Trying Your Luck - Bucky Barn...

By Woolfhoundss

495K 16.5K 6.1K

Sam teaches Bucky how to make a dating profile and it changes his entire life. This (somewhat) follows the Fa... More

Cast List
Playlists and Author's Note
Part 1: The App
Part 2: Shannon
Part 3: Third Date
Part 4: Blip and Snap
Part 5: Rule Number Two
Part 6: It's Been a Long, Long Time
Part 7: Sunday Kind of Love
Part 8: Brooklyn Baby
Part 9: Bed Bath & Beyond
Part 10: Double Date
Part 11: Revelations
Part 12: Puppy Love
Part 12: Falling
Part 14: Twenty Questions
Part 15: Savior
Part 16: Wanna Be Yours
Part 17: True Colors
Part 18: Want You Back
Part 19: Tangled Up in Blue
Part 20: Shannon's Bucky Mix
Part 21: Dumpster Diving
Part 22: All of Me
Part 23: Animal
Part 24: Too Many Drinks
Part 25: Kansas
Part 26: Come Fly With Me
Part 27: Feel Something
Part 28: Blood//Water
Part 29: The Chain
Part 30: Demons
Part 31: Home
Part 32: Night Out
Part 33: Future Echoes
Part 34: Country Roads
Part 35: Celebrations
Part 36: Iron Sky
Part 37: One Thing Leads to Another
Part 38: Better Man
Part 39: Some Unholy War
Part 40: Not in Kansas Anymore
Part 41: Soldier's DNA
Part 42: Carry You
Part 43: Anyone Else But You
Part 44: Knife Tricks
Part 45: Preparations
Part 46: All This and Heaven Too
Part 47: Trouble Man
Part 48: Changes
Part 49: Who'll Stop the Rain
Part 50: Centuries
Part 51: Born for This
Part 52: News Flash
Part 53: Madripoor
Part 54: Echoes
Part 55: The Luckiest
Part 56: Mr. Blue Sky
Part 57: When the Party's Over
Part 58: Histories
Part 60: far from home, but we're so happy
Part 61: Little Talks
Part 62: Delacroix
Part 63: Heartbeats
Part 64: Forget Me Not
Part 65: At Last
Part 66: Gifts
Part 67: Parties and Short Goodbyes
Part 68: Turning Points
Part 69: we can be heroes
Part 70: California (Part 1)
Part 71: California (Part 2)
Part 72: Nuptials
Part 73: New Beginnings
Part 74: Epilogue

Part 59: East of Eden

3.1K 135 74
By Woolfhoundss

Shannon and Janice stay at the hospital until just past six. Janice reads while Shannon's eyes are fixed on the news. It's just playing that clip of Walker over and over again until the images are burned into her brain, and she can still see it when she closes her eyes. Bucky hasn't texted her yet. Every time her phone buzzes, her heart almost stops. When it's not him, she feels a maelstrom of terror and relief unfurling around her. She sends him a text.

Let me know if you're okay. Please.

He doesn't answer.

The doctor comes around and advises them to get some rest, that George will still be here in the morning. Janice is reluctant to want to leave his side for the first time in two days and it takes Shannon and the doctor a few minutes to convince her that everything is going to be all right. Shannon books them into the same hotel that she and Bucky stayed in. It feels like years ago. She stares wistfully at the bar as they walk in, remembering the time before all of this when things were easier. She flushes slightly at the memory of flirting with him at that bar. He was so beautiful. Janice notices. She notices everything.

"I know that look," she muses. "I still get the same one when I look at your father."

Shannon sighs and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"I'm worried about him."

"Shannon, he's a grown man. He would never do anything stupid on purpose."

She smirks.

"You don't know him like I do."

"Fair," Janice laughs as they sit down at a table and order some food. "I know you're afraid, but I promise you, Shan. That boy loves you. He's coming home."

"I believe you."

"Really?" Janice asks. "Because you don't look so sure."

"Mama, what he and Sam are fighting, it's... it's an ideology."

"So is every war this country has ever fought," Janice quips. "I know about the Flag Smashers. I agree with their cause."

Shannon blinks.

"You do?"

"Sure. You and I saw what happened after everyone came back. The world has changed. People are suffering because the people in power are hoarding resources. Your dad and I are victims of it all the time. And that new Captain America? He's not a hometown hero, he's a government agent doing publicity stunts on Good Morning America."

Shannon has to laugh. She's right about that.

"You said he seemed nice."

"And then he murdered a man in broad daylight! That's not Captain America. There's more than one side to all of this, Shannon. The Flag Smashers want a world without borders, without patriotism, where everyone is fed, cared for, and equal. You know, after watching the chaos of the past six months with the displacement camps all over the world... and now, looking at your father in the hospital and knowing the long road to recovery and the bills we're facing... it's hard not to want some of that ideology to become a reality. So, yeah, I agree with them, but do I agree with the way that they're fighting? Of course not. They're people with good intentions doing bad things."

"Wow," she whispers.

She's never had this kind of talk with her mother before. In fact, Shannon's mother has never been particularly political. She always thought of her parents as blind patriots because of her dad's military history. But then again, the fourth of July is just another day for them on the farm. It always has been. Janice sips at her drink.

"Do you know why your dad and I don't fly an American flag on our lawn?"

Shannon shakes her head.

"Your dad was awarded a medal of honor in Vietnam. When he told me the story, he said they had a big celebration for him, and he almost didn't go. Did he ever tell you how he got that medal?"


Janice sighs and takes a deep breath.

"Your father led his troops into enemy territory where they slaughtered 200 people. Almost all of his friends died that day. So, all he sees when he looks at that medal is carnage and bodies, and blood. All he sees is a country that just let him down after he retired. He didn't have therapy or counseling for anything that he saw during that war. There was no support, no therapy groups like the ones Sam leads. They just threw your daddy a medal, called him a hero, and then hung him out to dry."

"But his medals are all over the house."

"Except for that one. It's in a drawer somewhere. He won't even look at it. Your dad always wanted to be a hero, but he didn't count the cost until it was already too late."

Shannon lets out a soft laugh as the waitress brings them their food. A tear rolls down her cheek.

"See, these are the kinds of conversations I can't have with Bucky."

"That's okay," Janice replies. "That's why you have me."

Janice's phone rings and she pulls it out of her purse. Her face falls and tears well in her eyes. Shannon feels her entire body stiffen.

"Put it on speakerphone," she whispers.

Janice nods and puts the phone down on the table.


"Hello, Mrs. Meyers? This is nurse Williams. I'm calling in regard to your husband."

"Oh, God..."

Her mother looks like she's about to fall over. Shannon grips her hand tightly, her fingers locking with Janice's. She takes a deep breath, encouraging her mother to breathe with her.

"No, no!" The nurse laughs. "It's not that. He's fine. I just... I was just calling about processing a payment on your account."

"A payment? What do you mean? We have insurance."

"I understand and it should cover the majority of the cost, but someone dropped off a check for a rather large amount and told me to keep it for you."

"How much?" Shannon asks.

"It's – it's for three million dollars, Mrs. Meyers." She laughs. "It's more than enough to cover the cost of all of his medical bills, and then some. You have a guardian angel out there somewhere."

The nurse's voice is hushed, and Janice begins to stammer.

"Wh--- we don't know anyone with that kind of money. It must be some kind of mistake."

"It's not, ma'am. Your name is written on the envelope and the check."

Her parents don't know anyone with that kind of money, but Shannon does. She feels like they're being watched. Shannon's head whips around the restaurant and catches Zemo's jacket as he's striding away. She puts her hand on her mother's forearm and whispers.

"Mama, I'll be right back."

She runs out of the bar and looks to her left. Zemo is standing in the lobby, his hands clasped in front of him. Shannon approaches with caution, her eyebrows knit together.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oeznik told me about your father. I figured that I would help out in any way that I could."

"Zemo, you didn't have to do this."

He nods.

"A long time ago, my whole family was taken from me. They were the most important thing in my life. If there is anything that I can do to help yours, I would like to do it."

He sits down in a chair. He's surprisingly calm for a man who is being hunted, but then again, Zemo never seems nervous. Sam described him as a man with a plan. His mind was already a thousand steps ahead of everyone else's. Shannon sits beside him and he speaks.

"I was planning on killing James when he helped me break out of that prison in Germany."

"Why didn't you? You said it yourself, the idea of a Super Soldier troubles people. Bucky told me what you've done. Killing T'Chaka, framing him, using him as a weapon. You're not exactly in his good books – well, you're literally not in his good books."

Zemo folds his hands in his lap and chuckles softly.

"I would be surprised if he hadn't filled you in. When I first met James, he was completely broken and easily exploited for someone else's agenda. I will admit, I used him to achieve my own ends, thinking of him merely as a mindless robot. A weapon. But after meeting him again... and seeing him with you, I saw how much they took from him and how hard he was working to get it back. He never wanted to be what HYDRA turned him into." Zemo sighs softly and raises his hands. "So, here I am."

"You know Bucky is going to find you."

"I know." He takes a deep breath and looks around. "I wanted to do one last good deed before that happened. Perhaps it's my only good deed, but... nobody's perfect."

She stares at him for a long time. It's hard to reconcile the idea of him being a monster, especially after he's been so kind to her. To her family. Her parents will want for nothing.

"Are you sure you want to give this to us?" She asks.

"It's no trouble, Shannon. I won't need it where I'm going." He checks his watch. "Actually, I should be leaving. I'd like to go to the memorial in Sokovia one last time."

He stands and brushes his coat with the backs of his hands before extending a hand to her.

"It has been an immense pleasure, Shannon."

"Thank you, Zemo," she whispers. "For everything."

She pulls him in for a hug and his body tenses up, but eventually, he relaxes into it, kissing her softly on the cheek. He says something to her in what she thinks is Sokovian, but she's not sure. She stares at him with confusion, and he chuckles, patting her cheek gently.

"Don't worry, it means 'until we meet again.'"

With that, he walks out the door and hops into a car, driving away as he gives her a small salute. Shannon walks back to the table. Janice is staring off into the distance in disbelief.

"Mama? You okay?"

"I just can't believe that someone would do that. They said the person who dropped it off is a friend of yours."

"He is."

"How can we thank him?"

"It's already done, mama."

Janice bursts into tears, both hands covering her face. Shannon slides out of the booth and sits next to her, wrapping her arms around her.

"It's okay. Hey... you and daddy are going to be okay. It's all I've ever wanted for you."

"Did you do this?"

"No," Shannon admits. "It was totally unexpected. But it's a chance for you two to have the life you deserve and for daddy to have the care that he needs."

In one minute, Zemo changed her parents' entire lives. Her phone rings. When Bucky's photo comes up, she wants to burst into tears. Shannon picks up, already on the verge of tears. All Bucky says is,

"We did it. We got the shield."

She sobs with relief.

"Come home to me."

"I have one more thing I have to do," he tells her. "I'll be home soon."

She knows that he's talking about Kansas, but the way he says home sounds almost exactly the same as when he says her name. Her chest swells and she sniffles.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." She lowers her voice. "Our friend dropped off a check for three million dollars at the hospital to cover my dad's bills."

Bucky doesn't even have to guess, but his voice immediately becomes hostile.

"Why? What does he want from you?"

"Nothing, Buck. That's what he told me, at least."

"You talked to him?"

"A few minutes ago. In the hotel."

"Where's he going?" Bucky asks.

"Home," she replies. "He knows you're coming for him. He's ready."

"I'll be sure to thank him before I turn him in to the Dora. I'll be back with you before you know it. Are you staying in Kansas?"

"For the time being," she tells him. "Seems like the safest bet."

"Okay. I'll call you before I fly out."

"I'll pick you up from the airport."

"I can't wait. I love you, Shannon."

"I love you, too, Buck."

She hangs up the phone.

"Bucky?" Her mother asks.


"I told you he'd come home."

She smiles.

"You always know best, don't you, mama?"

"I didn't say it, you did."

They finish the rest of their dinner and settle into their room for the night watching The Sound of Music. Her mom's favorite. They fall asleep in separate beds.

Bucky is at the end of a long hallway in the hospital. He's standing next to her dad. They're screaming her name and waving their arms at her. Shannon is sprinting toward them, but she can't move her legs fast enough. Their voices get louder, but the closer she manages to get, the further away their figures become until they're swallowed by a bright, white light. She screams, falling to her knees and crawling toward them. Something grabs her by the ankle and pulls her back. She hears Will's voice – or something that sounds like it – growling and enraged. The last thing she remembers is howling in pain as Will pulls her backward.

She jolts awake, gasping and breathing hard. Her eyes search the room to make sure that no remnants of her nightmares remain. She checks her phone. There's a text from Bucky.

Delayed for a bit in Sokovia. Called in a favor but I'll be home soon. I can't wait to hold you again.

Shannon texts him back a heart.

It's okay.

She looks over at her mother, who is sleeping soundly in the bed next to her. She flops onto her back and closes her eyes. A thousand images run through her head at once. Her dad in that hospital bed. Bucky. Zemo. Sam. The shield. And that fucking video of Walker. Over and over again.

And then Will. Even if Sam and Bucky manage to defeat the Flag Smashers, there's still a whole situation in New York that she has to deal with. Will isn't going to make this easy for her. She's surprised she hasn't been followed. It's another three weeks until his trial starts, and even then, her lawyers told her that it could be delayed.

There's always an obstacle.

She slips out of bed and crawls in next to her mother, wrapping her arms around her. Janice stirs and looks over.

"What're you doing?"

"I had a nightmare."

Janice holds her, stroking her hair and humming a soft lullaby.

"No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl," she whispers.

"I know, mama."


Bucky waits at the statue, pacing back and forth. Ten hours. All Shuri needed was ten hours to make the suit. It blows his mind, but that's why she's a genius. He already took a walk, had a drink, and took another walk. He doesn't know what the hell he's supposed to do other than linger by the statue with a bag of candy and stuff his face while his anxiety spins out of control. It's been ten and a half hours.

And he's out of candy.

He's being pulled in so many directions. He wants to save the world, but he wants to be there for Shannon and her parents and be the boyfriend she deserves.

But he has to do this for Sam. For Steve.

And for himself.

It's okay to be a little selfish.

He hasn't heard from Sam since he left Riga, other than a text that said "Baltimore". Bucky assumes Sam is talking to Isaiah.

Bucky sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He texts Shannon but it doesn't go through.


Ayo doesn't have to do this favor for him. She could have just said no. He wasted the Dora's time, disrespected the Wakandans just to get to Zemo. He knows all of this. It twists his guts up. One day soon, he'll go back and make things right. He owes it to them. He owes everything to them.

"White Wolf!" Ayo calls as she approaches with the suitcase in her hands and a tiny smile lingering on her lips. She stops in front of him while the other two Dora stand behind her, their spears at their sides, but always ready. Ayo hands him the suitcase. "Use it wisely."

"Thank you, Ayo. I appreciate it."

She nods and turns away as they walk back to their ship. Relief courses through Bucky's body and he practically sprints to the car. The drive to the airport takes no time at all. Bucky dials Shannon's number as he buys a ticket and sprints toward the terminal. She sounds groggy when she picks up. It would be about three in the afternoon where she is. She must be falling asleep at the hospital.


"I'm coming home."

The relief in her voice is palpable as she sobs into the phone.

"It's gonna be okay, Shan. How's your dad?"

"He's okay. He's responsive to touch. He held my mom's hand today. We've been crying all day."

"That's a relief."

"Yeah. The doctors are monitoring him hourly." She sighs. He can hear the exhaustion in her voice. "When does your flight get in?"

"9:00am tomorrow. Providing there are no delays."

"If there are, I will blow up the airport."

"Well, then there's nowhere for me to land," he laughs as he hands his ticket to the attendant and thanks her softly. Shannon chuckles.

"I know things are fucked right now, Buck, but being able to have you here will be..."

"I know," he whispers. "I'm getting on the plane now."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then."

He tosses his bag in the overhead compartment and sits down, buckling up.


"Yeah." Her voice is clenched and breathy.

"It's gonna be okay. You know that, right?"

"Now I do."

He smiles. The chaos isn't over, but it will be soon.

Author's Note: The stuff about George's medal of honor is partially taken from an interview with the FATWS cast where Wyatt Russell talks about how he prepared for the John Walker role. In it, he says he listened to a podcast where a soldier talked in detail about the day leading up to him winning the medal of honor. I listened to pieces of the podcast that he mentioned, and that soldier's experience was so horrific that I had to turn it off.

Wyatt said something that I found interesting. It was along the lines of: "Whenever that guy looks at that medal, he must be reminded of all of the friends he lost, and everything that went wrong."

My grandfather was also a decorated soldier and for every medal he got, he could tell you a horror story of how he got it. So, I really wanted to explore the pain and trauma behind those accolades – especially in the '60s and '70s when there was so little support for veterans.

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