Uchiha: Back To The Past! (Na...

By DonutDonny101

227K 9.4K 1K

Obito Uchiha had been crushed. His body, his heart, and his sanity. But what if he wakes up in the past? More

1: 1: Waking Up
2: Happy Again
3: Another Familiarity
4: Meeting Again
5: Illusion Of Pain
6: Visitation
7: Conversation
8: Hypocritical Man
9: Waiting
10: Stressed
11: Becoming Serious
12: Intervention
13: Broken Mask, Broken Act
14: Remembrance
15: A Little Bit Of Mask Stealing
16: Already Close
17: I'm Not Wrong
2: 18: It Happens To Be Near
19: Start Of The Changes
20: This Is It
21: The Major Save
22: The Dimension
23: Getting Out
24: Hospital Talk
25: No Difference
26: Eye Surgery
27: Realization
28: The Death Of A Mastermind Uchiha
3: 29: Face It, And You Won't Be Disappointed
30: Failed Attempts
31: Trust The Process
32: Awoken By A Check-up
33: I Prosper Through You, After All
34: For Konohagakure
35: Sneaking Out
36: Problematic Rage Tendencies
37: Sorting It Out
38: Tell Me How
39: Connection Through Our Vision
41: Worth Losing Expectations
42: Finished Task; A Parting Gift
4: 43: The Village Hidden In The Rain
44: Easier Than Expected
45: I'll Take You In
46: Endurance Is Key
47: Never Trust Strangers
48: Fortunate Happenings
49: A Little Chakra Test
50: It's Not Over
51: Killing The Beginning
52: Time Is A Unique Thing, Really
53: Bell Training
54: Arrival; Sensei Lookalike POV
55: Invited To The Home Of Meritocracy
56: Prouder Than Ever
57: Temporary Satisfaction
58: Almost To The Truth
59: Explanation Of The Three Words; I'm Sorry
60: The Hokage Must Know
61: Don't Forget I Still Respect You
62: No One Needs To Remember Me
63: I Will Return; Welcome Me Back (End)
Author's Note: Thank You.
Another Bonus

40: Coincidentally, It's The Same Pattern

2.4K 120 10
By DonutDonny101

Fugaku stopped walking in front of another wooden door, the same design and everything as all the other doors in the house, with the only difference being the placement.

The man didn't look at the younger two as he wordlessly opened the door, and entered the room.

Obito and Kakashi followed him as he continued to walk, and suddenly stopped in front of a stone that was at the end of the room.

The room was empty, they both noticed, except for the eerie torches that lit up the room and the same rock that was, as said, in front of the Uchiha clan head.

"You said it bled, right?"

The atmosphere darkened even more with the clan head's similarly eerie tone.

Kakashi watched as Obito nervously gulped, and stuttered out a- "Y-yes."

Fugaku glanced at the both of them. Once.

He brought his eyes back down, staring at the stone which seemed to have words carved into it.

"Did it burn?" he asked suddenly again and the air turned chilly.

Obito gulped again, "Yes."- but this time Kakashi answered for him. Obito nodded in his direction.

Fugaku glanced at them again. Twice.

He brought his eyes away from them again. "...tell me." Kakashi was about to say something before he was abruptly cut off, "Obito."

Kakashi didn't say he was surprised when it was Obito the man was asking.

Obito determinedly knitted his brows together and nodded, although both of them doubted Fugaku would see the motion.

"How did it happen? What triggered it?" he glanced at them both again. Three times. "Be honest with me. As your clan head, elder, and the one to give you answers." at that his eyes darted to Kakashi, though only for a split second before turning away once more.

"When- when I saw... R-Rin, getting-"

"Hurt? Killed? What did she mean to you?" the clan head didn't glance at them this time.

"She-" Obito paused, and put on a thinking face. "...she's..." silence again.

"I love her."

"-and she's our teammate."

Obito grew a tick mark on his forehead when Kakashi added that 'teammate' part.

"Oi, Kakashi!" Obito had fumes come out of his nostrils while breathing like a bull. "Didn't need t-"

"...so I was right..."

At Fugaku's audible mumbled words, Obito quieted down.

"Right... In what?" Kakashi had the nerve to ask.

Fugaku sighed. Swiftly after that he turned around and his eyes... His eyes were different. That was positively the fourth time he looked at them in that room.

"Do you see my eyes?" he sternly asked that as he flashed the Sharingan that- uh... had a different pattern than the usual tomoes?

The two stared at the clan head's strange Sharingan.

"Hatake Kakashi, I can bet that you were not in the scene the time that Obito has gained a Sharingan similar to mine, but because he handed you his..."

At the end he seemed bitter, but he masked it well with another sigh.

"...it seems that your eyes are now connected to one another. So if Obito gained the Mangekyou Sharingan, then you... Hatake Kakashi..." he put pressure on Kakashi's name, "Will, too."

Fugaku turned his body around fully and faced them both. The duo had wide eyes, as if what he said was not something they expected to hear.

"Your eyes now... They are called the Mangekyou Sharingan. Like mine." after he said the words, he deactivated the Mangekyou and his eyes turned black again.

"I did not expect someone... No, people of your age to gain the Uchiha's Mangekyou Sharingan. And an outsider with it, too..." he trailed off and looked to the side.

His eyes snapped back to Obito and Kakashi and his normal Sharingan was activated.

"Now, you've gotten your answers. Leave." he stated that with much ferocity that any normal person would be cowering by now.

But Kakashi merely nodded and tried to walk out.

But before he could even try turning around, Obito grabbed him by the arm and half-dragged him back in.

Fugaku raised a brow at that motion.

"Hey, Fugaku-sama..." he gathered up all his courage, "How do I activate it?"

Fugaku, upon hearing that, shook his head. "The use of the Mangekyou Sharingan is very limited. If, by any chance, you use it too much..."

He sighed. "Then you will eventually go blind."

Kakashi gulped. So much information from the Uchiha clan head himself...

Kakashi thought that to himself with a frown, but Obito was just staring the clan head in the eye, as if challenging him.

Bad idea, Obito, Kakashi thought once more.

"...you activate it the same way as the normal Sharingan." Fugaku suddenly said again, as if giving in to Obito's determined eye. From how he looked Kakashi was certain that Fugaku was not at all pleased with how he admitted the way to activate it.

Obito huh'd as he tried. And with all seriousness, he stood stiffly, concentrating into it.

Kakashi watched as Obito widened his eye a bit.

And then--

Fugaku marched towards Obito quickly as soon as the Uchiha boy winced as he felt a sudden heat build up in his eye.

Fugaku looked down at Obito's eye as Obito struggled to keep it open. Fugaku activated his own Sharingan and his eyes suddenly widened as if seeing something completely familiar.

He reached his hand down to touch the corner of Obito's eye before all of a sudden- his hand went through the boy's face.

Fugaku's eyes widened considerably wider than ever as he backed away slowly.

"Your Mangekyou..."

Kakashi saw it too. Shuriken-like blades that were connected to each other...

Obito shut it immediately after the man backed away and he groaned as he held onto his eye. A Mangekyou needed the chakra of a Jonin-level ninja.

Fugaku didn't say anymore as he made the two leave quickly.

Obito was asking why the hell the clan head would just push them away but right now, Fugaku could care less.

Once they were out the door, he shut, locked it, and thought over what he just saw.

That... 'Uchiha Madara'...

He deactivated his Sharingan as he shook his head and started to walk back to the living room.

That boy... A realization dawned on him.

Mangekyou Sharingan users have different patterns, and it is not possible to have the same pattern as someone else unless it's from an ancestor...

He sighed.

He has the same pattern of the Mangekyou as the 'Uchiha Madara' that came to me to clear his name...

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