Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

By GabeTheFallen

50.4K 845 1K

Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... More

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

The Fall of Beacon

1.1K 18 16
By GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

Terror, fear, that's what everyone felt once they saw what crashed in the middle of the arena of the colosseum.

What appeared to be a giant Grimm in form of a dragon, his body ingulfed in flames, yet he did not feel pain, he felt stronger then ever.

But that didn't compare with what was riding on the back of the dragon, with a strange armor, whip in hand and a wrist blade, the figure jumped off the dragon, the dust picked up obscuring the vision of the assailant, but as the dust settled their heart dropped, it was like a walking nightmare.

Predator, an evil Ghost Rider, stood between the two opponents that were previously facing one another before his arival, on his left was Pyrrha Nikos, on his right was a peculiar sight, a girl in a green skirt and short ginger hair, Penny.

But the most interesting thing for him was that the girl's soul seemed to not belong to her... no the souls seemed severed for the lack of better words.

As such, while the dragon started to reack havoc Predator started to make his way towards Penny, his mission was simple, create chaos.

Medusa seeing this wasted no time in trying to stall for time, fighting such beast on her own was suicidal, she had to wait for someone of his caliber to arrive. Instructing the teams to evacuate as fast as they could, she donned her nameless chain and jumped into the arena.

Penny tried to attack Predator using her swords who seemed attached to her back, yet they were disposed quickly by his hellfire. Feeling something tugging his arm, Predator looked at his left arm and saw a chain coiled around it, scoffing in annoyance he pulled the chain making Medusa fly towards him, she managed to maneuver herself just in time to land a kick to Predator's skull, yet as the hit landed to her it felt like she hit a wall of steel, her bones trembled at the impact and a surge of pain went around her feet, seeing that she has no way of harming him up close she jumped back trying to make some distance.

But just as she did that a giant tail swated her away into a wall, Medusa let out a scream feeling pain surging through all of her body.

Pyrrha who was frozen in terror until now snappes out of her trance once she saw the dragon turning his attention towards her, the dragon let out a roar followed by a torrent of flames, but a chain wrapped around her and dragged out of the flames way, Pyrrha landed next to a wounded Medusa. Pyrrha was gonna say something only for the sound of something metallic ripping through steel.

And then they looked in horror seeing Predator tearing Penny in half, he tilted his skull to the side in confusion.

Predator: "No... flesh...?"

Predator suddenly felt a something incoming, dodging he saw a small scythe impaled where he was just standing, hearing his dragon roar in pain he turned around and saw Duncan in his Rider form with the other scythe in the dragon's skull, with a display of strength he pulled the scythe smashing the deagon's head into the ground making all the arena shake.

Pulling out his scythe he saw that the dragon was still alive, the other scythe who was impaled in the ground started to shake until it went back in Duncan's hand.

Taking a good look around him he saw Penny who was dead on the ground, to the side he saw Medusa already bleeding and Pyrrha who was pale as a ghost.

Duncan's flames flared up in fury, his skull cracked showing crown like spikes, followed by a pair of devil horns, his leather attire changed into a black body suit, yet for a skeleton his muscles were all to obvious, this was Duncan's King form.

With a snap of his finger a massive eruption of flames appeared and from the fire revealed to be a giant wolf.

Fenrir, the Son of Loki.

Duncan: "Turn that dragon to shreds."

Fenrir only let out a howl as he rushed towards the dragon, bitting into his neck Fenrir threw the dragon outside of the entire arena. Fenrir jumped after him not wanting to waste time.

Now it was Duncan vs Predator.

Duncan: "Medusa, take everyone and evacuate Vale."

This confused her, all of Vale?

Medusa: "W-what's going on?"

Duncan: "An invasion."

With the words said, Duncan dashed towards Predator who prepared his whip, but it was too late, Duncan already grabbed him by the skull and slammed him into the ground making a hole through the arena making them fall right into the middle of the town like two meteors.

Duncan managed to fall on his feet, while Predator was still trying to comprehand what happened, his skull already cracked.

All around them Grimm roamed, running after humans, destruction ensued, Duncan took a good look sensing the demonic magic coming from the Grimm.

Letting out a demonic howl, Duncan donned his scythes before joining them together, aiming to kill Predator who just lifted himself from the ground and prepared his blazing whip.


Ozpin watched from his tower with dread written on his face at the carnage. Amber beside him covering her mouth and with tears in her eyes.

Qrow and Glynda suddenly came running towards him.

Qrow: "Oz..."

Ozpin: "Get to the city. Now!"

Qrow and Glynda exchanged worried glances before going for the elevator.

Thus leaving Ozpin and Amber alone... or were they?

???: "Hello."

The new voice made them both froze, turning around in a mechanical fashion, their eyes widened when they saw the man... no the demon before them.

Blackheart: "You must be the Ozpin that i heard so much about, my name is Blackheart."

His confident attitude put them on edge.

Ozpin: "Amber, take the elevator and go."

Amber: "What?! But-"

Ozpin: "This is not up for discussion!"

Amber made a run for the elevator, yet Blackheart was about to reach for her, a magic blast made him stop in his tracks, the attack coming from Ozpin, the demon raised an eyebrow at the so called atempt to harm him. Blackheart smirked, leaving Amber go, he started to make his way towards Ozpin.

Blackheart: "Now then wizard of Oz, show me what you got."


Back in the city of Vale.

Duncan and Predator were ingaged in immortal kombat, or more like, Predator being a punching bag.

The Spirit of Pollution was overwhelmed by the strenght of The Spirit of Vengeance.

Duncan was still trying to drive Predator to a safe distance so that the other huntsmen could evacuate, but, this kind of Grimm were unnaturaly strong, he had to leave Predator a few times in order to save some overconfident huntsmen, that made some openings in his defence against Predator who was using every method possible to gain even the slightest advantage.

But the good news kept coming, since Duncan was the enbodiment of Hell's fury and Heaven's wrath made him a magnet for Grimm, but wait there's more the atlas robots started to turn against the huntsmen and avoided shooting the Grimm, it was clear that someone took over Ironwoods's ship.

Duncan was at a stalemate against Predator, hearing a scream he looked and saw building about to fall onto some civilians, the huntsmen were to busy with the atlas robots and the Grimm to do something, sighing in annoyance, Duncan kicked Predator away launching him a good few meters.

Duncan rushed towards the civilians managing to catch the building that was about to fall, getting a better grip Duncan threw the building away making it fall onto some Grimm, the civilians ran away frightened by Duncan's flaming skull.

Suddenly Duncan was blasted away, Predator just returned and on his shoulder was mounted what appeared to be a miniature cannon, the barrel was smoking signaling the fresh blast of hellfire that was shot.

Duncan finded himself in a bulding that was supposed to sell guns, throwing the debris away he lifted himself up.

Duncan: "Just a little more time and then i can go all out."

A game of patience this was, with the civilians and huntsmen, Duncan had to hold back so that they won't be caught in the destruction that will follow.

Looking around the gun shop, Duncan saw something that caught his attention, his eye sockets widened, before a metaphorical smirk made his way onto his jaw.

As Predator was running towards Duncan location, he rolled out of the way to avoid a blast of hellfire coming from the building ahead, then the sound of an engine being revved up picked his attention. Looking at the entrance of the building he saw Duncan with two chainsaws in his hands.

Predator: "... shit..."


At the edge of the city, a dark blue portal opened, a figure could be seen stepping out, donning a dark blue coat, high heeled combat boots and a sheated katana in hand. Her ruby like eyes scanned her envyroment before she frowned, her white hair glistening in the light of the fractured moon.

Ashley Redgrave, the sister of Duncan just arived in Remnant.


Ashley's POV:

Ok, it wasn't expecting this. Guess Constantine has to wait a while before he talks with Duncan.

Closing my eyes for a second the image of my partner, Byakko flashed into my mind, clearly wanting to speak his mind.

Byakko: 'Ashley... you can feel jt, can you?'

What? Duncan's signature? Ayep, clearly King form, the question is... who is he fighting?

Byakko: 'No clue, but i suggest we hury, the stench of the dwellers from below is everywhere.'

Demons in Remnant, Duncan sure was busy.

As i made a run for the city ahead, trying to follow Duncan's signature, some Grimm tried to get in my way... why do these Grimm have the scent of demons? Heh, no matter.

I just lowered my stance, and unsheathed and sheathed back the Yamato, sending miniature Judgement Cuts, in less then a second the Grimms were nothing more then dark mist.

I then started to make my way towards, what i remember to Vale? It was a long time ago.

Wonder if Summer and the others are around? No, they must be, with these Grimm running around... and robots? The fuck?

Suddenly some kind of sentient garbage started to shoot at me, ugh, stop wasting my time.

The blade was ingulfed in dark blue fire, with a motion of the sword i sent of wave of flames melting the robots.

I arrived quickly in the city after that whole fiasco, and come over an interesting sight, what appeared to be a cat faunus with black hair and yellow eyes was fighting another faunus with red hair.


3rd POV:

Amidst the chaos, the White Fang stared their own attack, too bad for them Adam Taurus brought them to their own demise, the demonised Grimm started to slaughter everyone indiscriminently, not even the White Fang was safe.

Blake found herself fighting or better said struggling to fight against her ex-boyfriend, a.k.a Adam Taurus.

Blake was laying on the ground wounded as Adam started to aproach her for the final blow.

Adam: "I will make it my mission, to destroy everything you love..."

Suddenly, Yang's voice could be heard coming from the outside, she was fighting against the Grimm and trying to find Blake.

Seeing her Adam had a sinister smile.

Adam: "Starting with her."

Adam stabbed Blake making scream in pain, this caught the attention of Yang, who adopted a look of rage.


Adam only sheathed his blade calmly, in constrast with Yang who exploded with rage, she propeled herself using her gauntlets, yet as the time itself slowed down, Adam drawn out the blade only to be blocked by another katana, making Yang fly past him.

His eyes widened at how casualy his semblance empowered was blocked, no, it was stopped completly.

The one who stopped it was Ashley who smirked seeing Adam's surprised look.

Ashley used the sheath that she had on the other hand to knock Adam off his feet, and while he was mid-air she kicked him away into a wall.

By that time Yang took Blake on the safer part where they could watch the fight unfold, and treat Blake's wounds.

Yang: "Blake, who is that?"

Blake: "N-no clue... but, she looks familiar."

Ignoring their chattering, Ashley turned her attention towards Adam who barely lift himself from the ground.

Adam: "You... damn human!"

Ashley: "Whoa! Racist much. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Adam greeted his teeth before rushing towards Ashley, as he went to attack, Ashley paried with little to no effort with the sheathed Yamato.

Ashley: "Is that your best? How boring."

Adam only took a step back and sheated his sword, preparing his attack.

Ashley only raised an eyebrow seeing this, clearly uninterested, yet something about him made her... dislike him to say the least.

Ashley: "Show me your motivation."

Adam: "Oh! I will show you!"

As Adam rushed once more, he drawn out the blade from it's sheath going for a precise and deadly strike, seeing the incoming hit Ashley... changed, her eyes turned blue with slits, her nails turned into claws and her teeth turned into sharp fangs, thanks to Byakko empowering her.

For her it seemed like everyone else was moving in slow motion, as Adam drew the blade, Ashley did the same, leaning to the side and avoiding Adam's strike, with one swift motion she cut off Adam's right arm.

Adam remained frozen, confused, slowly turning his head, were his arm should be was no more, then a scream of pain and realisation followed.

Yang and Blake couldn't believe their eyes at how easy was for this unknown combatant to take down Adam.

Ashley turned around and started to leave, yet Adam wasn't done, what Ashley showed was mercy, something that he threw away. he took the blade with his other arm and dashed towards Ashley who had her back turned towards him.

Ashley only smirked not even turning around, as Adam was close to hit, a giant paw squashed him like a bug. Ashley turned around having a happy smile seeing who took down Adam.

Ashley: "Hey there Fenrir."

The giant wolf howled in aknowledgment, lowering his head so Ashley could pet him.

Ashley: "You girls try to get out of here as fast as you can."

Those were her parting words before she mounted Fenrir and started to make her way towards the battlefield.


Ironwood just shot down some of the atlast robots.

Ironwood: "This are is secure..."

Yet Qrow turned his sword into a scythe, smashing the blade once into the ground he started to run towards Ironwood who took his stance to defend himself, as Qrow came closer he jumped and cleaved in half a Grimm that was behind Ironwood.

Qrow: "Heh, you idiot, i know you didn't do this."

Fast pace footsteps interrupted their conversation, from the shadows a giant wolf appeared followed by Ashley.

Ashley: "Finally some normal people and... Qrow? Wow aged like a cheap beer."

Qrow: "Wait... Ashley?! You are here?"

Ashley: "Nu-uh dumbass i'm her twin... who do you think i'm?!"

Qrow: "Right..."

Ashley: "As much is good to see you and Glynda again, i think is for the best to leave the reunion and the introductions for later."

Suddenly Azure landed on her shoulder having a message to deliver. Ashley's eyes widened.

Ashley: "Guys... we need to get the Hell out of here right now!"

Ironwood: "I still need to get to my ship."

Ashley: "There won't be any ship left once Duncan is done."

Glynda: "What are you saying?"

Ashley: "He plans to take all of the Grimm down alongside with the other invaders. WE NEED TO RUN NOW!"


Duncan mentaly commanded Azure to deliver his message sensing his sister's pressence in this realm.

Predator was running away having only one foot.

Predator: "GAAAAHHH!"

Suddenly a flaming chainsaw was thrown cutting his other leg as well. Looking back he saw Duncan walking towards him.

Predator suddenly felt something, something new... fear. Starting to crawl backwards and not breaking the line of sight with Duncan, he started to shoot fire blasts from his miniature cannon. Yet the attacks seemed ineffective and weaker.

Predator: "S-stay back!"

Duncan: "Quit your whining, all i did was to cut your stupid legs off."

Duncan jumped back avoiding another strike, this time by an angel, Laila, who just arrived.

Laila: "Go and heal your wounds Predator, he is mine."

The monote and dead tone in her voice made Duncan's heart ache, he then looked at the blade in Laila's hand, a double edge golden sword with a white orned hilt, runes carved alongside the blade... an angelic blade.

As Laila rushed to attack, Duncan summoned his scythe to couter her attacks, it was clear who had the advantage, but the blade in Laila's hand was dangerous for a Rider, the blade was not enough to kill Duncan but was enough to actually wound him.

Duncan managed to disarm Laila, he then grabbed her by the neck.

Laila: "W-why... didn't you... s-save me..."

This made Duncan's flames dwindle and his grip weaken, seeing this Laila drawn something from behind her, a knife, wanting to stab Duncan, she raised the blade in the air, but Duncan caught her arm, letting out a low growl, he threw her aside.

???: "Well, well, well..."

Duncan didn't even need to see who just arrived, behind him Blackheart's demon form could be seen.

In Blackheart's hand could be seen a cane dripping with blood.

Blackheart: "Ah! This? A little souvenir from... Oz, hehehe."

Duncan: "What are you playing at Blackheart...?"

When Duncan took a good look at Blackheart he saw that he had a fist sized scar right his heart is supposed to be.

Duncan: "I knew it... someone saved you..."

Blackheart: "Memories of the past... now."

Predator who just healed his legs returned, Laila and Balckheart surrounded Duncan alongside what it seemed hundreds of thousands of Grimm, all atracted by the negative emmotions.

Predator: "We have you thousands to one."

Duncan: "I like those odds."

Suddenly the howl of a wolf was heard, in exchange Duncan let out a defeaning roar.

The roar was loud enough to make anyone wish that they had no hearing, but what happened next confused everyone, Duncan reverted back into his Rider form.

Blackheart: "What? Giving up already?"

Duncan: "Far from it..."

Duncan crossed his arms as the ground beneath him started to melt, the flames started gather around his body spiraling out of control, even Predator had to take a step back beacause of the extreme heat.

Duncan: "... in the previous form... there would nothing left of this realm ..."



In the far side, outside of Vale could be seen many bullheads already flying.

Ashley and Medusa met during the evacuation. Medusa put Ashley up to speed with the situation, Ashley didn't know how to feel of the past and current situations, but she pushed those thoughts aside until this was over.

Suddenly they felt it, an shockwave followed by a wave of extreme heat making the bullhead go out of control, the sound of an explosion followed suit.

Trying to keep her balance Ashley looked through a window only to bear witness of the destruction of the scenery.

This chapter's meme:

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