The Mallapers Are Rising: A R...

By CamillaBarceilla

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Part Two to The Mallapers Series Leyla is considered a traitor to the Royal Family. She had betrayed the most... More

The Mallapers Are Rising
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Psst... Announcement One
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Psst... Announcement Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Psst... Announcement Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Pss...Announcement Part Three
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Psst... Announcement Four
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Psst...Announcement Part Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Psst... Announcement Part Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Psst...Announcement Part Six

Chapter Fifteen

1.2K 89 45
By CamillaBarceilla

King Alexander's Point Of View

I stood staring at the woman who was turning my world upside. She was beautiful, I couldn't deny that, her skin looked soft and milky, her eyes were a silver colour that I would have mistaken them for twinkling stars. Her lips were pouty and thick. Everything about her said she was soft and womanly but the looks and glares she gave me were harden and cold. 

My wolf had been howling in head my head all night, screaming at me to seek our mate. Everything about him was uneasy and on edge, it gave me a headache. I thought he was taking about Lamia but whenever I thought about her he growled creating a queasy feeling in my stomach. 

It wasn't until the woman who identified herself as Alpha Reaper did he calm down, I wanted to hurt her, she kidnapped me and took me away from my family. However whenever the thought passed my mind, my wolf stopped me. He was in awe with the woman in front of him. It was like I was experiencing a drought, a thirst and she was my only source of water. 

When she visited the first time, she told me to speak with my wolf for answers. He just told me to trust her. I remember scoffing at him, thinking that he was in lust with the power that was radiating from the woman in front of him. Whenever I had those thoughts, he caused me pain. I couldn't understand it. It wasn't until she entered the second time that my wolf whispered impossible words, "mate." How could this woman be my mate? I had never seen her before. My mate was at my pack lands with my son. It just didn't make sense. 

When she said "Are you ready to hear a story Alexander? Are you prepared for what I tell you because I warn you, it will break your soul and tear you into pieces. No matter what you say or do, will not change my perspective." I swear I could hear my wolf whimper in pain. I knew then whatever she said was going to turn my world upside down. I was conflicted on whether to trust the stranger in front of me. It was then that I remembered my wolf telling me to trust her that I took a deep breath and asked her to tell me her story. The anticipation was building as I saw the small smirk grace her lips and she started to speak. 

"Very well." She said. "Many years ago there was a good King and Queen, they ruled over their people with justice and grace. There were no wars, no pain for the wolves they ruled. They were just and fair. The Queen was a kind and benevolent ruler. She was loved by all. They had a good a true and honest pack and they even had a child."

"That child grew up being loved and cared for by the King and Queen they taught him well, he had good morals. Or so the Kingdom thought." She winked at me as she took a stride to a chair that was in the corner, she sunk into it like she was at home. "The Queen hosted many events that encouraged the kingdom to meet together and build relations, one of them was the camps for the teenagers."

"There were a group of friends, they were all connected in some form or another. It was there that the Queen's son met his mate." My thoughts were racing, was she talking about me and Lamia meeting? "The son and his mate spent a lot of time together, he smelt her scent, he fell in love." She smiled sadly. "Unfortunately for the son, the scent he smelt didn't belong to the woman who he was claiming as his mate. For the Royal Family didn't realise that there was a threat hanging over their head and the son had foolish fell into the trap."

"He soon mated with the she-wolf claiming to be his mate, but he didn't mark her. His wolf refused. The son didn't question why, he was too prideful in his youth. He didn't know better. One would assume that he never felt the tingles, the flames that would dance across his skin. But what would I know I'm not him." She let out a sad laugh. I could hear her pain laced in her voice. 

"It wasn't until he stumbled across a young-she wolf, she was from a visiting pack. She was very shy and timid. He met her when the moon was at it's highest. It was then that they looked into each other's eyes and whispered mate. She felt alive, her eyes watered with happiness. For the young she-wolf was excited and had dreamed about meeting her mate since she was a pup." She smiled sadly. 

"It was then that they mated under the full-moon, under the stars." She said wistfully. My heart was thumping. Everything she said was familiar, my wolf was howling in pain. "It was then that the son realised that he had mistaken the first woman as his mate. He promised her he would come back and find her but he had some problems to sort out." She explained. 

"That young she-wolf waited days for the boy to to return, for he didn't. It wasn't until a few days later that he appeared in front her while she was hidden in the crowd. He announced he had found his true mate, the woman known as Lamia." The way she spoke Lamia's name was like her mouth was filled with poison, she was disgusted in him. 

"The young she-wolf was heartbroken and waited by the same river that they had mated at and cried her poor little heart out. The boy came to her and said he couldn't be with her for he had sinned and he had gotten Lamia pregnant with his pup. He couldn't allow his child, his heir to be a bastard." She closed her eyes. 

"How the poor boy was fooled by Lamia. For Lamia was pregnant and the boy could sense a pregnancy. The boy thought that the pregnancy he felt was for Lamia's child, when actually it was his true mates child that he sensed. He was too prideful, too arrogant at that age to seek answers from his parents or elders for answers, he continued with his plan to marry Lamia and make her Queen." 

"Little did the boy know, that his mother had already guessed that Lamia was not his true mate, she confronted her. For the Queen was an intelligent woman, she could smell that the child she was carrying did not belong to her son." It was then that she looked me in the eyes. Her gaze was deadly filled with anger and retched with pain and hurt, all I could do was look at the woman in front of me. My mouth hung open, I felt like I was going to choke on my own breath. 

"Lamia was recruited by what is known as 'The Order' and she had sought out her own mate and ensured she was impregnated by him. For The Order had knowledge about mates that had not been shared within the Kingdom, it was hidden away from the existence of the Kingdom. She had tricked the poor Prince into thinking that she was carrying the heir to the Kingdom." 

"Let me ask you Alexander, did you know that a wolf can not conceive a child with another wolf unless they are your true mate?" She asked. 

"No." I whispered as I shook my head. I didn't want her words to sink in, I didn't want to believe what she was saying. It was impossible. 

"Lamia was scared that her plans had been foiled. That she had failed The Order when the Queen had found out her little secret. For Lamia knew who the Prince's true mate was and do you know what she did?" She said angrily. 

I could feel the bile rising in my throat at what she was going to say next. My heart was pounding, it felt like I was having a heart attack, I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. I couldn't speak, the words were stuck in my throat. 

"Lamia, along with The Order killed the loving Queen and framed the King's true mate for her death. The young-she wolf woke up terrified in a pool of blood that belonged to the Queen. She cried her little heart out. It was then that her true mate found his mother dead and blamed it on her. He called her petty, jealous and every name under the son." She spat. 

"He threw her into the cells and told the Kingdom that she had killed the Queen. She was disowned, disgraced and went down in history as the worst wolf known to man-kind." A small tear escaped her eye. "Her father refused to speak with her, refused to say goodbye." She whispered. 

"It was then that she was sentenced to death by her true-mate and he brutally killed her and their child. He killed his heir."

I couldn't help it, the bile rose from my throat and I threw up on the floor. My whole body was in a cold sweat, I was shivering. My wolf was doing nothing to comfort me, all he did was whimper and wine in pain. My bones ached at what the woman in front of me was saying. 

"Her body was then mercifully chucked outside of the boarders, not realising she was barely breathing. No one cared about her, she was forgotten." She wiped her eye. "That she-wolf laid outside the pack boarders, desperately praying for her death, to end her suffering. For her child would be nothing but condemned as the daughter of the monster that killed the queen." She sobbed. 

"It was then that an angel approached her. She looked at her with pity and pain. She begged her for death. She begged her to take me." Again, she wiped her eyes. "That woman spoke so softly, her voice was like a lullaby. She then gave me a choice. To live and set things right or to die and watch the Kingdom crumble."

"Despite being rejected and killed her mate, she knew I had a duty to the Kingdom, for she was the true Queen. She agreed to live not telling her of the sacrifice she would have to make." She sighed and sat back in her chair and looked to the ceiling, like she was seeking answers to a larger picture. "It was then that she was reborn and casted into the shadows until the prophecy was enacted. The sacrifice was her survival of her child that she loved more than anything. The child was taken my the moon goddess and she left me on my own."

I closed my eyes tightly, I desperately wanted to protest and shout at her lies but my wolf whimpered that she spoke nothing but the truth. I didn't even need him to tell me that it was the truth for I remember everything like it was yesterday. I remember the pain, the heartache I felt that my true mate had killed my mother, I remembered the shame I felt for I'm impregnating a woman that was not my mate. 

As I close my eyes, I open a box of memories that I had pushed to the back of my mind that I had forgotten. The shame became overwhelming as I saw the broken woman in front of me. There was no question about who Alpha Reaper was. I could hear my wolf whisper his mate's name Rita. Consumed in my guilt, I looked up at the woman I had betrayed in every sense and whispered the name that I had refused to speak for nearly two decades. 

"Lily." I whimpered as the tears rolled down my face. 

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