A Model's Secrets (Adrien/Cha...

By MabyMaddyzMe

52.8K 1.7K 527

(y/n) is a world renowned model, and when she packs her bags for Paris, some love interests of the superhero... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII

Chapter X

2.5K 102 14
By MabyMaddyzMe

(y/n) gazed out of the window of her limousine and saw a towering building before her, very important and fashionable looking people were pouring in and out of the lobby.

Meera polished off her glass of champagne as the chauffeur opened the door. They left the car and faced the entrance.

(Y/n) followed behind Meera as she strutted into the lobby. As they walked, many of the fashionistas stopped in awe at (y/n), and any models present stared her down in jealousy.

Meera confidently went up the front desk, a perfectly polished receptionist greeted them with a smile.

"Hello. (y/n) (l/n) for Lacoste."

The lady beamed brightly and stood from her chair.

"Of course, Mademoiselle (l/n). Follow me, right this way."

The woman led them to a set of elevators, they rode up it to a high floor, and when the doors opened, (y/n) was greeted with a crowded room, flooded with clothing racks and equipment and people looking busy.

The receptionist remained in the elevator as it closed, and Meera ran off to meet someone.

(Y/n) was left in this maze to fend for her elf. She scanned the room for any indicators, her best bet would be to scout out other models and group herself with them.

No models were to be seen.

But during her panorama, she noticed a snack table filled with treats. (y/n) left her planted spot and snaked to the table.

The large counter-space was packed with all sorts of variety of food. Everything from fresh fruit to nutrition bars.

(y/n) picked up a small plate and piled it with fruit, she thought the sugar would give her a nice energy boost. In addition, she grabbed a flavored water of her choosing.

At the back of the room, she found an empty row of chairs and sat herself down to snack. She happily munched away until someone approached her.

"Hi! Miss (l/n)? I'm Aurélie, I will be your makeup artist. Would you follow me?" her heavy french accent and deep voice startled (y/n).

(y/n) complied and jumped up from her seat, giving her bright smile. She followed Aurélie to the makeup counter. There was a seat waiting for her, with '(y/n)' printed on the back with white block letters.

First, (y/n) had to change into a robe. But surprisingly, Lacoste had provided structural under garments to wear underneath. She put on the tight-fitting spandex body suit without further thought and layered the silk robe over it.

Once ready, she sat in her designated chair, and Aurélie began to work. First by taking off (y/n)'s previous makeup.

Then, step by step, she applied layers of makeup to make (y/n) look fresh faced. Which seemed like an oxymoron.

Luckily, Aurélie and (y/n) got along well enough, they chatted on and off as she patted and brushed and tweaked (y/n)'s face.

Once satisfied with the results, Aurélie misted (y/n) with a finishing spray. She always loved that part.

"Would you like to see?" Aurélie turned (y/n)'s chair to face the mirror behind her. (y/n) admired her own features. The makeup was incredibly subtle, but mainly (y/n) noticed how dewy her skin looked.

"Merci,  Aurélie."

(y/n) could see Aurélie in the mirror behind her stare at her work. Though, (y/n) felt as though she lingered a while. But Aurélie snapped back into it.

"Pardon. You are very beautiful, non? People must stop and stare all the time. Now, let us take you to... how do you say ' l'armoire' ? "

"Wardrobe" she answered.

(y/n) was subsequently taken to wardrobe, where they adorned her with Lacoste's latest line of athletic wear.

All of the outfits were sectioned off by in racks coloured pairs. Red and black. blue and green, and finally, the pink and yellow rack was wheeled over to (y/n) by some fashion assistants.

The first outfit she was given was a peach pollo dress. (y/n) recognized the brand indicators of Lacoste. Specifically, the signature crocodile on the left breast.

The dress hung on (y/n), it did not show any of her figure underneath. She gazed at herself in a full length mirror provided. Several people pulled at her dress and the garments underneath. All analyzing her and the outfit.

They gave her a watch of the same shade and continued to tweak. They discussed belts, sweaters. necklaces. Some talked about her hair. Others talked about her nails.

(y/n) continued in her blank gaze to the mirror, she admired herself once more.

The colour made her skin look brighter, and brought out a warm undertone in it. Her hair and eyes were also complimented by the shade.

However, (y/n)'s day dreaming was interrupted when the gentle indicator of the elevator chimed once more, and a loud mouthed individual barged into the space.

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! Tu devrais être prêt pour moi! (You should be ready for me!)

Under the racks of clothes, (y/n) could see a peek of Chloe's white pumps.

A sense of dread fell over her as the repercussions of the situation were realized.

Before (y/n) could process any more information, Chloe rounded the corner around the clothes' rack and noticed her. She launched herself towards her.

"(Y/N)! commet ça va?! I had no idea you were part of this photoshoot! You see- Daddy knows the editor, and he said he 'simply had to have me!' Isn't that so awesome? ME! YOU! front page of every magazine!"

Chloe was definitely pepped up on something, and (y/n) hadn't figured out her angle. The whole ordeal was confusing and (y/n) was somewhat thankful when Chloe's attention was snapped back.

"OMG! and she's already in costume! is there ANYONE here that isn't STUPID!?"

(y/n) found that Chloe had the voice of a bitchy french barbie doll, and it was interesting to hear the california-slang that she pushed off her tongue.

Chloe was guided away to a clothing rack in order to get into costume, (y/n) remained in-front of the mirror. She stared back at her reflection.

A blank and stiff face adorned her face, though it was not un-pretty. It was a statue response, to mask her real emotions, (y/n) would freeze herself in poise until the moment passed

She brought a manicured hand up to her cheek and caressed it slightly, and her features softened and relaxed.

The assistances around (y/n) scattered to serve Chloe, but told her to wait for hair to find her.

(y/n) turned from the mirror and tuned back into her surroundings. She saw her purse on the floor near her seat. She perched herself in her seat and waited as she was told and dug through her purse's contents until she found her phone.

Adrien Agreste - 2:22

Hey! How is the photoshoot going? I know they don't usually let us have our phones, but on the off chance that you see this; good luck!
(I always hated athletic photoshoots, so I know what you're going through.)

Bonne chance!


(y/n) smiled as her eyes darted from word to word, reading the message on her screen. A gentle pink blush painted her cheeks when she thought of Adrien.

He was such a sweet boy. His image filled her mind and she got a little flushed. (y/n) took a deep breath and began to type her reply.

To: Adrien Agreste - 2:24 -

Thank you! but I don't think I will have too much fun here. lol
Guess who just showed up?


[1 attached video]

(y/n) clicked the camera icon and took a short video. First, she showed herself in the makeup counter mirror, then, (y/n) swiveled around in her chair and showed Chloe from afar, yelling at an assistant.

She sent the message and awaited a reply. As she sat, a hair stylist approached and started to work on (y/n)'s hair. Running product through it and pulling it up into a high ponytail.

Luckily, Adrien's response was quick.

Adrien Agreste - 2:29

Yikes! Sorry to hear it :(

hopefully it won't be too bad. We can trade places if you like, I just got back to school from lunch. Now I have geography. So boring...


[1 attached image]

(y/n) opened the image and was greeted by a photo of Adrien slumped on his hand at his desk, he had a tired and bored expression, but he was still utterly adorable.

She has to resist the urge to save it to her phone.

To: Adrien Agreste -2:31

Geometry? No thanks. I would appreciate the homework though, if you want to help me with it.

Anyway I think I have to go now. I'll text you when I get off okay?


With that, (y/n) put her phone back into her bag and turned to the assistants calling to her. It was time to begin.

They ushered her to the main area of the room.

The impatient photographer loomed over the camera as he waited for his models. He was mumbling to himself incoherently in italian.

(y/n) and the assistant bringing her approached. He turned abruptly and his face softened as he saw her. (y/n) vaguely recognized the man, but then again, all the photographers sort of blended together at that point.

"(y/n)! Bella! So good to see you! You look beautiful!"

He grasped her shoulders and gave her friendly bisous (kisses) on each cheek.

"Now... Come here, bella. Stand in the center. Now... Just do what you do.... Beautiful, bella"

He was just about to settle behind the camera when a shrill voice interrupted.

"HelloOO? What about MOI?"

All heads turned to Chloe, who was fully dressed... In yellow.

(y/n) quickly put two and two together and cringed internally. Chloe was going to be her partner for the photoshoot.

She sighed deeply and tried her best to save face. Chloe stomped over to the center of the backdrop alongside (y/n)

"Isn't this exciting, (y/n)?" Chloe turned to (y/n), she was wearing a similar pollo dress in white, and a canary yellow knit sweater, a few sizes too large since it very endearingly draped over Chloe's shoulders, and covered the dress.

(y/n) actually thought the outsit softened Chloe's appearance. She seemed sweet in it, unfortunately that was not the reality. nevertheless, (y/n) responded politely. She didn't quite know Chloe's angle yet.

"Yes, it is exciting. I like your outfit!"

Chloe smiled proudly to herself and quickly turned forward to the photographer. She hummed slightly to herself.


The photographer began to snap his photos. (y/n) assumed the routine of poses that she had learned over time.

She tried to englongate her limbs, make shapes and lines with her body. The lessons in the art of posing ran through her mind. Her skillful repetoire awarding her approval from the phographer and the officials around the photoshoot.

Chloe stood beside her, she did know how to behave in front of a camera, though she lacked the grace and experience that (y/n) had.

They followed a semi-repeating pattern of posing.

(y/n) and Chloe would pose together, the photographer would snap some pictures. (y/n) would move an arm or a leg or the way her neck was positioned. and then the photographer would stop, and then instruct them to a new position.

In between the scene changes, he would say things like,

"Now you sit, and you stand." "Find what is comfortable", and " Get closer together! You girls are friends, non?"

This repeated for a while until (y/n)'s appendages ached from holding them still. She made eye contact with Meera, who was observing from the side lines.

"Monsieur, Don't you think it's about time we have a break? The girls are looking tired."

The photographer simply hummed in response, and took his camera to the computer screen displaying all their pictures.

Chloe and (y/n) walked away and a flurry of makeup and hair artists got to working on them again. Touching up their hair and makeup.

They were taken to their chairs, and they sat together while being pampered.

"(y/n)? Do you wanna like? Do something after this?"

(y/n) was a little stunned at Chloe, especially after her previous actions. She really could not wrap her head around her mood swings. But still, (y/n) knew that being civil would be the better route.

"Sure! What do you want to do?"

Chloe squealed and jumped up from her chair, the assistance working on her scattered and avoided her path. She came up to (y/n)'s chair and grasped her hands excitedly.

"OMG! Like, whatever you want to do. We could go shopping... we could go to a club... Ooo! We're having a sleepover! it'll be totally so much fun! What's your manager's name? Meera? Right? MEERA!"

Chloe called out to Meera and she showed up quickly. "Yes?"

"(y/n) and I want to have a sleepover tonight. Send over a bag with her things to the hotel. Bring her something cute to wear too."

Meera looked a little confused but just nodded slightly.

"Yes... I suppose that can be arranged. (y/n), what would you like me to bring?"

(y/n) thought for a moment.

"Can you bring that pink silk mini? The one I wore Milan fashion week? And I don't mind what you bring for me tomorrow. I have that- "

(y/n) was about to mention the photoshoot she had scheduled with Adrien, but from experience, knew better, and held her tongue.

"Nevermind. I forgot we don't have school tomorrow. But the dress definitely."

Chloe beamed at (y/n)'s compliance.

"Oh! This is going to be SO totally AWESOME! I know this club! I'll get us on Vip RIGHT NOW!"

She wasn't her usual self, in (y/n) humble opinion. She was... bubblier?

nevertheless, a night in a lounge sipping champagne in cute dresses didnt seem too off putting.

Those thoughts were banished when the photographer inserted himself into their space.

"girls! good news! I think that we got enough pictures of you beauties. so... you are free to go! and please, please take anything from your rack."

He snapped his fingers impatiently.

"There should be bags for you to take them home in. I love you bellas! mwah! ciao!"

(y/n) and chloe turned to each other in equal excitement, even through their differences, they both had a mutual love of clothes.

They both ran to the racks and started looking through the pink and yellow things to their liking.

(y/n) took a large pink comfy bag. She never actually needed space for anything but a card and a phone, IF that.

But (y/n) was thinking to the future. She should have a bag to through some overnight things in.

Whether that was for sleepovers with chloe... or other people....

The thought was quickly banished when chloe showed over her find off the hanger.

"Isn't this SO cute? anyways. Let's get out of here. Let's go back to my place. Jean Paul? is the car ready?"

Chloe and (y/n) gathered their things, their purses and their Lacoste bags. And they headed out the elevators.

(y/n) checked her phone and saw the time. it was 7:24. She was surprised to know they were in there for more than 4 hours.

Her phone also had a message from Adrien

Adrien Agreste : 5:05

Hey! Just got home from school. You havent messaged me back so I assume you're still working.
I hope they're not over working you!

Looking forward to seeing the shoot! lol


(y/n) turned her phone away from Chloe slightly. She typed her reply. 

To: Adrien Agreste -7:32

Finally out! It actually went okay!

I think me and Chloe are starting to be friends?

we're having a sleepover tonight! wish me luck!


She quickly tucked away her phone into her purse.

The elevator opened to the lobby and they left through the revolving doors. (y/n) smiled and waved at the receptionist lady from before.

Chloe's limousine was parked on the curb outside. A driver opened the doors, and another man took the Lacoste bags and put them in the boot of the limo.

(y/n) and Chloe settled themselves in the backseats of the limo.

" Chloe? Can I ask you something?"

Chloe's demeanor immediately shifted. She shuffled in the sweater and fiddled a little with her manicure.

"uhhh. Sure... totally. But I'm gonna take my adderal first"

Chloe opened a compartment and pulled out a pill compact decorated in crystals.

The swallowed the pill down with a swig from an iced bottle of Pellegrino.

(y/n) took a bottle for herself and sipped it gently.

"No judgement. I'm not attacking you right now... but like... why are you so mean?"

There was a long pause in the air. The air conditioning was blasting and the white noise filled the silence.

"Well. I don't know. like, my mom always said like, people will always take advantage of you if you dont take advantage of them. and like, I dont know. She was always super mean to me. She either ignored me or was rude to me. criticizing me. So I just, avoided her like she avoided me. I had everything I wanted but..."

Chloe's voice stopped and she took a large deep breath.

"I'm so angry. all the time. Like. there's this hatred for the world. and..."

She took a swig of her sparkling water. (y/n) followed in suite.

"and, yknow whats crazy? This is probably bad or whatever, but all this material stuff actually makes me feel good. at least for a little while. I like pretty things. Is that bad?"

(y/n) leaned into Chloe and brought her into a side hug.

"No, Chloe. I dont think thats bad. but... I am sorry you had to go through that. yknow, maybe you could try something to chill yourself out. Do you get massages? Facials? Do you wanna do yoga together?"

Chloe didn't say anything, but she sniffled and nodded her head.

Somehow, (y/n) felt that she had made a new friend. maybe thats all Chloe needed.

They remained nuzzled together until the limo slowed. And then Chloe jumped up excitedly.

"EEK! we're here!"

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