BNH: Angel with red eyes

De Jasmine_The_Fox

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When class 1-A get's a new classmate (after Minoru caused too many girls to complain about him) the class dis... Mais

His scent
The lying alpha
Shopping trip!
Playing... why?
Some good friends
Omega nest
Heat and claimed
News to tell
Almost there
Meetings and surprises
From prime alpha to alpha
There move
Her students
No more lies about our pack alpha
Enough is enough Lila!!
Gone too far
The time has come
Time to face the music
Adrien's madness
Happy time is over
Wrath of the blogger
To dust
Last try
How they met
Taking her home
Don't mess with the pack omega
To pity or not to pity
Home again
Going further
Never goodbye
Off hinged!
Getting back to normal
Going home

What is happening!?

30 0 0
De Jasmine_The_Fox

Alya couldn't believe this! How was it possible for Jasmine to be here!? Not only that but she was Katsuki's mate!?! All this time she was in Japan living her life and getting away with everything she did to them and Lila! She wanted to speak about all of this but then she noticed Chloe, Zoe, Sabrina, Marinette, Nino, Kagami, Luka, Marc, Max and Juleka went straight for Jasmine with there parent's happy to see her like this, Alya looked over to Lila pissed off at the moment... But she knew that it was because she was being called out on being Katsuki's mate... She was even more pissed that Jasmine was cuddling the alpha in front of them right now.

There was just no respect for them or the pain Lila is going through right now, Jasmine didn't even seem to care what Lila was upset with her, she quickly moved to her friends side with Rose quickly joining as they promise Lila that Jasmine isn't going to be getting away with this at all, they claimed that they would reveal her for the bully and liar she really is and make UA hate her and force her to leave after everything she did to them... But mostly Lila, the Italian was hiccuping as she thanked the two girls for being on her side right now and still believing her... Not noticing the grin she had on her face at how easily it was to manipulate them to her side.

Adrien couldn't believe this... All this time... His sweet omega was in Japan... Hiding away in a class filled with trashy students... She must have been so scared right? There's no way that she wanted to be with them or mate with Katsuki yeah? It's obvious really... Right now Jasmine is being forced to act like she's happy here in Japan when really she would want nothing more then to go back to Paris and be with him, he only wanted to be at her side and hold her close... But his parents' were keeping him in place at there side, he couldn't believe that they wouldn't allow him to be with his lovely omega right now even though they needed to be together right now... It just didn't make any sense to him.

Katsuki was happy to see the last of his pack in Japan, he had hated being apart from them but now his inner alpha was happy, his mate was also very happy to see her friends again and she looked excited to be with them once more, he so badly wanted to scent his pack, but now wasn't the time... For now allowing them time to settle into there rooms in the dorms of UA was more important, it could wait until later, he looked up to notice Adrien glaring towards him... Of course it was because of Jasmine, but Katsuki knew full well that there was no way that he would allow Adrien to have his mate at any point in time.

There teacher then explained that the students and adults would be split, one part of the student's will be in class 1-A dorm, the others will be in the 1-B dorm while the adults will be with the teachers, of course the students who follow Lila weren't all that happy with the set up but there was simply nothing that they could do about it, so with that Lila, her followers and Adrien were set up in class 1-B dorm while the back was together, the back decided to help the french part of the pack to settle into there rooms before relaxing in the pack nest together, for a while it was great, Eri was showing them things she learned, Jasmine brought out the pups with Katsuki and they talked a bunch about all kinds of thing.

But then... Lila decided to act out a bit...

For some dumb reason she decided to claim that Jasmine had gone to see her and harassed her... Yet Jasmine was around her friends and not once did she leave there sight, either way, Lila was given a warning about lying making her be glared at by class 1-B teachers and the adults who came to Japan with them, so far in the short amount of time that the class arrived... Rumors were already spreading about a lying Italian girl and class 1-A now being a huge pack, they hadn't even been in Japan for long enough to meet anyone in the school and already this happened all because Lila decided to lie.

Even so, her followers still believed her claims and so didn't want anything to do with Jasmine... Except for Adrien that is, he knew Lila was a liar but instead of trying to help Mari and Jasmine... He focused on scenting Jasmine so they all knew that she belongs to him, but now she was claimed and he had to fix this as soon as possible, the day continued with the students of class 1-A leaving the dorm with the pups to get to there classes, Katsuki held the twins Katsumi and Kazuto in his arms with ease as they slept soundly while Jasmine had Lucas in her arms who was babbling softly, they talked about training as they placed the pups in the playpen that Nezu bought to have in the classroom.

The pups had a few baby toys to play with that Momo created with her quirk for them, a while after they had all settled, the french students came in to settle around the classroom... Chloe quickly moved to the back and cooed at the pups who were playing "Do you think I can join them Jasmine? I'll listen to the lesson of course" she said making Jasmine smile and nod "Of course! Your there aunt and I want you to bond with them" she explained making Chloe smile and went into the playpen and got her notes ready for the class which Adrien glared as he didn't like those pups at all, Lila was shocked at the sight of them as she didn't think Jasmine would have any kids at some point in life.

Even so... Lila was happy because she was going to win against the omega, Eraserhead walked into the classroom and explained to everyone that today will be sparring day "A student from the french class will be against someone in my class... So go all out" he explained while smirking towards Lila which confused her greatly but she simply ignored it and followed everyone to the girls locker room to get changed... Only to not find Jasmine there "Is Jasmine skipping today?" she asked sweetly only for Mina to glare "She's taking the pups back to the dorms for the spar since there too small at the moment" she explained as at that moment Jasmine walked in to get changed and left quickly.

Lila watched as all the girls then moved to join Jasmine outside as Lila wondered what to do, there was a high chance that she would need to fight... And since she doesn't in fact have a quirk and is actually an alpha... There's a high chance that she would be found out if she doesn't get out of the possible fight she would be told to take part of, once done changing she left the locker room and moved to join her followers who were waiting to be told the rules for the battles and how Toshinori will be the one who will choose who will fight who, Lila watched as her classmates began to fight against someone from UA... And slowly it was leading to "Lila versus Jasmine" her turn has come and she refused to fight "Actually sir, my wrist is hurting and my tinnitus is acting up" she explained in the hopes she would get out of the battle.

Toshinori walked over with a fake smile "Do you have a doctors note then? Nezu never got an email about your condition" he explained making her go pale, she never wrote a fake note before and now she didn't have time to make one "I... Well... You see" she began to say "No doctor's note? Then please come join to fight Jasmine" he requested making Lila slowly stand and get ready to be caught... She was a quickless alpha and Jasmine was an omega with a ninetails quirk which will result in an easy victory for Jasmine that will reveal Lila for who she is in the end making her panic.

She got into place as her followers cheered her on in defeating the quirkless liar named Jasmine, Toshinori signalled for them to begin the fight and Lila ran towards Jasmine to attack... Only for her to punch air and Jasmine appears where Lila stood, Lila's followers and Adrien were so confused on what had just happened before there very eyes, as then Katsuki and his pack cheered Jasmine on, she smiled as she then revealed her fox ears and nine tails which resulted in Lila going pale "You claimed I was quirkless Lila... But your the one without a quirk" Jasmine growled as she then summoned spheres of air and fireballs to attack.

Lila gasped and began to run in order to try and get out of the whole thing and also try to save herself, but then Jasmine created clones of herself to surround Lila as they each began to use a different element, Lila screamed and curled into a ball on the ground... While everyone looked confused as to why Lila just curled up a little after the battle began... Did Jasmine do something to her? The omega smirked and walked over to the liar and gently took hold of the wrist that had the bracelet that changed her scent from alpha to omega "You thought you could lie your way out of anything... But now your done" she said as then placed her claws on the bracelet and sliced through it.

Lila then snapped out of what Jasmine put her through, she was so confused on what just happened as she then noticed her bracelet... And her alpha scent was out, she didn't know what to say or do... Jasmine had revealed the lies Lila created of herself... A quirkless alpha, she couldn't believe it... Jasmine revealed her with this battle "You... You tricked me! You manipulated your new school and lied about me and everyone so they could pity you!" Lila shouted but then she turned when her mother began to rush over "You lied about your second gender and claimed you had a quirk!? How could you do something so illegal!?" her mother demanded as Lila's eyes widen as she was revealed by her own mother.

She was now known for being a liar... She turned to her followers and saw with shock that they were upset or mad at the fact that she lied to them about herself... And maybe about all of her connections, she turned to Jasmine and was about to shout a command when she was pinned by none other then Katsuki who was growling at her attempt "You can try to use an alpha command on me... But no one in my pack will let you try to do so" Jasmine explained as she then gently touched her alpha who then got up and followed her to there pack as Toshinori walked over to the mother and daughter "Principal Nezu would like to see you both for the lies your daughter has claimed on Jasmine... And the many charges Lila will now be facing" he explained as Lila saw her mom nod and then grabbed her so they could get into the school... While Lila was confused on what just happened.

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