghost Rider, cursed. On the outside some would call it a blessing to have such power, but to those who learned of God's vengeful side, it's another story alltogether.

Blackheart: "The way you talked about him is... quite fitting, i dare say that he is more like you in some ways."

Salem: "What are you implying?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

Blackheart: "Well, i won't go too much into details, but, tell me if it sounds familiar. A young man prayed to God to save his sister from death, yet he was ignored, instead The Devil came to his aid and in exchange for saving his sister, he shall bear the curse that wich turns him into the monster you saw, The Ghost Rider. Also The Rider was created by God."

It was just a short story, but, Salem didn't need too much time to know who Blackheart talked about. In a way, she was reminded of herself, of her younger and naive self, before she became who she is. Salem's gaze was fixated on an image of Duncan.

Blackheart seeing Salem's change in mood, closed the Darkhold, for now, having another matter to attend to, he started to make his way outside the throne room, leaving Salem all on her own.

Salem: "Duncan... who knew? You and i are not so different..."

Salem adopted a loving smile, who soon turned into a seductive smirk, her breathing became more ragged as she sat crossed legged.

Salem: *giggle* "Rejoice, for you will be the first man i tasted in a long time, and... who will rule by my side."


Outside the Grimm castle, Blackheart started to make his way in a more isolated zone. Suddenly he stopped.

Blackheart: "Find Raven Branwen... and bring me her soul."

At his command, disturbed howls were heard, followed by the sound of footsteps disappearing in the distance.

???: "Knock, knock, let the Devil in." Spoke a female voice, who seemed to be in her 20's.

The new voice made Blackheart stop and stiffen, he already knew who it was, turning around he was met with a hooded figure.

Blackheart: "W-what are you doing here?"

???: "Just checking around, i must say i'm quite pleased with the results. He turns out to be quite ready, as for the tigress... she has room to improve."

Blackheart: "Is that so? But, one must ask, why go through all of this?"

???: "You dare question us? Better remember who you belong to! I saved you from dying in that rotten place."

Blackheart: "Yeah, yeah, i remember, i still have the scar on my chest as a reminder thank you very much.

???: "Hmph, good."

The hooded figure, turned around ready to leave, but Blackheart said something that made her stop.

Blackheart: "They will eventually learn of your existance."

The hooded figure scoffed.

???: "And what can they do? One of them killed me twice, yet here i am."

Blackheart: "I wasn't talking about the Horsemen..."

That statement made the hooded figure turn around, her eyes glowing an ominous dark yellow color, and from the ground black tendrils rose up coiling around Blackheart, lifting him from the ground.

???: "They... don't need to remember...!"

The hooded figure dropped Blackheart on the ground before she went through a tunnel like portal, leaving Blackheart to catch his breath.

Blackheart: "... better get back to deciphiring the book."




Going back to our group, who now found themselves following a trail wich Maria, who was sitting on Yang's bike, thought was a good idea to follow.

Oscar or Ozpin was walking closer to Duncan and Ashley, since they were the only persons to not jump at Ozpin's or Oscar's neck the moment Jinn told them his origin and what not.

Raven had her own suspicions about Ozpin, ever since she found out about their true enemy she has done some research on her own, but, now she understood Ozpin's need for secrecy, one could only endure so much, before he loses trust in anything.

Qrow: "Looks like the storm is getting worse."

Blake: *sigh* "I just wanna get this stupid relic to Atlas."

Weiss: "Let's just hope we don't walk all the way there."

Ashley: "Duncan, can't you do anything about this storm?"

Duncan instantly stopped in his tracks, making the others stop as well... Duncan facepalmed.

Duncan's flesh started to burn, leaving only a flaming skull, with a motion of his arm, the clouds dispersed, revealing the sun as the wind started to calm. Duncan quickly returned to his human form. Ashley in exchange deadpanned.

Ashley: "You forgot that you can control the weather, did you?"

Duncan: "Hehehe, kinda..."

Maria: "Memory loss at such a young age? Soon you will forget even your name."

Ashley: "Give him a few months."

Duncan groaned hearing Ashley and Maria teaming up against him, before taking a look around him, he noticed that everyone looked exhausted.

Duncan: "Azure."

As the name was called, from a dark blue mist appeared a black raven with blue markings, Duncan extended his arm so Azure could land on his forearm.

Duncan: "Hey there pal, think you can scout ahead for some shelter?"

Azure nodded his dead before taking flight.

Raven: "Ok... this is new."

Duncan: "Not really, Azure is my eyes and ears, i always had him, he is just good at hiding."

Ashley: "Let's hope things go smoothly from now."

Suddenly unholy howls were heard between the trees, followed by rapid footsteps. The others took out their weapons believeing to be Grimm, but, Duncan and Ashley already knew what they were.

In Duncan's hands appeared from flames an old school Winchester Model 1887.

Ashley: "Me and my big mouth! What the hell are those things doing here?"

Duncan: "Don't know! But be ready."

Oscar: "What are you talking about?!"

Duncan/Ashley: "Hellhounds!"

The sounds of snarls and growls became louder, suddenly a gust of wind came from between the trees, finally revealing one Hellhound, Duncan could see him, but Ashley had to resort to use Byakko's vision to be able to see the infernal beast, as for the team RWBY, Qrow, Raven and Oscar/Ozpin... the Hellhound was invisible.

Duncan noticed that the Hellhound set his sight on Raven, the Hellhound wasted no time, and dashed towards her, before leaping in the air ready to sink his fangs into her throat, Raven couldn't see the Hellhound, but she felt the danger closing in. Duncan quickly aimed his shotgun, he pressed the trigger and from the barrel of the weapon shot out instead of normal bullets, a blast of Hellfire mimicking shotgun shells, turning the Hellhound into ashes.

Quickly more howls were heard closing in.

Ashley: "They are after Raven!"

Raven: "What?! But why?"

Duncan: "Hellhounds are usualy sent to collects souls for deals that have been made. You made a deal... haven't you?"

Raven adopted a thoughtful look, until realisation hit her.

Raven: "Blackheart... he... he..."

Ashley: "What deal did you make with him."

Raven: "He said that wouldn't hurt the tribe if i joined the assault at Haven."

Duncan: "Were those his exact words?"

Raven: "Y-yes!"

Hearing this, Duncan's clicked his tongue, why? Loopholes. The wording was very important, the deal was Basicaly Blackheart himself not hurting the tribe... but it didn't specify about others.

Duncan took off his jacket and conjured a knife, he then slit his forearm into a deep cut, he quickly squeezed the wound, making blood pour out, making a circle around Raven. Duncan then ignited the blood circle creating a barrier.

Duncan: "This should keep you safe, a circle made from the blood of a man who has been to Hell and back. Ash keep an eye on them, i will go and face the rest of the Hellhounds."

Duncan put on his jacket and took his shotgun, before following the scent of the Hellhounds, leaving the group to be guarded by Ashley.

Yang: "Is he..."

Ashley: "Just give him a minute."

Soon, a demonic laugh was heard, followed by gunshots and whimpers, suddenly, silence, nothing was heard, expect the one pair of footsteps, who soon revealed to be Duncan, with a snap of his finger the circle around Raven disappeared.

Duncan: "Well that takes care of that."

Ruby: "Just what were those? We couldn't see them."

Ashley: "Some demons send Hellhounds in order to retrieve the souls of those who made deals with them, Raven here basicaly made a deal with a dangerous one."

Marian: "A better question is... will he send more of those nasty things?"

Duncan: "That depends on the demon, if he is insintent then yes, the nasty part is that a Hellhound can't die by normal means."

Qrow: "But from the looks of it, you killed them quite easily."

Duncan: "Yes, with Hellfire, a supernatural flame."

Duncan's POV:

Well this is a giant pain in the ass. Maybe i can do something about her scent.

Zarathos: 'Maybe giving her a protective rune shall do the trick, until we deal with Blackheart.'

Duncan: "Raven, give me your hand."

Raven: "What for?" She asked narrowing her eyes at me.

Woman, don't misunderstand.

I took her left hand, a small blue flames appeared on top of my index finger, and i started to draw and enochian rune on the back of her palm. This should work.

Raven took back her hand and started to inspect the rune i draw.

Raven: "Just... what is this?"

Duncan: "An enochian rune, the language of angels, this should make you invisible to the Hellhounds."

I could see the others being more curious when i mentioned the language part, not the time to tell tales. Lucky for me, Azure returned, landing on my shoulder he gave me all the information i needed.

Duncan: "Come on guys, ahead of us is a small village..."

Following my lead, we shortly arrived at the village... or better said the dead village. It felt like a ghost town, but, it should do for now, the others need some rest.

Weiss: "It looks abandoned."

Ashley: "We use what we have, it should be enough for us to rest."

Raven: "Can't argue with that."

Walking towards one of the houses... hmm, something doesn't feel right.

I opened the door, in front i saw the hallway with the stairs that lead to the second floor, and to our right a living room with a sofa, two armchairs with a small coffe table in between and a fireplace, yes, i stopped the storm, but that doesn't mean i change the whole season to summer.

Weiss: "I'll go get a blanket."

Qrow: "Yang, go with her."

Weiss and Yang left the room and took and stairs.

I saw some wood left in the fireplace so i ignited a small flame, but suddenly we heard Weiss screaming.

I quickly summoned my Winchester 1887, we are in doors, not much space for my scythes. I ran upstairs followed by Qrow and Raven. When we got on the first floor, we found Yang and Weiss in of the rooms. In the room we saw two corpses on the bed, a couple maybe.

But... they looked fine, they had no wounds, it was like they just gave up on life alltogether and waited to wither away.

Raven: "Just what the hell happened here?"

Duncan: "Don't know, let's go back downstairs."

I put a hand on Weiss's shoulder, she flinched a little, but she calmed a little when i gave her a reasuring smile. I saw Raven staying by Yang's side, good.

I guided Weiss downstairs, clearly seeing those corpses affected her.

Qrow, Raven and I decided to go outside and search the other houses.

Qrow: "It'll be easier if we split up."

Duncan: "I'll go right."

Raven: "I'll go left."

Qrow: "Then let's meet up back here after."

We all nodded, i went into my respective side of the village. I opened the door to a much smaller house then the one in wich others were, i walked around a bit, the kitchen was empty, what i assumed to be the living room the same. That was until i saw a door decorated with some kid's drawing, for some reason i'm not gonna like what i'm gonna saw. Entering the room i saw the corpse of a child, i went close to take a look, it was like before, no wounds, just... death. Exiting the room, i saw across the hallway a door half open, opening the door further i saw the corpses of what i believe were the parents of the child... they were the same... this is a ghost town.

Zarathos: 'Their deaths... it reminds me of how a demon succubus captures her prey...'

Yeah, but there are many ways a demon can suck the life force, from dreams, fear, by putting the victim...

Zarathos: 'In a state of sleep, making them vulnerable.'

But Remnant have their own kind of demons... there must be some kind of Grimm that... ohhhh.

Zarathos: 'The Apathy, it matches the description from the books you've read.'

Let's leave it at that for now.

Leaving this hounted house, i moved onto the other, and the next one, and the next one... they were all the same. After checking my part of the village, i returned and met in the same spot with Qrow and Raven.

Duncan: "The same thing happened everywhere."

Raven: "This is far from normal, no fight, no struggle, no blood, yet... they died."

Usualy the saying is: "no blood, no blood, no ash", but, i will let it slide for now.

Returning back to our group we found them resting by the fireplace, i saw Byakko in his smaller form resting in Weiss's lap, comforting her, plus he looked like he likes being petted behind the ears.

Qrow: "It's the same in every house."

Yang: "What?"

Qrow: "Bodies, every bed in every home. It's like the whole state went to sleep and never woke up again."

Weiss: "But, we're not staying here, right?"

I took out my flask and drinked a little, before putting the flask back in my jacket's pocket.

Duncan: "Just for a short while, you guys get comfortable and rest... i will go for a walk."

Walking outside, i took a good look at my surroundings, hmm, they must be around here somewhere, hidden good enough to not be noticed, but, close enough to affect the whole village.

Noticing an well, i walked closer towards it, i tried to see if it still has water, but i couldn't see anything, it was too dark. I took a peble and dropped it inside the well, nothing, until i heard the peble hitting something hard, i think it hit the ground, meaning, the well is dry, a good place for some nasty Grimm to hide.

Conjuring my shotgun from Hellfire, i jumped inside the well. Heh, i was right, i can sense their scent, walking deeper into the tunnel, finally i came face to face with the disaster that brought death upon the poor souls of this village.

Once they saw me, they let out deafening shrieks, trying to take my will to fight... sadly for them...


Duncan: "Hehe... hehehe... hahahHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAA!"

I couldn't help but laugh, my laugh quickly turned pshycotic and demonic until...

... my skin and flesh burned away, leaving only a blazing skull, Ghost Rider was out, it was quite hilarious, the only think that kept those things so up the food chain was that annoying ability... and i'm their natural predator.

My flames changed from the usual orange Hellfire, to bright blue Holy Fire, taking aim with my shotgun i started to gun them down, not to pack too much power, i might bring the entire village on top of me, but, the Holy Fire was their greatest weakness, they shrieked again, this time in pain, they started to huddle on top of eachother, trying to run away, good, they made a bigger target, charging a blast with my shotgun, i shot the rest of the Grimm, turning them to ashes.

After i changed back into my human form, i returned to the well's entrance, i summoned a chain and used to climb back... startling Yang? The hell is she doing out here?

Yang: "AHHH! What were you doing there?"

Duncan: "Just checking for anything out of the ordinary, what about you? Shouldn't you be inside getting some rest?"

Yang: "Hehe, yeah, well i wanted to look around for some vehicle to help us get out of here... plus, mom..."

Duncan: "Still awkward to be around her? Heh, just give it some time."

Yang: "I hope so."

Duncan: "Well if you are looking for something to get us out of here... hmm.. the workshop should be a good place to look."

Yang: "Well that's helpful... wanna come?"

Something i noticed during our way here, she kept glancing towards me, but she looked afraid to, same here, talking with me, but not looking directly at me. This must be about her and the others outburst at Ozpin.

I sighed and showed her the way towards a workshop i noticed while i was searching the houses.

Opening the door, we were welcomed by workbenches and lots of tools, it was the classic workshop filled with scraps.

Duncan: "Well this will take a while... so wanna talk about what's bothering you?"

Yang: "... what?"

Don't "what" me firecracker, i know when people are trying to keep something inside, i still do it myself, the difference is that i know how to not show it.

She just kept looking at me, while i had a warm smirk, looks like she decided to give up and tell.

Yang: "I-it's just... *sigh*, with everything that's happening, after our outburst at what was Ozpin hidding, you and Ashley... just kept your cool, that was until uncle Qrow was ready to punch Oscar, then you looked ready for war... and now here you are, trying to look out for us..."

Duncan: "So... where are you getting on with this?"

Yang: "How can you handle this!? We pointed our weapons at you, yet, Ashley is actually trying to comfort Weiss after she saw those corpses, and you helped me along the way to get to my mom, helped get a better understanding of my semblance... yet... we were ready to turn on eachother..."

Duncan: "Hehehe, just beacause you made some mistakes doesn't mean i will be angry at you or the others."

Yang: "... no... but disappointed..."

... this girl... i just flicked her forehead, she instantly started to rub her own forehead.

Duncan: "Idiot, not learning from your mistakes, that will make me disappointed, it's true we all make mistakes in moments of crisis..."

Yang: "But panic does nothing, i have to harness it, to serve me, wouldn't you know, it works in every moment of our lives."

Duncan: "Atta girl, not just combat, but in every moment of our life."

Yang: "Heh, after learning you are older then us just by few years makes me wonder where do you get that kind of wisdom from."

Duncan: "Wisdom is the reward of experience, be it bad, be it good, we get to learn from both sides."

This chapter's meme:

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