Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

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-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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The Sucky Outdoors (2/2)✅
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Who can you trust (2/2)✅
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Basic Straining (2/3)✅
Basic Straining (3/3)✅
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Wawanakwa Gone Wild (2/2)✅
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Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅
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Camp Castaways (1/3)✅
Camp Castaways (2/3)✅
Camp Castaways (3/3)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (1/2)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (2/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (1/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (2/2)✅

Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (1/2)✅

252 10 1
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Despite all the effort, Geoff couldn't stop the incoming arguments.

Our drama queen Heather decided to reveal his little secret, and like always managed to succeed.

-I need to talk with him.- I tell Gwen.

-Are you sure? You don't owe him anything, he's the one who should put more effort to solve this.

-I need to hear what he has to say.- I say with a brave face.- He's not slipping away without explanation. We both know he's capable of leaving me hanging.

-Give him a lesson. I swear when I get him alone... Eh, never mind. I'll be drawing on the pier if you need me.

-Thanks, Gwen.- I hug her tightly.

I stand up and head off to find Geoff. I find him sitting near the cabins, looking at the night sky. He smiles sadly at me when he notices my presence. I can tell he was stressed. It was the first time he looked like that, and it was because of me.

-This would make a good photo.-I sigh.

-What, me sitting on a bench?

-It's the way you're framed by the nighttime. It's a good look. Your eyes are shining, and your hair dance with the chilly breeze.

-And after all of this, you're still able to say something so stunning.

-I came to talk.- I state.

-I knew we'd have to get into it pretty soon, so I wanted to make sure I knew what to say.- He glances at the moon.- Tell me the truth... What did you think when you saw that? Were you expecting it?

-Why would I be expecting it?

-Just because, I kinda thought after this whole drama you wouldn't be surprised. And you seemed to kick it off with Duncan again.

-I have nothing to hide, but I knew. Bridgette told me about the kiss. Gwen and Heather gave me the letters. DJ heard your chat in the restroom. I knew everything Geoff, but I hoped that you'll tell me this yourself. I thought that what people do in relationships, is trust each other. I thought you care about me more than about how others will react and what will happen. I thought you loved me enough to say this aloud, turns out I was wrong.

-I care Alexandra. I do. I wasn't accusing you about Duncan. I was just jealous. And you saw that I wasn't the one to start the kiss, but at that very moment in my mind I was sure, I was more into us than you. I misjudged the situation, and I'm sorry.

-Sorry is not enough. You don't trust me. That's why you thought, I don't care. I care, Geoff! How could you think so low of me? I gave you all I could, and you behaved like it was nothing.

-I know it looks like that, but that's not what I was thinking.

-Do you regret it?- I question.


-Would you let it happen again?

-Probably.- He hesitates.- I don't know what to say.

-It's ok. I know what we are, and I know what we're not. In your hesitation, I found my answer. After all, promises are just words, and you're a liar. I don't tolerate liars. I'm nice, not stupid.

-I'm sorry.

-I'm not upset you cheated. I'm upset cause from now on I can't trust you again and without the trust we have nothing. I don't hate you, tho. I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be. I think that whatever is between us needs to end. I think we should stop seeing each other. I don't wanna know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore.

-So, this is it. Are you breaking up with me?

-I would be a complete piece of garbage if I let this go any longer. For this once, I have to save myself, because turns out my boyfriend is not there to save me anymore. 

-I didn't want to break your heart.

-But you did and you don't get to decide you didn't. There's no going back. If you want to tell me something this is the last moment. Tell me everything, because we already lost us, so you don't have to hide anything.

-I wanted you to see that I wasn't giving up on us, on you, on myself. I wanted to be a good boyfriend, but I wasn't. I wanted to see you happy, but the only fucking thing I did was drag you down. And whenever I tried to reach out, you weren't there to take what I wanted to give you. I wanted to change, but did you even want me to change? I made mistakes, and I apologized, but if that's not enough I don't know what is.

 -That's why you need to let me go. You need to let me let you go. Face reality, we don't work. I'll give you one piece of advice, though. You must care for Bridgette if you let this happen, and you know what, I gotta be honest. If you love somebody and you wanna be with them, go and get them. Deal with the mess later. Even though it seems crazy and everyone will hate you, cause they already do. There's no point in going back, you've already started, so after sacrificing that much, don't even try to freak out now.


Geoff: She said that's alright, and I have to wonder how many times she said that to the people in her life who screwed her over somehow...

Alexandra: In the end, he said that we can still be friends, but I think he meant we can be the kind of strangers that share silent memories and a passing smile every once in a while. Again I learned that some people aren't loyal. They are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

-Do you know how long I was waiting for you?- Chris scolds us when we gather for the elimination ceremony.- Unbelievable. Take your places. Thanks to Heather, who shook things up, like always. -He looks at her with a grim expression.- We had a little change in our plans and the outcome of today's ceremony. You all cast your votes, and one camper will leave today forever. I'll start with safe contestants. Alexandra, Duncan, Gwen, Trent. You lot can already get marshmallows.- He then turns to the three remaining people.- Heather, you are in danger cause you cause chaos like always. Let's face it, you manipulate people so often that I'm not even surprised anymore. Geoff, you are in danger cause you cheated on Alexandra. Are you stupid? Not cool, it was predictable you'll end up here after this. Bridgette, instead of being a friend, you turned out to be a boyfriend stealer and an enemy. The person who'll leave the island is... Bridgette. Sorry, not sorry, get your luggage.- Chris finishes.


Heather: According to the plan. I'm safe and one step closer to this money.

Alexandra: What can I say? She brought it on herself. I can't even feel much sympathy now. The longer I'm here, the more empty I become. It's so tiring. My emotions are all over the place.

Duncan: I think it might be a good moment to talk with, princess. She talked with Gwen, but I want to get involved myself.

After elimination

I wait next to the boat for Bridgette. Chef is staying next to me, shifting his gaze between me and the wooden surface of the pier. I can feel his hidden anxiety. I can tell he wants to say something, but my mood is darker than the night around us, and knowing better, he remains silent. Soon, Bridgette steps onto the pier Geoff following her. I stand in front of her and clap my hands with deadpan.

-Alexandra...-She looks down.

-If you were able to catch my boyfriend's attention, you can have him.- I speak in a cold yet stoic voice. I don't want someone who can be stolen from me. I want a mature guy who keeps his attention on me and only me.- I look straight at Geoff, and he shivers under my gaze.- I know he's gonna come across many beautiful girls, but if he truly cared about me, other girls shouldn't even be a problem. A guy who can be easily taken away from me, I don't want. And if you happen to be one of those girls- I look back at Bridgette- who catches his attention aside from me, you can keep him. I don't want him.

-I don't need your approval, but thanks. You're being stuck up here.

-I'm not stuck up at all. I'm just unimpressed that my friend did this to me. I'm not impressed that out of all people you decided that summer love was worth ruining me, because that's exactly what you did.

-You're overreacting over summer love. Took you long enough to realize this fact, too bad you can't see the same flaw in yourself. It's not like you were taking a lot of time to decide to start this relationship in the first place.- She rolls her eyes.

-There's something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty, my friend.- I say the last word sarcastically.

-There's no need for this conversation, girls.- Geoff says.

-I refuse to apologize for being a bitch. This girl has never apologized to me for treating me like shit and bringing the bitch out of me.- I snarl.

-Wow.- Geoff looks at me surprised.

-I know, I know I stood up for myself. I'm such a bitch. But you know what, I'm not an asshole. I am actually one of the nicest people you will ever meet. You are just pissed because I saw through your bullshit. - I tiptoe toward Geoff and whisper to his ear.- You can't build anything on rotten fundaments. Maybe one day you'll be mature enough to figure it out.

-Ekhem.- Bridgette coughs.

-Row, row, row your boat the fuck away from me. Life is full of disappointment, I added you to the list.- I sing to her and leave the pier with a smirk.

-Yes, I liked him. - She suddenly screams.- But what I was supposed to say, huh? It was obvious he would wait for you, cause you were giving him hope you'll choose him. What was I supposed to do? I could just watch how you enjoy yourself with him. 

- If you liked him all along why didn't you say anything? You had tons of chances, so why? Did you really think I would get angry? - I say calmly, guilt slipping into my mind. 

-Just leave it. I'm not a monster, so stop making me a villain of the whole situation. I just... I just wanted to have my summer love as well.


Alexandra: Life has taught me that you can't control someone's loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn't mean they'll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn't mean they'll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least. And after all of this, I started to feel guilty for what I said back here. Bridgette, if you're watching this I'm sorry. We should have talked it through calmly.

Duncan P.O.V.

I'm walking through the forest, hoping to find Alexandra. A soft melody catches my attention, and I follow it. I come upon a huge tent and peek through the curtains. Alexandra is sitting there, playing the keyboard and singing.

I knew the game was over before the rules were said,

I've never been a winner, I didn't want to play,

I thought there was a way out, but there's no exit from this maze

Where every path is the wrong turn, and every choice is a mistake,

I lied to the Lord, I lied to myself, I lied to you and everyone I care

Until there were no more lies to tell,

Cowardice is easier than being brave

But at last, I found the strength I lost to sing my love letter to you

Cause people can lie, but my lone heart beats true...

-Hi princess.- I stand next to her.

-Duncan, being alone has a power that very few can handle, but rest assured, I don't need company.- She doesn't look at me.

-Are you alright?

-I'm fine.

-Sometimes, when such things happen...

-I said I'm fine.- She turns to me.

-I'm bad with words, but you're good at reading people. I genuinely wanted to check on you.


Alexandra: I wanted to talk about it. Damn, I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout. But, all I could do was whisper "I'm fine".

-Move on, gorgeous. Some guys would beg for your pretty little heart.- I put my palm on her shoulder. When I was about to let go, Alexandra finally spoke.

-There was once a very great American surgeon. He was married to a nurse. One day, he noticed that his wife's hands were chapped and red when she came back from surgery. And so he invented rubber gloves. For her. It is one of the great love stories in medicine. The difference between inspired medicine and uninspired medicine is love. I want to love to the point of the invention and be loved like this back, hence I write, paint, sing. One day, I want to invent so beautifully to move lonely hearts with love they never got. But here I am, not knowing what is love again.- Tears started streaming down her cheeks.


Duncan: Life is too fucking short and fucked up to go through it, silently loving someone and never telling them how you feel. Fuck the consequences, fuck the implications of the actions, to hell with it all... whatever happens, as a result, is better than the silence.

I placed my palms on her cheeks and kissed her. She froze in my palms, and when I let her go, she was sitting like a statue.

-Let me tell you something, you know what is love more than enough, and someone is loving you so hard it hurts. Maybe you just need to open your eyes.

After that, I left her alone. I stopped for a moment to look at the tent once again. When I was about to leave, Alexandra sprinted out of it and sprinted towards me.

-Duncan. I have an idea.- She looked at me with gleaming eyes.


What does Alexandra have in mind?

What will the next day bring?

Will the relationship between Geoff and Alexandra change?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!


Hi friends.

I know I haven't posted for such a long time, and even though I'd like to write more, I don't have much time to do that. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I want to thank you for sticking around with me and this story. It makes me happy to see people are reading this.

Like always, feel free to give me any kind of feedback.

Lots of love

Midnight Cure

P.S. The song from the chapter is "Lone Heart Beats True" from the letter. 

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