Innocence in Lust ✔

By Gigi_Luv_4u

49.9K 2.6K 111

Have you ever heard of Aphrodites? No. I am not talking about the goddess herself. I am referring to the wome... More

Author's Note


1.8K 103 2
By Gigi_Luv_4u

"Everyone will be glad to have you Ms. Jasmine Yeom." - Mr. Employer 1 aka Mr. Giant


Sleep seems avoiding you for three days straight now. You have to decide but you just can't. The document is thoroughly crumpled by the numerous times you had crashed it into a ball, threw it to the trash can, and took it to straightened it once again.

Why else? Everything is obviously a scam.

You close your eyes as you nod, convincing yourself that what you had deduced when you walked out from the luxurious hotel is true.

Why are you sure that it was just a scam?

One. You are an unbounded female in the prime age of twenty-five. Any high-end brothels would want you as one of their whores. Men pays a lot for any unbounded prostitutes. You heard that sex is different for mated males with the unbounded. It was more heavenly for the unmated males. There are less complications. There is no need for more dosage of soul-ecstasy pills to enhance sexual drive and performance. Women like you are sought after. There are so few unbounded women in Korea so you are a high-priced commodity. Not to mention, you are pure! Not in mind of course. You have all the theories. You only lack applications. 

You may worth more in the black market.

Two. Many women don't like you. Not to burst your bubble but many men are attracted to you, even those who are bounded. Women especially their partners don't like it. You really don't know why but a male co-worker said once that you smell tempting though you forgot to spray your perfume that time. 

You are sure that those vile co-workers used Anna to scam you. That sweet sweet friend of yours was likely threatened to do their bidding. They might have done this to avenge their pricked egos. You don't know how far they want you to suffer even after successfully kicking you from your dream job.

Three. There is no way that someone untrained like you is deserving with all the stipulated benefits on the document. Who are crazy enough to waste their money to a nobody like you? Who could afford such amount? Not to mention a mansion in the middle of Seoul? Unbounded mistresses don't even have those privileges! None that you had ever heard so far.

Yet again. What if these are just mere speculations? What if, what Mr. Ryu said was true? What if?

"Ahhhhh!!!" You irritatingly scream as you stomp your feet on the floor. Tomorrow will be the D-day. You don't want to face Mr. Ryu like a mess no matter what will be your final decision. Instead of worrying more, you decide to listen to your favorite song to lull you to slumber.


"Yes. I'll be there in a moment." A deep voice is heard whispering. His honey laced voice bounces on your consciousness and had made your mind awake.

Someone is with you.

Your mind turns vigilant to the surroundings. Your ears continuously listening to his hash murmurs. 

You slowly peel your eyes open to the blaring brightness of your room. It hurts your orbs but you push yourself to survey the area you are in.

You believe you are still in your room, with your old duvet that you had made into a blanket last night, just to make you feel warmer and to sooth you to sleep. The little hanging mobile is still there, casting shadows against the wall you are facing. The small closet is still standing at the corner. Everything is still there as it should have been. Yes.. you really are still in your room.

You can hear the man clearing his throat and you immediately sit up in alert. The action is so quick that it made you a bit dizzy. Your brain is perhaps not yet ready to totally cooperate at this hour.

"Good morning." He seems amused.

You immediately notice him across your bed sitting on your white reading chair by the window. The God rays are hurting your overly sensitive eyes as you squint them to study him but fail. You can only make out his giant built comfortably sitting on your favorite part of your bedroom. He is in a dark suit and his shoes are very shiny that it glints with the sun rays. You can't clearly see his facial features. You are just sure that he is smiling at you and there is a dent of shadows on his cheeks.

"Who are you? How did you get inside?" Your voice croaks with panic. Your body is shaking in fear but you try to look calm as you remain in the safety of your bed. Your mind run wild with the stranger in front of you, thinking of murder then rape, or rape then murder? You don't know. Will this be your end? Is this it? Will someone see your dead body on your sheets bathed with your blood? You horrifyingly gasp as you feel so endangered with the eyes that seems piercing your whole being. You can't see his face but your intuition tells you that he is not someone to trifle with. He is a man for goodness sake. He can easily choke you to death at this very moment.

"Relax. I am not here to hurt you." He calmly says as he remains seated. He seems to avoid any drastic movement that would make you more afraid. "Your landlord allowed me get inside after convincing him that I am your boyfriend."

"W-w-who? I-I-I d-d-don't have one. And h-h-how?" Gosh... your voice is cracking. Your eyes are starting to tear up with the harsh sunbeam and the fear on your nerves. You want to ran away but the fear had already devoured you whole, crippling you to stay on your sheets. It's a wonder that you haven't wet yourself yet. 

"I know." He gently says. "It's indecent for a man to be in a woman's bedroom without her permission. Your landlord was trying hard to listen to your door as I came to see you. I had no other way but to introduce myself as your boyfriend. I assure you. I mean no harm. I am just here before you could meet Mr. Ryu."

"Mr. Ryu?" You echo, confused. The question may be quite displaced as oppose of asking about your landlord. How else, the man is indeed a freak... a pervert... and a lot more. Time can only tell when that man would resort to more than sniffing your hanged clothes and creepily greeting you every morning and afternoon. If only the  rent weighs more than that sorry excuse of a man. Anyways... forget that landlord... you should focus what is now.

"I am one of your employer Ms. Yeom. I am a very busy person, and since I have some minutes to spare before a meeting, I would like to see you... privately. So, forgive me to have startled you at this hour." His voice soothing to your ears as he states his reasons. As your brain finally functions rationally, your panic subsides.

"God!" You exasperatedly whisper. You don't want to insult him or something. He might be a lying psycho. You have to tread lightly.

"I am truly sorry." There is sincerity in his voice. The curve of his lips is a bit obvious now as the sun rises and the sunbeam slowly resides. But with your awful vision, you can't still manage to see his whole features. Where are your glasses anyway if you need it? Ahhh... you left it by your reading nook, just beside where the stranger or rather your employer sits.


"I haven't signed yet. Therefore, you are not my employer." You say. Your voice fails you in your attempt to be as confident as you could be. It still wavers, making it a bit weak.

"Yet." He points it out. "That's the thing. Miss Yeom. Are there any in the stipulations that is not right? lacking? Or perhaps you want more?" He curiously asks.

"Yes... I mean... No... I..." You can't speak. How can you say that there is no lacking but rather it was too much?

"You can tell me now and I'll see to it that Mr. Ryu will add them in the contract." He clasps his hands, very professional and businesslike.

"Wait!" You abruptly set the duvet aside, making it fall on the floor. You fold your knees in a proper sitting position as you try to express your opinion. "You got this all wrong. There is nothing I could add on the contract. Rather... I would like you to lessen it." You hurriedly explain with the waves of your hands for emphasis.

The man however stills as he wets his lips with his tongue, seemingly bothered on something. He then looks on the floor and clasps his hands a little bit tighter. "Lessen? You mean you want to take out some of your benefits? Why?" His confusion is evident on his voice. "We had read the contract and with our judgement, it's more than fair for you."

"That's it. It's MORE than fair. I could not take it."

"Explain yourself."

"It's okay for me to have a new residence, but I could not leave in a huge mansion by myself. It would be awkward and uncomfortable. A penthouse would suffice and would be less suspicious if you visit me there. Plus. It's easier to blend in. I don't need a new car and I can drive. I don't need a weekly new dress if I can't parade around with it. Perhaps you can gift me if you want, but not that many. Well... I can indulge on beauty salons but not weekly and I can do my own nails." You finally gasp as you say everything in one breath.

He nods. "Nothing else?"

"Look. Maybe you think highly of me, but I am not really sure if I am cut out for this type of lifestyle as what Mr. Ryu said. Look at this place, just look at this very place." You gesture to your humble bedroom. "I am not a high-maintenance woman. If you tell me what to do, I can do it. I'll do my best. But everything that you have stipulated on contract is sort of a shackle for me. Everything is scheduled in everyday and in every hour. It seems that I don't have freedom anymore, and I don't want that. If that is what an Aphrodite entails for you, then it's not me that you should be hiring." You take a deep breath and adds. "The lifestyle is so new to me. I know you know that. I assure you, I'll try my best. I'll keep everything a secret. I won't tell anyone. I wont try doing dirty sidelines and shit. I will do my best to learn what I ought to learn. I'll try to adapt everything that you want from me as time pass by.... that is... if you still want me."

He deeply chuckles. 

You zip your mouth. It weirdly tingles on your spine.

"Then we shall follow everything that you want. I hope you'll know that there are things that will stay in your benefits." There is still amusement in his tone. He seems relieved and happy to have heard your thoughts.

Your brows raise as you look at him, slowly standing up and walking towards the door. His whole silhouette is so sexy. The way he walks and even the way his hands put inside his pockets is so manly. 

"Everyone will be glad to have you Ms. Jasmine Yeom." Him uttering your complete name is somewhat enchanting. Your heart seems to skip. You doubt if it is because of fear. He is oozing with confidence and authority. His stance is a clear confirmation that he can truly choke you if he wants to. Your muddled brain is falling to the depths of ungodliness as you think of another kind of choking. You gulp.

You can finally clearly see him, but your orbs are drawn to his huge hands as he opens the door and adds..."Don't bother to walk me out the door. I'll lock it for you. By the way... don't worry about your landlord anymore. I may have said something to keep him away from you." Your eyes widen with what he implies. Before your gaze can study his face, he had already walked outside your bedroom. Your heart beats so loudly as you hear the entrance door gently shuts.

'Gosh... That was nerve wracking.' You slap yourself awake.

You tilt your head to the side as you try to remember something.

'What is his name again?'

There is your fourth reason for thinking all of this is a scam. You do not know your employers! There are no indications, not even a company name on the copy of the document that you were handed with. You don't even know how many bosses that you have. You just know that they are artists who are crazily rich enough to have offered such amount just to hire you. They could be a gang or a mafia. This theory is a tight reason with the first one. They might want to sell you in the black market for all you know.

Hold up. If you think about it, one of them just walked out from your bedroom. He didn't have any ounce of worry for letting you see him. It is just, your poor vision is not a great help on knowing his identity. Would you recognize him if you know? His voice reminds you of a particular idol. One that you idolized before you are so caught up with your life and so busy to follow their every moves. Plus, they are on hiatus right now. Some kind of vacation and such. You saw the news the other day that one had been discovered strolling in Paris.

You finally stand and look at the full-length mirror by the side.

Like a volcano likely to erupt, you can practically see your skin redden from your toes to your face. You intake a lot of air and you want nothing else but to choke on it. You want to drown your lungs with too much air if that is possible. You cover your face with so much embarrassment. You feel like you'll die with your stupidity.

How come you have forgotten? How come you didn't realize sooner?

Was it the reason why he seemed so uncomfortable as you whisked the duvet away from you?

You peek at your reflection. You are wearing nothing but your most prized and favorite nightie. It is a white lacy pair of bralette top and frilly panty shorts. The material is so light and see through that your nipple would surely show under the intense light of the sun rays. Good thing you were seated, or else, he would see the frilly lace of your panty shorts, but who cares. Your creamy thighs were out for his eyes to feast.

"Your so dumb Jasmine!" You scold yourself. 

Like a child, you dive back on your bed with a shrill scream. "You are an idiot!" You yell on you pillow.

Your phone vibrates and sings, notifying an incoming call.

"Hey... Jaz?" You hear Anna's voice but you remain silent. "Brother said that you hesitated?"

"I don't know... are you sure this is not a scam?" You groan. You know the answer of your question but you just can't help it. You are still in the bubble of your self-annoyance.

"Look..." You hear Anna sighing. " I don't know what happened and it is your body. You can do whatever you want with it. I just know that you are in the right hands."

You kept on listening as Anna keeps on convincing you how the opportunity is akin to lottery.

Your resolve was to just give it all up and not wish on anything that is ridiculous but after his visit, you really don't know what to do.

Will you accept the offer? Or not?

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