Lover..... (Legacies AU)

By tvduxlarry

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The salvatore boarding school has never been a safe place, but with Hope mikaelson it has never been more vul... More

1. Gone Too Far..
2. Can we just get over with this?
3. I Miss You..
4. That person did not care
5. Back Home
6. New Day Same Prey
7. Love In Disguise
8. Trouble In Paradise
9. Tryouts
10. How can I forget?
11. Hallouween
12. How can I love myself?
14. Miss Mystic Falls
15. What do I have to be thankful for?
16. Work-Mas
17. A New Year
18. You always come back home..
19. Founder's Day
20. In Another Life
21. The day It all Ended
22. Valentines
23. The Fundraiser
24. When They Died.....
25. The Devil's Birthday
26. Happy Birthday..
27. Prom Queen
28. Senior Party
29. Goodbyes
30. The Baddest Bitch
31. Back to square 1
32. Epiphany
33. The Unraveling
34. Another Side
35. History

13. Happy 16th

310 11 6
By tvduxlarry

Okay guys so in the above pic you will notice I put names in front of the three outfits, the name on the pic is the outfit. for example the black swimsuit girl on the extreme top left is hope as I wrote hope on the pic and the one next to hope is Josie's outfit and the outfit below Josie is Lizzie's. 

FYI This is Lizzie and Josie's birthday

NOV 16 2029

This was the day Lizzie had probably been waiting since the day she was born. Her 16th birthday and though to Josie it might be like any other birthday Lizzie it was a very special day. But even Josie was pumped of this birthday as she had just broken up with Finch and was single and ready to mingle.

They had decided on a pool party, and a pool party was 10 times more work than a normal one. Lizzie knew that all though Josie? not so much. All of them had obviously not been aware that it would be so grand.

The party was being held where the pool was in the school, (The place where The monster dropped Lizzie in the pool and Lizzie thought it was Hope) there was lounge chairs and all near the pool and if you would walk down the stairs beside the pool you would see a whole eating bar as well as a drinks bar. All the drink were a little red at the least because Red was Lizzie's fav color and Josie's fav album was red by Taylor Swift so the songs from that album were also playing.

It was obvious that Hope and Josie would have been sitting together as it was Josie's birthday and she was one of the only people who was left as her friend. They had been talking for a while now.

"So any special plans" said Hope as she raised her eyebrow while moving her legs back and forth in the pool while looking at Josie

"Not really but I guess we will see" said Josie as she put her legs in the pool as well

"It is your birthday, I ma sure Lizzie has a whole week planned but you should also do something for yourself" Said Hope looking back towards the water.

"Turning 16 has always been her dream" said Josie as she gazed up to the sky

"Well, I doubt 16 will be much of a dream if you are not be her side, don't you think you guys should make up it has been a long time" said Hope 

"I mean I guess yeah, and it is not like I have not missed her it is just that I am worried if I let her in the same thing is gonna happen to me again" said Josie as she gulped and put her hands on the pool side relaxing her back making about 130 degrees.

"Trust me when I say this having family never hurts you, it might want to make you question some things but as  person from experience about pretty much all things family I am sure that having Lizzie in your life would be a better way to be 16 after all one of you only has about 5 years left to live so why not live it to it's fullest" said Hope as Josie turned to meet Hope's gaze as Hope smiled making Josie smile.

"Thank I will try to make up with her again, after all it has been a few months since our fight" said Josie as Hope turned her gaze back to the water and Josie turned her gaze back to the sky.

While Hope and Josie were just chilling by the pool Penelope started walking towards Josie, Hope noticed so she nudged Josie's arms by giving it a small brush and told her to look the other side so she could know that Penelope was coming.

"HI Josie" said Penelope as she came near Josie

"I am gonna get some food both of you enjoy" said Hope as she got up from the pool and went down where all the food and all was kept.

Penelope and Josie were just in a very awkward position again now that Josie was single and could date people now.

"So can we talk?" asked Penelope

"Yeah sure" said Josie as Penelope beckoned her to a corner and Josie got her feet from the pool and walked towards the corner with Penelope

"Happy birthday you are turning 16 it is a pretty big deal" said Penelope giving kind of an awkward laugh alongside Josie

"Yeah thank you" said Josie 

"Well you look great and I just wanted to say that... can we end this whole awkward thing" said Penelope 

"Yes please its exhausting" said Josie

"Yeah, I mean it is your birthday and all I want is to be your friend and that is what I am at this moment" said Penelope

"Yeah I also think it will be great" said Josie smiling happily actually this time.

"Also you got to tell me where you got that top from" said Penelope as Josie giggled.

"Also where is Lizzie I was hoping to talk and apologize to her but she is no where to be seen" said Josie

"Yeah well she has this whole grand entrance planned which is like her walking down the stairs and then like the whole music and all playing it is a whole royal entrance in itself she is currently backstage handling some stuff like food and drinks and apparently there is some dress fiasco" said Penelope

"When Lizzie is hosting it is always over the top and there is always some or the other fiasco for her to handle" said Josie.

"That is true but according to her entrance timing her entrance should begin in about 5 mins" said Penelope

"Then let's wait down the stairs for her" said Josie as she and Penelope made their way to the stairs and stood at the end of it.

Like clockwork at 7:02 pm exactly Lizzie started walked down the stairs, she looked beautiful in her bikini and hat with her glasses and court. The second she walked in all eyes were on here and if it was not obvious already everyone came to the stairs to see her and wish her happy birthday.

In the background a happy birthday song started playing and everyone knew that Lizzie was born at 7:02 pm and Josie was born at 7:05 pm making Lizzie older by three minutes. So the minute that Lizzie entered it at 7:02 PM it was a metaphor to her entering the world like she entered the party.

But it was Josie's birthday as well, So Lizzie did not a circus the minute she entered but she wanted to trust me, but at 7:04 pm she was down the stairs and by 7:05 pm they were cutting the cake, the birthday song started the second the clocked turned to 7:05. 

Lizzie had calculated that the song was 47 seconds long and obviously at her birthday the song as not the usual Happy Birthday to you but rather it was custom made for Lizzie and Josie.

The cake was 16 tiered in honor of them turning 16 and it had the colors red and yellow, the red was the frosting and yellow was the decoration but the cake was chocolate.

As everyone gathered to see the cake being cut they saw how Lizzie had the cake spelled so that the cake would be standing up right in thin air and the magical sparkles were sprinkled all around it to give it a very princess type look.

Even the knife was so beautifully and elegantly wrapped in ribbon making each cut smooth as silk.

It was overall very beautiful and elegant.

After all of the cake cuttings were finished everyone came one by one to Lizzie to congratulate her on the great party and her turning 16 and everything was all right but then came someone to congratulate Lizzie that no one thought would even come.

"Hi Lizzie" said Hope

"Hey Hope I wish you liked the party" said Lizzie

"Yeah everything was very beautiful and well managed" said Hope

"Thank you" said Lizzie

"Happy Birthday" said Hope

"Thank you now if you would excuse me" said Lizzie as she was about to walk past her but Hope help Lizzie's hand and Lizzie stopped and looked at her holding her hand.

Hope pulled Lizzie closer and whispered in her ear, "Did you have the cake" 

"Why do you care" said Lizzie clearly annoyed

"You know why I care" said Hope

"Actually I do not know why you even care" said Lizzie letting her hand free of Hope's grip

"Just tell me" said Hope

"Actually yes I did eat a little bit of the cake and now if you would excuse me I have some things to do" said Lizzie as she walked past Hope

Hope felt a strong feeling as if she did not need Hope's help anymore that she was done, and that she did not needs Hope anymore, she did not want Hope anymore. That feeling struck Hope hard in her bones.

Being a vampire with all heightened emotions did not help either but that was one of the curses of vampirism. Hope could not help but look back at how Lizzie left her standing there and as the crowd was hustling and bustling around her. 

Lizzie was still the only person she could see, she could see her leaving Hope and going forward, Hope was confused if or if not she thought she was happy or not and what was going on her mind. It was clear to see with the look on her face that she clearly was confused with her thoughts and her mind was not clear.

After this whole small interaction with Hope, Lizzie moved towards Damon and Elena who looked at the whole Hope thing as well, she moved towards them because she knew that at the end of the day, these two were two shoulders she could always lean on.

"How is my birthday girl 2" said Damon smiling towards Lizzie

"Pretty good" said Lizzie

"Well 16 is a good year I lost a lot that year but I also gained a lot and I am sure you will too all though I hope you lose less" said Elena as she chuckles at her own thought.

"Yeah me too" said Lizzie giving a smile

"Also what happened with Hope back there?" asked Damon

"Nothing just usual drama" said Lizzie

"What drama" asked Damon

"Well, she is worried about me eating and all and I just came form telling her that I am not a toddler and that I can handle myself I do not need her running circles around me." said Lizzie

"Okay but you should also take care of your diet" said Elena

"I am trust me" said Lizzie as Damon and Elena gave her a big comfort smile.

"Also where is the birthday girl 1 I also want to wish her" said Damon

"First of all I am 1 cause I was born first and secondly i do not know where she is thirdly I do not care where she is" said Lizzie

"You know I think it is high time you and Josie make up as well" said Elena

"I second that" said Damon

"But it is Josie's fault" said Lizzie

"Just forgive her for once, I mean if Damon and Stefan can forgive each other than so can you" said Elena

"Trust me if me and mister Steffy can you can too" said Damon jokingly

"You mean your not so alive brother? and well how much bad blood can their be between you two?" asked Lizzie all though she regretted later

"Well, he made me a vampire, I sold his soul to the devil, kidnapped his girlfriend's kids, threatened his girlfriend, killed his best friend, made him turn his humanity off a few times, stole his girlfriend, he tried to kill me once but well even Alaric tried that, he left me to desiccate, he stole Kathrine, he told father about Kathrine and then he killed our father but I am kind of thankful for that, he killed Enzo, twice, I killed Zach, I left him at the bottom of the ocean while me and his ex aka Elena were-" Elena stopped Damon before he would say too much.

"Okay, so basically a lot of bas things" said Lizzie

"Yeah" said Elena

"Well, if you two can forgive I am sure we can too" said Lizzie

"That's the spirit" said Damon

"All though did you really kidnap me and Josie" said Lizzie as Damon looked at Elena as his lips turned into a little pout and he said, "That was ages ago who even remembers"

Lizzie rolled her eyes and said, "Well I am off to find Josie fingers crossed I can forgive her and never have to hear that list again" said Lizzie as she started walking the other way and Damon said, "The list is not complete tho"

Lizzie continued walking away but Elena Nudged Damon to stop and then Damon wrapped her arms around Elena's waist giving her a small but passionate kiss which made them both smile even when they broke the kiss and that was what love is, not sex or holding hands or expensive dates, but when even the slightest things make you feel a lot is what love is.

Lizzie found her way to the corner of the pool where she could see Josie was with her eyes closed lying peacefully on the ground as soon as she heard someone coming Josie stood up knowing that it was Lizzie.

"Hey" said Josie as Lizzie walked towards her and Lizzie leaned a bit towards the wall.

"Hi" said Lizzie as both of them stayed in awkward silence until, Josie decided to say, "Can we talk?"

"Yeah I was here to do the same thing," said Lizzie

"Can I go first" said Josie

"Yeah sure" said Lizzie

"Well, I know that it was wrong of me to put Hope above everything and I am sorry that I was not there for you when you needed me to be by your side." said Josie

"I am sorry as well that we fought over something so stupid and I let it take over me god we did not even get to have our ice cream ritual after a break up" said Lizzie as both of them laughed

"A hug?" said Lizzie opening her arms and Josie walked in her arms and held Lizzie tightly.

Like this both of them were more than happy on the fact that they were okay again and that they were a team a again it was pretty obvious that bot of them were happier together rather than what they were happy when they were alone or with someone else anyone else.

While Lizzie and Josie were catching up Hope came from Lizzie's back as she came Josie said, "Hey Hope"

"Hi" Said Hope

"Hi Hope" said Lizzie

"I am Happy to know that my small pep talk worked and that both of you are on talking terms now" said Hope with a smile but all Lizzie could focus on what Damon and Elena have and had and how they went from hating to loving each other and it was obvious that both of them were very distracted but like this they got caught up in talking and all.

"... and then they were like we do not care" said Josie mockingly as all three of the girls laughed standing in the corner.

"Well I have to go attend the guests it is not very good of a host to hang out in the corner with a sister and roommate while rest of the party is still going" said Lizzie

"K bye" said Josie

"Yeah we will talk later then" said Hope

As Lizzie turned her back to to move towards the party so did Hope so she could see where Lizzie was going and before Lizzie moved even 5 feet away Josie noticed something. Josie noticed a I I tattoo on Hope which looked exactly like two straight lines. Josie had never noticed that before.

"Hey Hope, what is that tattoo on the back side of your shoulder" said Josie causing Lizzie and Hope both to turn towards Josie

"It is nothing" said Hope 

"Lizzie has a tattoo in the back of her left shoulder, it is like an underscore and a y (_ Y) I never knew what it was for, wait a minute do you guys have similar boards on pinterest?" said Josie but Hope and Lizzie looked at each other and they were so deep into each other's gaze that everything else faded out and then they remembered the day they got these tattoos, on September 28th 2021


It was a weekend and Lizzie was not allowed to go on this trip because she had recently cheated on a test so she and Hope were the only ones in school, Hope had recently came in the school and all. 

So Lizzie decided to go to Hope's room to ask if she would hang out with her.

"Hi Hope I am Lizzie, My dad is the principal" said Lizzie as she opened the door.

"Yeah I have heard about you" said Hope as she was sitting on the bed

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" asked Lizzie

One thing led to another and Hope agreed to hang out with her, both of them had a blast, and they wanted to do something crazy so Hope said, "You know what let's get a tattoo"

"What are you crazy" said Lizzie as she was sitting next to Hope on the bench near the ice cream shop.

"Yeah, I want something permanent for our relationship" said Hope as both of them went to the tattoo shop and bribed one of the senior vampires to compel the tattoo artist to put ILY tattoo on both of them. So Hope took the i and the upward line of l and Lizzie took the down line of l and y. Hope got it on her right and Lizzie on her left so if they would stand together it would look a full ILY

End Of Flashback

Like this another day in the Salvatore school was over, rather a pretty eventful day than the usual.

So this was a longer chapter than usual and also now doe sit make sense? and I completely loved the tattoo idea and trust me this tattoo will uncover a lot in the future. Also hwo did you like that Josie and Lizzie made up!??! I think this whole chapter was a handful of emotions and I personally liked the structure all though now that I have written it not so much but still I like it. Also can we talk about the Delena stuff please? Also who should i bring next?

Also thank you so much for rank 44 in to out of 13.2k that is so amazing. 

Please comment your opinions, vote, follow me for updates, notifications or announcements and please add this to your reading lists. I really appreciate any of you doing any of this. Love yall.


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