The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

Par YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. Plus

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 13

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Par YamagsuKami

Y/N finalized of preparing himself for school.

He grabbed his backpack keys as well before he headed to the door.

As soon he opened the door he was met with a familiar person just in front of him.

A blond girl with green eyes and timid demeanor was in front of his door.

Seeing his sudden presence the girl jumped in surprise and a little bit of fear.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at the girl's presence outside his door

Without moving his gaze away from the girl he closed the door with lock.

She seemed quite familiar.

"Hey... you're.. Asia if I don't remember wrong. What are you doing at my door?"

A frown dirtied his face. He didn't quite liked people spying on him much less invading his privacy at his comfort zone which was his house. It didn't mattered if she was a friend from Issei.

His sharp gaze made her jump again and yelp out of fear

"Eek! I- I- I am sorry I just-"

She couldn't finish her apology due to another voice

"Hey! Y/N you're scaring her. Dude chill out it's not like she looks like a threat."

Issei came from behind her with a nervous smile.

After seeing his friend presence Y/N ceased on his annoyance and sighed

"Issei why are you here? School has already started."

"Same goes for you! We both are running late and I haven't heard anything of you in about... three days maybe. Is everything fine?"

Hearing his concern Y/N smiled a bit.

"I am okay. Everything is okay. Let's start moving, I don't want to get scolded by a teacher again."

Asia immediately hide behind Issei just like a scared child. Naturally, she was a little frightened of Y/N. She wasn't really used to people besides Rias peerage or Issei. So meeting someone as Y/N wasn't something that she necessarily enjoyed.

"Asia there is no need to be scared. He is my friend. I trust him with my life."

Because of Issei declarations Asia felt a little more safer knowing that he was friend of Issei.

"Um... H-Hi."

She shyly greeted before hiding behind Issei once again

Inwardly, Y/N wondered why she was so scary of him. Perhaps she wasn't used to people.

Y/N smiled kindly to her

"Hey, I am sorry for earlier. I didn't meant to.. well be an asshole. I am Y/N, hope we can get along, Asia."

At his friendly tone of voice Asia felt a little bit more confident and stepped away from Issei's back.

"Yeah.. I hope we can be friends too.."

A timid smile on her face but she felt a little less frightened by Y/N.

"Well, let's go. I am not going to hear the end of my teacher."

As soon he finished that sentence the trio started to walk in direction of school.

Issei being the one to break the ice of silence.

"And well?"

"And well what?"

"What I told you previously, I tried to reach up at you multiple times but you didn't answered. Man, I even came at your house yesterday only to see it empty."

"It was the weekend. I went out on a little vacation myself, you know, have some fun outside of town. I was getting sick of staying on the same place to not add the school. But more importantly, why Asia was in front of my door..?"

The mentioned girl flinched a little at this as Issei chuckled nervously.

"You see... Since I tried to call you a couple of minutes ago. We tried to look inside of your house through the windows."

Y/N eyed at Issei hoping that he hadn't seen Valiana or his two pawns. Seeing them again more specifically Raynare could cause some proble.

"And what did you see?"

"Nothing much. But I have to tell you, you really need to fix up your kitchen. Is a mess, I mean, a certain part of the wall is cracked to not mention the floor. It's looks like a hurricane passed through your kitchen."

He wasn't far from what happened in reality.

Valiana was a force of nature and so he was. So it wasn't strange that the aftermath of every little... meetings they had ended on a disaster.

Well, at least they didn't destroyed his entire home that would have been an issue.

"So you're invading my privacy just because I didn't picked up your phone calls and neither replied your text? That's weird."

Y/N grabbed his phone and as he expected. It was on airplane mode, something he did a lot to not consume a lot of battery. He deactivated the mode off and as Issei said he had a couple of missed calls and texts.

"In my defense, most of the calls were made because I was pressed by my mom, she considers you a son already and she was worried sick when I said you weren't home."

This revelation made the H/C teenager feel a little bad. Issei's mother was a good person and he hated to make her worry about him. You could say she was almost his foster mother.

"I'll go after school to your house. I should apologize to her or else I won't have any food on Christmas."

On festive days he spent the majority of time on Issei's house due to the fact that he didn't had any relatives to spend the special days with.

"Oh and also I wanted you to actually meet Asia."

Y/N looked to the timid girl and grinned at the brown haired teenager

"Is she your girlfriend perhaps?"

At the g mention Asia went beet red and Issei scratched the back of his hair with a faint blush too.


Asia blurted in embarrassment as Y/N laughed at her reaction

"Well no, she isn't my girlfriend..."

"Is that right? You two seems pretty close, both metaphoric and literally. I mean, a little more and she is hogging your arm that has to mean something besides friendship. Though I have t admit, I am surprised to see a girl who isn't grossed out by your pervert antics."

"Would you shut up? Girls love me!"

Issei said with pride. Perhaps Rias Gremory acceptance inflated his ego exponentially.

"Yeah. They love hitting you and I know best since I am always dragged into problems because of your occurrences. I almost got killed that day when you practically dragged me peak the kendo club girls."

"You went willingly! So it's mostly your fault."

Unbeknownst to both male Asia was fantasizing about how to be Issei's girlfriend would be. Needless to say she mentally squealed in delight.

"Shut it, I don't want to fight you here and utterly beat your ass."

Y/N said with a smirk only causing Issei eyebrow to twitchy in annoyance.

"Oh yeah?! I bet that can easily beat you with just one arm."

"Come on Issei, be reasonable, you're a wimp. There's no way you could compare to me. Maybe you'll get a chance to make me stagger if you use that big ass forehead of yours."

Issei immediately covered his forehead with his hand.

"It's not that big, it's normal!"

"Indeed. Pretty normal to smash coconuts."

Y/N started to laugh only annoying further the brown haired boy. While silently Asia enjoyed this little fight. It was cute to see Issei so worked out over something so silly.

Issei grew a smirk, he found a way to counter his mockery.

"Want to talk about when you attempted to flirt with Akeno? Mr. Destiny. What's with that lame pick-up line after all, I could do a better job!"

Now it was turn for Issei to laugh after hearing Y/N's growl.

"Yeah that was dumb and all I'll admit it... But who are you to judge? You the who wash hands after showering."

"It's hygiene."

He tried to defend himself because inwardly he knew that it was stupid.

"It's dumb."

"Not it's not. Hands can accumulate million of bacterias in merely seconds-"

"*Snore* No one cares, nerd."

He faked a snore with a grin on his face.

At this rate Asia started to giggle at their childish bicker.

Hearing the blond's giggle Issei let out a breath as he smiled.

"You're an asshole."

"And you a bitch but that's okay. Everyone got flaws."

Y/N replied back with a small smile. However, Issei noticed something on him. More precisely on his neck area.

"Hey Y/N.."


"Are those... hickeys?"

The H/C boy widened his eyes as plates after hearing his friend's question.

He attempted to cover them as fast as possible but it was futile, Issei had already seen them and from his frantic reaction he could assume that he hit on the nail about them being hickeys.

Y/N raised the neck of his shirt in an attempt to cover them.

"What a fun weekend you had huh? Cool vacation I guess. How was she? Did she had big tits?"

Luckily for Y/N Issei gave him an idea to come up with a lie.

"She had, to not mention her ass, oh god what a blessing, but sadly I still remain virgin. We kissed and all but not bedroom."

This obviously being an utter lie. But as he described the girl he was imagining Valiana on that night they shared. He could peak a hard-on if he kept digging on that memory.

"So are you an ass guy?"

"I actually-"

Y/N froze even before answering the question because he noticed that they weren't alone. He totally forgot about Asia's presence.

"Uh... Issei. I think we forgot about.. Asia."

Issei gulped and looked to Asia who had a mad expression

"Issei why are interested on knowing Y/N's partner body?"

She questioned with a pout.

"Uh... I-"

He tried to come up with a believable excuse but his head went blank...

Issei resigned. He wouldn't hear the end of this.


The teacher was giving his usual lecture to their students. Some payed attention other were sleeping while others weren't paying attention at all, this is the group where Y/N was in.

At first glance it might look as if he was paying attention to the teacher due to the fact that his gaze was fixed on the board, but in reality he was focused on another thing.

His eyes were slightly dull this meaning he was talking to his dragon.

Honestly, Vritra was a blessing on these boring lectures.

"You've been quiet lately."

Y/N attempted to start a conversation with Vritra.

I sleep for long periods of time, you know that.

"Of course I know it, it's just a little odd to not hear you. Thank god I don't have to hear your snores, I bet they're loud as nuclear bombs."

He chuckled a little bit

I don't snore. Though Albion does.

"Speaking of which, I have been curious. Are you the oldest or youngest out of the three?"

Youngest. Albion is the oldest and Ddraig second then I'm next. Why?

"Honestly I am plain bored with this lecture and I want to gain real knowledge and not learn stuff like math graphics. I mean what are they useful for?

Architecture. Mathematics are crucial when it comes to human society, even on the battlefield is useful. Why do you think you're pitiful at magic? Because you can't calculate the exact amount of energy necessary to execute the spell.

"What math has to do with magic?"

A lot. More importantly, they're calling you.

Vritra's comment made Y/N snap back to reality only to see how everyone on the class was staring at him in anticipation.

This attention made him raise an eyebrow.

"L/N, mind telling us the answer to question eight?"

Y/N heard his teacher ask him.

Issei let out a muffled snicker conscious that Y/N wasn't paying attention.

The H/C haired teenager stood up from his chair but didn't know the answer since it was a math question. His favorite.

"Uh... It's uh.."

The answer is 1, 138.70

He heard Vritra on the back of his head.

"The answer is 1,138.70".

The teacher nodded

"Correct. You can sit down."

Y/N sat down with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Vritra, you're a lifesaver."

The dragon hummed in assent.

"Hey Vritra."


"I had a dream... A weird dream."

His tone of voice made the dragon a little curious of what this dream might be.

Why is it bothering you?

"Because it was really strange yet so familiar at the same time. There was this woman.. A... an angel woman, though I can't say for sure if it was a fallen angel or an actual angel due to the fact that one half of her wings were black while the other white plus the light she irradiated was enough to be comparable to the sun."


Vritra maintained silence as he kept going.

"That wasn't the strangest thing, the thing that put me off was... her sword and her resemblance to Valiana. The sword she had was just exactly as mine but on a different color. Also she said your name..."

Instead of hearing an immediate answer from the dragon Y/N didn't heard nothing coming out the dragon besides his breathing.

That was odd. Usually Vritra replied rapidly at anything he said.

"Hey is something wrong-"

You've been going through a lot of stress, that must be the reason of such dream. Human minds are very imaginative. Don't pay mind to it.

"Vritra... what stress are you talking about? I am perfectly okay. Is something wrong?"

I won't discuss over a mere insignificant dream.

Y/N was about to say something against that but he felt how he cut the connection.

Vritra did this when he wasn't in the mood for talking. Now he was incapable to speak to him at least until his dragon decided to let him do so.

He could be sure of something, judging by the way Vritra reacted that dream was not as he described. It wasn't as insignificant as he referred to, it actually meant something... But what exactly?

The teenager growled as he felt a migraine coming for this question.


School had ended for the day and Y/N, Issei and Asia were heading back to their neighborhood. Since Y/N lived on the same area as Issei they could walk home together.

"So you been friends with Issei for how long, Y/N?"

Asia asked him who started to think about the answer.

It has been quite a time since he moved to this town that leading to the time when he met Issei.

"I don't really remember well. But three to four years. I got to this town when I was thirteen.. Yeah about three years."

"So that's why you two get along so well."

Issei scoffed as he signaled at Y/N with his finger

"He is a bastard."

Y/N shrugged in response as they got closer to the brown haired teenager's house but immediately he frowned.

He felt something inside of Issei's house... Something he didn't liked... Holy energy...

That only meant two things. Church members or angels. Neither of the two he was fond of.

Exorcist or Priest were pretty much assholes on all sense of the world and angels could only mean that something was wrong. It's very rare for them to step on Earth if isn't for trouble.

Y/N actually believed on God and he respected the man, even if Kalawarner told him the being was long dead he respected the deity... However, he despised the church.

Much to his impression he noticed how Issei had an horrified face on this moment. So he also felt it...

That was good, it meant his dragon senses were slowly awakening. The fastest the better.


He yelled before he ran towards getting inside the house in a hurry as Asia followed suit. Y/N was quicker and stopped the two of them before they do anything rash.

"Calm down, Issei."

Y/N stopped him but Issei frowned

"What the hell Y/N my mom is-"


The way Y/N told him to stay put made him freeze for a moment. A sense of fret ate him when he saw the H/C haired sharp gaze. He felt himself incapable of saying something back..

If Issei did something brash it could cause greater conflicts with the church since he was a devil. But Y/N... he was a human and the Catholic Church wouldn't get in conflict with any human, unless they wanted they wanted to be expelled from the holy job.

Issei complied and Asia did the same as Y/N walked towards the kitchen where he felt the two holy presences.

He swore in name of God that if they did something to Issei's mom he would destroy the entire church where they besieged.

Quietly, a dagger materialized on his hand out from a black energy and he hide it behind his back. This was called precaution.

The closer he got the nearer he could hear the voices from the unknown presences. They were laughing so that was a relief, no one got hurt.

When he reached to the kitchen he saw Issei's mom laughing with a girl who had long chestnut hair this tied into twintails, next to this girl there was another girl with blue hair and a single green streak on it this one with a more unapproachable aura. Her eyes were cold and lifeless.

Y/N could feel that the blue haired one was an exorcist while the other one was an angel. This was bad...

The mother noticed his presence and greeted him with a smile

"Y/N I have been worried about you. Where have you been this entire weekend?"

Her concern made him go back to reality and he smiled nervously.

"Sorry, I was on a little and forgot to tell you guys."

He made the dagger he had on his hand disappear.

A second later Issei and Asia came and the brown haired boy's was put off when he saw the two girls.


He thought


"Welcome home sweetie, why are you all pale?"

The older woman asked his son who was visibly pale.

"Good afternoon, Issei."

The chestnut haired girl waved at him but Issei gave a look of distrust.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Hm? You don't remember me? It's me."

Issei stood the same, he didn't knew who this girl was.

Then his mother showed him the picture which he appeared with his childhood friend who he thought was a boy.

"This girl is Irina Shidou. Back then she looked like a boy, but she definitely is a girl now. I was pretty surprised too."

Issei grabbed the photo book and stared at the picture with a great surprise

"Huh?! Weren't you a boy?!!"

Y/N also looked at the photo and was surprised too.

"Oh shit, she really looks like a boy. It's like she transformed or something."

"Well I admit that I was a tomboy with very masculine face back then... Though a lot of things happened before we could meet, right Issei?"

Her voice shifted to a more serious at half of the sentence.

The blue haired girl raised from the couch and grabbed some sort of long item that was wrapped in bandages.

Y/N narrowed his eyes at the item she had on her hands and felt a distinctive aura out of it.... A Holy sword...

"Truly, you never tell what might happen in a reunion?"

Irina spoke in a way that made Issei's skin crawl

She noticed that he had become a devil.

Then she returned to her principal cheery attitude.

"Oh don't worry. We're already heading home today. Returning to Japan after so long made me nostalgic, so I just dropped by. But it's about time for us to say farewell. Xenovia."


For the first time the blue haired girl spoke and her voice was monotonous as a page in blank.

The duo of girls moved to the doorway but Issei's mother offered them to stay longer

"You're welcome to stay longer."

"I'll stop by another time. See you later Issei oh and nice to meet you Y/N."

Y/N nodded with a smile

Xenovia stared at Issei and Asia, her glare was enough to make their skin crawl.

"I am ready anytime..."

She said as she grabbed the wrapped holy sword tighter

Did they just threatened indirectly two times in a row on his watch?

Y/N thought.

He wouldn't tolerate this.

Just before they could pass Y/N by he grabbed their arms forcing them to stop.

The two girls looked at Y/N in confusion.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?"

Irina asked but Xenovia felt the impulse of cutting his hand. She hated when someone touched her.

Y/N's grip grew stronger on their arms to the point it made them wince all while he had a smile all along.

"Hope you enjoy your stay at this town, I am pretty sure it will be an unforgettable memory for you two, but a piece of advice, be careful at night."

His gaze shifted from the friendly one to a more stern one for just a second and just for that little moment the church devotees could feel a weight over their body and the feeling of danger made them want to choke.

All that faded the second after as if it never happened.

Could it be their imagination?

After that he let their arms go and the girl gave him an even more confused look but they left nonetheless. However Xenovia gave him a last look.

At her attention Y/N grinned.

"Something you like?"

She frowned before passing by towards the exit.

He chuckled a bit as he looked on Issei's mother direction

"Well, care if I stay for dinner? I am starving."

"Of course. I'll start making it right now."

Issei's mother smiled as she got prepared to start making dinner.

Y/N eyed back towards the doorway where the two girls went out.


Rias couldn't believe it.

She couldn't. It felt so surreal and stupid.

The reason of her disbelief? Well just a couple of meters away from her desk there was... The Black Dragon Emperor sitting on the couch as if this was his house.

He had his face masked by the same veil of darkness as the other day while the rest of his body was visible and it was the Kuoh's school uniform but she knew that already.

Rias let out a heavy breath, his presence was easier to tolerate since he was keeping his power at check, but she wasn't used to him. Having someone as him just sitting on the couch of her office was... odd and off-putting.

Why in the first place he was here for?

He just entered the office a while ago without saying a word before he grabbed a book from the shelf not even bothering on asking for permission. It was... peculiar to say the least.

On the office it was only her, Akeno and him... that didn't made it any better.

The unknown male placed the book he picked minutes ago over his lap and started reading.

All of that in silence.

The silence only made things even more awkward.

Rias eyed at her life friend Akeno, the black haired girl gave her the same confused look. The red haired girl breathed heavily again.

She managed to gather enough courage to ask the question.

"Can I help you with something?"

He didn't replied right away, he passed a page of the book before his bright eyes locked on her.

"Actually, you can. Bring me something to drink, preferably coffee."

This didn't answered any of their questions and he knew it.

Rias sighed and eyed at Akeno

"Akeno, can you?"

Akeno got the message and was about to go and make the coffee but the Black Dragon Emperor's voice stopped her from doing so.

"Not her, Rias, You. You offered me so it polite of your part to be the one serving. Does the Gremory's heiress have no manners? Or could it be that you don't know how to make a simple coffee?"

Rias narrowed her eyes

"I know that much."

"Then get to work and leave your servant some time to relax. She has been standing next to you the entire time while you're sitting."

Akeno eyed at Rias who gave her a nod as she rose up from her chair to start making the coffee.

"Well, don't just stand there. Sit."

He practically ordered and the black haired girl took a seat next to him on the couch.

Noticing her tense body he sighed as he suppressed his aura to a lower level. Sometimes he didn't noticed that his own power was overflowing.

Akeno feeling less weighted by his presence she relaxed a little bit, but maintained herself wary of the him. He could be an ally, however allied doesn't meant friend.

"I've noticed that you're still a little intimidated by me."

He started the conversation.

"Isn't that what you aim for every single time you show up? Causing fear."

He was a little surprised at this reply but he chuckled softly.

"No. What I always aim for is respect however I understand if sometimes it can be confused as a way of intimidation. I apologize for that."

"You're way softer with me than with President. May I ask why?"

"I wonder why too. I am not a superficial man, so I don't think it is only because of your pretty face. Although I think that question can be answered if you respond to my following question. Do you hate something, Akeno?"

This question made took her off guard to the point that she lost her composure for a second, but she recovered and smiled

"That's... a real personal question, Black Dragon Emperor."

"As a matter of fact it is. But let's do this, you answer my question and then you can ask me one and I'll answer you. It can be anything at exception of my identity, for obvious reasons."

Perhaps this was her chance to gain more information of him. She couldn't let this opportunity slip on.

"I... I hate a very few amount of things. But I can tell you that I indeed hate something... Better said, I hate Someone."

"Does that person has to do anything about you being a half-breed between fallen angel and devil?"

Rias heard this and turned to him fearing what Akeno might do.

Akeno widened her eyes and immediately glared at him. Such eyes were unusual coming from her. Due to her reaction he could see that he hit on the nail about his supposition.


"Dragon Emperor have sharper senses. The aura you give off isn't usual. I am familiar with both devils and fallen angels and both auras reside within you."

Her eyes diminished on intensity but still had that sharp light on them.

"I see..."

"If you're wondering if I look you down for the fact that you're the fruit of a forbidden act then let me tell you that I don't. Those who hates peoples bases on their races, culture, or lineage are mere ignorant beings."

Akeno looked down. She didn't know how to feel. But she felt thankful that he didn't judged her by her forbidden provenance.


"However don't let that hate that you feel against that someone numb your vision. Maybe sometimes you'll feel ashamed of who you are but don't. If you're ashamed of who you are them you'll be no one and that's is a life filled with endless suffering . Do not hate yourself for who you are, because being alive is a blessing and you should treasure it."

The girl fell silent after hearing his words. But smiled, this time a more honest smile than the ones she tend to make.

"I knew it. Beneath all that tough attitude you're a real softie."

He shrugged.

"One of my virtues, I can be whoever I want whenever I want."

"I think it's my turn to ask a question."

The dragon host placed his leg over the other as he moved the book to the side.

"Ask away."

"Black Dragon Emperor... Are you on our side or against us..?"

"The answer to that question can change depending on the time you ask it. Right now I am your ally. I am Rias Gremory's peerage ally and allies don't attack each other. That goes to your side too, if the peerage of Gremory ever attempt to attack me or any of my close people then.. Well, I leave the rest to your imagination."

"That's a relief to heard of."

Then he looked at Rias who just finished making the coffee.

"However do not mistake this with slavery. I am no ones slave nor servant. Rias.. Remember this, you don't call the shots here because I am not of your belongings. I hope you got that clear on your head."

Rias approached him and gave him his cup of coffee.

"I am acknowledgeable of that fact. But mind if I ask you a question?"

"That depends if the coffee is good or not."

He grabbed the cup of steamy coffee and looked at it and wondered.... how he would drink it if he was covering his face with the veil of shadows.

Somehow he managed to get a sip on it and hummed.

"Hmm it's decent. You can improve it though but I allow the question."

The Gremory heiress was a slightly annoyed by his comments but decided to not comment about it.

"If we ever need your assistance, will you help?"

"You can reach up at me, but I decide if I help you or not. I am not interested on babysitting your peerage, that's your work. In resume, it depends."

"That also works. I guess if the situation comes up I'll contact at the exact same phone number you gave me."

He nodded but their attention were dragged to the side when Issei and the remaining members of the peerage barged in.

At his presence they froze up

"W- what are you doing here?"

Issei was the first one to ask the question

The surprise and the fear made him stammer on his sentence.

"Just passing by."

Thank you for Reading!

Continuer la Lecture

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