Part 10: Double Date

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Bucky is wrestling with his hair. He never really gave it much thought until just now when Sam texts him.

We're going to Saffron. Try to look presentable.

Bucky scoffs.

Worry about yourself, big guy.

Bucky's Tinder phone dings. There's an email notification from Sam. His brows knit together and he opens it. Sam is standing in front of the mirror holding his phone. He's in a crisp navy blue suit, a white dress shirt that's slightly open, and shiny brown shoes. The caption reads: "Not worried."

Bucky sighs.

"Dammit. He always looks good."

Bucky can already tell that tonight is going to be a competition.

He runs a comb through his hair, shrugs on the suit jacket that Sam loaned him for his date with Shannon overtop of a plain black button-up shirt that he grabbed right off of a rack and insisted he didn't need to try it on. He slides into the nicest pair of black jeans that he owns, and his gloves. Bucky checks himself in the bathroom mirror one more time and debates shaving - with an actual razor, not a pair of clippers. But Shannon said she liked his stubble, and he's grown pretty fond of it over the years.

As he's slipping into his boots, he hears a knock at the door and opens it. Shannon stands in front of him in a dark emerald dress with short sleeves and a high neckline. It looks like a swing dress. The same kind the girls he used to chase would wear when he and Steve would go out dancing. She has on red high heels, bright red lipstick, and her hair is twisted into a low bun. Bucky's jaw drops.


She twirls around, the skirt billowing in the breeze she creates with it.

"You like it? I borrowed it from a friend. She's a lot cooler than me and wears a lot of vintage clothes. You said we were going to Saffron and I didn't have anything that wasn't a clubbing outfit from my twenties."

He gives her an approving nod, trying to wrack his brain for something clever or sweet to say, but he finds himself coming up short. He just wants to look at her.

"I... I love it." He lifts her chin and places a gentle kiss on her cheek, so as not to smear her lipstick. "You're a knockout."

"So are you. Look at you in a button-down shirt!" She gushes. Bucky sighs as she fawns over him and straightens his collar.

"I don't look as good as you."

"I beg to differ. I think I got the hottest guy in New York."

"That is definitely not true."

"Let me be right about this one," she whispers as she kisses him softly on the tip of his nose. "Don't worry. It's fancy lipstick that doesn't come off."

He swipes at his nose, looks at his fingers, and raises his eyebrows. Impressive. She pulls her phone out of a mysterious pocket that is somehow in her dress and checks the time.

"We should go. You ready?"


They exit the apartment and start down the hall. They stop as Yori's door opens and he steps out with a bag of trash in his hands. His eyes go wide as he sees Bucky with Shannon and a mischievous smirk spreads across his face.

"All this time we've been friends and you neglected to tell me you had such a pretty girlfriend."

Shannon giggles and flushes. Bucky rolls his eyes. He's pretty sure that the universe is conspiring to embarrass him tonight. Who knows what Sam is going to bring up at dinner. Bucky gestures to Shannon.

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