Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

Von GabeTheFallen

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... Mehr

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Incoming Troubles

1.2K 24 29
Von GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

Blackheart was feeling quite proud of himself, and why shouldn't he? He managed to open an old scar made by his father to Duncan after declining his offers years ago, believing that his destiny is his own.

Salem: "Is it really wise to send her just like that? Just on a whim?"

Blackheart: "Oh, it was worth every second. Now tell us Laila, how was The Rider?"

His new undead angel only bowed her head, akin to a subject to his king, she then raised her head to tell him what she did.

Laila: "It was just as you spoke of lord Blackheart, in short the devastated look on Duncan's face was enough evidence to show that he still blames himself for my demise."

This brough more questions in Salem's mind, "demise", she is speaking like she is already dead. This didn't go unnoticed by Blackheart who's smile widened to dangerous levels.

Blackheart: "Ohhh, curious now... are we?"

Salem: "I would be lying if i say i wasn't."

Blackheart: "Long story short, she is... an old friend of Duncan, but let's just say that my father didn't like Duncan's attitude so he sent his best Riders to show him his place, it ended with the death of her... but that... was also his big mistake, Duncan was out for revenge afterwards."

Salem: "And let me guess, your father met his end by an enraged Duncan so to speak."

Blackheart: "That's an understatement, he tore through Hell itself only to kill my father."

Salem: "I see, but that doesn't explain on how is she alive."

Blackheart: "Just some forbidden magic that's all. She may look alive, but for sure she is not."

Salem was at loss, Blackheart proclaimed that powers of this caliber was JUST some magic, it was quite baffleling to say the least for her, another evidence of the absurd world that he and the others come from.

Blackheart: "Now then, if you excuse us, we need... to prepare for the great day."

Salem stayed silent and watched as Blackheart left the throne room followed by Laila.

In the hallways, Wallow joined Blackheart, who decided to speak.

Blackheart: "Are the preparations going according to plan?"

Wallow: "Yes indeed, those beasts of Grimm were enhanced with some of our demonic magic, also they are quite easy to take control of."

Blackheart: "Good, they will rip those so called huntsmen to shreds, let's see how they face against demonised Grimms. As for Duncan... i will leave him in your care Laila alongside with our associate."

Laila: "It shall be done my lord, but..."

When she spoke her lips quivered ever so slightly.

Blackheart: "Are you having doubts? Remember, i brought you back and you shall obey me."

Laila: "N-none my lord, he shall fall by my blade."

Blackheart: "Good, good, now come along Predator, it is time."

He said to a figure who was sitting crossarmed with it's back against the wall, his skull ignited in flames at the mention of his name before he decided to follow Blackheart.

Hell was about to break loose, as for a clash between Ghost Riders aproaches.

Blackheart: "Any news about the book?"

Predator: "Negative, that bastard Robbie Reyes took the book to another dimension altogether... it will take more time."




Back at Beacon, Duncan just returned from his trip. He entered his dorm room and saw Medusa reading one of her books.

Medusa: "Welcome back. How-"

But she stopped herself from speaking once she saw Duncan's frown.

Medusa: "Shall i take it that the talk with Raven didn't went well?"

Duncan only chose to sit on one of the chairs in the room.

Duncan: "That's an understatement."

Zarathos: "Can say that again."

Zarathos chose to take his physical form for the explanation that follows, meaning this is a serious matter for the both of them.

Duncan: "Well, first i thought that i was going to a have a calm conversation but..."

Zarathos: "Raven chose a tribe filled with murderers and thieves as her TRUE family as she says... also she killed the Spring Maiden to take her powers."

Medusa stared wide eyed before blinking twice, she then took off her reading glasses before pinching the bridge of her nose.

Duncan: "All we can say is that the conversation went sideways and was cut short, there's no sense talking to someone like her."

Medusa: "So it would seem, guess we can now-... there's more isn't it?"

Duncan and Zarathos looked at one another. Duncan let inhaled and exhaled trying to calm himself.

Duncan: "... Yeah, when we left, we stumbled upon someone..."

Zarathos: "Laila... my sister..."

Medusa: "An angel? And from the looks of it... something happened?"

Zarathos: "That's one way to put it, Laila was Duncan's family guardian angel, when she found out that Duncan became my host, she came to ask for forgivness for the death of his parents at the time."

Duncan: "That was a few weeks after i made the deal with Lucifer, after we had a talk... i thought that was it, but she continued to watch over me... in the end she was visiting me and Ashley almost daily, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, it was nice... i felt like i had a big sister watching over me... but it had to come to an end."

Medusa put the pieces together, Mephisto, it didn't take long for that name to appear into her mind, that devil had his ways to torment Ghost Riders of any kind.

Zarathos: *growls* "But! I didn't like her scent when i saw her now, she reeked of necromancy!"

Duncan: "The only demon we know with so much power and knows about us is-"

Medusa: "Blackheart, for sure it is his way of hurting you and trying to make you weak."

Duncan: *sigh* "Trying to dwell on it will make us blind to the events that will transpire."

Medusa: "Cinder and her lackeys, that's a no brainer, if they plan to bring Beacon down, they will try the safest route to succes."

Zarathos: "And that is by fear, Grimms will raid this place leaving none alive."

Duncan: "And we won't let them, we will strike before they know it, they will learn that their actions have consequences."

Medusa: "Duncan, if it comes to it... and you end up fighting Laila..."

Duncan: "..."

Zarathos: "I know what's going on in that head of yours pal, bloody hell, is like Derek and Elaine all over again."

Medusa's eyes widened, back in the fight during the Holy Grail War, Duncan's parents were revived by Ophis, but their souls still resided in Heaven, hence Gabriel offered to bring their souls back, but, let's just say having to see your own parents revived and used as puppets to fight against you, left a sour taste.

Duncan: "Even then...hmmm.."

Duncan then threw himself on the bed facing the ceiling. His arms rested under his head.

Medusa: "You had a long day, so relax~ for now, we still have time until the Vytal Festival~."

Duncan raised an eyebrow when he saw Medusa strandling his lap, Medusa had some... mood swings, but that was the norm, it can go from serious to whatever in a few seconds.

Zarathos: "I'll... uh, see myself out."

Zarathos went towards the door, ready to reach for the doorknob.

Duncan: "Ah, yes, please do. How are the students gonna react WHEN you start walking around the academy?"

Zarathos deadpanned as his body bursted into flames clearly merging back with Duncan.

Medusa: "I guess that is some form of privacy."


3rd POV:

The day of Vytal Festival finally arrived, but that made Duncan more alert and... not so happy. Why? Simple, Morningwood or Ironwood, decided to bring dozens of battleships looking ready for WW3, but then again who knows. He might go with the dictator route at some point in time.

Atlas robots were patrolling the streets keeping watch over the tournament that was taking place. Yet Duncan decided that the best cause to action was to observe from afar, Duncan decided to channel his inner Obi-Wan and take the higher ground to watch over with an eye of an eagle... maybe he was channelling his inner Altair but i digress.

Medusa took a more casual aproach by observing as a normal spectator and lo and behold she saw Cinder and her cronies watching intently the match that Ruby and her team were having now. To say the least team RWBY did well and won the team rounds moving onto the next round.

Duncan found himself enjoying a walk among the stalls of the Vytal Festival, it was quite a nice break from his patrol, as he and Medusa were walking they spotted Emerald talking with Ruby and her teammates, Mercury wasn't far behind, he was smelling some boots... yeah, truly criminal masterminds, but... for a Spirit Of Vengeance it was something else altogether, the stench of sin was emenating from them like a bad odor, using his "eyes" Duncan saw metaphorical blood dripping from their hands, this made Zarathos's hunger stronger.

Medusa seeing Duncan's gaze fixated on the soon to be targets for The Rider, she tried to keep his attentiom somewhere else.

Medusa: "Come, let's look around more, there's still time until the next round of the tournament, so why not enjoy ourselves?"

This seemed to snap Duncan out of his trance, but the next words out of his mouth will bring the end of an era.

Duncan: "Heh, why not, i might go on and enthusiastic walk sometime soon after this is over."

Duncan's cheeky grinn was countered by Medusa's deadpann expression, she then proceeded to pinch his ear.

Medusa: "Oh no you don't mister, Ashley informed me of what happens when you go on WALKS!"

Duncan: "T-the Hell did she say?! Geez, you are gonna rip off my ear!"

Medusa: "She said to keep an eye out in case of someone by the name Alucard appears, she also said to keep you two 2 km away from one another."

Duncan: "Gah! Leave it to Ash to be a killjoy even when she is not here!"

Medusa: "Now, now, come along." She then proceeded to drag Duncan away by the ear, who had his arms crossed to his chest with a bored expression.

Onto the next round of the tournament, we see team JNPR who was doing pretty good, until they decided to have a team meeting in the middle of the fight, arguing about the names of the attacks, very important stuff ladies and gents, as the opposing team and the spectators grew impatient at Jaune and Pyrrha's banter about their attack's name, so Jaune as a trusty good leader decided to unleash their trump card, the ticket to their victory.

Jaune: "Nora... just... hit them with the hammer."

Nora: "Got it!" She said as her smiled widened and prepared her hammer ready for attack.

She wasted no time and dashed towards the opposing team, she then positioned herself, swinging her hammer she launched the whole team straight into the dome that covered the arena knocking the team out cold. They won by K.O. quite literally.


3rd POV:

As the time passes we set our sight upon Weiss and Ruby who were running towards the bullheads landing site, or better said Ruby was trying to catch up to Weiss who was smilling all the way, she just found out that her sister Winter is coming to Beacon.

As a bullhead landed the doors opened showing Atlas military robots and leading them was a woman who looked like an older version of Weiss, yet her demeanor matched her military uniform.

Weiss: "Winter! It's so good to see you!... oh, your pressence honours us."

Winter straightened her posture before taking a good look at the enviroment that surrounded her, she talked keeping a professional and analytic tone, almost cold.

Winter: "Beacon... it's been a long time. The air... feels different."

Ruby: "I mean... it is Fall, so it's probably colder."

Weiss just hit Ruby's shoulder stopping her from talking before returning to normal and trying to keep a concersation with her sister.

Weiss: "So... what are you doing here?"

Winter: "Classified."

Weiss: "Oh, right! Well... how long are you staying?"

Winter with a sharp look turned towards Weiss once more before answering her question.

Winter: "Classified."

Weiss: "Of course."

Ruby noticing the tension tried to lighten up the mood, well tried...

Ruby: "Well... this is nice... i think."

Weiss ingored her teammate and started to rant to Winter about Beacon and all of it's politic related subjects, yet Winter disregarded Weiss with a cold attitude... damn too much cold in this family.

Yet with making a sign Winter sent all the Atlas robots away, leaving them alone. Before she did a complete 180 on her personality.

Winter: *sigh* "How have you been?"

Weiss: "Oh, splendid thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring matches--"

Yet she was silenced by a slap over the head courtesy of Winter.

Winter: "Silence you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking! I asked 'how have you been'? Are you eating properly, have you been taking any hobbies? Are you making new friends?"

Weiss: "... well... there's Ruby."

Winter: "I see, so this is the leader you wrote of... how apropriatly... underwelming."

Ruby: "Uhhh, thank you."

Winter: "Greetings Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister."

Ruby: "Uh... yes, of course... the honor is in my... court."

After they had their pleasantries, they started to make their way towards the main building of the academy escorted by Atlas robots all the way.

What everyone failed to notice is that someone was not far behing them, the figure stared to dismantle the robots and throw them aside, seemingly looking unimpressed and annoyed by their pressence.

The person called out to them still holding onto a piece of one of the robots... looking kinda... nope he is drunk.

Qrow: "Hey!... Yes, i'm talking to you, Ice Queeeeen." He said throwing aside the robot part he had in his hand.

Winter: "Halt!" He commanded to an aproaching atlas robot.

Weiss followed by aproaching angrily at the seemingly drunk individual.

Weiss: "Excuse me! Do you have any idea who are you talking to?"

Qrow: "Ssshhhhh, not you." He said pushing Weiss aside.

Qrow: "You." He said glaring at Winter. "So  that big ship of your's is in town, guess you are here too."

Winter: "I'm standing right in front of you."

Qrow: *squints his eyes* "So it would seem."

Winter: "You realise you just destroyed Atlas military property?"

Qrow took a good around the broken parts of what remained of the so called Atlas military, before becoming a drama queen.

Qrow: "Ohhhh, i'm sorry, see, i mistook this for some sort of... sentient garbage."

Winter: "I don't have time for your immature games Qrow."

Weiss: "Wait, you two know eachother?"

Qrow: "Geez, you Atlas specialits think you are soooo special. Don't you?"

Winter: "It's in the tittle."

Qrow: "Well, you know what you realy are? A bunch of sellouts! Just like your boss."

Winter: "I'm not sure what you think you are implying, but i have heard enough!"

Qrow: "Oh, i heard too. I heard that Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin."

Weiss: "Ozpin?"

Winter: "Weiss, it's time for you to go."

Weiss: "What?"

Qrow: "Listen to big sis Weiss, she'll protect you, just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us."

Winter: "If you won't hold your tongue i will gladly remove it for you!" She said taking our her sword.

Qrow: "Alright then *slicks back his hair* Come and take it."

Winter wasted to time and dashed towards Qrow, yet she stopped herself before she could be hit by what appeared to be a melting robot who landed between her and Qrow, this brought confused looks on both Qrow and Winter. Soon they heard two voices aproaching them.

???: "Was that necessary?" Said in an exasperated tone.

???: "Hey, they pointed their weapons, i fired back."

???: "Quite literally i might add."

Between the crowds of people two individuals made their pressence known, Duncan and Medusa. Qrow and Winter widened their eyes when they saw Duncan. Winter beacause of his features, for her it was knew to see anyone else outside of her family with white hair and blue eyes, as for Qrow...

Qrow: "What... the hell? Am i seeing things?"

Duncan finally took notice of Qrow.

Duncan: "Heh, long time no see Qrow, i see that you still can't handle your liquor."

Qrow: "... how..."

Winter: "And who are you supposed to be?"

Duncan: "Duncan and Medusa Redgrave, teachers at Beacon."

Qrow/Winter: "What?!"

Medusa: "Friends of yours dear i pressume? At this point i might say you know everyone."

Duncan: "Know everyone, trust a few, but i don't know ice queen over there." He said taking out his flask and taking a sip.

As things seemed to escalated further, Ozpin alongside Glynda and Ironwood arrived, seeing that they are needed Duncan and Medusa followed by a still baffled Qrow.

In the elevator on their way towards Ozpin's office, Qrow had some questions on his mind, but Duncan let him know after this meeting is done, he will answer them.

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Winter was the first to protest against Qrow.

Winter: "What were you thinking?!"

Ironwood: "If you were one of my men, i'll have you shot!"

Duncan/Qrow: "If i was one of your men i'll shoot myself."

Duncan and Qrow looked at one another smirking,  before they highfived.

Winter looked in horror, dread could be seen on her face.

Duncan: "Something the matter ice queen?" He said before drinking from his flask.

Winter: "T-this is getting out of hand... there's two of them?!"

Glynda: "Yeah... you get used to it."

Ozpin: "Now, now, Qrow why are you here?"

Ironwood: "You have been out of contact for weeks, you can't go dark just like that."

Qrow: "I'm not one of your special operatives Jimmy!"

Winter: "General!"

Duncan: *cough* "Morningwood."*cough*

Qrow: "You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and i'm telling you our enemy is here."

Ironwood: "We know."

Qrow: "Oh, you know! Then thank goodness i'm out there risking my life trying to keep you informed!"

Ironwood: "Qrow..."

Qrow: "Communication is a two ways street pal!" He then takes out his scroll. "See this? That's the send button."

Winter: "They had reasons to assume you had been compromised."

Qrow: "And i have reason to assume that you don't need to be here! Seriously who invited her?"

Winter protested yet she yielded at Ironwood's command.

Duncan: "Now that she is out, Amber you can come inside."

As per que Amber walked out what seemed to be a hidden door. The shock on Qrow's face was evident.

Duncan: "Ok, seems i was not informed that Qrow was out on the field."

Qrow: "Ok, seems that a lot has changed with Duncan back here, now Jimmy care to explain what's with your army here in Vale?"

Ironwood: "I brought them because this was a necessity. People of Vale needed someone to protect them, someonethat would act, when they look at the sky and see my ships they feel safe, and our enemy shall feel our strenght."

This was it, hearing his reasoning for flexing military authority, Duncan started laughing uncontrolably almost in a demonic tone, it amused both of him and Zarathos.

Duncan: "Ohhh, that was the best joke i ever heard! Ok Morningwood, tell you what? You must have a mental disorder to think that they fear your little ships! All they did was to make the people think that you are preparing for war! This will bring fear, in wich will bring Grimm! Ozpin, inform Qrow here of our new enemies!"

Duncan started to make his way towards the elevator as smoke started to come out of the collar of his jacket, Medusa followed after him.

Ozpin: "Where are you going?"

Duncan only glanced in their direction with hellish red eyes.

Duncan: "To keep an eye out for bloodshed."

Outside Duncan and Medusa started to make their way in a more desolate space so they could talk.

Medusa: "After this, one thing is clear, they will be more active.

Duncan: "That's why i called for an extra pair of eyes and ears."

From a black mist materialised a black raven with blue markings.

The raven then landed on Medusa's shoulder, seeing this she petted his feathers.

Medusa: "Azure."

Duncan: "Exactly, with his help we can keep an eye out in case something happens."

Medusa: "And we are not here, but why didn't you call for him sooner?"

Duncan: "He helped me keep an eye on our home, but looks like i'm gonna need his help some more here."





Predator, a Ghost Rider under Blackheart's command just returned, seeking his master, he found him in front of an army of demonised Grimm ready for battle.

Predator: "We found it."

Blackheart: "Oh, about time, and where is it exactly?"

Predator: "In the hands of an witch, as to how she aquired it, it is unknown. Shall i go personally?"

Blackheart: "No, you shall be needed here, send some demons after it."

Predator: "Understood."

Predator obeying his master's command he went to prepare their best demons to retrieve what their master desire.

Laila: "My lord, is it possible to retrieve the book before the assault?"

Blackheart: "I do not believe such thing, we will use what we have at our disposal... it's a matter of time, but... when someone experienced get's a hold of the Darkhold... even time is child's play.... maybe even my father shall make a return?"

Blackheart's smile only grew on dangerous levels as for the hell he shall unleash upon this realm.

This chapter's meme:


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