The Mallapers Are Rising: A R...

By CamillaBarceilla

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Part Two to The Mallapers Series Leyla is considered a traitor to the Royal Family. She had betrayed the most... More

The Mallapers Are Rising
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Psst... Announcement One
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Psst... Announcement Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Psst... Announcement Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Pss...Announcement Part Three
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Psst... Announcement Four
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Psst...Announcement Part Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Psst... Announcement Part Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Psst...Announcement Part Six

Chapter Thirty Three

1.2K 76 20
By CamillaBarceilla

Alpha Rita's Point Of View

"Kick harder Leyla." I shout. 

Leyla's leg pushes high and kicks the punching bag which is hanging from the tree. The tree is one that is sturdy and should be able to support the force of which Leyla is kicking. The branches sway but the roots are strong enough to with hold the pressure. 

"Now punch." I command. 

Leyla starts to do rapid punches, swift and quick. Her aim is on point, she has a mean right hook. She is strategic in her movements, she is one with the flow of her jabs. The more I watch, the more determination I see in her actions. She reminds me of myself when I was first starting out. The only difference is she is stronger, she is more flexible. 

The more I watch, the more hope I have that she will be able to win the upcoming war. I sense a change in the tide. I think that was the reason for Hera's visit. She wanted to cause a rift between us, she wanted our bonds to weaken. The only thing has done is allow the truth to come out. In a way I am glad she told her because I would have no idea how to approach the subject. 

Hera. Every time I think about her, I truly think of the mess she has created. She nearly cost me my daughter. When Leyla succumbed to her words, she went to a place which is very dangerous to return from. Only the strongest of wolves who have been able to pull away from the darkness. I remember my time in there, it's a place created from our worst fears. Although Leyla was able to be savaged from their with the aid of my spirit wolf, it worries me that the darkness has touched her soul. 

Hera was smart in her movements, for us humans were like a game of chess for her. She wanted revenge against Selene and the way to her was through the children she had created. Selene had visited me on many occasions, often supporting through times when I needed hope. The only problem is that I know I am missing part of the story between them both. Selene has given me snippets of their history, but not enough to understand what Hera is aiming to achieve. I know that Hera is responsible for the founders of The Order. She is the start of all this mess. A part me is worried for Leyla because despite being the future ruler of werewolves, she is also the Goddess' warrior. That in itself is a title to be worried about. 

Leyla is alternating from high kicks to low kicks, then she mixes her movements with quick and swift movements. She is talented and she is a fighter. I watch Alex who is on the other side of Leyla. He is nothing but smiling at her with pride. We both are experiencing the same emotions at this, both us feel awe and pride in her performance. Alex has definitely helped with her fighting technique and I hate to admit it but he still has the moves and strength of a King. 

I never doubted his leadership, I just doubt his ability as a mate. Will he able to watch Lamia die at my hands when the time comes? I know Carson has reason to believe that Leyla will be the one to kill his mate, but truth be told no one is taking that away from me. Not even my daughter. I have a score to settle with that witch and I will not have anyone stand in the way of my revenge. She destroyed countless lives with her selfishness for power.

Leyla's power is also started to surface, I can feel it linger. My concern is how she is going to tap into this safely. When she flung me across the room a part of me wanted to throttle my daughter for her actions, the other part of me was proud of the strength she has. I don't know whether Leyla is aware but I know my wolf is communicating with hers. My wolf has advised me that Amira has accepted the familial bond with both of her parent's wolf, it is Leyla who is apprehensive. 

I can't really blame her though can I? I mean everyone she has loved has let her down in some way. Whether it was their fault or not. Her parents were robbed of her childhood, her mate has chosen someone else over her, Nona was murdered because she saved Leyla. Of course she's going to have trust issues. 

I understand how she feels because I feel it too every time I look at Alexander. The bond is strengthening day by day. I feel my wolf cry for her mate, cry for the mark she has been deprived of. She wants nothing than to jump his bones and forget the past. The problem is, I don't trust him. The problem that I am facing is that I can feel everything that Alexander feels. I see how he has lived his life since my execution and what I see is a wolf who was manipulated and tricked. My wolf has shared that he was in a lust-filled haze that was directed at Lamia. It was clear that whatever poison we had discovered in The Order's labs was used against him. 

So what does that make him? Do I blame him for something he could not help? Is he the victim in this as well? Can I truly move on and be happy with him? These questions continuously race through my mind. Even if I asked these questions to Alexander would he be able to answer them. I shake my head and focus on Leyla. 

"Your doing great Leyla. I think we need to try doing some practice with an actual opponent." Alexander suggests. 

Leyla is hunched over with her hands leaning on her knees gasping for air after the hard workout she has just had. I have no qualms with Leyla getting some fighting experience. I think she has exhausted the practice on the punching bag and she needs to make sure she is alert during the battle. 

"I agree. Alex you ready to fight your daughter?" I smirk. I am certainly not going to hit my child. I can't bare to be the one to knock her about. I want her skin unblemished, I want her safe. I knew I would be unable to give her an honest fight. I transfer my thoughts to Alex through the bond so he understands how I feel, hoping he'll take one for the team. 

He grits his teeth but as soon as he receives my message he gives me a tight nod. I know he doesn't want to do it either but I am using the fact that he has a lot of making up to do. This is step one for me. I want to see what she is capable of. 

"Let's get to it." Leyla huffs out. "Wolf or Human form?" She asks. 

"We hard in human and then Lil' will shout for us to change once we've picked up the pace." He replies. 

"You won't go easy on me. I need you to give it everything you got. I need to be ready." She says with a nod of the head. 

"Very well." He grits out. I start to squirm thinking that Leyla might be in danger. Alex's wolf is powerful, he is the King of all werewolves. Hoping she will be able to hold up her own against him. 

Both of them get into their fighting stance, it's the first time I can see their similarities. Although Leyla looks like me, everything about her presence reminds me of Alex. Her fighting style is very similar. I am hoping that she will be able to adapt and tap in to her powers during this fight. 

"On the count of three you will begin. One. Two. Three." I shout. 

Neither Alex or Leyla move, both are standing tall with there knees bent. Both assessing the other weaknesses. Leyla is still fit and young, she does not appear to have Achilles physically, but if Alex goads her enough, it may cause her to become more rash and less logically. Leyla is looking at Alex and I see her eyes go to the wrist which he cut and his right knee. I know she can sense a physical weakness. 

Alex and Leyla both refuse to move. I'm starting to get impatient, one of them needs to attack or we're going to be here all day. It's then that I see Leyla rush forward, her speed was swift and fast. I see her raise her fist early and aim towards Alex's face. It's then that Alex goes to block the attack, but she changes directions and high kicks his bad wrist. Alex flinches and through the bond I can feel his pain. She was too quick and unpredictable for him to grab her foot. 

It's then that he starts to concisely jab his good hand into her left side by the ribs. He was able to get that move quick as Leyla seemed to get too confident. He goes for a second hit on the other side of her ribs, but she swiftly ducks and grabs his bad wrist and twists it behind his back. I wince in pain as she continues to put pressure on his wrist. 

It's during this fight that I see she has no mercy for him, she is willing to do what she needs to do to win the fight. The determination, the hunger is well lit. She will not back down and she does not want an easy win or fight. Alex tries to loosen her hold but she doesn't. Suddenly, Alex pushes all his weight forward, flinging Leyla over his back. She falls to floor, back first first and she lets our a groan of pain. 

Alex regains his composure and tries to quickly finish the fight by going to put his foot on her back, but Leyla swiftly log rolls away from him. She quickly jumps to her feet and returns to her fighting stance. 

"Nice move old man." Leyla taunts as she wipes her forehead that is dripping with sweat. 

"Thanks, it's seems you've been listening." He compliments. 

It's at this point that I need to allow Leyla's power's to flow to the surface. I close my eyes and pray to Selene that she won't believe my words and she will understand what I am trying to do. "Alex, are you sure she's our daughter, I mean she seems pretty weak." I taunt. 

Alex looks at me as if I grew a second head. A second head that he wants to snap in half. He's angry at what I am saying because he doesn't want to ruin the relationship they have started to build. Unfortunately, we have not got time for niceties. I need him to be ruthless. I hope and pray he understands what I am doing. 

"Hmm maybe they were mistaken. I mean my child, my heir is at the palace. He has a worthy mate. She will bare him beautiful pups when Lamia kills her. Maybe I am on the wrong side." Alex responds. 

It's then that I look at Leyla, her face is contorted with pain. Her golden eyes are now a deep amber colour, they look like they are glowing with vengeance. Her chest is heavy up and down. Her aura is getting stronger by the second. Her fist is clenching at our words. It's then that I decide to step it up a notch. 

"Hmmm do you think Ryan would accept me as his stepmother? I mean you did raise a perfect son. Our daughter seems nothing but a disappointment. Maybe Elisha could call me mother when she mates and marries Ryan?" I respond. 

It's then that the loudest and most feral growl echos through the forest. Leyla's body begins to shake, she screeches out a battle cry and that is when her power is let lose. It was like a forcefield pushing us away. The power surge pushes itself forward against me and Alexander, causing us both to fall back. I see Leyla lift her hand in Alex's direction and it's almost as if she is lifting him in the air. I see her hand curve inwards, it's then that I feel what she is doing. 

She is strangulating Alex, I can feel his breath get stuck in his throat. He can't speak, he can't breath. His face reddens up the second. I look at Leyla and she looks godly, she looks like a phoenix rising through the ashes. It's then that I realise I need to intervene to save the mate that I really don't want. 

"Leyla!" I shout. "We didn't mean what we said, we just needed to get you to tap into your powers." I shout. Leyla continues to ignore me as she focuses on her father. "Leyla, trust me use your power, see what he truly feels, use your mind to see his memories." I scream. 

I am no match for my daughter, she is an entity of her own. I have never met anyone as powerful as her. As my words resonates through her mind. I see her eyes flicker between the hell-fire amber to the golden colour. It's then that I feel her creep into both our minds. It's like a triage of images flash through our brain. Leyla senses what my intentions were, she feels that Alex didn't want to fight her. It's then that she loosens her hold on his throat and he falls to the floor gasping for air. 

I can't help but rush to Alex's side. I still him upright, stroking his pack as he splutters and coughs for air. I lift my gaze and see my daughter look at us in pain. The tears are welling in the corner of her eyes. I sense her fear, her worries that she is a monster. She couldn't control her power, she couldn't control her powers. 

It's then that the tears fall down her cheeks and she whispers "I'm so sorry." She then runs off in the opposite direction. I close my eyes praying that I didn't push her to far.  

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