The Grumpy Jerk

By bunnyblahblah

32.5K 1.7K 521

A KawaSara or Kawaki x Sarada Fanfiction in an Alternate Universe (AU) setting. Read to find out! Rated 13+ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 39

445 32 18
By bunnyblahblah

[This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.]

Kawaki's POV

I am staring at the piece of paper which I have got from our adviser. It's the waiver for the camp. Our guardians must attach their signatures to the blank space as proof that they are allowing us to participate in the activity.

Kiwi meows and I look at where the sound is coming from. He is looking at me. Is he hungry? I thought so I put the paper on the table and kneel so I can be closer to him. To my surprise, he jumps on my lap and lays on my black cotton jeans. He is not hungry but is being clingy again.

I pick him using both my hands and stand up and return to sit on the chair. I put him back on my lap and he closes his eyes feeling the warmth from my lap like he is going to sleep. It's his habit to sleep on my lap. It makes me wonder why he likes sleeping on my lap, to be honest.

If dad comes home tonight, I'll go to this camp but if he will not then I'll stay at home for the rest of the break. I don't know what will happen later as per the graduation requirement, this camp is badly needed.

I cooked and honestly, it's not just for me today but for dad as well. He often comes home since that day we have reconciled but if he is busy at work, he doesn't show his face in the house.

I put Kiwi down to prepare his dinner and he constantly meows at me. I don't know what it means now. Is he hungry or just want to stay on my lap forever?

I put some meat on the plate and put milk in the bowl. He immediately digs in upon seeing what is served in front of him. He is a glutton but he never gets fat and I find it amusing. I don't want him to get fat either so his figure is just fine. I watch him as he licks to the milk then turns to eat the meat. I can help myself but smile at his demeanor.

"Meowww..." it startles me and I realize that he is already watching me. Maybe he wonders why I was silent for a while though I am always silent.

I pet his soft white fur and he rubs his head on my hand. It kind of tickles me and I can't help but laugh awkwardly. Yeah, I don't laugh at silly cats but Kiwi is an exception I think. I sound terrible, am I?

He returns to his food and I get back to my seat still watching him. I glimpse at the clock and it's already past 8:00 in the evening and dad is not home yet. I decided to eat dinner all by myself. Maybe he is busy at work and I am already hungry.

Sarada's POV

The cold weather makes us wear thick coats and winter boots. I am rubbing my hands with a pair of gloves put on. We are waiting for the others to arrive as we are about to leave for the camp. Chocho and I are sitting on the bench while the rest of the class including the 12-B to 12-D are chatting with their friends.

I can tell how excited everyone is for the camp even though we are not going to celebrate New Year's Day with our families.

"I can't wait to see Mount Fuji, Sarada!" Chocho giggles and raises her hands in the air. Even I am excited to see the superb figure of the mountain with snow covering its peak.

"Everyone, your attention please!" the Principal speaks before us. We all pay attention to her as if she is about to say something very important.

"Prepare yourselves as you are going to depart after ten minutes," she continues and we stand up from the bench and walk closer to the crowd.

"Prepare your waivers. You are going to hand that over to your advisers before getting on the bus," she instructs and I take my waiver out from my bag. It is fully signed by mom and there is no turning back.

A few seconds later, four buses arrive simultaneously and each of them is marked by our corresponding section names.

"12-A, please fall in line," our adviser waves in the air, and my classmates follow the instructions accordingly the same goes with other sections.

Yodo is in the first row and she hands over her waiver to our adviser and she yells 'one', and gets on the bus. Tsubaki follows her and she shouts 'two' after she turns over her waiver. So, we are doing the count-off.

"There is one left," our adviser mutters when we all get on the bus. She scans through the waivers to look for the remainder.

"Is Kawaki coming with us? Does anyone of you have an idea?" our adviser asks when she figures out who was the remainder and some shake their heads as they are oblivious about the jerk's whereabouts.

"I see. Let's wait for a while then," she replies and gets back to where the principal is.

"Do you think he will come?" Chocho asks out of the blue. I shrug and say, "He is a killjoy. I'm pretty sure he is not coming," he raises one brow and then looks away. Yells, shouts, and laughter coming from my classmates will probably make the bus explode.

"I think my eardrums are going to burst out at any time," she complains. She takes out a couple of earphones from her bag and puts them on her ears. It's better to listen to music than this ear-wrecking noise, to be honest.

"We are about to leave. Fasten your seatbelts and please minimize your voice," our adviser reminds us as she gets on the bus.

"But, what about Kawaki? Are not we going to wait for him?" Yodo asks and she looks worried about the jerk. This camp is surely a lot better without him because he is bad news.

"We can't wait for him any longer. He might not want to come with us," she explains.

"But, it's a requirement for our graduation. He will come for sure. Let's wait for another minute," she contends but our adviser shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Yodo. We all agreed to depart at 7:30 a.m. It's Kawaki's fault if he won't make it--" she is interrupted when a voice speaks outside.

"This is my waiver," the jerk says and waves the piece of paper in the air. I can see how Yodo's face shines upon seeing the jerk.

"Glad you make it on time, Kawaki. We thought you are not coming with us," our adviser says and she accepts the paper. The jerk gets on the bus without saying anything.

"I'm sure he forges his dad's signature," I mutter. They are not on good terms, remember?

"Hey, you are accusing him without evidence," Chocho scolds me and I smirk.

"You know how he despises his dad, right? I doubt he is already a good son to him and treats him nicely," I whisper and Chocho shakes her head.

He sits just behind our seats near the window. I stop whispering or else he can hear me talking about him.

"All right! Are you ready? We are leaving for our Saiko Wildbird Forest Park Camp!" our adviser announces and we all rejoice. Yells and shouts prevail inside the bus. It's a four-hour trip according to maps on the internet. We will arrive by lunchtime.

I watch the thick snow piles on the side of the roads and it amuses me when snowmen hit my eyes. It's two days away from Christmas Day and the world is still coated with ice yet we are going to conduct a camp. Honestly, I have never done this in my life and it kind of excites me as well.

When I turn to face Chocho, she is eating potato chips already. I give her an awkward face as she has just eaten and now she's eating again? Seriously?

She offers me her food but I refuse to accept them I am still full from eating breakfast that mom prepared for me. Every time I keep watching on the road outside, it makes me want to sleep. I constantly gape and after a while, I fall asleep.

"Hey, wake up," I think I have heard a very familiar voice but my eyes are stubborn they want me to sleep more. I grumble at the voice that keeps waking me up. The hell was that?

"Hey, dork, wake up!" I think I furrow my brows in my subconscious mind when I hear that someone calls me a dork.

"You snore loudly and it's annoying. Wake up already!" I snore?! I freak out when I heard that. I don't snore while I'm sleeping.

When I realized that the jerk is talking to me, my eyes instantly opened like I was just woken up from a dreadful nightmare.

He is standing in front of me wearing his monkey face as usual. That uncool look on his face, you know? I look around and I notice that nobody else is inside the bus except us. I look outside the window and there is signage saying "Welcome to Saiko Wildbird Forest Park" so we're already here?

I turn to face him again and he remains standing there, he never moves a bit and keeps his stares at me. This is odd. Why would he look at me like that?

"Where is everyone?" I feel strange but I never show it. He smirks and speaks to me.

"They left already," he answers, and my eyes stretch like I have seen a ghost or something frightening.

"What?!" I squeak. I panic in my head.

"But why did not Chocho or someone else wake me up?" my thought is voiced out. He tilts his head and takes a step toward me.

"She struggled to wake you up. She and everyone else did not expect you to have a deep sleep," he explains and this odd feeling of mine is getting worse. But why let me sleep on the bus while they all left for the camp?

My body shivers not just because of the cold weather but also at the thought that how could my best friend leave me behind with this jerk? It's just that it feels weird.

I look at his annoying monkey face and point at him.

"B-But, why did not you leave with them?" I ask. He might plan something evil against me. I can't help myself from thinking things like this in times like this.

"I did not want to. Besides, I am sure that this camp is boring. What to expect from a group of dull people?" he jerkily says. How could he say it like it's nothing offensive?

"You're lying, aren't you?" I say. He twitches his brow like he is confused at what I say.

"What? I'm lying?" he chuckles. He paints a smirk on his lips again like he wants to pick a fight with me.

"Yeah, you are. I know you are planning something stupid," I tell him and he laughs.

"Stop accusing me. Like I always say, dorks are not my cup of tea. Your nasty snore is annoying. I can't have peace of mind because it's echoing inside this bus," he arrogantly says. I disgustingly pout at him and I can feel my whole face heats up. This jerk always gets on my nerves.

I clenched my fists. All the hate I have accumulated inside my chest is about to burst out from my fists. This jerk, since the day I met him he was always like this. He made mistakes but never apologized for them. He made fun of me, my feelings for Boruto, my letter, and said terrible things to me. I have piled them all and now it's overflowing. I think I will burst out at any time. I look sharply at him like I am going to fly into a rage and punch him on his face.

"Want to fight me? Bring it on," he challenges me and I can't hold my overwhelming hatred toward him and I stand from my seat and aim to punch him on his face but he dodges it with his hand and he accidentally loses his balance. He stumbles on me and I stumble back on my seat.

To my surprise, his lips touch mine... for the second time around. My eyes are wide open and his too. Both of us are surprised by what happened but nobody moves to detach our lips.

I think my body gets paralyzed and it doesn't want to move. Does his body feel the same way too? He is not moving at all.

Why does this feel so weird? I don't know what's going on in my chest. I just can't explain it...

To be continued...


How did you find this chapter? Rate it from 1-10, please! 🥺

By the way, sending hugs and love from my homeland to yours. I have read your comments from the previous chapter and
I can't believe people from across the globe were reading this fanfiction and patiently waiting for my very slow updates.

My heart melts knowing that a lot of people love my grumpy jerk, Kawaki, and my bossy girl, Sarada. Thank you for your love and support for me and this story. I love you all.

A lot of surprises coming from here I guess as this story is getting closer to its end, unfortunately, but I am trying my best to extend and extend but stories always have endings, right?

But before that, I just want to have a quick survey. Apart from KawaSara, what is your favorite canon ship or crack ship (whatever you call that) from the Naruto series?

Anyways, don't forget to stay healthy and safe. See you in the next chapter 😉

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