The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 10

8.4K 248 62
By YamagsuKami

You may be wondering what exactly is strength.

Easy at first glance to define but the answer gets complex at more you think about it.

At first anyone would say that strength is limited on the physical prowess you have but that was only the surface of the concept truth. It goes beyond that.

Strength is the courage to do things not just dream them. Dream are nothing than mere fantasies but that's where true strength comes, with strength you turn those dream into ambitions.

Strength is reason behind every single blow you cast. There cannot be strength without motivation and aspirations. To show strength you cannot fight aimless. There has to be a reason behind every hit, every single blow... An Ambition.

Strength is Power. Resilience, Discipline, Intellect, That was power for short.

Knowledge was also power. All the Kings who relied on their physical prowess and forces to reign were soon overthrown. You couldn't be ignorant while you hold power, that ignorance turns into weakness.

Pride. This world has no place for people who don't think highly of themselves. Be proud but no arrogant, arrogance was for the weak. Confidence.

Ambition, Courage, Intellect, and Pride. That was real Power, real Strength.


"And who you might be..?"

As Y/N finished his question

The crimson knight didn't replied on any way, it just stepped further. Downing the stairs as the long sword he wield was dragged on the ground Making a noise that would make anyone feel anxious.

But obviously Y/N wasn't just anyone. In fact, it amused him. Perhaps this was the sound of a decent battle and maybe just maybe the one he is searching for. Let's see.

"You seem enthusiastic to start..."

Once again the Knight kept silence, Y/N was starting to think that the it couldn't talk or maybe it didn't wanted to answer him for any reason.

As the Knight got closer to Y/N who remained still, dug the long sword on the ground before it started to unclip the cape which was hanging from its shoulders.

Y/N kept his gaze stuck on every single action that the crimson knight did and raised an eyebrow slowly getting what he was doing.

The knight grabbed again the long sword with a single hand and with mastery and calmly pointed its sharp end towards the human direction.

"Hm? Oh... I see."

He chuckled a little as from his left hand a black aura started to swirl and his sacred gear materialized out from the black energy

Y/N placed his sword over his sword in a waiting manner.

Little by little he was starting to like this knight monster. Chivalry... he liked it.

"You seem interesting, do not disappoint me."

While he said that he mentally said to Vritra

"Vritra, do not dare to give me any of your power of any source. I will win this battle using my own strength. If somehow this knight get the best out of me then let him kill me."

Vritra sighed but accepted without any complaints. He highly doubted that this monster could even go into a stalemate with his host.

Y/N human strength was enough to... Well, he basically wiped this dungeon without acceding to his power.

Although his pride was a little too much for the dragon.

Just after Y/N said those words to the knight, the monster instantly dashed at him

"Attacking first... Good choice, knight."

If your opponent was stronger than you then it was recommended to strike first instead of defending.

You could think of something while attacking but that wasn't the case for defending. While defending you needed to act fast or else you would meet your doom.

He had to admit, that its speed surprised him a bit.

Y/N put his sword right in front of him to take the hit of the knight swing. Their blade collided against each other creating a sparks shockwave around them.

Y/N narrowed his eyes.

He felt it.

The hit from the knight made his entire arm vibrate as if it was electricity.

A smirk crawled to his face As he harshly moved his sword upwards to get out from the lock. Then he made a falling swing towards the head of the knight but much to his surprise and excitement he deflected it with the long sword.

The size of the knight's blade could be used as an advanced against a sword as Y/N's which size wasn't that abnormal.

However... size doesn't matter when it comes to fighting.

Y/N did at least a dozen of rapid hits in barely a second and the knight managed to defeat itself quite nicely from all of them. Not without taking some scratches to the crimson armor.

The teenager pushed forward as he kept his overwhelming barrage of cuts and swings slowly cornering the knight but it stood strong.

The knight wouldn't give up. And Y/N loved it every single seconds of it.

On one second when Y/N lowered his guard slightly the knight took this chance and in between of the continuous barrage from the young male it managed to hit a clean hit on Y/N's face.

However even the knight felt some sort of surprise when he saw his hit from the sword made nothing to the human.

When the blade contact with Y/N's face the impact sounded as if the knight had hit some sort of impenetrable iron.

Y/N looked at the knight while his eyes glowed purple

"Surprised..? One of the qualities of being a Dragon Emperor."

Those who managed to have a good relationship with their dragon acquired some kind of perks, one if them being having a skin so hard that it could compare to obsidian. However, this didn't meant that the hosts were impossible to harm. With enough strength their armor could break.

The knight didn't stood still and went to cut Y/N head off with a side swing but this one ducked it below.

"You managed a hit on me. It's only fair that I have my own share of the cake... don't you think!?"

He exclaimed feeling how the excitement bubbled through his veins.

Y/N gripped his hand over the handle of his sword before swinging it to the knight with an astounding strength that even caused some wind shockwave on the travel towards its opponent.

The knight guarded itself with the long sword but it was futile. Even if the blade took the impact, the hit was just too strong and the Knight was sent flying through the closest wall.

Y/N crossed the hole that the knight collision has just made and started to eye over the new room in search of his opponent. However the smoke blinded his vision.

Until he catch a glimpse of a silhouette along with some white eyes

"You haven't gave up just yet... Perfect, as expected of a knight."

Y/N complemented as the knight stepped out the cloud of smoke him noticing something.

The sword that it wielded was broken, totally unusable. Now the knight was unarmed.

Perhaps he went overboard with that hit from earlier

"I... broke your sword. For that I deeply apologize. Hopefully, I could get it back to you. That of course if things go as well as I want."

He genuinely felt bad by breaking his opponent's blade

Breaking a blade was a disrespectful gesture when it come to chivalry.

Then Y/N's sword suddenly dissipated by that same black energy before he cracked his knuckles and neck in preparation.

The knight seemed a little bit curious at this action from the human judging by the slight tilt of head.

He smirked as he bounced a bit in a warm up.

"If you're unarmed then so do I. It wouldn't be a fight otherwise."

Finishing with his warm up he got into a stance, this time he was going to wait for his opponent instead of attacking first. He was curious at the way the knight fought without a sword.

To his curiosity the Knight boy started to grow a crimson energy as the white eyes beamed even brighter.

Y/N felt a sudden raise of power coming from the knight. This peaked his interest. What the knight do..?

He couldn't think about it since the crimson knight was already on his face. Him dodging the destructive blow from the knight

That speed was new and it took him by surprise, the only reason he could dodge it was because of his developed senses.

Not leaving Y/N time to think much it attacked once again taking advantage of the human slightly stupor.

Y/N this time used his forearm to cover himself from the hit but much to his surprise the sole impact pushed him backwards.

This abrupt change of strength staggered him an opportunity that wasn't ignored by the knight.

Y/N felt a tight pull on the back of his clothes and felt himself being raised. This made him realize that the knight's height was really above his.

Without any wait the Knight threw him to the wall in a similar way he did earlier. You could say that it was some sort of revenge from the Knight's part.

Y/N's back roughly impacted against the wall the pain making its way all over his body.

The strength of throw was enough to make the young male go through the wall of that room towards another wall from the next room.

Still on the wall the knight was once again at his face with a its arm raised in the air and slamming its knuckles onto Y/N's forearms which he used as a way to protect himself from the impact.

Needless to say that the this blow also made him go through another wall.

Y/N this time landed on his feet and started breathing while looking at the ground

His eyes traveled to the side taking notice of something unusual.. His forearms were bleeding and it had a nasty bruise on them. Not only that, he also felt the peculiar taste of iron on his mouth.

He spat that liquid that he so much had missed. It has been a while...

Once again he eyed his bruised forearm

That knight strength was enough to destroy his dragon like protected skin.

He smirked a bit as he saw how the Knight stepped on that room while the while eyes were fixed on him.

Perhaps. No it has to be that one. That knight was the one he sought for.... However

There was one last trial on his list.

Y/N brushed the dirt out his clothes as he rolled his shoulders.

He had grown tired of being pummeled. Now it was time for the real fight to start...

Both opponents got into a stance before dashing at each other with speeds that would put runner in shame.

When in proximity the two fighters started to exchange blows at a blinding pace. Only flashes of their attacks could be seen.

Each blow that collided with the other made small shockwave that shook the ground where they were standing over.

Y/N narrowed his eyes seeing a small opening in the middle of their barrage. He grabbed a hold of one the knight's hands cutting the barrage of continuous blows.

The knight attempted to punch Y/N with its usable hand but he grabbed and hooked its arm leaving the crimson knight without any way of defending itself. Still Y/N couldn't use his arms either so he recurred to the first that came to his head quite literally.

He head butted the knight and his forehead made contact with its helmet making a loud metallic sound upon the impact.

The knight gave some steps back staggered after that impact.

Y/N didn't gave time to the knight to recover himself and gave a roundhouse kick to the stunned opponent. Sending it away to the nearby wall.

Just the impact was enough to cast some cracks on some vital area of the knight's armor but the harsh impact against the wall totally destroyed those cracked parts.

Faster than what Y/N had anticipated the knight recovered and retook its attacks at him.

The same red energy came out the knight's body as he was about to punch Y/N face with a fully charged blow... However-

It wasn't as before.

Y/N grabbed the punch on his hand with little effort but the ground below the cracked upon such impact of great magnitude.

The arm of the knight trembled as Y/N was grabbing its hand.

"The same trick won't work on me... Knight."

His eyes flared before be grabbed its head to soon shove all his body down to the ground. His strength utterly destroying the ground where the knight was shoved onto.

The body of the knight dug into the floor before Y/N with a smirk maintained his hold on the knight threw his arm forward, The knight traveling throughout the ground leaving a trace of destruction behind its travel before colliding on a wall.

A lot of walls were involved on this battle.

This last movement left the place a total disaster, it was barely recognizable from what it was a while ago.

Y/N smiled when his eyes saw how the knight was once up on its feet.

"You're truly impressive. I am surprised and I am honored to have you as an opponent, Knight."

The knight could barely hold its own weight, its legs were about to give in and the blood ran freely all over his body, but still it didn't gave up. It kept fighting until life left.

That knight wouldn't give up on this battle until death arrived and Y/N acknowledged that even he respected it.

Y/N tightened his punch

The last hit.

If the knight survived this one it would be his.

That knight would be the knight of his peerage that of course if it didn't died.

Y/N appeared in front of the knight in a black blur.

"If you survive this then you are the one."

This was a serious hit from him. And if it managed to  live that meant it was more than fitting for his standards.

His crimson opponent didn't even had the chance to even look up at him before the hit of astounding strength collided against its chest.

Walls the knight went through. At least five it went through and it didn't seemed like stopping soon.

Y/N eyed the destroyed landscape with an impassive expression

He really was quite destructive when excited.

Y/N headed towards the knight body was, which was some rooms far from him.

He saw the knight body sitting over the ground its back lying on the wall.

It seemed dead. The body was immobile and the white eyes were off.

"Please... don't be dead.."

Y/N reached up to its helmet but his arm was gripped stopping him from touching the armor.

"You're alive and you still have the will to keep fighting. No, I am certain it HAS to be you. Tell me, what do you fight for...?"

He asked, his voice way softer than previously


The knight kept silence and Y/N sighed

"You have lost. You have failed your task as a knight. Allow me to provide you with another kind or resolve.. If your pride as a knight of this throne room is broken then restart your life as knight for another reason. Be my Knight instead and your pride will remain untouched."

Y/N knew that the knight could understand him even if it didn't reciprocated his words

"Do not think of the past, think about the present... your future. The things you can achieve while being the knight of the Black Dragon Emperor. Please, Make your responsibility my safety. Let's fight together, for you're not a slave but my companion."

This seemed to grab the injured knight's attention. It's white eyes looked up at him in wonder.

Y/N offered his hand to the knight who looked at it

"Don't be a knight for hollow ambitions. Instead, have a reason to raise your sword. Raise your sword for me, I will be the reason to your sword. That I will promise."

The response wasn't right away but the knight's trembling hand touch his in acceptance.

"...... I accept...."

For the first time he heard its voice and smiled

Y/N body started to irradiate a black energy that expanded all over the room in a messy manner.

The teenager breathed in and out as he closed his eyes in concentration

Are you going to use..?

Vritra asked already knowing what he was about to do

"Yeah. I feel like I need to do it and I will do it."

You know the consequences of doing such thing, right? It's called a forbidden technique for something. It's the same technique that Lucifer used to create its army. However he didn't suffered any consequences since he was an archangel... But you're just a human.

Y/N understood the consequences of this forbidden technique

"I am conscious about the consequences."

You will lose 5% of your power if you do it.

"A small sacrifice for what I am going to do. Good things don't come free, Vritra."

I just want to tell you that if you do this then you will NEVER reach your full potential... Are you prepared for that..?

Y/N didn't replied right away

The way that Vritra put it made him think about it twice but either way... He was decided.


Y/N purple eyes looked at the crimson knight as the black aura swirled around him and all over the room

"Here I stand. The Black Dragon Emperor stands before you with a request... No, an order. For you have been defeated by my hand and proved your worth as a formidable warrior. Hear my orders, Pledge loyalty to me, Pledge your life to me... Pledge your sword to me. Hear me when I chant these words and open your eyes as a new being... Arise."

As soon he finished those words the black energy made its way inside of the red knight covering its body with black shadows.

Y/N felt as if something inside of him was being pulled away. Possibly because of the five percent belonging to his power that he was lending to the knight.

The dark shadows started to grow bigger and bigger at the second as Y/N could see the glimpse of some brilliant purple color similar to his eyes.

Little by little the shadows started to retract as the Knight was visible once again, but this time it was different.

All red on his armor was gone being replaced by a jet black one, and some purple details on its armor body. Now instead of white eyes its eyes were now a bright purple.

Y/N smiled at the knight... No, his knight.

He snapped his fingers and a long sword started to come out from shadow covered ground.

"Pick it. It's yours now."

Why he had a sword of that type with him..? Thar was a story for later. And he never used it because long swords weren't his style.

The Knight grabbed the black sword and got on one knee bowing at presence of Y/N with the sword on its hand in a offering position.

"My swords is yours. I am yours to command. My life now belongs to you for you are My King and I am your Knightess. I will follow and protect the Dragon's ambitions with my life, courage, pride and sword. Please... My King I beg you a name."

This request took Y/N a little of surprise

A name?

He hadn't thought about that.

Many names came to his head. But one stood up from all of them...

"Your name shall be... Igris."

Thank you for Reading!

A/N: I want to know how you guys are liking the story so far. Thank you for the support!

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