Going On Tour

By GleeForever213

10.8K 323 18

This is the fifth book in The New Girl series, and, like in the title, Brenda goes on tour with Sam, Chord... More

Christmas Album
News And Christmas Shopping
Dwight's Back
Snow In Your Pants And Hot Chocolate
Listen To Your Heart
New Years Eve
New Years
Sexy Talk
Hard Worker
Birthday Boys
Photoshoots & Bad Dreams
Piggy Back Rides & Impressions
Sam's Sick Again Part 1
Sam's Sick Again Part 2
Mama Evans
Not Hungry
Brothers And Sisters
Final Touches
Music Videos & Thunderstorms
Author's Note
After The Concert
Puck's Being Annoying
Back In Ohio
Authors Note
New Songs
South Carolina
Author's Note
Brenda's Sick
New York, New York
Birthday Girl
Without You

Sam's First Interview

326 10 0
By GleeForever213

Brenda's POV
Later that day

Matthew let us leave once Sam finished 'Double Take' and now we're all at the park, running around, acting like five year old's. There were paparazzi out, hiding in the bushes, although I don't see the point in them trying to hide, we see them anyway. I was on Puck's back, and Sam was on Chord's. Yeah, it's weird but it's fun. Mercedes was over by a tree, talking on the phone. Quinn was taking pictures of us with her camera. Mercedes came back towards us, and called,

"Sam, Chord!" We all turned to face her as she reached us.

"What?" They asked simultaneously

"That was Matthew. You two have an interview with Ellen on Monday. She wants to interview Sam first, then call Chord out. And, on Friday, is the photo shoot for your albums." She said.

"Cool,"They said, once again at the same time, and started wrestling on the ground. I looked at Mercedes and Quinn, and shook my head.

Night before Interview
Brenda's POV

As Sam and I were in bed, both tired from all the work we had to do over the weekend, I asked,

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I ran my fingers over his chest. He smiled down at me, with tired eyes.

"Nah, I'll be good. You know how I am when I meet new people." I laughed, nodding.

"You know, she's probably going to ask you about your lips." I said.

"Eh, it doesn't matter anymore. Everyone asks me about 'em." He said. I laughed again.

"Yeah, well, I think they're cute." I told him. After a few minutes of silence I said," Just think, you'll be 20 years old in less than two days!" He glared down at me playfully.

"I know. One year closer to being able to legally drink!" He said sarcastically. I smiled, kissing his shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Darlin'." We fell asleep soon after.


"Our next guest is Sam Evans!" Ellen announced, and I walked out on stage, waving at the fans who were cheering loudly. I smiled, hugging Ellen and we sat down.

"So..." She said.

"So..." I said, laughing nervously. She laughed.

"So, you're the famous Sam Evans that Brenda was talking about." She said. I smiled, hearing her name.

"Uh, yeah." She laughed again.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

"Yeah, lil bit. That's why I didn't dance coming out here, like almost everyone else."I said, rubbing the back of my neck." Brenda told me that if I didn't dance going out there, she'd slap me. I'm getting slapped." I said bluntly.

"It can't be that bad." She said.

"Oh yeah, it is. That girl has an arm on her. She's left bruises on Puck and Chord."


"Yeah, her brother is the football coach at the high school we went to."

"So, your album. What can you tell us about it?" 

"Well, not much right now." I laughed slightly," Um, there are gonna be 12 songs on it, I already have 5 songs recorded."

"How long have you been recording?"

"Since January 19th. I would have more done but having to deal with my brother and Puck in the same room, doesn't help anything. I'm always getting side tracked." She laughed.

"You're lips, they're bigger than a usual males lips."

"They sure are, yeah." I said, sitting back and getting comfortable on the couch.

"Do you get picked on about them."

"Oh definitely. I have so many nicknames because of 'em."


"Trouty Mouth. At least, until Chord came into the picture. I'm either Trouty Mouth number one, or Trouty number one. He's two." They laughed."There's also Guppy Lips, Lady Lips, Guppy face, Fishy Lips, just to name a few. And they're all from the same person."


"Santana 'Satan' Lopez." I said." I think she's just jealous of 'em though. My favorite name though, is Samgelina Jolie." I said seriously. Everyone started laughing.

"Oh god, who calls you that?"

"The fricking cheer leading coach at our high school. She calls me Kentucky Fried Stripper. Why, I don't know."

"Huh, interesting. You're not the only one with lips like that, though."

"Nope. It's me, Chord, our youngest sister Sandy, my mom's father, and my cousin Cam." I answered.

"When did the teasing start for you?"

"When I moved to Ohio."I answered." I never, never thought my lips were that big of a deal. I mean, when I lived in Tennessee, no one really said anything about them. But Brenda loves 'em and thinks they're cute, so I'm all good."

"You really love her, huh?"

"Of course. I've never felt the way I feel about her with anyone else. We've been together for nearly four years."

"Why does she always curl her hair?"

"She doesn't. Her hair is naturally curly."

"It is? I did not no that." She said, looking confused.

"She doesn't straighten it because one, it's to long apparently, and two, it's so thick. I love it though, especially in the mornings when her hair is just all over the place, and she doesn't have makeup on." Some of the women in the audience awe'd.

"Have you had any weird experiences so far?" She asked.

"Not really, aside from some woman asking me to sign her baby." She laughed.

"You're birthday is tomorrow, Chord 's too, obviously, how old will y'all be?"

"20 years old."

"One year away from being able to drink legally."

"Which I will not be doing, not after last time." I blushed slightly, remembering the Spring Break accident.

"Ohh, what happened last time."

"Lets just say, it was Puck's fault, and he got us insanely drunk and we didn't know who the hell was who. Brenda and Chord ended up uh, making out."

"And you weren't mad?"

"Nah, not really. I was shocked though, and Mercy wasn't mad either. The day after, she thought about it, and laughed for an hour straight. I became a uh, male stripper that night."


"He is an awesome lap dancer!" Brenda called, walking out on the stage. I blushed and put my hand over my face. She sat next to me and slapped my arm.

"That's for not dancing like I told you too." I stuck my tongue out at her."His stripper name is White Chocolate." She said and I nodded.

"Why are you out here?" I whispered to her. She looked at me and pouted.

"Do you not want me out here?"

"No, I was just wondering." I raised my hands in surrender and she giggled cutely, grabbing my large hand in her small one.

"You're older than her, correct?"


"That's not weird for you two?"

"No, I mean, I'm not even a whole year older than her. Besides, I may be turning twenty tomorrow, but I still act like a 16 year old."

"What are you doing for your birthday?"

"Sleep, probably. I'm tired as mess right now." I chuckled."Nah, Puck'll probably buy Chord and I candy like last year, and we'll end up crashing hard."

"That was so funny though. They were practically laying on top of each other, passed out. It was way to adorable."Brenda said. I kissed her cheek.

"You two were Prom King and Queen, weren't you?"

"Yep. That was a bad night." I said bluntly. Brenda nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, well, before they us as the winners at least."

"What happened?"

"You know that freaky ass movie 'Carrie'?" I asked.

"You think everything is freaky." Brenda mumbled. I smiled.

"Yeah, why?" Ellen asked.

"Well, the scene where the bucket of pig blood fell on top of her, practically happened to me. This little skank ass cheerleader, Bree, dropped an ice cold bucket of red slushy on me. It was meant for Brenda, but I pushed her out of the way so it wouldn't get on her."

"It was the first time I'd ever heard him say the F word." Brenda said, nodding as if agreeing with herself.

"Yeah, I still feel bad about that though."

"Okay, last question before Brenda goes back stage, and Chord comes out." We looked at her."If you got tattoos, what would they say and where would you put it?"

"I'd put it where you can't really see it, like on my shoulder. I'd have mine and his name put together."

"What about you Sam?"

"I'd put it on my shoulder, where you can see it pretty good, but it's not terribly big. Chord suggested it one day, and I agree with him. It'd say 'I Lived'." I answered.

"That would be perfect for you, literally." Brenda said, looking at me. I smiled at her." Alright, I gotta go. I'll see you in a few minutes." She said, standing up and pecking me on the lips quickly and going back stage, just as Chord came out. He hugged Ellen then sat beside me, thumping me in the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" I exclaimed, rubbing the spot.

"You're girlfriend is mean as crap, bro. And as for the thump, I don't hit girls. Or thump them."

"You sure as hell hump them, though." I mumbled and he nudged me in the side. I grinned.

"You two remind me of Dylan and Cole Sprouse, mostly because of the hair, but you do."Ellen said."Who's the smarter of the two?"

"Me." We said at the same time and looked at each other.

"You can't even say anything, I am a freaking math genius."

"Yeah, he really is."

"I got a perfect score on almost all of my finals. All except English."

"Whereas I'm the stupid one."

"Dude, you're not stupid. You're an idiot, but not stupid."

"That's the same thing."

"Technically, it's two different words, but your smarter than Finn and Puck."

"Smart ass."

"Are you two are recording a few songs together."

"Yep. That'll be...very interesting. We flew right by with the one we wrote together, but there are like, two more songs that we have to record." I answered.

"Could you sing something for us?" I looked at Chord and he nodded.

"Of course." I said. I whispered the name of the song and he grinned. We started singing at the same time.

 Yes, I do, I believe

That one day I will be
Where I was right there
Right next to you

And it's hard
The days just seems so dark
The moon, the stars
Are nothing without you

Your touch, your skin
Where do I begin?
No words can explain
The way I'm missing you

Deny this emptiness
This hole that I'm inside
These tears
They tell their own story

Told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feeling's overwhelming, it's much too strong

Can I lay by your side?
Next to you, you
And make sure you're alright
I'll take care of you
I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight

I'm reaching out to you
Can you hear my call?
This hurt that I've been through
I'm missing you, missing you like crazy

[this verse only at album version:]
You told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feeling's overwhelming, it's much too strong

Can I lay by your side?
Next to you, you
And make sure you're alright
I'll take care of you
I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight

Lay me down tonight
Lay me by your side
Lay me down tonight
Lay me by your side
Can I lay by your side?
Next to you

 "That was beautiful, especially acapella!"

"Thank you, thank you very much." I said, using my impressions.

"Brenda wasn't kidding when she said you did good impressions, was she?"

"Nope." Chord said.

"She can do impressions too."

"Since when?" Chord asked, looking at me.

"Well, they're not exactly impressions like mine. She can make her voice sound completely different when she sings. She can make herself sound like Nikki Minaj, Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Shakira, just to name a few. And Oh my god, when she sings like Shakira, if she isn't in the room with me, I'd actually think it was Shakira singing." I said.

"Huh, I'll have to get her to do it for us next time she's on. That's all the time we have, but we'll have more tomorrow!"

 Sorry for the mistakes!

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