(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

38.8K 1.5K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

Blood Type

332 16 2
By Bank_Teresa


Earth: Seo!... Seo Ji... What you ...


Seo Ji furious at seeing his belly, she looked up at him, angry to see his face.

Seo Ji: You don't leave me alone do you?!

Seo Ji started to enter through the door without asking permission to enter, started walking slowly making Earth walk backwards. Seo Ji's face right now is scaring Earth.

Earth: What are you talking about Seo Ji?!

Seo Ji annoyed, with a scary look, just like a devil.

Seo Ji: It's not enough that you appear in my life again, and appear up with a bastard... Now you get pregnant again... You're annoying.

Seo Ji continued to walk non-stop, Earth scared, he couldn't do anything at this point, he's expecting a baby, any sudden movement could hurt the baby, confused by the words Seo ji just uttered.

Earth: appear in your life again!... What are you talking about?!... As far as I know, I've never met you before!

Seo Ji stopped, Earth too, furious with him.

Seo Ji: Of course you didn't know me... You appeared as a filthy rat in my life and P'Kao's....

Earth not knowing what she's talking about, still confused. Seo Ji seeing that he is not noticing anything she is saying.

Seo Ji: I was p'Kao's girlfriend before you showed up... Before you stumble into P'Kao, in that shit that day at university.... I saw you from the moment you met p'Kao ...I saw you that day in the cafeteria where p'Kao defended you and that idiot Fluke....He was really taking me seriously...I was with him, until a week went by, and he broke up with me, to be with you... I didn't do anything because I thought you would be another fun game for him... But apparently not... He started taking you seriously...He loved you really... The love that was mine, that I wanted for me, you took from me...

Earth scared of Seo Ji, walking backwards slowly, Seo Ji started walking too.

Earth: Sorry... I didn't know about you... I...!

Seo Ji grabs Earth's hair from behind in anger and hatred.

Seo ji: shut up... shut up you heap of shit

Earth:ahahhhaaaaaaaaa...... Seo Ji!.... Please don't....

Seo Ji started to laugh loud and non-stop, stopped and looked into Earth's eyes, fixed her hatred on him, feeling angry.

Seo Ji: I had managed to separate you from him... Thanks to the man you denied that day, at that party... Do you remember?... He was so mad at you and p'Kao... I was at that party, you knew that... That same day I followed that man... I talked to him... The next day I found out that you agreed to date with P'Kao... I didn't let it go... I formulated a plan with this man. .. A month later he put into practice the plan I made...and you fell like an idiot.

Earth widened his eyes on hear all this from her.

Earth: So... That means!.... that!... It's mean it was... You're the unknown person who...

Seo Ji looking at him angrily, yelled loudly at him.

Seo Ji: That means I was the one who separated you from p'kao five years ago... With the help of the man you and P'Kao have humiliated, of course....

Seo Ji pushes Earth to the ground with such force, Earth before falling to the ground, hits the couch with his belly, and falls to the ground.

Earth grabs under his belly, and starts feeling a great pain under his belly, opens his mouth, feeling so much pain.

Earth: ahhhhhhhhh.... My God.... What... ahhhh...

Seo Ji sees what her did, with hatred, with anger at Earth. Earth looks at her sideways, clutching his belly, feeling unbearable pain.

Earth: ahhh.... Seo Ji please.... Seo Ji please help me ahhh.... I can't....ahh... I can't have my baby like this... My ... My way of giving birth is different.... It's hurting a lot... please help...

Seo Ji hates him.

Seo Ji: I know that... You're a man... You can't give birth to a baby like me who's a woman... That's why I think it's disgusting.... Why do I have to help?!... I don't see a reason for me to do this...

Earth looks into her, looks straight ahead over his head, sees the phone. Seo Ji saw the direction he looked, saw the phone. Earth tried to crawl to the phone, Seo Ji stood watching him crawl to the landline, as he approached the phone, lying on the floor, Earth raises a hand and tries to grab the phone that is on top of a small table.

Seo Ji grabs the phone and throws it to the ground, breaking the phone on the ground, Earth looks at what she did, desperate, weak and in great pain, looks at Seo Ji in front of him.

Earth: No!... ahhh! What have you done?.... My baby...

Earth doesn't stop feeling pain, squinting, turning red all over his face, Seo Ji smiling a happy, vindictive smile.

Seo Ji: You will die here with this filthy baby in your belly... You can't give birth to this baby, I won't let you intrude on my life and p'Kao's one more time .... Die once and for all and leave me alone with P'Kao...

Earth scared of losing his baby, desperate.

Earth: No! Seo Ji please.... My baby.... Please save my baby... I swear... I swear I'll get out of your life... but...

Seo ji crossed her arms, seeing Earth crawling on the floor towards her, a smile playing at the corner of her lips, happy to know that both Earth and the baby were going to die.

Seo ji: Sorry! I did my nails a little while ago, I'll ruin my beautiful nails if I help you... I have to go... have a good death along with this crap that's inside of you.

Seo Ji turns goes to the door and says goodbye to Earth with a satisfied smile.

Earth as Seo Ji left, desperate, scared, weak and in a lot of pain.

Earth: please my God! .... Don't let me lose my baby... It's still too early for it to be born... Please help me I can't have my baby here... P'Kao... Our baby. .. Our..

Earth starts to lose consciousness a little, sweating nonstop.

Kao arrives at Earth's house, he saw that it would be too dangerous to leave Earth alone for one night, even though Earth says it's okay.

Kao left Maya with Ohm and went to Earth, when he arrived he slammed the door, saw that Earth is not coming to answer the door, picked up the phone and called Earth, and the voice on the phone says the phone is off, Kao noticed that something is wrong, feeling something he never felt a sense of inexplicable anguish.

Kao: Earth! Earth, are you there?!...

Kao doesn't hear Earth's voice, thinking that maybe he's asleep, turned around, his back to the door, trying to leave.

The noise of a glass vase breaking...

Kao immediately hears this sound.

Kao: What was that?!....Earth....!

Kao worried, wasting no time, with only one leg Kao took down the door, Kao's eyes widen when he sees the broken vase in front of Earth, and Earth looking at him in pain, weak, and putting a hand in front of him.

Earth: p'... Kao, please... Please my baby... Our baby... Help me...

Earth turns, with its belly up, and screams with the pain he is feeling and that is getting worse by the minute.

Earth:aaahhhhhhhhh...My God...No....aaahhhhh...It hurts...

Kao quickly goes to Earth, kneels on the ground beside him, grabs him, puts Earth's head in his lap, worried, anguished, not knowing what to do.

Kao: Earth!....Earth my love... What happened?! Why are you lying on the ground...

Earth looking at him, full of pain, unwilling to explain, one hand grips his shoulder.

Earth: No... ahhhhhhhhh.... Don't say anything aah... Just take me to the hospital.... Ahhh... Our child can't be born like this.... I'm a man, shit... Our way of being born a baby is not normal like women's ahahhhaaaa"-- Earth grabs Kao's shirt, the front of Kao's chest, furious with Kao.... You.... because of you, I'm in this damn condition again....ahhhhhhhhh take me to the hospital immediately or I'll kill you....

Kao a little scared of Earth.

Kao: ok! All right... I'll take you, calm down...

Without wasting much time, he grabbed Earth by the lap, left the house, in the rain, he put Earth in his car and ran to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the nurse puts Earth on the hospital gurney, she looks at Kao.

Nurse: are you the child's father?!

Kao: yes I'm the father...

Nurse: please wait outside...you cannot come in....

Earth looks at Kao, Kao looks at Earth, worried about him, afraid that something might happen to the baby and to Earth.

Two hours later, Earth's baby is born, and it's a boy, Earth loses consciousness and starts losing blood during surgery, Earth had two cardiac arrests.

An hour passed, Ohm arrived with Fluke at the hospital, Fluke worried about Earth.

Fluke: p' Kao what happened? Where's Earth?!...

Kao worried, scared, put both hands to his face, took his hands away, looked at Fluke.

Kao: He's been in this room for more than three hours... I can't stand not having information.... I'll die if something happens to him... Kao started to cry.... I will...

Ohm hugs Kao quickly, worried about them both.

Ohm: Don't be like that!... He'll be fine... Ohm stoped hugging him.... Be strong... Everything will be fine....

A few minutes after Ohm said these words, the doctor left the operating room. Kao anguished, worried Kao approaches the doctor quickly.

Kao: So doctor!?... How is he?! The baby is good?!.

The doctor a little serious.

Doctor: Who are you?!...

Kao: I'm the baby's father!

Doctor: So you're the father who left N'Earth five years ago...

Kao not feeling well as he heard this, a little sad.

Kao: yes it's me!

Doctor saw the sadness in Kao's eyes.

Doctor: I'm N'Earth's gynecologist... I took care of his first pregnancy, and now this pregnancy too.... Don't worry, the baby is fine, and it's a boy... The problem is with N'Earth....

Kao worried, his eyes widen when he hears that something has happened to Earth.

Kao: The problem is with Earth?!.... What's he got?! Is it serious doctor?!....

Doctor: He had two cardiac arrests due to blood loss.... And unfortunately he needs blood... At this moment he is sedated by the general anesthesia we put on him... N' Earth's blood type is 0-... Unfortunately he can only receive blood from this blood type... Do you have that blood type?!

Kao, Fluke and Ohm look at each other, not knowing what to do, they don't have Earth's blood type.

Kao: unfortunately I don't have...

Ohm: I don't have either...

Fluke: I don't have it, but Maya does, doesn't she?!

Doctor: Not, her type apparently belongs to the other father... I've had many consultations with little Maya... If you don't have his blood type... N'Earth will eventually die... In this moment he is very weak... Please find it as soon as possible... I'll go check on the baby.... Does the father want to see the baby?

Kao a little happy but thinking about Earth.

Kao: Yes! I want to see my son...

Kao, Fluke and Ohm went to see the baby in the incubator, when the doctor arrived, he said with a smile.

Doctor: He was born without completing the last two months... That's why he will stay a little longer here in the ICU...

Kao, seeing his and Earth's baby, was very happy, he's seeing the fruit of the love he generated that last night they both had.

Kao: He's so beautiful... Very Earth-like...

Fluke worried about Earth.

Fluke: yes he really is very handsome... But I'm worried about Earth.... None of us have his blood type... What are we going to do?

Ohm: We have to find someone... Earth's mother!... She must have, right?!

Fluke's eyes widened, he immediately grabbed his phone and called Earth's mother.

A few minutes passed, Fluke hung up the phone, sad.

Fluke: She doesn't have Earth's blood type either... Earth's father had Earth's blood type.... But his dead ..... What are we going to do?! I don't know anyone else who has this blood... Why is it so hard to find this blood type... 0-?! Who could have this blood type?

: I have this blood type...

Kao, Fluke, Ohm and the Doctor looked at this person. Kao surprised and not knowing who he is.

Kao: You! You were the day Fluke had the baby... I saw you next to Earth... Who are you?!.

He puts his hand forward, greeting Kao.

: Nice to meet you, I'm Cha Eunwoon... A new friend that the beautiful Earth came across on the street...

Kao looking at him, looked at his hand, not liking the way Cha Eunwoon and the words he uttered, folded his hands, Fluke looking at the two of them facing each other, the looks were a little scary. Ohm saw that Kao not really enjoying seeing Cha Eunwoon, Ohm gave his hand instead of Kao.

Ohm: nice to meet you! I'm Ohm... Friend of Earth and husband of N'Fluke... This one is...

Kao said teasing Cha Eunwoon.

Kao: I am the father of N'Earth's daughter and son... and I am his husband...

Cha Eunwoon seeing that Kao didn't like him very much, said he, teasing Kao.

Cha Eunwoon: From what I heard from N'Earth, you left him to be with a woman, am I right?....!

Kao furious at Cha Eunwoon's teasing, tried to punch him, but Ohm stopped him.

Kao: Listen here you shit....!

Ohm: Stop P'Kao... This is not the time for you to fight him...

Fluke stepped between them, angry at them both.

Fluke: You two listen here... My friend is between life and death... I won't let two idiots fight like stray dogs over a bone while my friend is in that bed fighting to survive.... Fluke looks at Cha Eunwoon.... You said you have this blood type, right?!

Cha Eunwoon: yes.

Fluke: So please help N'Earth... Help my friend... Fluke looks at Kao.... And you, you're just going to look.... Because you don't have the authority to say anything at this moment. ..Because most of Earth's problems is you.... If you love Earth and if your love is strong... then see if you let him save the life of the love of your life or Earth dies... . You got it?..

Kao not having any options, he sighed, looked at Cha Eunwoon, angry just looking into his eyes, pointed his index finger at him.

Kao: Listen right here... I'm allowing it because it's his life that's at stake... After that, I don't want to see you near him...

Cha Eunwoon, giving a teasing smile.

Cha Eunwoon: That's only N'Earth who can say this..

An angry Kao tried to go against him again, but suddenly.

Slap in the face.

Everyone's eyes widened, Fluke looking at this person, surprised to see him after so many years.

Fluke: p'Newyear......!

One more chapter to please the happiness of you all☺️❤️

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