Part 29: The Chain

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Author's Note: Rough sex. This chapter has a liiiiiittle bit more of a domineering, dirty talking Bucky because I haven't gotten a chance to flex those muscles completely, and the idea of aggressive, kinda dominant Bucky is extremely hot to me.

The sun is barely peeking over the horizon as they drive into town. Shannon's music gets a little better once she turns off the sound of screeching guitars and just... general screeching. He tries not to seem like too much of an old man, but in these kinds of situations, he can't really help it. It's just so loud. Shannon changes the song to something a little softer as she looks in the rearview mirror and bursts out laughing at the sight of Bucky grimacing at the music.

"Not your thing?" She asks.

"Some songs are," Bucky replies.

"Put on some Bing Crosby and he'll be doing karaoke," Sam teases.

Bucky frowns. Sam's right, though.

"I'll change it to something a little more your speed, Buck," she laughs.

"Better make it quick," Sam replies. "I think we're melting his big cyborg brain."

"I hate you guys," Bucky whispers.

"You don't mean that," Shannon teases.

She changes the song. This is much softer, with a simple guitar riff and a beautiful harmonic chorus of two voices. It's something he's heard before, but he can't quite place it. Sam lets out a small whooping noise and claps his hands together.

"You like Fleetwood Mac?"

"I love Fleetwood Mac!" Shannon replies.

"This is my favorite song," Sam says with a grin.

Shannon beams.

"Mine too!" She glances up in the rearview mirror and meets Bucky's eyes. He's bobbing his head up and down.

"I've heard this before!" He shouts over the music.

"I should hope so," Shannon chuckles.

Sam claps his hands and they begin to sing.


Bucky taps out the beat on his thighs as their off-key singing drowns out the actual musicians. He doesn't mind. In fact, it makes him smile. This whole trip has made him forget about the reason why he's supposed to be here in the first place. He really should get to work on that list — and he will. Eventually. Sam and Shannon are having a blast, howling into the early morning sky as the truck rips down the road at breakneck speed. Sam turns around.

"Hey, Buck, the three of us should do a road trip to Delacroix."

"You're from Delacroix?!" Shannon replies.

"Sure am."

"I dated a guy from there once back in high school. His family moved here after Hurricane Katrina."

"Yeah, it almost wiped everything out," Sam replies. "We lost everything."

"I'm sorry," Shannon says softly.

"It's all right. The whole town came together to help each other out and keep each other safe."

"Sounds a lot like this place."

"It's an important characteristic in a community," Sam replies. "You two should come out sometime."

"That would be great," Shannon offers.

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