The Midnight Sun T.K ✅

By peachihun

53.3K 3.2K 337

"Jeon jungkook is the curse that kim taehyung wants" Kalopsia- was the largest magic empire of the era ruled... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10.
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22(M)
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28(M)
New Story🙌

chapter 15

1.5K 118 4
By peachihun

"h-hoseok w-why?"

"We trusted you.."

"But Trusts are meant to be broken Hoseok.."

Jiah was still unconscious, Jungkook  was busy calming down the people of the kingdom.

Everything was a havoc.

Things which should have never happened.
Things they never even thought would happened.
And the most painful thing is.
They don't even know if this is the worst case scenario.
Maybe there's something more evil waiting for them.

Yoongi was found totally wounded by the boundaries.
There were no traces of Jimin or Hoseok near them.

It was the smell of someone familiar, but Taehyung couldn't recognise.

Without the guidance of jiah and Yoongi both with namjoon in the low boundaries, Taehyung cannot leave the Kingdom.

Few of his knights were out to find jimin and Hoseok.

He has never felt this anxiety.
It always happens when he enters his life.
And that feeling always defeats him.
But this time, Taehyung will fight, Though there is no confirmation he won't be defeated again, but he will find. He will fight for him and that's the change.

His thoughts were broken by a few knocks on the door.
Him who he awaited and longed for.

"My lord."

"I have calmed the people down for the time being, but this, has really shocked them all to think about their safety."

Taehyung fell back on his chair, swinging a little, a creaking sound was made by the chair.

He was about to speak something when a turquoise oblate sphere appeared, a beautiful women, her hair touching her back, skin as pale as snow, lips red as blood, a faint yet prominent blush on her cheeks, freckles on her nose, and she was dressed in a beautiful white satin wrap.

Jungkook and Taehyung were immediately on their knees.


Taehyung said.

"My child" she said. "You have grown so much"

She said while looking at Taehyung with affectionate eyes.

But a little coconut shaped object right beside the emperor caught her attention.

She gasped and looked at him,

"Oh my"
Her gaze went towards Taehyung again, whose head head was bowed in respect but she knew he knew, by seeing him uncomfortably trying to hide his slightly blushing face.

Smiling gently at him, he went ahead and patted jungkook's head, causing him to jerk his head up. Seeing the beautiful woman right above him, his whole face went red.

But again he bowed his head infront of her, cursing himself.

"Look up, my child"

He looked up slowly, trying to take his time to cool down his warm face, but one eye contact with the goddess and everything went on vain.

Taehyung who was sitting at the side, was totally enjoying this view with his  peripheral vision, amused.

Holding jungkook's jaws, gently, she guided him to look at her eyes, it's not a bluff to say jungkook's face was covered with a deep red hue.

Aphrodite wasn't breaking the the eye contact, and jungkook who was nervous at first was silent, almost as if hypnotized by her ocean like eyes.

Jungkook's dark chocolate brown eyes  were now glowing in a light pinkish colour.

Jungkook's eyes went droopy, he was clutching his pants tightly, and almost pointing his finger at taehyung, as of asking him for some help before he blacked out.

Aphrodite blinked once to calm down her glowing green eyes, and sighed, taehyung picked jungkook up like he was nul weighted and rested him down on the couch.

" I've removed the curse,my child but I shall warn you for what you know is coming"

Taehyung looked down a little, nervously.

"Is there something you wanna ask?"

"Is he real?"

She smiled at his naive yet heartbreaking question.

And nodded slightly in an assuring manner.

Causing taehyung to do the same gesture but only he, himself would know the feel of relief that washed over him.



Namjoon who was riding the horse, jumped down and started to shake the lifeless body of the dying or already dead queen.

Yoongi and jiah who weren't far behind and came and sat beside there dead mother.

Tears of sadness and vain were flowing, not only for one but both their mother one who was taken away, and the wailing of her from the seperation with her new born child.

Jiah tore the cloth which was securing taehyung, Held him in her own hand and walked towards Aphrodite, both the sobbing men looking at her with regret and desperation in their eyes.

She despised herself for what she was doing right now, they despised themselves for what they were making their sister do, but deep down they knew it was right.


She said and bowed, her head down in respect or a desperate intend to hide her tears, she held her baby brother up, like an offering to the Goddess.

Aphrodite, all the gods and Goddesses present their gasped, and all the females of the demon and angel realm were already crying at the scene.

Aphrodite, with wavering voice, whispered, "my child" held taehyung and jungkook in her own arms together, looked at the people again.

" I can never do anything, as cruel and brutal as leaving the heart of two innocent child who were the victim of this happening, barren."

She inhaled a breath, gulping once again she spoke

" But for the life of two, i cannot endanger the life of all, so today I decide the fate of




" I can never leave their heart barren, but when the time comes i shall allow jungkook freedom from the curse of dying when meeting his true love,
And Taehyung needs to live with his curse till forever, to find his true love and fight for it"

Taking out a knife from the waist chain, she made a little wound on their hands, taking a few droplets of their blood, mixing them together and painting them on both the children's lips only for them to lick it.

" Kim Taehyung as bounded from the curse from today to kill all the doppelganger of his lover, and the picture of jungkook shall remain in his mind till death which will never touch him, a trigger from taehyung will Awaken the power of jungkook which has been stored within"

"And I Aphrodite take no guarantee of them meeting ever again but if they meet the world will suffer a great happiness"

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