The Midnight Sun T.K ✅

By peachihun

53.4K 3.2K 337

"Jeon jungkook is the curse that kim taehyung wants" Kalopsia- was the largest magic empire of the era ruled... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10.
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22(M)
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28(M)
New Story🙌

chapter 14

1.5K 116 4
By peachihun

Covered in her own blood, Limping her way. It was a super intense, scary and a dramatic sight.
She groaned.
There were no guards in an eye level distance.
It was all a blur when she saw Jungkook tapping her face,
Taehyung struggling to carry her in his arms.

Jungkook's tears weren't stopping, he was sitting beside jiah, holding her hands tightly yet gently, caressing them occasionally.

Taehyung was talking, outside the chamber, with the royal doctor.

Jiah was still laying unconscious on the bed, almost as if no ounce of light was left, skin pale, lips all dried up, jaw line prominent, and bruise marks covering her whole being.

After seeing her condition, only one possibility was coming to their minds.

She was brutally tortured.

her words before lying limp were.

'B-brother i-i-its here'

The wavering voice broke both the young male's heart.
The always strong jiah in this condition.

If jungkook could transfer Jiah's condition in himself, he would.

But what made it worse was, Taehyung.

Jungkook swear to Aphrodite he has never seen Taehyung so terrified.

Taehyung's face was literal white, he went limp after seeing Jiah's condition.

Jungkook had to shake taehyung up from his trance, he could see taehyung struggling to even pick jiah up because he was panicking so much.

Thankfully the guards were on time.

"Excuse me, knight" a soft voice called out to jungkook.
Harshly wiping the tears he looked back to see a delicate looking girl who was looking down, with a bowl of water in her hand.

" I need to clean up Her Grace"

Nodding a little Jungkook left, the room.

To only see Taehyung walking towards his own office chamber.
Knowing he wasn't in his right state of mind, Jungkook followed him.

"My lord"
He called out only to get ignored, yet he followed.

Taehyung slammed the office chamber room close.

Jungkook tiptoed towards the door, and opened it a little, peaking his head inside to see Taehyung sitting on his chair, facing the window.

Entering himself, he went towards the working desk and called out to Taehyung again.

"My lord" it came out so softly that even jungkook was perplexed.
Maybe a part of him was pitying the emperor, maybe a part of him was scared by the outcome, or maybe  a part of him cared for the emperor.

So, without thinking any further he walked towards Taehyung, stood beside him.

He never did that.
He never thought he would.
Standing at the same place as the emperor.
Without any snarky remarks of him.

He was about to speak something, when a sob which was forced to stop came out.

His eyes went wide, and without thinking further he just hugged him.

He just hugged the emperor.
He just hugged the magic emperor.
He just hugged the person who looked down at him the most.
He just hugged the person who deep inside cared for him and he knew.
He hugged the person who made him feel things.

He never did that.
He never thought he would do that.
Hugging the emperor.
Without any snarky remarks of him.

Taehyung ringed his hands around jungkook's waist, making him sit on his lap, and stuffing his own face in jungkook's neck.

And jungkook did nothing but patted his back.
No words were exchanged.
Just silent gestures.

They were a mess.
A mess of horrid thoughts and beautiful feelings.
Of silent care and loud insecurities.

Taehyung's sob were a stab to jungkook's heart, And he didn't knew until now, he cared about Taehyung so much.

He looked around, seeing no one, still massaging Taehyung's scalp gently to calm him down he said.


Taehyung just hummed in response.

"You love her very much don't you?"

Taehyung hummed again in response but this time nodding his head in jungkook's embrace, making the boy feel all soft.

"Please don't take any reckless decision."

Jungkook could feel Taehyung physically stiffen in his arms.
And he was honestly suprise to not get any rude 'get out' after pointing out the world's greatest sage.
Jungkook knew Taehyung loved his family very much.
He heard it from Jin.

It wasn't easy for Jin and Namjoon.
Their marriage was a mess.
Marrying a man wasn't in any book.
And people then blindingly believing
Whatever they are told so.

But Taehyung went against all the rules and all the regulations, his people, the other kingdom. Even a war was declared with the Caelum kingdom.

Jin was locked away, forbidden to meet Namjoon.

But Taehyung explained people.

He always believed that talking and understanding people could solve any problems.

Taehyung made everything right.
Be it his kingdom's people, friends or family.
He always listened to their slightest problems and tried to fixed them, gave them the right advice, not beating around the bush.
Always truthful.

But no one listened to his own problems, no one gave him advices.

However great, experienced, knowledgeable he is.
He can make mistakes too.
He can have the need to take advice too.
He can be vulnerable too.

Taehyung was trying to hide his feelings especially his blood lust, his anger.

But right now Jungkook could feel an aura of Anxiousness around Taehyung.

And he was scared it would lead him to take some really reckless decision.


He heard Taehyung say and just sounded a little 'huh' out.

"Why do treat me with such care when all I gave you was pain."

Jungkook smiled at that thought.

"I've always known how to mend broken people, my lord."

"Then why don't you mend yourself?
I've seen you crying yourself to sleep"

" My mother says am an exception to myself.

"Stop with your charade please, don't treat me with such care, I'm not entitled to it"

"It's not an charade, my lord" he said "Just truthful care"

It was silence, a peaceful one.

"Was it him?"
Taehyung looked up this time to see jungkook was gazing at the sunset, the golden hue making him look enchanting.

"What are you talking about?"

" The one who attacked Jiah. Was it Levi?"

"It seems so"

" Wasn't he captured?"

To this he looked at Jungkook, his eyes slightly wide.

"It's someone else."

It's confusing but confusing is the new sexy.

I'll update want after I finish this story.
Till then peace✌️.


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