Be Encouraged for Christian t...

By mellissea

23.5K 1.9K 336

I just want to take the time out to let you Christians out there know that you can make it. There is no pain... More

A friend in need is a friend in deed
Merciful is he
Perfect Love
Make your light shine
Christ calling the Sinners
An effective Christian
Putting Christ first
Let your joy be full
The plan of God hindered
Pressing your way through
Building your faith
Rejoice in your trials
Having guilt
Always have a praise
The tongue
Seeking Christ first
Being peaceful
Remembering to pray
Letting God choose
Be Holy
Take up your cross
You are not alone
Miracle Worker
Burden bearer
Mood swings
Trust him
Giving up is not an option
Give thanks
Be yourself
You are who God says you are
Be faithful
Whole armour of God
Promises and Secrets
Favoured by God
The Severity of the Cross
Power in the name of Jesus
Girls Talk
Help Somebody Stand
Self Confidence
Never stop searching
God is able to fulfil his promises
Always do good
The battle is not yours
Speak to yourself
Light Attracts
Remember his Goodness
Encouraging one another
He is your provider
Make time for God
The body of Christ
You are Blessed
Words are Powerful
My Inspiration
Running the Race
Don't worry
Nobody is There
My Appreciation
Genuine Love
A Little Testimony
Trying to Fit In

Separate yourself from among them

251 23 5
By mellissea

How are you?

The word of God says to separate yourself from among them.Why? Because he knows that the same people of the world that we encounter with each day, will pull us back into sin again. We should now walk in the light that the glory of God may shine through us,upon us, and show to the world that we are for Christ Jesus. Yes they may be the only friends you have and you have come a long way with them; but if you are willing to give them up God is willing to send people un your lives that will help you build your faith. If we allow them to pull us back into the world and into darkness what light will begin to shine through us? Not the light if Christ but that light will become darkness. So those company of people you associate with at school , around you, be careful that they don't influence you, but you influence them. No I'm not saying that you cannot be friends with non-Christians but be sure that you don't allow them to cause you to withdraw from God.
1 Corinthians 10:12- Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall

Be blessed.

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