Part 36: Iron Sky

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Author's Note: This is just pure smut featuring lots of teasing and dirty talking Bucky. It's probably one of the filthiest things I've ever written, and I'm incredibly proud of it 😈

Bucky pours Shannon a glass of champagne as they lie on their sides staring at each other. Her eyes are beautiful, glowing in the soft candlelight and the moonlight that leaks in through the window. The night is quiet, as though it was made just for them. All Bucky can hear is the soft chirp of crickets in the distance. Shannon drinks slowly, biting her lip in the exact way that makes him fucking crazy for her. Her leg bare leg winds around his denim-covered ones and she studies him while smiling like she knows his deepest secrets. Bucky sips his drink and raises his eyebrows. Shannon giggles, her sudden boldness about sex has all but disappeared. There's an innocence about her that makes his guts twist with lust. He reaches over and brushes the hair off of her shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How much I love you," she whispers.

Her arms engulf his whole body and she buries her head in his chest.


"And I can't believe you did all of this for little old me."

"Shannon," he sighs. "How many times do I have to tell you you deserve this?"

"I know. I just wonder how you're going to feel when I only get you a stack of pancakes and a blowjob for your 107th birthday."

He throws his head back and laughs.

"It's a better gift than I've gotten most years."

She shoves him backward onto his back and they both collapse into laughter.

"I promise, I'll get you something better than that."

"I don't know," he muses. "For a 107th birthday, pancakes and a blowjob sounds pretty good."

She snickers. Bucky brushes her hair out of her face.

"What else are you thinking about?" He asks.

"How when you smile, your nose does this cute little scrunch thing," she giggles.

Bucky blushes and pushes her away as she tries to touch his nose.


"Come on, Buck, let me," she whines. "It's my birthday and you're so cute!"

She kisses the tip of his nose and presses her lips against his, tugging on his bottom lip. They both chuckle.

"I was also thinking about how this has been the nicest thing anyone's done for me in a long time."

"Shannon," he laughs. "What did I just tell you? You. deserve. this."

"I know," she mumbles. "It's just been a long time since I've had someone shell out the kind of effort that you do for a birthday."

Bucky hums quietly, breathing her in like she's exactly where he needs to be. She's home. She has been since the day he met her. Her mouth glides up his chest, across the fabric of his t-shirt. Her lips slide up the rough stubble of his neck, his jaw, and find the softness of his lips. She almost weeps into his mouth as her fingers tangle themselves in his hair.

"James," she breathes.

He growls softly, loving every inch of her leaning into him like he's everything she has.

"Tell me what you want."

She knows exactly what he means. Sharp, poppy red fingernails glide beneath his shirt and scrape down his back, putting enough pressure on him to make him moan just the way she wants him to. His hips roll softly against hers, desperate to press into anything that will relieve the pressure of his aching hardness.

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