~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]...

By chumpaghetti_457

65.6K 1.5K 419

So I don't really see tommyinnit agere oneshots, so here we are making it. This book is strictly SFW. Age re... More

•Request Page!•
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but I like it Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Phil• (I'm sorry papa)
•Little!Tommy CG!Wilbur• (Babysitting)
•CG!Niki Little!Tommy• (Baking with the Little)
•CG!Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Feeling extra little)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Quackity• (I- I'm a little)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (It's weird, but i like it Part 2)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 1)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 1)
•Little!Tommy Big Brother!Tubbo CG!Techno, Phil, Niki• (Beach Day)
•CG!Reader Little!Tommy• (Sick Day Part 2)
•CG!Wilbur Little!Tommy• (Pretty Picture)
•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Tubbo• (Pretty Hair)
•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 2)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 1)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen)
~Author's Note~ (Please read)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 1)
•CG!Tubbo, Ranboo, New Character Little!Tommy, New Character• (Hide and Seek!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 2)
•CG!Phil Little!Tommy (Accidents Happen: Sequel-Such A Small Boy!)
•CG!Phil, Ranboo, Tina, Kevin Little!Tommy• (Babysitters)
•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)
•Little!Tommy CG!Sam• (Meanies)
•CG!Quackity Little!Tommy• (Sing me a song pwease)
•Little!Tommy CG!Techno, Phil, Wilbur• (What are you wearing?!)
•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 3)
•Little!Tommy CG!Drista (Aww he's a little?)
•CG!Wilbur, Niki Little!Tommy (Helping Hand)
~Author's Note~ (New Book!)
•CG!Quackity, Tubbo Little!Karl, Tommy• (Stargazing)
•Little!Tommy CG!Puffy• (Fuzzy Feeling)
•Christmas Special! Part 1•
•Christmas Special! Part 2•
•CG!Sbi Little!Tommy•(Sick little one)
•Little!Tommy CG!Jack, Niki• (Jack what did you do?!)
I'm Back From A Really Long Break....
This Isn't A Chapter but pls read...
•Little! Tommy CG! SBI• (Is This Yours?)

•Little!Tommy and Tubbo CG!Phil and Wilbur• (Little's Day Out)

2.3K 48 12
By chumpaghetti_457

Tommy was fixing his bag and making sure he brought all the things he needed

The four of them are going on a little picnic together, so they could all spend together and meet eachother in real life

While Tommy was finalizing his stuff his phone began to ring and he picked it up, it was Tubbo calling


"Tommy! Hey big man, I am packing some little gear for my self and my stuffy, what about you?"

"Oh yeah! I did and I am so excited! Can't wait to see you all"

"Same here, so I gotta continue packing, I just wanna check up on you. See you later!

"No problem, see you later too!"


Tommy continued packing up and when he finished, he pat himself on the back and started heading out

A few minutes later, Phil and Wilbur arrived

"Hey toms! Come on inside, just sit at the back beside Tubbo"

Tommy lit up, grabbed his bag and opened the car and went in

"Hewo tommy!"

Tubbo said clearly in littlespace, after he said this it made Tommy feel little

"Hehe hi tubbwo"

Phil and Wilbur looked at each other and chuckled and continued driving

They finally arrived in the park and Phil unlock the doors and the two littles went running outside

"Hey! No running munchkins, you might hurt yourselves!"

Shouted Phil while watching them run past the car

"Yesh 'apa Phil, we sorry"

Said Tubbo while slowing down and grabbing Tommy's hand

Tommy was in a younger headspace than Tubbo so he was just mesmerizing around not really paying attention. He was 3-4 and Tubbo is around 5-7

Wilbur got out and was carrying the picnic basket and blanket to put down, he found a good spot under the tree where there weren't as much people, incase one of them slips in a younger headspace

Phil followed behind carrying their bags filled with little gears and also some drinks to quench their thirst

"Ooh! Tubs looky! Dwucks!"

Tommy said while pointing at the ducks in the pond

"Wow! Wilby look, Tommy found the duckies!"

Tubbo called out to Wilbur, he looked and smiled at the boy. After setting down their belongings, he decided to go after the boys to watch them while Phil watches the food and the bags

"Hello boys, what are we doing here?"

"Wilby, can me and Tommy feed the duckies? They look hungwy"

Wilbur couldn't say no to the boy, he nodded and promised to get some. He then shifted his attention to Tommy who seem to be mesmerized and in a young headspace

"Hey bud, do you feel small?"

Tommy nodded but he wanted to feed the ducks and play with Tubbo. But he wanted Wilbur to carry him

"Come on you can stay with Phil"

Tommy shook his head, made grabby hands and pointed at the ducks

Wilbur couldn't really understand the boy but he picked him and went to get some bread

"Tubs just stay here ok? Tommy feels little and be a big brother to him"

Tubbo nodded happily while still looking at the ducks

He went back to the picnic set where Phil was and grabbed some bread

"Aw hello there! Does someone feel little?"

Phil cooed at Tommy, which quickly hid his head behind Wilbur. They both laughed and Wilbur went back to Tubbo

The three then started throwing bread crumbs and Tubbo clapped happily, he looked back at Tommy and told him to try throwing some too. He did which made Tommy giggle and Wilbur chuckling about it

"Wilby, can I take Tommy to stroll around for a while?"

Asked Tubbo with innocence in his eyes

"Of course tubs, but i'm gonna follow you guys just incase"

Tubbo loved the idea and Wilbur let go of Tommy and Tubbo grabbed his hand and went off adventuring

They picked up different shaped rocks and some leaves, Tubbo giggled when he saw a worm

"Tubby, wus dat?"

Tommy asked not understand why it was wiggling

"It's worm Tommy! They wiggle, look I can wiggle too hehe"

Tubbo began dancing following the movement of the worm, Tommy giggled and followed what his big brother was doing

Wilbur looking from afar was laughing on how cute the two boys are. He decided to record them so he could show Phil later

After a while of exploring and seeing butterflies, squirrels and other insects. Wilbur looked at his watch and they needed to go back

"Boys, time to go back. We have to eat some food now"

"But we is not done playing Wilby"

Tubbo said not wanting to go back and play even more

"We have to go back now Tubs, Phil is all by himself, he could use some company by these two little rascals"

Wilbur said while ruffling their hair

"Otay! I wan to see Phil too!"

Tubbo started running back, but Tommy was just there standing

"Come on bud, don't you wanna run after Tubbo"

Tommy shook his head and made grabby hands to Wilbur

He immediately understood and picked the boy up and started going back to the picnic

"Hello little one! Do you want food or angel milk?"

Phil asked seeing Tommy carried by Wilbur

"Hewo Tommy! I think he feels little 'apa Phil"

Phil understood the boy and asked Tommy what he wanted again to make sure

He pointed his bottle and started making the milk

He handed it to Wilbur who sat down and fed Tommy while eating a sandwich

Wilbur then put the boy down with Tubbo and they both started babbling words to eachother while Phil and Wilbur looked at them both chuckling

Wilbur looked at his watch again and it was started getting late. He told Phil to start cleaning up and they did

The two boys were just busy talking and babbling with the different stones they collected and their new pet worm which they named Barry

When it was time to leave, Phil called out to both of the boys but they weren't answering

He decided to check and them and got spooked by the worm Tubbo was holding

"Oh my Tubbo, where did you get that little buddy you have?"

"It's Barry, me and Tommy found him, can we take him home. Pease?"

Phil knew they shouldn't take this worm him because it belonged there, but he was scared the boy might cry

"You know what you can leave Barry here and you and Tommy could go back next week to visit him. Because this is his home too"

Tubbo and Tommy agreed and started walking back with Phil to the car

They had an amazing time and both are excited to see Barry again

A/N: So this is a long chapter, but it felt uncompleted if I didnt add much details, but yeah thats it. Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 1119

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