~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]...

By chumpaghetti_457

65.6K 1.5K 419

So I don't really see tommyinnit agere oneshots, so here we are making it. This book is strictly SFW. Age re... More

•Request Page!•
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but I like it Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Phil• (I'm sorry papa)
•Little!Tommy CG!Wilbur• (Babysitting)
•CG!Niki Little!Tommy• (Baking with the Little)
•CG!Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Feeling extra little)
•Little!Tommy and Tubbo CG!Phil and Wilbur• (Little's Day Out)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Quackity• (I- I'm a little)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but i like it Part 2)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 1)
•Little!Tommy Big Brother!Tubbo CG!Techno, Phil, Niki• (Beach Day)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 2)
•CG!Wilbur Little!Tommy• (Pretty Picture)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (Pretty Hair)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 1)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen)
~Author's Note~ (Please read)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 1)
•CG!Tubbo, Ranboo, New Character Little!Tommy, New Character• (Hide and Seek!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 2)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen: Sequel-Such A Small Boy!)
•CG!Phil, Ranboo, Tina, Kevin Little!Tommy• (Babysitters)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Sam• (Meanies)
•CG!Quackity Little!Tommy• (Sing me a song pwease)
•Little!Tommy CG!Techno, Phil, Wilbur• (What are you wearing?!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 3)
•Little!Tommy CG!Drista (Aww he's a little?)
•CG!Wilbur, Niki Little!Tommy (Helping Hand)
~Author's Note~ (New Book!)
•CG!Quackity, Tubbo Little!Karl, Tommy• (Stargazing)
•Little!Tommy CG!Puffy• (Fuzzy Feeling)
•Christmas Special! Part 1•
•Christmas Special! Part 2•
•CG!Sbi Little!Tommy•(Sick little one)
•Little!Tommy CG!Jack, Niki• (Jack what did you do?!)
I'm Back From A Really Long Break....
This Isn't A Chapter but pls read...
•Little! Tommy CG! SBI• (Is This Yours?)

•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 2)

1.4K 45 1
By chumpaghetti_457

"Come on Tubbo its ok, I'll help you clean it"

Tubbo stood up and grabbed some towels behind the cabinet. Tommy then made grabby hands to Ranboo and he gladly pick the boy up

"Hey toms, you're gonna have to sit in the corner for five minutes ok?

Tommy looked down and made whiney noises not wanting to sit in the corner

"Tommy, you have to. If you do and learned your lesson, we could grab some Mcdonalds. How does that sound?"

Tommy liked the idea but still sad he was gonna sit in the corner. Tubbo went back carrying some towels and wiping the mess Tommy made

"Now go sit in the corner while I help Tubbo clean this up"

Tommy shook his head and held tighter in Ranboo's arms

"Tommy.. Remember what I said"

He pouted and let go of Ranboo when he put him in the corner. They started cleaning the mess up and putting it in the trashbag

"Phew all done, thanks Ranboo you're the best. I know Tommy could be like that sometimes but I swear he is really sweet"

"Oh I know, the boy could be a pain sometimes but I love him for that" (platonic way)

"So where is Tommy by the way?"

"Oh he is sitting in timeout since the boy needs to learn his lesson too"

"Oh my poor Tommy"

"Don't worry I promised him Mcdonalds after, and he still has like thirty seconds left"

"Well we should just take him now it's just around thirty seconds"

"Yeah we should, haven't checked up on him yet"

Ranboo said while chuckling and Tubbo laughing. They went where Tommy was and saw a sniffling boy while pouting and crossing his arms

"Hey bud"

Said Tubbo while smiling at the boy. Tommy looked and turned his head back again and pouted

"You can come out now sunshine"

Ranboo said in a calm tone and Tommy still pouting, but this time tears were starting to form in his eyes

"Hey why are you getting teary Toms?"

"You puts me in twime out, yous dwon't wove me"

"No of course not little guy we will always love you it's just that you were put in timeout because you misbehaved and made a mess in Tubbo's kitchen"

Tommy looked down again, and this time he started crying and rushed to Tubbo hugging him

"Im weally sowwy tubby, I *sniff* messed with yous 'itchen *sniff* an' for bweing a bad, I pwomise won't dwo it again"

Tommy said while sobbing loudly, Ranboo and Tubbo looked at him and smiled at him

"Aww Tommy, don't worry! I forgive you! No you are not bad, it was an accident and you learned your lesson!

"And you know what, since you learned your lesson and apologized to Tubbo were gonna get Mcdonalds!"

Tommy looked up at Ranboo with puffy and teary eyes after hearing what he said

"Would you weally 'o dat?"

"Yes now come on sunshine, don't feel bad now. Now let's get you ready!"

Ranboo said while crouching down in his level and shuffling his hair. Tommy started to giggle and grabbed on to Ranboo

"Woah hey, oh well um-"

"You look like a mama sloth with it's kid hanging unto you"

Tubbo said while laughing a loud at how funny and adorable the sight was Tommy hanging unto Ranboo

"Come on Tubbo help me here, we have to make Tommy get ready so we can go"

"Yes yes, let's go change to some new clothes bud so we can get some Mcdonalds"

Tommy stood up immediatly hearing the word. Both teens laughed at him being silly and went to help him change


"Yaaay! Mcdonalds, Mcdonalds, Mcdonalds!!"

"Hey calm down big guy, I'm gonna get the plate and sippy cup first"

Tommy nodded and sat down patiently waiting for Ranboo to prepare his food. Tubbo went to grab the boy's plate and sippy cup while Ranboo organized the meal

"Here you go cupcake! Chicken nuggets, fries and some orange juice in a sippy cup"

He made Tommy's meal in a shape a smile and a blue sippy cup. When the boy saw it his eyes lit and clapped his hands together. Ranboo chuckled and smiled at the boy and gave him his meal

Tubbo passed by Tommy and pinched his little cheeks and chuckled

"Ow! That huwts!"

"Sorry little guy, you just look so cute with a smile on your face and not crying" (again platonic, i just thought it would be adorable to add this)


He said while pouting which made Tubbo laugh again  and Ranboo choking on his big mac

"Go on bud, go eat your food before it gets cold"

Then they all happy ate their Mcdonalds with a satisfied little happily eating while humming some nursery rhymes

A/N: I decided to put a cute little twist on it, but hope yall like it ofc. I'll also try writing a new chapter tmmr. Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 777

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