Part 72: Nuptials

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Shannon is at Sarah's house getting ready for the wedding. All of the women went over there to make sure that she wasn't too nervous. They haven't seen each other since the night before last – before everyone descended on their house like a pack of wild dogs. He didn't even get to give Shannon a good morning kiss before Janice whisked her away to a spa in New Orleans, and then a hair appointment, and then a final dress fitting. And then put her up in a hotel with Sarah and Carrie for the night. She's been texting him all day, but it's not enough for him. He just wants to hold her and kiss her and do dirty, filthy things to her.

Tomorrow, they're flying to Europe for a month. Shannon wants to go to Paris, and Rome, and a bunch of cities that Bucky vaguely remembers being in when he was The Winter Soldier. It'll be nice to be there for a nice, healthy reason, instead of trying to kill someone. He's excited to have a normal life for once.

The wedding is in half an hour. The guests are outside. Bucky can hear them through the crack in the window. Most of his extended family has shown up. His stomach is in knots and he's sweating through his shirt. Thank God the tux covers it.

Bucky steps out of the bathroom and lifts up his arms, turning around in his tuxedo to show it off to Sam, Joaquin, and Rebecca. He's trimmed his beard and got his hair cut a little shorter. Just a bit, so that he can slick it back without it looking too messy. Shannon likes it longer. So does he.

Sam gives him a nod of approval and Rebecca applauds softly. The two have become fast friends since they met a few weeks ago.

"You look great, Buck!" Rebecca exclaims.

"Very slick, man," Sam agrees.

Sam has been in his suit all day. He loves it. He keeps doing finger guns whenever he walks past any mirror in the house and saying things like "heyyyy, good lookin'". It's exhausting, but it's Sam, so he gets a pass. He does look great, though. Sam's phone buzzes and he swears softly.

"Something wrong?" Bucky asks.

"Uh... no. Hang on a second."

He rushes out of the bedroom. Bucky hears him walking downstairs. He sits on the edge of the bed and takes a deep breath. Joaquin smiles at him.

"You're going to be great, man. Are you guys writing your own vows?"

"Yeah," Bucky whispers as he pats his breast pocket. "I've been working on them for a few months. They're almost perfect."

"They'll be perfect to her," Rebecca says softly.

He smiles. There's a soft knock at the door and Sam sticks his head inside.

"Buck, Shannon and I arranged a surprise for you."

"I can't handle any more surprises today," Bucky mumbles. "Too many surprises."

"I think you'll like this one." He gestures to someone out of sight.

Bucky looks up just in time to see Yori step through the threshold. He's smiling and dressed in a black suit. Bucky's mind goes blank and all he can do is stare as tears pool in his eyes.

"Hi, James," Yori says softly.

Bucky rushes toward him, engulfing him in a massive hug. He begins to cry. Yori holds him tightly, sobbing with him. There are too many emotions rushing through him to pin down. Instead of trying to identify them, he just feels.

"I thought you'd never want to see me again," Bucky whispers, his throat tight.

Yori pulls away and shakes his head.

"I forgive you, James. It took a lot of courage to do what you did. I know that you didn't have a choice that day. Sam and Shannon explained things to me a little more over the phone."

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