Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

3.7K 44 25

Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri have gone their separate ways since their previous adventure on Carlac. She has g... More

Chapter 1: Old Friends
Chapter 2: A Cry For Help
Chapter 3: Homesick
Chapter 4: Privilege
Chapter 5: Decisions
Chapter 6: Arrival
Chapter 7: Jealousy
Chapter 8: Backfire
Chapter 9: Switching
Chapter 10: In-Fighting
Chapter 11: Jewellery
Chapter 12: Ideals
Chapter 13: Celebrations
Chapter 14: Fly Over
Chapter 16: For Onderon
Chapter 17: Grieving Doubts
Chapter 18: Boredom
Chapter 19: Quarters
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Questions, no Answers
Chapter 22: Sibling Trauma
Chapter 23: Remembrance
Chapter 24: A Gift
Chapter 25: Friendship
Chapter 26: Morning After
Chapter 27: Attack
Chapter 28: Crime Investigation
Chapter 29: Witnesses
Chapter 30: Letta Turmond
Chapter 31: Guilty or Innocent?
Chapter 32: On the Run
Chapter 33: Expelled
Chapter 34: Trial and Error
Chapter 35: I'm Sorry Master But I'm Not Coming Back

Chapter 15: The Rupling Queen

102 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Yippee! Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic has reached over 200 reads! Thank you to all my lovely and loyal readers who have helped us to reach this checkpoint! This may seem like a long time for just the second reader update however that might be due to the fact that I've updated a lot of chapters in a short time. However, that is irrelevant. Now, on with the story!

Ahsoka woke up in a daze and with a large headache. Trying to recall what her last memories were, she realised that her location was a small, dark shed and she was lying on a dark green threadbare sofa. Swinging her legs over the sofa and taking in more of her surroundings, Ahsoka felt her stomach was still a bit woozy yet it was bearable. "Lux? Are you here?" Ahsoka looked around for her friend yet couldn't immediately see him.

Wood creaked beneath the floor as Lux came around the corner. "Hey 'Soka, nice to see you're up now. How are you?" Lux sat down next to her and stroked her lekku. He handed her a small protein bar and a jogan fruit for breakfast. "Sorry I forgot to tell you about the side effects, still, you're not hurt. That's good. Plus you slept, I am pleased about that." Ahsoka laughed at his care for her and looked out the window where the Ruplings were much more tamed and playful than before.

"It's okay, are the Ruplings okay? They seem better than before." Ahsoka took a bite out of the fruit. "This is good. Where did you get it?" Lux held his hand out and Ahsoka gave him a segment to try.

Lux tried it with a smile. "You're right, these are good. I bought them at the market after I bought you that diamond." He looked out over to where a pair of child Ruplings were chasing each other. "I think that this is their nest, which means that you and I are two of very few people whom the Ruplings trust. It's a great honour. I think that their Queen has been calling them, they've been delivering materials and food all day." Ahsoka looked out to where a group were flying off while another group returned with sticks, bugs and leaves.

Standing up, she walked towards the door and started to open it before it was pushed open and Ahsoka was pushed back by a baby Rupling. "Hey! Hey! Careful!" Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh as the young creature started to kick her face and gently claw at her.

Lux was laughing as well as he sunk down next to her and started to stroke the little one's head. "Hey Buddy, what's your name?" The Rupling turned to Lux and started to caw. "Sorry, I don't speak Rupling. 'Soka, do you know what he is saying?"

Ahsoka looked thoughtful for a moment before closing her eyes and reaching out through the Force, communicating with the baby. "Scar. He's Mother is the Queen. She's very sick. They sent out a distress call to bring all of the Ruplings back to try and save her. He himself is hungry." Ahsoka opened her eyes to be greeted with the wide, blinking, amber ones of Scar. "Poor little guy, he needs our help Lux." She turned to him as though he could do something and was pleased when he began to pull a pellet out of his pocket.

"This is a pellet we feed the bigger ones, if we cut it up or squish it then he may be able to digest it." Lux placed the pellet in his palm as Ahsoka lay her hand on top of his and then they squished it. "Here you go Buddy, a nice little snack." Scar looked overjoyed at the new food and began to eagerly eat it out of Lux's hand while Ahsoka looked back out to where the Ruplings looked utterly forlorn.

"Lux we have to help them." Ahsoka decided, standing back up and making her way out.

She turned back when she heard a cough and was greeted with two pairs of grey and amber eyes blinking back at her. "You want to save the Rupling Queen? Scar's Mother?" Lux checked.

Ahsoka nodded, impatient. "Yes, now come on!"

Lux stood up while keeping Scar balanced. "How do you propose we do that? We've done a lot of things Ahsoka: Discovered an ancient prophecy, communicated through Gods, taken down a terrorist base, defeated Dooku- in a sense and many other accomplishments. Never have we tried to save a creature's life." He reminded her gently as Scar made himself very comfortable around Lux's neck.

Ahsoka knew he was right but it went against her Jedi principles and general morales to walk away when there might be a chance they could save these people a whole lot of grief. "There's a first time for everything." She reminded him and walked out into the middle of the herd.

The Ruplings looked at their new companion curiously and took care to block the entrance to their Queen. Lux came up behind her. "Okay, but how do you plan to communicate with them? We have no translator or a common language." Ahsoka knew he was just being practical and realistic but right now she found his attitude patronising, unhelpful and annoying.

"The same way I spoke to Scar, through the Force." Ahsoka muttered as she reached her hands out to the Rupling that brought them here and began to gently probe at their mind through the Force. The creature cawed bit it wasn't in anger or pain which was good.

Ahsoka stepped back a bit and let the Rupling call out to his friends and gesture all around them. The other Ruplings seemed to understand what he was saying and began to bow in Ahsoka's direction. "What did you tell them?" Lux whispered, balancing Scar across his arm.

Ahsoka smiled. "I told them that you were helping to free their planet and give Ruplings back the safety and freedom they once had. I also stated that their Prince Scar trusts us to help. Plus, I said that I could use my powers to help heal their Queen." She bowed towards a group of them as they parted to let them go to see the Rupling Queen.

Lux followed quicky behind, a frown on his face. "'Soka I don't doubt your powers however are you sure that you can heal her? If you can't then I'm not holding out hope that you and I will survive. Plus, I'm not sure if I'll be able to give Ruplings back all the territory they had before." He passed Scar onto Ahsoka as he crawled from his palm to the back of her neck.

Ahsoka turned around as though to reply but she never got the chance to as at that moment the trio walked into a clearing where the Rupling Queen lay. She was huge with gold, orange, yellow and peach scales that adorned her body. Her wingspan stretched the length of the clearing and her tail was long and had ivory spikes running along it. Her eyes were just as amber as Scar's were but they held a wisdom that his young ones did not. Despite how majestic and beautiful the creature looked, both Lux and Ahsoka could see that she was ill. Along with wisdom in her eyes they were also dimmer than they should be and she appeared so tired and drained. Ahsoka felt her confidence waver at how sick she appeared to be.

This had the opposite effect on Lux as his confidence in her powers seemed to soar. "You've got this." He whispered before walking over to a small pond where he and Scar continued to bond.

Ahsoka took a deep breath and walked up to the Queen and looked her in the eyes. Raising her hands, Ahsoka felt the sickness flow through the scales as she let the Force flow from her to the Queen. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to save you. Just let me in." Ahsoka told the Rupling before a warmth spread over her. Her powers began to easily flow to the Queen and a bright light began to engulf them both. She floated off the ground as the Queen's health returned, her powers spreading faster and faster. The Daughter had awoken inside Ahsoka and she was helping to revive this beloved Queen. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help. Your people need you. You will be okay." These were the messages Ahsoka repeatedly told the Queen as her eyes snapped open and powers exploded.

"Well done Ahsoka." The Daughter whispered to her as a white light settled over the clearing while Lux and the Ruplings either covered their eyes or turned away.

When they looked back, the Queen was flying high with Ahsoka on her back. They then swooped down and collected Lux and Scar before flying back over the trees towards Iziz.


Obi-wan, Anakin and Rex had been trekking for hours through the jungle when suddenly the trees started to shake and the wind picked up. Looking up, the three men were greeted with the large shadow and underbelly of the Rupling Queen, Queen Ashla. "I think we've found Ahsoka." Obi-wan suggested as the others nodded, sighing as they started to turn back.

I hope you enjoyed this rather long chapter in a daily streak. I will probably update tomorrow as well so aren't you lucky. Until then, adiós.

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