The Telepath: A Hermione Gran...

נכתב על ידי HazardousAcolyte

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Follow the story of a new student joining Hogwarts in the same year as the Golden Trio and watch as friends a... עוד

1) The Beginning
2) The Train Journey
3) The Sorting
4) The First Lessons
5) Flying Lessons
6) The Midnight Adventure.
7) Birthday Celebrations
8) The Troll
9) Quidditch
10) Christmas
11) Reunions And Revelations
12) Norbert The Dragon
13) Into The Forest
15) The Man With Two Faces (End Of First Year)
Main Character Face Claims
Allies/Order Face Claims
Death Eater Face Claims
Chamber Of Secrets
16) The Burrow And A Prison Break
17) The Famous Fraudster
18) Return To The Castle
19) Defence Against Lockhart's Delusions
20) Slytherin's New Seeker
21) Thoughts In The Walls
22) Deathday Party
23) Rumours
24) The House Elf And Grievous Injuries
25) The Duelling Club
26) Polyjuice Problems
27) The Secret Diary
28) Nightmares
29) Consequence
30) The Spider's Domain
31) The Chamber Of Secrets
32) The Truth, Uncovered
33) Return (End Of Second Year)
34) Family Wounds
35) Preparation
36) Invasion
37) Reunions
38) Diagon Alley
39) The Dementor

14) Down The Trapdoor

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נכתב על ידי HazardousAcolyte

It was morning the next day and it turned out the invisibility cloak had been returned to Harry. Ron also told him what Hermione had said but it didn't seem to help that much. I was concerned about the safety of the stone but knew that Dumbledore would be able to keep it safe.

My main concern now was the exams, it was often extremely hot during the tests and this added to already tense environments. Hermione and I thought we were doing well but kept our heads down and focused. I also made sure to not let her stress herself out like she had been before.

Our last exam was History of Magic with Professor Binns, it seemed like it would be hard with how much there could be on the test. However, when we put our quills down and the end was called I was confident I had done well.

"That was far easier than I thought." Hermione said. "We needn't have learnt about Ulfric the Eager's Uprising or the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct."

"Mione, I'm glad you thought it was easy but you don't need to examine every test afterwards. We did it too, and I was there revising with you." I responded.

"I know I just like to talk about them and see how you found them as well."

"You know how I did I'm sat next to you in every lesson. We did well in Transfiguration, the snuff boxes we made were good, in Charms it went well as well. Potions was probably the easiest, a forgetfulness potion isn't that hard to make."

"Can you two stop? It makes me feel ill." Ron groaned

"Quit complaining, I'm sure you did fine."

We had gotten outside by now and had gone down to the lake. Fred, George and Lee were tickling the tentacles of the giant squid that was in the shallows, so I went over and joined them.

"Come on 'Mione it'll be fun. It clearly doesn't care and you could use some relaxation." I said.

"Oh, alright then, come on."

I grinned at her and we headed over to the Weasley twins.

"Fred, George, you alright?"

"Yep just soaking in the sunshine with our good friend here."

Lee smiled at me and waved.

"Oh yeah, Lee's here as well." Fred said

"How did the tests go?" George asked.

"Good, they weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Hermione thought the same."

"I mean you two are smart, I bet Ron feels sick just talking about them." Fred said.

"That's what he said. I reckon he's done better than he thinks though."

"We thought we'd done terrible on them but actually we passed pretty easily, ain't that right Lee." Fred told us.

"Yeh, the first tests are usually pretty bad because you don't know what it's going to be like. After that though you can get away with messing around, like we do."

"I'm not sure 'Mione will allow me to mess around. I'm trying to make her relax more, ain't that right."

"You wouldn't have done as well if we didn't revise like we did. You should be happy I made you work." she said

"At the rate you were going though your head would have exploded. You need to relax more... Hang on Harry's just thought of something let's go."

I grabbed Hermione's hand and set off  towards Harry and Ron.

"Those two are great." I heard Lee say in the distance.

"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking Harry?"

"Come on lets go down to Hagrid's!" Harry said.

"Why?" asked Hermione.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd, that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, then a stranger turns up in the pub with a dragon in their pocket. How many people carry dragon eggs around? Especially if its illegal. I can't believe I didn't see it!" Harry exclaimed.

"No one else - saw it until now Harry - don't blame yourself." I said through breaths.

"What are you two on about?" Ron asked.

Harry ignored him so I answered instead.

"You'll understand when we get there."

Hagrid was sat outside shelling peas into a large bowl.

"Hello, finished yeh exams have yeh. Got time fer a drink?"

"Yes please." answered Ron

"No, we don't." said Harry. "I've got to ask you something Hagrid. You know that night you won Norbert? What did the stranger you were playing cards with look like?"

"Dunno." Hagrid replied casually "He wouldn' take his cloak off."

We all looked at each other knowingly.

"It's not that unusual. Yeh get a lot of funny folk down in the Hog's Head. That's one o' the pubs down in the village. I never saw his face, mighta been a dragon dealer."

"Did you mention Hogwarts at all when you were talking?" I asked.

"It mighta come up." Hagrid said frowning, trying to remember. "Yeah... he asked what I did an' I told him I was the gamekeeper. He asked about the creatures I look after... so I told 'im and said I'd always wanted a dragon... then he said he had the dragon egg... but he had to be sure I'd be able to look after it... I told him after Fluffy it wouldn't be a problem. "

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Course how many three-headed dogs do yeh see, even around Hogwarts? So I told him, Fluffy's a piece o' cake. Jus' play him a bit o' music an' he'll be righ' off."

Hagrid looked horrified as he realised what he had said.

"I shouldn't have said that. Forget I told yeh that. Where're yeh goin'?"

But it was too late and we had already gone. We didn't say a word until we reached the entrance hall.

"We've got to go to Dumbledore!" Harry exclaimed "It was either Snape or Voldemort under that cloak and Hagrid told them how to get past Fluffy. I just hope Dumbledore believes us, maybe Firenze will back us up. Where's Dumbledore's office?"

Harry was clearly very panicky and whilst I didn't agree it could've been Snape the stone was obviously in danger.

"Come on, I've been there before." I told them

I led them through the corridors towards the headmaster office, but before we reached it we encountered McGonagall.

"What are you four doing inside?" she asked.

"We want to see Professor Dumbledore." Hermione answered.

"See Professor Dumbledore?" McGonagall repeated as if suspicious of us already. "Why?"

"It's sort of secret." Harry said.

Really Harry, that's going to go down well.

"Professor Dumbledore left ten minutes ago." McGonagall said angrily. "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and flew off for London at once."

The four of us looked at each other knowingly.

"He's gone? Now?" Harry said frantically.

"Professor Dumbledore is a very important wizard Potter, he has all sorts of demands on his time-"

"But this is important." Harry interrupted.

"Something you have to say is more important than the Ministry of Magic, Potter?"

We weren't getting anywhere so I decided to tell the truth.

"It's about the Philosopher's Stone professor."

She clearly hadn't been expecting that because she dropped the books she was holding.

"How do you kno-"

"Professor, we know someone's trying to steal it. We need to tell Dumbledore." I said

"Professor Dumbledore will be back tomorrow. I don't know how you found out about the stone but I can assure you no one will be able to steal it. It's too well protected."

"But professor-" Harry interjected

"I know what I'm talking about. I suggest you all go outside and enjoy the sunshine."

We didn't.

"It's got to be soon, with Dumbledore gone Snape has a better chance than ever. I bet the Ministry of Magic will get a real shock once Dumbledore turns up."

"But what can we -"

Hermione gasped and we all turned around. Behind us was Snape and we just had to hope he hadn't heard Harry.

"Good afternoon." Snape said calmly.

"Good afternoon Professor." I replied.

"You shouldn't be inside on a day like this." he said with a twisted smile.

"We were-" Harry began without knowing how to finish.

"We were just asking if Professor McGonagall could give us any hint as to what we scored." I said.

"No matter what you were doing, you should be more careful hanging around like this. People will think you are up to no good. And Gryffindor can't really afford to lose more points can they."

Harry looked embarrassed, clearly he hadn't forgiven himself for us losing those points. Snape then turned to leave but not before one final message.

*The thief will move tonight, I'm almost certain of it. Do not do anything stupid.*

I turned to look at Snape but he had already gone.

"What are you waiting for Y/N, come on?"

We began walking in the opposite direction to Snape before we stopped again.

"Right, here's what we've got to do. Someone's got to keep an eye on Snape - wait outside the staffroom and follow him if he leaves it. Hermione, Y/N you better do that." Harry said

"It's not bloody Snape." I muttered under my breath knowing it would just start an argument.

"Why us?" Hermione asked.

"It's obvious, you can pretend to be waiting for Professor Flitwick, you know." Ron then put on a high-pitched voice. "Oh Professor Flitwick, I'm so worried, I think I got question fourteen b wrong. And Snape actually likes Y/N so he can just make an excuse and Snape will believe it."

"Oh shut up." said Hermione,but she agreed to wait at the staff room with me.

We went to the staff room together whilst Harry and Ron went to the door by Fluffy.

"I'm almost certain it's Quirrell now. If I see him I'm going to follow him." I told her.

"How do you know?"

"There's no way that Snape would ever steal the stone for You-know-Who. There was the tiniest possibility he could've been stealing it for himself but definitely not for You-Know-Who. Snape told Quirrell to find out where his loyalties lie, I'm certain he meant between Dumbledore and You-Know- actually I'm just gonna call him Voldemort. Between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

"Why didn't you say something before?"

"Harry and Ron will never believe me, they hate Snape too much. I might not like Quirrell but I don't hate him. Well... I didn't. I'm pretty sure he's trying to steal the stone now.

"Well, I believe you, if that helps at all."


The door in front of us opened and Snape exited the staff room.

"What is it you two want?" he asked.

"We are waiting for Professor Flitwick, we were wondering if he could tell us how we did."

"I'll be just a moment, stay here."

Snape returned to the staff room presumably to get Professor Flitwick. He was a minute at most and now had the small teacher with him.

"Professor Snape said you wanted to ask something of me." Flitwick squeaked.

"Yes we were just wondering if you could tell us how we did on the exams Professor. Hermione said.

"I suppose it cant hurt. You both did remarkably well I must say. Miss Granger you got 112% and Mr L/N you were just behind at 105%. You both should be very proud, those are excellent scores."

"Thanks Professor, I was just wondering if Professor Quirrell was in there. I was hoping to get my score from him." I said.

"I'm afraid not, Mr L/N, he's not been in there all day. You might want to check his classroom."

"Thank you, I will do."

Professor Flitwick then left us but during our conversation Snape had slipped away. Not as if it really mattered where he went.

"That's not good news about Quirrell." Hermione whispered.

"I know, let's get back to the common room."

"At least we know we did well in the tests." she said.

"I guess so, but I've got more important things in my mind right now."

We went back to the common room and saw that Ron and Harry were already back.

"We're sorry Harry, Snape came out and asked what we were doing. We told him we were waiting for Professor Flitwick and Snape went and got him. When we were talking Snape managed to slip away." Hermione explained

"Well that's it then, isn't it." Harry said.

"I think we should consider the fact that it could be Quirrell." I said.

Harry and Ron both glared at me.

"I know you don't agree but it just makes more sense and my dad trusts Snape. My dad would never trust him if Snape was the type of person to steal the stone for You-Know-Who."

"I'm not getting into that now, we can think it's Snape, you can think it's Quirrell. It really doesn't matter now." Harry said then paused. "I'm going out of here tonight and I'm going to try and get the Stone first."

"What!?" Ron exclaimed

"You can't!" said Hermione "After what McGonagall and Snape said you'll be expelled."

"I'm with Harry, he should go tonight, but if you thinking you're going alone then you have another thing coming mate."

"At least Y/N understands, if we don't stop whoever it is from stealing the stone then Voldemort comes back. That's more important than anything to do with school. Who cares about getting expelled if Voldemort comes back and flattens the school!" Harry shouted.

"You're right." Hermione said.

"I'll use the invisibility cloak, it's lucky I got it back."

"Will it fit all four of us?" Ron asked.

"All-all four of us?"

"You heard what Y/N said, we're coming with you, no argument."

"How do you think you will get to the stone without us? Me and Y/N can look for any spells that might help." said Hermione

"But if we're caught, you three will get expelled."

"Not likely, Flitwick told us we got the highest scores in the year. And Ron- well - good luck mate."

"Yeah they're not throwing us out after that." Hermione said grimly.

() () ()

We sat in the common room after dinner waiting for everyone else to leave. Hermione was skimming through notes looking for anything that might help. I was reading the book on dueling spells my dad gave me for my birthday and Ron and Harry were just sat quietly.

The last person to leave was Lee Jordan and Harry ran upstairs to the dormitory to grab the cloak. He came back down with the cloak in hand and told us he was going to bring the flute Hagrid got him in case I couldn't calm Fluffy like I did before.

"We'd better put the cloak on here and make sure it covers all four of us - if Filch spots one of our feet wandering around on its own-"

"What are you doing?" said a voice from the corner of the room

Neville then stepped into the light showing that he was holding Trevor. He looked almost like a pathetic supervillain, it would have been funny if not for the seriousness of the situation.

"Nothing - Neville - nothing." said Harry.

"You're going out again."

"No, no, no." said Hermione "No we're not, why don't you just go to bed Neville."

I looked down at my watch and knew that we didn't have much time. Quirrell could be down the trapdoor already.

"You can't go out, you'll be caught again. Gryffindor will be in even more trouble."

"Neville, this is important, you don't understand." Harry pleaded

"I won't let you do it. I'll - I'll fight you!" he exclaimed hurrying in front of the portrait.

"Neville." Ron snapped "Get away from there and don't be an idiot."

"Don't call me an idiot! I don't think you should be breaking anymore rules! You're the ones who told me to stand up to people."

"We didn't really mean us, come on, just get out of the way." I said "You don't know what you're doing."

Ron stepped towards him and Trevor leapt out of Neville's grip to safety.

"Go on then try and hit me!" Neville almost yelled.

"Do something!" Harry whispered to me and Hermione.

"Sorry Neville."

"Petrificus Totalus!" we called out simultaneously.

Neville's body became rigid and he fell over on to his back. We rushed over to him to make sure he's alright.

"Sorry mate, you'll understand later." I told him

"I'm really, really sorry Neville." said Hermione.

"We had to Neville."

"We don't have time to explain, sorry."

We pulled the cloak on over the top of us and began our journey to the third-floor corridor. We had nearly reached the top of the final staircase when we encountered Peeves.

"Who's there?" Peeves said suddenly as if he could sense us. "Know you're there, even if I can't see you. Are you ghoulie or ghostie or wee-student beastie?"

He rose up into the air and began squinting in our direction.

"Should call Filch I should, if somethings going around unseen."

We had to come up with something to get Peeves out of the way. I began to think but suddenly Harry spoke out in a deep hoarse voice.

"Peeves, the Bloody Baron has his own reasons for being invisible."

Peeves somehow stumbled back in shock.

"So sorry your bloodiness, Mr Baron sir. My mistake,my mistake, forgive Peevsies little joke, sir"

"I have business here Peeves, stay away from this place tonight." Harry croaked.

"I will sir, I most certainly will."

Peeves then left us and it was just the four of us again.

"Brilliant, Harry!" Ron whispered.

We were now outside the door but we could see it was slightly ajar.

"Well, there you are, they've already got past Fluffy."

After seeing the open door the reality of what we were about to face really set in.

"If you want to go back, I won't blame you." Harry said. "You can take the cloak, I won't need it now."

"Don't be stupid." Ron said.

"We're coming." said me and Hermione in unison.

Harry pushed the door open and we all stepped through. Rumbling growls filled the room and all three of Fluffy's heads sniffed in our direction.
A harp sat in the middle of the room clearly what Quirrell had used to get past Fluffy.

Fluffy began to get to it's feet so I tried to calm it down.

*Hey boy, remember us, we are trying to help OK, we don't want any trouble.*

"Harry, play the bloody flute!" I said.

Fluffy had stopped moving at my thoughts but once Harry had put his lips to the flute Fluffy immediately began to fall asleep. It wasn't even really a tune but it was enough for the growls to stop and the dog to sink to its knees

"Keep playing." Ron advised as we edged closer to the trapdoor. "I think we'll be able to pull the door open."

It looked like Ron was right, Fluffy didn't have a paw over the trapdoor and surely we'd be able to lift it.

"Want to go first, Hermione?" Ron asked.

"I'll go first." I said before Hermione could answer.

Ron and I stepped over to the trapdoor and grabbed the handle. We pulled with all our strength and it swung open revealing a void.

"Probably could have just used magic." I said breathing quite heavily.

"What can you see?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing - it's just black. There's no way of climbing down."

"Are you sure you want to go first      Y/N?" Hermione said panicked.

"I'll be fine, I promise. If anything does happen go to the owlery and send a letter for Dumbledore."

Hermione gave me a hug before separating and allowing me to go down.

"Well, here goes. See you in a minute."

With that I stepped into the hole and fell. I landed on something soft and was unhurt.

"I think I broke my everything!" I yelled up.

I heard Hermione let out a noise, even all the way down here.

"Just kidding, I'm fine, it's safe to come down!"

Next to come down was Harry and he had a small smile on his face.

"You should've seen Hermione's face." he said.

Ron was next.

"You're a right prat you know that right."

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"What's this stuff?" Ron asked

"Oh no, this isn't good."

I hadn't realised but the plant that had broken the fall had wrapped itself around my arms and they were tight to my body.

"It's devil's snare!" I exclaimed. "This is bad."

Now Hermione had come down and she quickly leapt against the wall.

"You all need to just relax, if you fight it it will get worse." she explained.

I heeded her advice but Ron and Harry ignored and struggled against it.

"I'm trying to remember how to kill it. It doesn't like the dark and the damp." she muttered.

"Light a fire 'Mione." I said.

"Yes - of course, but there's no wood."


"Oh, right."

Hermione pulled out her wand and cast the same spell we used to set Snape's cloak on fire. The plant recoiled and began flailing wildly. Harry, Ron and I managed to pull ourselves free and clambered away to safety.

"Its a good thing you pay attention in Herbology Hermione ." Harry said

"And that Y/N kept his head. There's no wood, honestly." Ron said

"Yeah, not your greatest moment 'Mione. But we'd all be dead without you."

"Come on, this way." Harry said pointing to a stone corridor

We went down the hallway and a light tinkling could be heard. It was hard to make out what it was.

"Can you hear that?" Ron asked.

"Do you think it's a ghost?" Harry asked

"There's light ahead... I can see something moving." I told them

We finally reached the room and we saw that things flying around weren't bird but actually wings with keys. One of which was meant to unlock the next door.

"We're looking for a big old-fashioned one, probably silver like the handle." said Ron

"Look there's broomsticks, we're going to have to chase the key down." I said.

"But there's only three, who's going to stay on the ground?"

"I will." Hermione answered quickly.

"That answers that then. Let's go."

We flew into the air and began looking for the right key. Me and Ron were flying around hopelessly but Harry was the youngest Quidditch player in a century for a reason.

"There it is, that one. The one with bright blue wings and the feathers crumpled on one side." he shouted.

"I see it, we should work together to catch it." I suggested.

"That's a good idea." Ron said.

We moved into our positions to give one of us the best chance of catching the key.

"OK three, two, one, go!"

We set off towards the key and forced it closer and closer to the wall. Harry was nearly at it when he reached as far as he could and grasped it in his hand.

We landed back down and Harry shoved the key in the lock and turned it. The door opened and the next room was pitch black.

"I'll go in first, to see if it's safe." I said.

I stepped into the room and it was suddenly filled with a brilliant bright light. The light revealed an enormous life size wizard's chess board

"What do we have to do?" Harry asked.

"We're going to have to play our way across. We probably have to play as pieces."

Ron asked a knight this and it nodded.

"We've got to play as four of the black pieces."

We all looked at Ron waiting for him to continue. Finally he spoke.

"Now, no offense, but none of you three are that good at wizard's chess so I'll have to tell you what to do."

"We're not offended, just go." Harry said.

"Y/N be the king, Hermione be the queen."

I wasn't sure if he'd done that on purpose or not but both me and Hermione noticed.

"I'll be a knight and you be that bishop Harry."

The pieces that Ron named moved out of our way and allowed us to take their spaces.

"White always moves first, look."

A white pawn moved two squares forward.

Ron began directing the black pieces around and we all watched on or moved when Ron said to. The nerves in the room could be felt, we were all thinking about what would happen if we lost.

"Harry - move four squares diagonally to the right."

Next the white queen took the other Knight. It smashed it and dragged what was left to the side.

"Had to let that happen, leaves you to take that bishop Hermione."

Ron had taken it upon himself to ensure we stayed out of danger and he took nearly as many pieces as we lost.

I could see that the game was coming to an end but the end was not going to be pleasant.

"Nearly there... Nearly there." Ron muttered. "It's the only way."

"What do you mean 'it's the only way'?" Harry asked.

"I've got to let myself be taken." Ron explained.

"No!" Harry and Hermione shouted.

"Yes! That's chess, sometimes sacrifices have to be made to win. Look, Y/N knows it as well."

The other two turned to face me and I had a frown. I knew Ron was right but I just wished there was another way.

"It leaves you open to checkmate the king Harry."

"But-" Harry tried to argue.

"Do you want to stop Snape or not?"

"It's not Snape." I whispered.

They heard me and shot me glares

"Sorry, not the time."

"Good luck." Harry said.

"This is very brave Ron. Try not to die." said Hermione

"Rather you than me." I said

Harry and Hermione glared at me again but Ron had a weak smile.

"Thanks - here we go. Don't hang around once we've won."

Ron stepped forward and the white queen smacked him hard in the head. He was sent to the wall unconscious. Hermione screamed but stayed where she was. The opposing queen dragged Ron to the side and put him against the wall.

Harry looked shaken but made his move and the white king through his crown down at Harry's feet signalling the end of the game.

We hurried through the next door.

"What if he's-" Hermione began

"He's alive." I said

"He'll be fine, what do you think is next?" Harry interrupted.

"Well, we've had Sprout's, that was the Snare, Flitwick probably charmed the keys and McGonagall must have done something to the chess pieces. That leaves Quirrell and Snape." I explained.

Suddenly a horrendous smell filled our nostrils, it was like the smell on Halloween but worse. In front of us lay a troll bigger than the one we had fought. It had a horrible red lump on it's head and was either dead or knocked out.

"I'm glad we didn't have to fight that one." said Harry.

"Agreed, but it would have been fun."

We pulled open the next door and crept in slowly, awaiting the next challenge. However what was in front of us didn't require any creeping or sneaking.

There were seven differently shaped bottles all in a line.

"Snape's." Harry said "What do we do?"

We stepped closer to the potions and triggered flames which shot up in front of and behind us blocking the doorways. The one in front was black and the one behind was purple.

"Look!" Hermione said seizing a scroll which sat next to the potions

Me and Harry looked over her shoulder to read it

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help, whichever you will find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line,
Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those at either end,
But if you would move onwards, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

I was smiling and saw that Hermione was to. Harry however looked dumbfounded.

I was confident in mine and Hermione's abilities to be able to solve this.

"Brilliant!" said Hermione "This isn't magic - it's logic - a puzzle. A lot of the greatest wizards don't have an ounce of logic, they'd be stuck in here forever."

"But, so will we, won't we?"

"Don't be silly Harry, we have Hermione." I said

She blushed at my compliment.

"I'm sure you'd be able to solve it too Y/N."

"Maybe, but not as quick as you."

"Give me a minute and I'll see if I can do it."

Hermione read over the clues a few more times and began muttering to herself. She was pacing up and down the line of potions. Eventually she clapped her hands and had a smile.

"Y/N, come here and see if you agree with me."

She showed me which potion she thought was which and I agreed with her. I was a bit surprised at how quick she managed it though, I had tried as well and only managed to work out a few of them.

"The smallest one will take you through the black fire and to the stone." Hermione said

"There's barely enough for two of us." Harry pointed out.

"Mione you should take the one that let's you through the purple flames. You can grab Ron then take some brooms, you'll be able to get past the trapdoor on them." I said

"Then go straight to the Owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore. Whoever's through there will be able to deal with me and Y/N, we might last a little while but we're not really a match."

"Speak for yourself, I reckon I could take Quirrell. He wouldn't be able to say the spells properly with his stutter." I joked

This got a laugh from the two of them but Harry quickly went back to seriousness.

"Jokes aside, we'll probably need Dumbledore so try and get Hedwig to go."

"What if You-Know-Who is in there?" Hermione said grimly.

"I got lucky once, why not again?"

"I'll be there as well to help."

Hermione looked as if she might cry but she dashed towards us and wrapped her arms around us. Harry looked shocked but I had grown to appreciate Hermione's hugs and gotten used to them.

"You're both great wizards, you know."

"Not as great as you." said Harry looking embarrassed.

I had to agree with him.

"Me!" Hermione exclaimed "Books! And cleverness! There are more important things - friendship and bravery - and both of you please be careful."

"Hermione, if I'm not back. Tell Ron I take back what I said, I'd rather it was me that was knocked out than him."

"I know you're joking, but please don't say that. I'm sure you'll be fine." she said but she still looked very nervous.

I offered her another hug and she crashed into me. She started to pull away but before we fully separated she kissed me on the cheek.

I went a bright red and could feel my cheeks burning up in a blush. Hermione looked flustered and embarrassed as well. I didn't know what to say and ended up with gibberish.

"Come on Y/N, you have time to think about that later."

Harry pulled me by the arm and I waved to Hermione still unable to speak.

She waved back then drank her potion and walked through the flames.

"I'll drink first, just to make sure. I'm certain Hermione got it right but just in case." I said.

I drank one gulp and left enough for Harry. It was freezing cold but I didn't die so I wasn't complaining.

"It's fine." I told him

Harry drank his portion and we walked through the black flames. There was already someone stood in the chamber.

It wasn't Snape.

It wasn't Voldemort.

It was Quirrell, just like I thought.

המשך קריאה

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