Young Justice League boyfrien...

By A_S_H_L_E_Y_108

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Just a collection of Young Justice Boys ROBIN KID FLASH AQUALAD SUPERBOY and if anyone wants to do... More

Authors note
When you meet: Robin
When you meet: Kid Flash
When you meet: Superboy
When you meet: Aqualad
When you think about him
When You Meet Again
First Date
First Date Part 2
Meeting the Gang
Keeping Secrets
Rescue or Not
Were Through!
How they feel without you
Getting you back!
Untitled Part 22
He moves in!
Say Yes!
Planning the Wedding
The Dress
The Cake
Wedding hair
What do you guys want to see
The Wedding
Telling him you're Pregnant
When your on your Period
When You Have A Misscarriage
When You Guys Find Out the Sex
When the Baby Kicks
The Baby Is Coming!
What your baby looks like
Maternity Photos
Help VERY important!


7.7K 167 75
By A_S_H_L_E_Y_108

Robin :)

Duringthe time that your Ex had time to inject you with the unknown fluids, you began to feel.....not yourself, and you didn't know what was going on, but you were scared none the less. You were laying on your bed one day, when all of the sudden  you felt like you were on fire, making you scream
Loudly. Dick came running in the room to see you just laying on your bed screaming and went to calm you down, but when he touched your skin it burned him. He didn't know what to do so he ran to the bathroom and ran a super cold bath with ice in it, grabbed you despite getting burned and put you into it, which helped with the burning of your skin. Dick ran and got Batman so he could run some tests on you, you had been injected with a substance called firestorm that gave you the power to control fire.

Flash ;)

You didn't know what had happened to you, but you still didn't feel well enough to get out of bed, and you were never hungry anymore, which worried Wally a great deal. You ALWAYS ate even if you were sick. I had been weeks without you eating a proper meal, so Wally ran you to batman to check you out. Looking you over, he came to the conclusion that your metabolism was working to fast to consume any food without making you sick. He had to give you medicine to bring down the fever, and to slow down your metabolism. Hopefully to help you be yourself again.

Conner :$

Waking up, you noticed that there was mist surrounding your bed, and Conner and Jack weren't with you. Climbing out of bed the best you could, you went looking for the source, but found none. Going through the rest of the place you
Noticed that nobody was there with you. Not even Jack or Kayla were in the house. Walling through the fog, you started to hear voices, and they sounded like Joker and his posse. You started to freak out, when you were grabbed from behind. Screaming until you hurt to even breath, you awoke from being in that place to looking into the eyes of Conner. Breathing heavily, you fight to catch your breath. 

"Babe what's wrong? Talk to me, please!"

"I saw them, I saw them!" You just kept saying and Conner ran you to batman in hopes of help......though he ran tests on you, not that you liked it but he did it anyway. Soon, he came to the conclusion that, you can see the future.

Aqualad :3

As you and Kaldar finally got home, you hunched over in pain. Screaming and screaming for help. After a little bit of pain, did it fade away. Standing up and turning and facing Kaldar, he had a look on his face, that you weren't use to. Scared.

"What's wrong?" You asked looking around you, only to see nobody around you.

"Your different...." he said and rushed to go and grab a mirror, and then rushed to give it to you. Instead of having your normal (h/c), you had (d/c- means different color). Your eyes had changed as well. As your looking at your 'new' reflection, the group came into the main entrance of the cave, and gave you a look. Some odd time later, Batman and the Justice League came to the conclusion that you can shift your genes. (Shapeshift)

Hey guys, so I know I took a bit longer then I thought, but don't you think I updated sooner?? Anyways, please comment, I love to hear your guys ideas, and to know if you guys still read it lol >_< Love you guys!

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