The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 9

9K 262 86
By YamagsuKami

Y/N purple eyes glanced at the set of double doors before him. Those immense doors usually meant the entrance of a highly dangerous dungeon.

Dungeon were located on every domain: Earth, Hell and even Heaven... Still the ones from Hell were the vicious ones. Almost every demon or any race who had the bravery of the stupidity of venturing inside these infamous dungeon was more likely for them to not see the light of the forthcoming day.

Death was like the everyday bread within those doors.

Only the fittest would survive inside one of them..

Predators of all kind lurked just a step forward him. All kind of dangers lied on this dungeon he was looking at.

However... Those creatures may be predators but he... No, he wasn't just a simple predator he was the Apex one.

To his eyes this place was nothing more than a amusement park, a buffet of excitement, Instead of all you can eat it was all you can kill.

The thought made him chuckle

He placed his palm over the stone doors and pushed a little forward. It didn't opened.

"Weird.. They usually open easily... Even if the doors are immense."

Also is worth recalling that this wasn't his first time on a dungeon. No, this was more like his second time. So he knew more or less the drill.

The first time he stepped inside of a dungeon wasn't a good memory, it was dreadful just to think about it.

A sigh left him when he remembered those times, bad times indeed.

A story for another time...

They might be blocked so that the creatures inside the dungeon would be unable to get out.

"I see. Well I don't have other choice."

He tightened his hand in a punch and swung his arm towards the doors. A second after, they started to crack and the fissure extended all over the stone entrance until it fell apart. Leaving free access for him to step inside

The fall raised a curtain of smoke alongside with the a disgusting smell

Y/N made a bad face when the unpleasant smell reached his nostrils. The characteristics stench of a dungeon was able to make anyone vomit.

What are you going to do when you get out? You just destroyed the gates that were keeping this creatures trapped..

His contender chuckled with a grin

"Bold of you to think that something will remain when I am done here. Only dust and the stench of blood and flesh will come out these doors. I never leave any food on my plate."

The boy stepped over the rocks of the destroyed doors that were lying on the ground and saw an entire horde of insect like creatures look at him with evil intent.

Of course the insects were way bigger than normal ones.

He stared back at them with his glowing purple eyes. He had an impassive face all the time

This was but the first round and it was highly unlikely that he would find anything usable in the first one.

Y/N started to slowly walk forward as the creatures made some noises that made him feel a little disgusted

"I hate bugs."

He breathed out with clear annoyance but soon grinned when much more started to come out the dark corners of the area.

In unity lays the strength... However that was nothing but a fallacy, at least when he was the threat.

No amount of numbers would stop him and much less some bugs. Still he welcomed their attempt on killing him.

Without another thought he stepped forward, one step another then his walk turned into a run. He went straightforward to the horde of insects they creatures did the same and charged at him

Y/N didn't bothered on grabbing a weapon. His hands and legs would be more than enough to crush them.

"Let's see what you got."

He said through a grin

He would leave nothing behind him. Only death and destruction.

He was the host of a Dragon, it was almost his responsibility to leave nothing but blood and ashes wherever he passed through.

However there was something that bugged him... He wouldn't remain clean after this.


"The holy sword project?"

Issei asked to Rias.

"Some years back, a project existed to raise who could wield Excalibur... Yuuto is the survivor of that project."

"The church had that sort of project. This is my first time hearing it."

Asia said with surprise

"Holy swords are weapons that pose a great threat to devils... However I heard that only about one person is able to wield them appears every few decades. Amongst them, there's the holy weapon.. a Longinus similar to the one inside you, Issei. The sacred gear wielded by the one who killer Jesus Christ. The name "True Longinus" may be more famous. It is said that the word "Longinus" was derived from it..."

Issei raised his hand in which his sacred gear resided in and contemplated it with thoughtful expression


"Yuuto is one of those who received training to adapt to the holy swords, particularly Excalibur."

"Then is Kiba able to wield holy swords?"

Rias shook her head no at Issei's question

"No, Kiba wasn't able to adapt to holy swords... The training facility labeled the test subjects who couldn't adapt to the swords as "defects" and had them disposed."

"By dispose... You mean..."

"It's not an acceptable act for those who serve God."

Asia said with horror filled eyes

"That church bunch calls us devils evil existences, but I believe that the ill of humans is quite evil. When I reincarnated Yuuto into a devil, that boy was swearing for his revenge even when he was in a critical condition. Because his talents were being abused for holy swords since he was born I wanted him to use his talents effectively as a devil. It would have been a waste of his talents for swords if he was just obsessed over holy swords. But that boy wasn't able to forget about the holy swords, those who were involved with the holy swords and the people of the church...."

The image of Kiba dark expression came to Issei's head. Remembering the day he acted so hostile whenever the topic of holy swords came to surface.

"So that's reason why he hates priests and holy swords that much..."

He mused. Now he actually got the reason of his sudden change of behavior when it came to to holy swords.

"Anyway, I will keep watching over him for that time being. Right now his head is full of feelings he has towards holy swords. It would be great if he returns to his usual self.."

"Ah, about that. I think this photo was what caused him to act like this."

Issei grabbed the book of pictures his family had and searched for an specific page, more specifically the one that caused Kiba to change drastically

"Is there someone you know who is related to the church?"

"No, none of my relatives. Just that during my childhood days there was a child who was a Christian."

He said while he passed the book to Rias who analyzed the picture that Issei meant

"I see, to think that there was a holy sword in this town 10 years ago. How terrifying."

"Then that sword is really a holy sword?"

He asked to her who had her gaze fixed on the holy sword on the picture

"Yes, it's one of the holy swords although it's not as great as Excalibur but it's the real thing. I had heard my predecessors devils in this town had vanished... But if I remember correctly.."

She sighed and put the book on the table

"For the time being.... Let's go to sleep for today"

As soon she finished that sentence she slide her blouse up revealing her underwear catching off guard the brown haired dragon host who instantly blushing but he didn't complaining whatsoever.

However he still had questions at the reason of her sudden stripping

"W-why are you taking off your clothes?!"

"Why? You know that I can sleep without getting naked, Issei."

She replied as if was the most normal thing to remove her clothes in front of him

"No no! That isn't what I mean, Why are taking them off in my room?!"

"It's obviously because I am going to sleep with you."

Rias replied as she unclipped her bra

Asia puffed her cheeks in jealousy

"Then... I will also sleep with Issei!"

She also started to take off her clothes as she blush madly

"What are you doing?! Asia!"

How the pure Asia could even think of showing her body skin so lightly?!

"Asia, let make have him tonight."

Rias practically demanded but Asia was adamant on her choice

"No. I too have the right of being pampered by him. Even I want to sleep together with Issei!"

Seeing that there was no use on arguing with the blonde girl Rias turned to Issei

"Then let's Issei decide it."

Issei flinched upon the gaze of the two girls

"P-pardon me?"

"Issei will you sleep with me..?"

She made that thing that always got Issei. Puppy dogs eyes


"Obviously you want to sleep with your Master, am I right Issei?"

What in the hell he got into all of sudden.

"Earth... Please I beg you Swallow me."


A penumbral silence was the only noise audible at exception of the sound of some steps over the hard ground of the dungeon.

There he was. Y/N patiently moving over the size-able halls of that place. His hands were stained with some sort of thicker blood than the one of human beings. Each second that passed a drop of that distinctive blood fell from his knuckles to the ground

Just as had visualized, he didn't got out clean from that encounter which if he could add it was rather boring. 

Honestly, he hated dirtying himself yet alone stain himself with mere wastes of times as that "fight" with those bugs. If he could even call that massacre a fight.

Y/N stopped dryly bothering to look behind him for a second

Just right behind him dozens and perhaps even hundreds of those bugs were lying on the ground with their bodies smashed like pap. Their guts and bowels out from their bodies staining the ground with such nasty sight.

He narrowed his eyes in disgust before he resumed his way forward, in search of a decent opponent.

This dungeon was completely infested with more of those bugs, it was starting to get on his nerves. However, he remained patient. Time showed him that the perfect moment came sooner or later, at least that what he hoped so. He didn't wanted to leave this place empty handed.

As he walked over the corridor that were covered by many vines and vegetation all over since the dungeon old structure, he pondered on his thoughts.

Anyone would say that he was picky and that was the reason why he couldn't find anything that were at least decent to his eyes but that wasn't the case at all.

In fact he wasn't even looking for that much strength on his peerage candidate, he looked for something more than simply dexterity.

He didn't wanted a mindless creature, even if that creature would be able to give him a notable battle he wouldn't pick it as part of his peerage. No. He wanted something more than simple strength. He wanted rationality, head... Emotion. And he didn't found anything of the sort until the moment, only mindless creatures who were controlled by their instincts of survival.

Then his ears took notice of a sound coming not so far away from him. It peaked his interest so he followed the noise.

Suddenly he stopped when he heard some footsteps rapidly approaching him from behind.

Interested he turned and saw at least ten of some sort of humanoid creatures lounging at him

He breathed out, almost insulted.

"Is this a joke?"

The creatures made a screeching noise before all noise coming from the vanished, next second, every single one of the were cut into pieces, blood spilling all over the place. Y/N was careful for it not to spill over him.

All of the strange humanoid creatures that sought to turn him into shreds were now exactly that, shreds lying on the ground.

On Y/N's hand there was some sort of dagger of black shadows. A weapon he tended to use on "foolish around" moments. That was the term he used to refer when he was just going to place where the preys were below easy.

He sighed disappointed. Not even a slice they lasted.

"Well... at least they're out the way now."

He tried to be optimistic on this situation. Frustration wouldn't do him any good.

Y/N was starting to grow tired of only finding cannon fodder. When a challenge would meet him..?

His eyes saw a crack on certain part of the wall next to him.

The crack was a little.. odd. He could hear some sounds coming from the other side.

Mentally Shrugging and being driven by curiosity he bothers to kick the wall. The hit destroyed all the wall shards of rocks flying all over the other side.

What he saw made him a little amused.

A some sort of throne room welcomed his sight. Among with an entire army of monsters that resembled to orcs that current eyes were glaring at him intently.

He chuckled a little

"I think I skipped a couple of steps, don't you think, gentlemen..?"

His gaze squinted at the one who was sitting on the throne and his amused expression deflated as his eyes glowed brighten and a black aura oozed his body.

The kind of gaze that the one on the throne gave him... bugged him. It was as if it was mocking him. Or at least that was what Y/N thought.

"Are you looking down at me..?"

Vritra breathed out in exasperation

You're overthinking it all

Y/N although he heard the voice of his dragon he ignored it.

"I don't take such behavior nicely..."

He made a single step forward and just as he moved the orcs who were protecting their "leader" ran at him with their weapons that doubled Y/N's size.

The first one was the unluckiest of all.

When the orc swung down its sword at the human, the monster felt how he grabbed the sharp blade with merely his hand, not even bothering on using his own blade.

Y/N looked impassively at the orc before making a move of his hand and shoving the monster to the ground with merely a single hand

The show of strength startled the rest of orcs that were approaching them.

Y/N looked down at the monster a moment before cutting its head with his dagger.

"Anyone else?"

Although insecure the rest of the orcs accepted the "invitation" and tried to kill him

The word was "tried"

Even though he couldn't easily go through them in a few seconds he wanted to stretch his body a little bit.

As the first orc approached his position he swung his dagger to cut the monster arm, now that the orc was without a weapon Y/N punched through his stomach. His bloody hand penetrating through the flesh.

With one already dead, he removed his hand from the flesh of his prey and dashed back to avoid being sliced by another orc who attempted to attack him.

Y/N potent eyes weren't fazed at all. He just cut the orc in half with slice of his blade.

Next two other monsters appeared on his blind spot, but for him kill he didn't needed see. He could feel their approach clearly.

From below him a stain of shadows formed and out the shadows several spikes pierced the monster who dared to even approach him. Brave they were but weak nonetheless.

He saw that there was still a hundred orcs remaining but they were hesitant of trying something against him.

Perhaps they were afraid... Understandable.

Y/N smirked

"Well? What are you waiting for?! Come. Attack me!"

He loudly invited all the orcs to attack though hesitant they started to move towards him.

This time the monsters didn't went on small groups. No, instead all of them charged directly at him with violent intent.

Y/N more than pleased by the challenges squinted his eyes at the one who was sitting on the throne

"Enjoy the show while you live.. Orc King.."

Should he use a little bit of his Vritra strength..? He hadn't used his power except from when he used the shadows other than that he just used his physical strength...

Yeah... Maybe a little bit of his dragon power would do.

A black aura started to swirl around him as the orcs approached him

"Don't you dare to bore me, Creatures."

Smirk present on his face hoping for the best of this encounter



The only existing words able to describe what had just happened.

All the army of orcs were death on the ground. No sign of life left on the area at exception of him.

The Black Dragon Emperor walked towards the frightened orc king. He may be a monster but he could still feel the fear and the power that this human was irradiating. And that same power was approaching him.

Y/N walked up the stairs each second getting closer to the orc on the throne. A black aura oozing his body and his clothes stained with the blood of the death monster army.

As expected, none of them met his expectations.
Perhaps he was really picky.

His dagger which was on his non- dominant hand was covered in that same blood

When he was but a step away from the only alive orc he looked down at him with his bright eyes.

"Yeah. I know the emotions you're currently going through. The feeling of helplessness, disappointment yet fear... I had felt it before. But time has taught me that if we feel like that is because of our own fault. Ignorance and Weakness. You did a mistake Orc. You thought that your men were able to stop a Dragon's ambition. Fool. No fool is fitting to sit on a throne."

With last breath he sliced the orc's throat in a single move. The monster immediately fell death with a thump.

Y/N grabbed the body of the orc and threw it to the side. He wanted to seat on the throne for a little while.

Doing as he desired he sat back on the throne and eyed at what he occasioned

Hundreds of bodies scattered over the ground. All of them killed by his hand.

"What a let down. Not even such overwhelming numbers can result on a worthy candidate. Hey Vritra. What part of the dungeon is this one?"

Well, usually on dungeons the throne rooms are the final trial. However you directly skipped to this point without first clearing the entire dungeon. So I suppose you got at least a 40% of completion on this dungeon. However...


Y/N beckoned him to continue

This is the hardest trial... You already have done the difficult part... The rest are mere cannon fodder.

As he received that information he gripped his hand in anger yet his expression remained impassive

"So you meant that this was nothing but a waste of time..? Is Sirzechs taking me as a joke? Those damn Gremory think they can make a joke out of me.. Perhaps I should destroy their castle.. In vengeance..?"

He pondered on his thoughts out loud

Don't. You might as well start a war with them. It's not wise to just attack a family as influent as them.

"You're right.. Sorry I lost my composure for a second."

Y/N stood up from the throne and wiped some of the blood on his face.

"Well. I might as well finish what I've started..."

To this point he was a little sad that he would get out empty handed out this dungeon

But oh well what could he do about it.

The shadow dagger that he carried dissipated. He wouldn't need it anymore.


A couple of hours elapsed

Y/N saw himself and his clothes. He was dirtied with the blood of various creatures of the dungeon. It caused him repulsion.

This was one of the few things he hated when fighting. He never got to stay clean.

He sighed as he looked at his hand that were covered in blood

"I am pretty much done with the dungeon."

He said to himself in a tone that revealed some slight disappointment

Nothing. He found nothing here.

Perhaps his standards were too high to reach.

Y/N was about to head towards the exit location until a noise reached his ears

That same noise he heard a while ago..

It wouldn't do him any harm to take a look. So doing exactly that he followed that sound similar to a sword making contact with stone.

A peculiar noise.

Then he came across some upstairs that he swore weren't there when he first passed over there. He couldn't visualize anything at the end of the hall, the darkness covered most of the corridor.

It peaked his interest.

Curios, he went upstairs in search of that noise. Each step he took the sound was closer and closer.

At this point he was inside a darkness that didn't allowed him to look pretty much anything

He narrowed his eyes when he pictured a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

"What is this..?"

A secret passage.. perhaps. There are few on dungeons.

Vritra partially answered his question as he got closer to the faint light.

Y/N got out from the tunnel and noticed some torches lighted on a fire on the wall illuminated the place

Another throne room..?

However this one was different from the other he saw. It was empty and the place gave the impression that it was about to collapse at any time.

He walked closer to the empty throne but immediately stopped when that noise came again, this time closer than ever.

The teenager narrowed his eyes at part behind the throne and from out the shadows two white gleaming eyes stared at him as the sound of the sword got louder.

The unknown figure started to slowly walk forward its white eyes never leaving the human.

From out the darkness a knight with crimson armor, tattered cape of the same color, and a long red hair-like ornament extending out of the back of his helmet came walking steadily down the stairs while dragging its longsword over the ground.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at the new company.

"And who you might be... I wonder.."

Thank you for Reading!

A/N: Question: Which name you prefer? Superbia or Igris?

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