Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

By GabeTheFallen

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... More

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Moving Forward

1K 17 26
By GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

She stared with her eyes wide open, even from the Land of Grimm the aftermath of the battle at Beacon could be seen, Salem felt a wide variaty of emotions that she haven't felt in a long time, but what she felt the most was fear.

Questions started to run through her mind about her associates, did they win? Did they lose? Are they even alive?

Her question, were answered by a dark portal who just appeared out of thin air, from the said portal jumped Blackheart, Laila and Predator, all of them wounded, Blackheart's demonic form looked roasted, Laila was battered and bruised she used Predator as a shield against the flames, as for Predator his skull was cracked and little to no flames, anyone with 2 braincells could tell that he was shaken by something.

Blackheart: "D-damn that Duncan, he and Zarathos are made for eachother! They are both fucking insane!"

Salem: "Just what in Brothers name happened? The explosion could be seen from here?"

Blackheart: "What happened? Heh! A Hellfire Nova, that bastard took out all the Grimm."

But someone had to take a potshot at Predator's more... docile behavior, that being someone who clearly lost his marbles and has a death wish for poking fun at a Ghost Rider. His name is Tyrian.

Tyrian: "Hehehe, this guy looks all banged up, what's wrong not so tough now?! Were is all the bad guy attitude? Bet it was a huge fight and you lost! Hehehehe!"

Predator did not apreciate the way Tyrian spoke of him, his flames ignited again before grabbing Tyrian by the neck and lifting him from the ground.

Predator: "YOU WERE NOT THERE!... that guy... is a monster..."

Predator threw Tyrian to the ground who then crawled behind Salem for protection.

By the time Blackheart changed back into his human form.

Blackheart: "For now we shall heal our wounds."

Suddenly the doors busted open by Wallow who had something wrapped in cloth in his hands.

Wallow: "My lord, we got it!"

Hearing this Blackheart smiled.

Blackheart: "Oh is that so? How did it went?"

Wallow: "We managed to take it while the witch was fighting someone by the name Stephen Strange, they were talking about her reality being a threat to the realms of creation, making rifts between the worlds." He said handing Blackheart the object.

Blackheart: "The Sorcerer Supreme was there? Hmm, let's hope that they won't miss it."

Salem chose to listen from the sidelines not to inquire Blackheart's wrath, she knew that he liked to be entertained but after their battle with Duncan he was not in the mood for games.

Blackheart: "One thing i'm certain if this Witch will put earth in danger she will have some... people waiting for her, well not our problem."

Wallow: "Shall we keep our scouts for any such danger?"

Blackheart: "Yes, that would be for the best."

Salem: "If... you don't mind me asking, what is it that he brought you? You seemed keen on having it."

Blackheart: "Oh this? Just our little help."

At that moment Blackheart took off the cloth revealing a book who had a dark and grim aura surrouding it.

Blackheart: "We are near the endgame."



3rd POV:

She woke up gasping for air, looking around franticaly, scanning her surroundings trying to find out where she is, then it hit her, this was her room from her house in Patch.

Throwing aside the blanket, she went for the door, as she got closer she heard some voices from downstairs. Opening the door she found her sister Yang.

Ruby: "Uh... Yang-"

Yang: "Shhh... look."

As much as they were happy to see eachother, Yang was more focused on the disscusion downstairs.

There they saw Qrow, Duncan who looked kinda tired, Ashley and their father Tai.

Ruby and Yang stayed hidden to listen to their conversation.

Tai: "That's... a lot to take in..."

Qrow: "Yeah, you get used to it."

Ashley: "Blackheart, another Ghost Rider, Beacon has fallen and Ozpin is dead... one hell of a vacation bro."

Duncan: "Ugh, don't remind me... by the way, where's Medusa, i haven't seen her when i arrived."

Ashley: "Back home, she went to tell the others that everything is fine..."

Duncan: "Define 'fine' sis."

Ashley: "Well fine as we can... how are you feeling? You were in the middle of that explosion."

Yang and Ruby listened intently at their conversation, until two chains coiled around their torso and brought them downstairs, they were hanging in the air while Duncan looked at them unimpressed.

Ashley: "Wow, now i see the resemblance..."

Duncan only sighed letting them down.

Duncan was about to take a sip from his flask, but the next question made him stop.

Ashley: "Say, where's Summer, is she in a mission?"

Hearing this everyone remained silent, her brother decided to give her the news, plus some information only he and Zarathos were aware of, knowing that Ashley would have a better understanding of the situation.

Duncan: "Ashley... let's talk outside."

Ashley followed Duncan outside, but as she left the house she noticed the sad looks everyone had.

Being far enough Duncan stopped and turned around, Ashley tensed seeing Duncan's serious expression.

Duncan: "Summer... she... disappeared in a mission..."

Ashley: "... w-what...?"

Duncan: "Ashley, i have something to say and you are the only one that can understand, ok...?"

Ashley only nodded.

Duncan: "When i heard that Summer just went missing... i didn't made sense so, i visited any places related to the afterlife, and guess what? Her soul isn't there."

Ashley: "Then that means that someone either took her soul from the road to the afterlife or that... she is alive..."

Duncan: "Exactly... i didn't say a thing because i don't wanna give false hopes... i hate doing that."

Ashley: "Ok, bro, i got it, now what's next?"

Duncan: "... we need to find Ozpin... luckily he was killed by Blackheart so..."

Ashley: "He should be able to incarnate into another body, if he was killed by that Predator, guess his curse would be broken."

Duncan: "As things stand now, a series of events would be set in motion and i don't like it one bit."

Ashley: "Well Blackheart is alive and... Laila... as well."

Duncan: "I could have put an end to it... but i hesitated... she, Predator and Blackheart managed to escape."

Ashley: "Duncan, no one blames you, Laila was like a bigger sister to the both of us... hearing that... she was brought like this..."

Duncan: "Reminds you of our parents... but this time... is different..."

Suddenly Duncan stared to look around like trying to find something that wasn't there.

Ashley: "Something the matter?"

Duncan: "I'm not... sure, i thought i felt... dark matter, but it's impossible."

Ashley: "Yeah... strange, for now we should get ready for what's to come."

As the two started to make their way back to the house Ashley stopped all of a sudden.

Ashley: "Oh, forgot to mention, Constantine wanted to talk to you."

Duncan: "John? Haven't heard from him for a while, what did he want?"

Ashley: "No clue, all he said is that he needs to talk to you in person, he looked serious."

Duncan: "Serious? John? Hah! Are we talking about the same guy? The guy who's the Devil's ex?"

The wind started to pick up bringing a piece of paper into Duncan's hand, as Duncan looked a the piece of paper he stifled a laugh, making Ashley curious, Duncan then handed Ashley the paper reading it out loud.

Ashley: " 'Well fuck you too bro, signed Lucifer' so this is how he uses his new God powers... he didn't change a bit."

Duncan: "It's for the best, can you imagine if Michael became God?"

Ashley: "No thank you, also is it safe to leave someone like Michael down there? Won't he mess with things... again?"

Duncan: "Nah, he can't do much down there... except, hmm, no even he isn't desperate enough to open it... letting her free."

Ashley: "Do i even need to ask who?"

Duncan: "... the one entity that existed even before God himself."



3rd POV:

After finding that Blake ran away during the attack on Beacon and Weiss's father come to take her, Ruby didn't take it very well, she almost felt depressed seeing her team mates and friends disappear just like that, trying to clear her mind from this negative thoughts she went for a stroll through the forest nearby her house.

She suddenly found herself face to face with a Beowolf, she went for her scythe but, she forgot that she left it in the house, before she could another move the Grimm fell to the ground dead. From behind the beast Ashley walked out.

Ashley: "You ok there? That was a close one."

Ruby: "Ah, uh... yeah."

Ashley: "Yeah, i'm not buying it, come, we can talk while we walk."

Ruby only raised an eyebrow seeing Ashley walk deeper into the woods, but she followed her nontheless.

Ruby: "Uhh, miss-

Ashley: "Pftt, Hahahaha.... cut it out with 'miss', Ashley is just fine, i may look like this but i'm only 18."

Ruby: "Ah, right, Ashley, soooo what do you want to talk about?"

Ashley: "What do YOU wanna talk about?"

Ruby: "Huh?"

Ashley: "Ruby, i can tell that there's something bothering you, so the best thing you can do is to talk with someone, so i'm all ears."

Ruby: " *sigh* I-it's just... everything was going so well, but now, one of my teammates ran aparently, one was taken away by her father and... *sob* and, P-penny..."

Ashley: "Life kicked you down quite hard and fate decided to be a bitch, but... look i'm not good with words, far from it, so screw fate, if she decides to mess my life i'm gonna go against it, you should do the same, don't let what happened keep you down, on the contrary show that you are better and rise up to your feet. And if life is once again hard on you don't ask 'why me?' say 'try me!' fighting against the odds makes the victory even better."

Ruby could only stared wide eyed at Ashley's ranting, she knew Ashley just for a day but to her it felt like a big sister looking after the younger one.

Ruby: "Huh, thanks, i don't know what half those meant, but i think i got it."

Ashley: "That's the spirit."

As they continued to walk deeper into the woods, a few Grimm appeared before them, Ruby was gonna ran back to get her scythe.

Ashley: "No need..."

Ruby: "Huh, why?! They-"

Ashley: "Are already dead."


As the sound of a sword being sheated was heard all the Grimm fell to the ground Ruby only now noticed the katana in Ashley's hand, Yamato Replica, making her go in a chibi form with sparkles in her eyes.

Ashley: "Hooooo boi."

???: "She sure is excited after weapons, is she not?"

Ruby: "Huh, who said that?"

???: "Down here."

Ashley: "Finally decided to come out?"

Ruby: "Oh my gosh he is so adorableeeee!"

Ruby then lifted the little tiger in her arms and hugged it with all her might, but the little tiger didn't seem to mind, after all... he is Byakko.

Ashley: "Guess my partner decided to come out after all."

Ruby: "Partner? This little guy?"

Byakko: "Greetings Ruby Rose, i'm Byakko The White Tiger."

Ruby: "But he is so adorable~."

Ashley: "Just wait and see what he can really do."




In the meantime Yang had her own methods to cope with her state, she was more angry and annoyed then depressed, thankfully she found something less destructive to do, she went to a shed nearby her house where her bike Bumblebee was, taking out the bike and her tools she started to work on her bike, she noticed that the bike started to make some strange noises, so she decided to fix it.

After a few minutes of working on the bike it was still making some strange noises, annoying Yang even more, to put cherry on top a black raven with blue markings landed on the bike, confusing her, yet curious at the strange appereance that the bird had.

???: "So that's where you went."

The raven who happened Azure took off and landed on the shoulder of the individual who just arrived, that being Duncan.

Yang: "Oh, hi there..."

Duncan: "Troubles with the bike?"

Yang: "... yeah..."

Duncan only aproached Yang's bike and started to circle around it, making some strange faces, clearly talking with inner Spirit.

Duncan: "Well i think i can be of help, also he said you have a prettty cool bike."

Yang: "Sure, go ahe-... wait, 'he'? "

Duncan: "My partner, Zarathos, i already told you guys about him."

Yang: "Ohhhh, yeah, you said that he is The Spirit of Vengeance or something, but... where is he?"

Duncan only pointed at his chest.

Duncan: "He can... come out, but he is kinda... on fire."

Yang: "Pfft, just how bad it can be?"

From Duncan's chest a trail of orange flames appeared until they reached the ground, the flames changed into a bright blue color who soon formed a pair of white wings with dark blue tips, as the wings unfolded they showed Zarathos.

Zarathos: "Hello there."

Yang only stared with her eyes wide open and unfocused, not moving.

Duncan: "Uhhh, Yang? You in there firecracker?"

Zarathos: "Oh no, Duncan, we broke her."

Yang: "H-he... looks like the cover of a death metal album and it's awesome!"

Duncan and Zarathos looked once at another before they started to laugh.

Duncan: "Well you certainly reacted better then most."

Zarathos: "Indeed, most would've passed out by now."

Duncan then took some tools from the toolbox and started to help Yang with her bike.

Yang: "I mean you ARE scary, but, knowing you are with Duncan in the first place put me at ease."

Zarathos: "I see."

Zarathos glanced towards Duncan before turning towards Yang, they knew something was on Yang's mind and Duncan wanted to help her, followed by Zarathos.

Duncan: "This is gonna take some time to fix, sooo in the meantime we can talk about what's bothering you."

Yang: "Eh! What do you mean?"

Duncan: "It's about Blake isn't it? Heard she ran away."

Yang found the ground very interesting before deciding to give Duncan a chance.

Yang: "S-she just ran, not even bothering to look back once, after all we've been through she just abandoned us! Do we mean so little for her?!"

Duncan put one of the tools down before focusing on Yang.

Duncan: "Yang... in this matter... i'm not better then her."

Yang: "... what do you mean?"

Duncan: "When Z and i became partners... i left my old life behind and went as far away as i could."

Yang: "..."

Zarathos: "To give on context on why, back where we come from, our world has two sides, the normal one and the supernatural one, Duncan left his normal life behind since he kinda became a target, that was years ago."

Duncan took another tool and turned his gaze towards the bike.

Duncan: "Our world doesn't have schools teaching on how to fight the supernatural, we try to keep those things a secret and most of the time many lose their lives trying to protect the people oblivious of the truth, and knowing i was targeted by supernatural forces, i had to do something, i couldn't put whatever friends i had in danger..."

Zarathos: "What are we trying to say is that... Blake may have a reason for running."

Yang: "Are you certain? That she had a reason?"

Duncan: "No clue, but, you won't know for sure until you ask her, don't be harsh on her, everyone makes decisions that they are not happy about, especially if it hurts someone they care about."

Yang: "... fine, i will see."

Duncan: "Good... and done, try turning it on."

Yang hoped on the bike and started to rev up the engine, the only sound that could be heard was the roar of the engine.

Yang: "Damn, good as new!"

Duncan: "Good to hear."

Duncan and Zarathos were about to leave Yang, but she said something that made both of them stop.

Yang: "You knew my mother right?"

Duncan: "I thought i knew her."

Yang: "Then you know where to find her, right?"

Duncan: "Yes, you deserve as much, but you can't go."

Yang: "What?! B-"

Duncan: "Without me, prepare your things, we are leaving when you are ready."

This chapter's meme:

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