Boundless ✔(A Mikaelson Soulm...

By Prettymama29

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18+ Warning. Mature scenes and language. Sneak peek- "Hello Finn." I greeted with a smile. He smiled back, le... More

Chapter I: The Awakening
Chapter II: Accusations
Chapter III: Cinderella Moment
Chapter IV: Not Here for Some Cliche
Chapter V: Don't Drink the Champagne
Chapter VI: Nighty-Night
Chapter VII: You
Chapter VIII: Stay
Chapter IX: Finn Mikaelson
Chapter X: Elf
Chapter XI: Past Inquiries
Chapter XII: The Beast Within
Chapter XIII: What are you?
Chapter XIV: Takeout
Chapter XV: The Contract
Chapter XVI: Coward
Chapter XVII: The Ring
Chapter XVIII: The Noble Promise
Chapter XIX: St. Augustine
Chapter XX: Black Ring
Chapter XXI: Fe
Chapter XXII: Little Wolf
Chapter XXIII: White Out and Rescue
Chapter XXIV: Soulmates
Chapter XXV: Numb
Chapter XXVI: Interrogation
Chapter XXVII: Blood Magic
Chapter XXVIII: Lacy
Chapter XXIX: To be Saved
Chapter XXX: New Year
Chapter XXXI: Just This Once
Chapter XXXII: Hanging by a Thread
Chapter XXXIII: If Only You Knew
Chapter XXXIV: Hayley Marshall
Chapter XXXV: Sister Sister
Chapter XXXVI: Too Much
Chapter XXXVII: Balance
Chapter XXXVIII: Back to Reality
Chapter XXXIX: Different
Chapter XL: Missing You
Chapter XLI: Blood
Chapter XLII: Emotional Confession
Chapter XLIII: Oh Baby!
Chapter XLIV: Full Moon
Chapter XLV: Road Bound
Chapter XLVI: The Highlands Club
Chapter XLVII: Downtown Shopping
Chapter XLVIII: Complications
Chapter XLIX: Doctor Alfson
Chapter L: Side affects
Chapter LI: Miracle
Chapter LII: I am Not going Home
Chapter LIII: Oh, brother
Chapter LIV: Threatened
Chapter LV: Made for Me
Chapter LVI: It's Time
Chapter LVII: Don't Take the Girl
Chapter LVIII: Balance
Chapter LIX: Welcome to the Family
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Chapter LX: The Beginning of the End

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By Prettymama29

Boundless. That's the word I would use to describe myself. No limits to what I was capable of. I have died. I have lived. Hell, I have even died again. But here I am. Alive, full of so much love, energy, balance... I have four Soulmates.

Finn Mikaelson, the oldest and Mother Hen of our group. He ended up being a great father figure to the girls. Whenever they fall down and get hurt, he is there with bandaids and some kind of treat to make them happy.

Elijah Mikaelson, the Noble one and the most logical of us. He took the job of reading to the girls often. Mostly fairytales since they always gave him what he called the puppy eyes. But he did slip in some books on their history, what they are capable of. Trying to prepare them for the future when and if it comes.

NiKlaus Mikaelson, the Hybrid, short-tempered and over protective one. Gosh, what an amazing dad. He was the one who got up late at night to change diapers and fed the baby's. Always there when they needed him. Now that they have grown some, he teaches them what he can, playing games and parenting them into such amazing girls.

Kol Mikaelson, the childish, understanding one. He is the fun parent, I believe. Never strict, can't get mad at the girls at all. When they get in trouble, he bails them out. He also thinks no one knows this. But we know. We know.

These are the loves of my life. My very long and complicated life. I would burn the world if something happened to any of them. Just as they would and have for me. We have two beautiful daughters.

Ava Mikaelson, the oldest and more free-spirited one. Now being six years old and in school, she is the silly one. Making faces, rolling down hills, making jokes whenever she can to make us smile.

Serenity Mikaelson, the youngest by just a minute and more mature one. Also being six years old and in school with her sister, she is the one who makes sure their room stays clean, makes her sister do her school work on time. I swear she's turning into the parent in this situation. But she still plays, especially when her uncles and aunts are around.

Our lives have gone through a lot of twists and turns, gaining family and losing it. In the end I have such a large family that I don't even know what to do with it.

Ricki Alfson, my brother and the savior. He saved my life when I really thought I wouldn't come back. Sure he didn't make me a vampire, but he was there. And sometimes thats all anyone needs.

Danial Erickson, my too many greats nephew who has been there for me for whenever he could. He's called uncle by the girls. Always teaching them about their family line. But he is also the one who sneaks them cake and ice cream before dinner.

Tyre Alfson, yes the spell worked. The curse broke at the end of the full moon. No longer living as a wild animal and no longer wanting to kill his children. Once he saw his children as a human again, we hugged and cried. When he saw his new grandchildren. His heart filled with so much love that he swore to protect them for as long as he lives. Now that Klaus has turned him into a hybrid, by his request so he could turn at will, he runs with the girls, playing with them and guarding them.

Rebekah Mikaelson, one of my best friends. Once we had returned home after our long prolonged trip, she gushed over the girls. Cried when she held them for the first time. Now she takes them shopping whenever she gets the chance. Becoming the best Aunt in their lives.

Freya Mikaelson, second best friend and the one who saved my life and my girls. After the whole cutting me open and making herself acquainted with my guts, we became like sisters. She ended up finding her own Soulmate. I was her maid of honor at her wedding even! Ava and Serenity were the flower girls. It was beautiful.

Thats just the family I've made in this lifetime. The friends. Oh, god. The friends I have made is amazing. Not including the ones that are actually family now-

Damon Salvatore, my closes friend besides the girls. My drinking buddy. The uncle to my girls. He was there for everything. He was the one to hang back and stay with my father until the full moon ended. When he saw me afterwards, he would kill me if I told you, but he cried. I swear. He hugged me so tightly.

Alaric Saltzman, such a terrible name. My other close friend, also drinking buddy. Ironically enough, Ricki is also part of our drinking group so imagine that for a moment. Ric and Ricki. Yeah. I now only call him Alaric. Couldn't handle the double Ric thing. Alaric ended up being great with the girls, they call him hunter Ric. I think it was a joke from some cartoon, but I couldn't tell you.

Caroline Forbes. Yes you heard me right. Turns out she is Ricki's soulmate. Shocked? I am too. But my god, she makes him so happy. Caroline turned out to be a good friend of mine though, she wasn't as bad as Rebekah made her seem. And dear god, the girls love her.

Bonnie Bennett, what can I say, we kind of bonded over the whole dying and near death experience thing a bit. Also the fact that she saved my life so long ago now, she was pegged as a friend in my book.

Jeremy Gilbert. This boy, I'm telling you, is MADE to be an uncle or even a father. The girls love him so much! They chase him around and cause so much trouble. We are pretty good friends too. The moment we shared when I was dead, it wasn't something I could just forget about.

Tyler Lockwood and Hayley Marshall. They ended up leaving Mystic Falls together. I think they are together or something. I still talk to Hayley on the phone, but she has left for good it seems.

Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore. Theres not much I can say about them. Stefan is great with the girls. Elena doesn't come around. I think she holds a grudge against my mates, which I can't blame her since Klaus did kill did Rebekah. Stefan just kind of comes around sometimes, he's neither a friend nor an enemy.

Matt Donovan, he stayed close. We weren't exactly friends, but he kept an eye out for us, all of us.

So you see, I have this huge group. So much love and compassion. I love my group, they are the people who have made me who I am today. Boundless.

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