~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]...

By chumpaghetti_457

65.6K 1.5K 419

So I don't really see tommyinnit agere oneshots, so here we are making it. This book is strictly SFW. Age re... More

•Request Page!•
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but I like it Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Phil• (I'm sorry papa)
•Little!Tommy CG!Wilbur• (Babysitting)
•CG!Niki Little!Tommy• (Baking with the Little)
•CG!Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Feeling extra little)
•Little!Tommy and Tubbo CG!Phil and Wilbur• (Little's Day Out)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Quackity• (I- I'm a little)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but i like it Part 2)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 1)
•Little!Tommy Big Brother!Tubbo CG!Techno, Phil, Niki• (Beach Day)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 2)
•CG!Wilbur Little!Tommy• (Pretty Picture)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (Pretty Hair)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 2)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 1)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen)
~Author's Note~ (Please read)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 1)
•CG!Tubbo, Ranboo, New Character Little!Tommy, New Character• (Hide and Seek!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 2)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen: Sequel-Such A Small Boy!)
•CG!Phil, Ranboo, Tina, Kevin Little!Tommy• (Babysitters)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)
•CG!Quackity Little!Tommy• (Sing me a song pwease)
•Little!Tommy CG!Techno, Phil, Wilbur• (What are you wearing?!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 3)
•Little!Tommy CG!Drista (Aww he's a little?)
•CG!Wilbur, Niki Little!Tommy (Helping Hand)
~Author's Note~ (New Book!)
•CG!Quackity, Tubbo Little!Karl, Tommy• (Stargazing)
•Little!Tommy CG!Puffy• (Fuzzy Feeling)
•Christmas Special! Part 1•
•Christmas Special! Part 2•
•CG!Sbi Little!Tommy•(Sick little one)
•Little!Tommy CG!Jack, Niki• (Jack what did you do?!)
I'm Back From A Really Long Break....
This Isn't A Chapter but pls read...
•Little! Tommy CG! SBI• (Is This Yours?)

•Little!Tommy CG!Sam• (Meanies)

1K 33 4
By chumpaghetti_457

Tommy and Sam streamed together all day laughing and playing minecraft. Ever since Wilbur told him about Tommy's situation when he accidentally regressed in call once. He visited him because wanted to meet his littleside and and also his other friends like Tubbo or Phil living in the UK. Although Wilbur warned him about being fussy and hard-headed sometimes. If ever he is in a situation like that, he has to reassure and comfort Tommy to also bring his mind to peace

(Warning: Slight swearing you can skip if you want)

"Dude! A skeleton!"

"Oh shit! Tommy save me!

"Bahaha fuck off mate, you can die!"

"Holy fuck I died"

They both laughed and screamed in the stream for about an hour now. It was getting a little tiring for Tommy but he still hold on just for his fans and the stream. He then decided to distract himself by reading the messages

"So me and Sam will be reading some of yall's messages"

"Ooh thank you for the prime"

Sam said reading from the side

"I love watching your videos, i'm a big fan! Thank you so much that's really nice of you!"

"This stream is so lively, minus the screaming haha! Why thank you, well you know it's kinda our thing"

He kept reading the nice and jokingly insulting comments, suddenly people started putting mean and jokes that are directly to him. He was overwhelmed that his littleside started taking over. His bigself might have handled the situation better but because he was tired, he felt trampled and crushed by the comments thrown at him

"Hey Tommy! Kill that zombie dude!"

"Oh me?"

"Who else am I talking to? Of course you bitch"

"O-oh yeah sure, die zombie!"

Sam noticed Tommy's aura change and he became more gloomy than earlier

"Hey you ok?"

He said whispering

"Yeah of course! Sorry I just got caught off guard"

Sam looked at the other screen and saw most comments were being mean and directed to Tommy. He felt bad that the boy couldn't handle the mean people at him

"We should end the stream now"

"No why? It's fine"

"You don't look too good"

"Nuu Sam I said I gud"

Tommy said with slurring not even noticing it. The stream was still on so some people probably heard it

"Hey sorry everyone, don't worry Tommy is just tired. Were gonna be ending the stream. Thank you!"

Sam then clicked the button to end it and let out a huge sigh. The boy didn't like it at all, he didn't want the haters to think he gave up like that. He wanted to continue streaming and not listening to them. But he was also getting fussier it was obvious he needed someone to take care of him and a nap time

"No! Sammyyy whyy, pweasee put the stweam back on!"

Said the boy while nudging Sam's arms and wiggling around

"Tommy no, we have to end. And you also need some rest"

"No no Tommy don' need rest am big boyyy, no no nooo Sam ish badd!"

Sam is shocked how the boy acted, he didn't want to scold him because he understood that Tommy was tired and he needed to rest

"Bubs you have to relax first, shh it's ok calm down"

He said while hugging the boy and reassuring him everything is gonna be fine

"Don't worry those bad people telling you all those mean stuff will not harm you"

Then Tommy just started crying and sniffling at Sam's arms. He knows he was wrong, he can't fight back, he can't be big and tough all the time. Sam just continued rubbing his back, cooing at him and humming a song to calm him down

He felt even more sleepier by the minute and started closing his eyes, Sam picked him up and rocked him a bit and slowly put him in his bed. He whined and opened his eyes a but finding something

"Mmm sammy, where is henwy? And my pacii?"

The boy asked while moving around and squirming. Without missing a beat, he started finding the comfort items the young boy needed. Sam found Henry under the seat and his paci on top of a cup. He then sat near the boy and gave it to him

"Here sunflower, here's henry and your paci~"

Sam said in a sing-song voice while gladly giving to the boy. Tommy let out happy noises and grabbed them from him. He sucked on it and hugged his little stuffy tightly. Sam held his urge to squish the young boy taking a nap

I'm gonna leave him for a while, we can talk again when he wakes up and not regressed

He thought to himself while sitting in the side and pulling out his phone

A/N: Ok- this was messy and chaotic but its sort of a message to all of yall too :) So im just gonna make a small message to my readers
Whoever you are I hope you're doing great and whatever is hindering you don't! Keep on going bestiee! Take care of yourself~ as you should~
thanks for reading, bye lovelies!

Word Count: 803

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