~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]...

By chumpaghetti_457

65.6K 1.5K 419

So I don't really see tommyinnit agere oneshots, so here we are making it. This book is strictly SFW. Age re... More

•Request Page!•
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but I like it Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Phil• (I'm sorry papa)
•Little!Tommy CG!Wilbur• (Babysitting)
•CG!Niki Little!Tommy• (Baking with the Little)
•CG!Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Feeling extra little)
•Little!Tommy and Tubbo CG!Phil and Wilbur• (Little's Day Out)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Quackity• (I- I'm a little)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but i like it Part 2)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 1)
•Little!Tommy Big Brother!Tubbo CG!Techno, Phil, Niki• (Beach Day)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 2)
•CG!Wilbur Little!Tommy• (Pretty Picture)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (Pretty Hair)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 2)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 1)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen)
~Author's Note~ (Please read)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 1)
•CG!Tubbo, Ranboo, New Character Little!Tommy, New Character• (Hide and Seek!)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen: Sequel-Such A Small Boy!)
•CG!Phil, Ranboo, Tina, Kevin Little!Tommy• (Babysitters)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Sam• (Meanies)
•CG!Quackity Little!Tommy• (Sing me a song pwease)
•Little!Tommy CG!Techno, Phil, Wilbur• (What are you wearing?!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 3)
•Little!Tommy CG!Drista (Aww he's a little?)
•CG!Wilbur, Niki Little!Tommy (Helping Hand)
~Author's Note~ (New Book!)
•CG!Quackity, Tubbo Little!Karl, Tommy• (Stargazing)
•Little!Tommy CG!Puffy• (Fuzzy Feeling)
•Christmas Special! Part 1•
•Christmas Special! Part 2•
•CG!Sbi Little!Tommy•(Sick little one)
•Little!Tommy CG!Jack, Niki• (Jack what did you do?!)
I'm Back From A Really Long Break....
This Isn't A Chapter but pls read...
•Little! Tommy CG! SBI• (Is This Yours?)

•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 2)

961 25 0
By chumpaghetti_457

Both of them are now arguing who should go in the back and who should go in the front. When both of them saw what the two littles were doing they just looked at eachother in a disappointing look

"Should I just?"

"Yeah go on Wil"

He nodded and broke off the fight of both of the littles

"Hey! You know what, Tommy and George. You both sit in the back seat, while Sapnap goes in the front"

He said in a stern tone which made both of the shiver and hurriedly went to the back seat. Wil and Sapnap hopped in and he started the car and drove off to the nearest Mcdonalds

Wil parked the car and they all got off, George started skipping and hopping off. Tommy saw and wanted to follow him too, so he skipped off and while following George's lead. Sapnap saw what they are both doing and he tapped Wilbur

"Psst hey, look how adorable Tommy looks trying to follow George"

Wilbur looked and chuckled at how silly he was. They locked the car and headed to the entrance where both of the littles are waiting

"Wilby! Was taking you soo longg!"

Tommy said in a hurry

"Yes yes we can go in now come on"

They all sat down while Sapnap tool their orders

"So what do two little boys want to order?"

Tommy and George thought about it for a minute before deciding what to get

"Can I gets happy meal pwease?"

"Me too pwease?"

They both said while looking at Sapnap, he chuckled and nodded at them

"What about you Wil?"

"I'll have a cheeseburger with large fries"

He said with a smile and Sapnap nodded at him. He then went to the counter to get their order. Meanwhile, the two littles are babbling and playing with eachother on the table

Suddenly, Tommy hit George by accident on the eye which made him shrieked in pain. Wilbur who just got back from the bathroom heard the commotion. People were staring while George just cried louder

"Hey shh, it's ok don't cry. What's wrong gogs?"

"To-Tommy hit my eye!"

"Oh no, shh hey it's ok im here. Come on look the food is almost here! And a toy! Now please stop crying for me"

George slowly settled down and sniffling, Wilbur got some tissue and made him blow his nose and wiped his tears. He turned to Tommy who was just sitting down picking his nose

"Toms, what are you gonna say to George?"

The boy looked over and saw George really upset and felt guilty of what happened earlier

"I-I'm sowwy gogy, Tommy didn't mean to hit you in the eye"

He said while hugging his bestfriend. It made him feel better and started giggling at Tommy, the boy giggled too and went on playing and babbling again. Wilbur let out a sigh and a huge relief nothing too serious happened

Few minutes later, Sapnap was carrying their orders back at the table and saw two of them playing, whioe George's eyes were watery

"Here's your orders my little princes, one for Tommy and one for George"

He said happily and giving them each their happy meal. He sat down too and gave Wilbur his order

"And one for my bestfriend"


Wilbur said with a smile happily taking his order too

"Also if you don't mind me asking, what happened to gogy? Why does he look like he cried for ten days straight?"

"Oh such a long story, i'll tell you later. First we have to eat"

"You're right"

Sapnap said with a chuckle

They all ate their food until their tummys were filled

"Sapnap where awe we going after we eats?"

Asked Tommy innocently

"Well why don't we go home and rest first, then we can go to the movies. How does that sound?"

Both littles said yes aloud and clapped their hands. Wilbur and Sapnap laughed at how cute they look and continued munching. Even though they had a little accident, they still had fun and excited to watch the movies later

A/N: So im gonna make a part 3 on this one since it felt uncomplete, but yeah. Bye lovelies!

Word Count:695

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