Part 50: Centuries

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Author's Note: TRAINING MONTAGE! And smut, because it's necessary!

Bucky is worried about not being a good teacher. He's also considered the idea that the two of them sparring will spark something in him and instead of teaching her how to defend herself, they'll just wind up fucking on the floor of the gym and she'll learn nothing.

That actually might not be so bad.

The idea has even invaded his dreams. There, she's as competent and quick as him, landing kicks and punches, and pinning him into submission before holding a knife to his throat. He wakes up at 2:30am with his hardness pushing into the gentle curve of Shannon's ass. She purrs as she looks over her shoulder and grins at him.

"I thought you didn't have a lot of fight in you," she whispers into the darkness.

"What can I say. You do something to me."

She chuckles and grinds herself against his cock, moaning softly. He bites down softly on her shoulder as his hand finds the tops of her pajama shorts. With the lightest touch, he flicks her clit until she rolls over and climbs on top of him, sinking down onto his length. They don't speak. Sam isn't right next door, he's across the hall, but the walls in this barracks are pretty thin. Sometimes he can hear Sam cough from his room.

Instead, Bucky and Shannon communicate in stifled moans and soft gasps as rides him slowly. Until she's shivering and trembling as she comes. Bucky's release isn't far behind. But even after they get lost in post-coital bliss, giggling and kissing each other; even after she's fallen asleep on his chest, he can't escape the tension that continues to mount within his body. It's maddening. All he can think about is sparring with her while she has a knife in her hand.

Bucky doesn't want to hurt her during their training. She's so much smaller than him. But he also kind of wants to see what she's made of. She's feisty, and she's got a big mouth. He wonders if she can back it up if he teaches her a few punches.

He remembers being fifteen in his small apartment in Brooklyn, wrestling with Steve on his bedroom floor. He doesn't even remember how the wrestling match started, but he remembers that it ended with him pinning Steve's arms into the floor and covering his mouth in a searing kiss. Maybe he's always loved a bit of powerplay.

He wakes her up at the crack of dawn to go running. She groans and grumbles, rolling back and forth in bed while he dresses in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

"You weren't joking when you said we had to get up early, were you?"

"Nope," he chuckles.

Another groan. Bucky pinches her sides, and she explodes into laughter.

"Come on, soldier," he orders. "Let's go. You've got a big morning ahead of you."

He's meticulously gone over a list of self-defense moves she could learn that would be relatively easy for her to perform quickly and efficiently. Most of them involve him winding up in a submissive position and require very little strength on her part, but they're powerful and effective.

And maybe he likes a woman who can kick his ass a little.

Bucky keeps thinking about the way she held that knife the other week, flipping it with ease, and swallows thickly as Shannon rolls out of bed, rubbing her eyes and groaning.

"Are you serious, Buck? It's so fucking early. Can I at least get a cup of coffee first?"

"There's a Red Bull in the mini-fridge for you. It's the closest they had to iced coffee here."

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