The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



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By mini0nguy

You turned to the door with your eyes wide. Once Izuku saw you he immediately ran over without even shutting the door. His arms wrapped around you with a  squeeze. It was warm, and you weren't alone and finally with someone who sort of understood in a way. "I'm so glad you're okay." You rested your head between his shoulder and neck, and he did the same. "I thought I would never see you again." He sounded happy but sad and the tears staining your shirt made your heartache as you just laid there waiting for him to spill his guts out. He just held onto you for a while before finally starting just as you predicted. "I was so scared. I don't know what I would do without you. I don't know how I didn't notice- and I'm- I'm so sorry Y/N."

You laughed a little before trying to get him to calm down by patting his back awkwardly. "I'm okay. It's not your fault. I moved before I could think, and I'm glad you didn't because if you did we all probably wouldn't have gotten out of there."

"It's all my fault. I should've been more careful and I should've looked out for you more."

"It's nobody's fault but the villains that started it."

"You don't get it. I acted out when I realized you were gone. I did things I shouldn't have. It didn't matter how I reacted it didn't change anything." You stopped and just listened. It sounded familiar. The cracks in the voice and the helplessness sound that ran interconnecting between the words. The urge to want to do everything but knowing nothing would work no matter how much effort you put in. "I hit Kacchan! I blamed it on him because I had nothing and nobody else to blame it on!" You couldn't help but hug him a little tighter. So that's how he got his black eye. "The others tried to stop me but I hit him again! He didn't hit me back either! He looked just as broke as I was but he acted like it wasn't a big deal!" He was squeezing you so hard that you had to use your elbows to give you room to breathe.

"Izuku it's okay. I'm here, aren't I? Please, relax." He started shaking as he spoke.

"He was just as broke as I was if not more. Not that it mattered because I blamed it all on him. I was just so mad and  sad, and I couldn't control my emotions."

"It's okay." You ruffled his hair before attempting to let go of the hug but he didn't let you. "I'm sure he understands."


"He gets way more irrational than normal when he gets upset like that too. I do the same thing. Trust me I do get it. Not for the exact same reason but I understand."

"I shouldn't have done that though."

"Well did you apologize?" 

"I tried to. When they brought you into the hospital we were both there. I tried to talk to him but he just kept turning away from me. I didn't even get to see his face. He ignored me too. Granted, it probably wasn't the best time but still."

"Don't sweat it. Just tell him it's payback for beating us up when we were little. Well, beating you up."

He forced himself to laugh a little before finally letting go. "I'm just so happy you're okay. I was so scared."

"Me too. Has Mr.Aizawa told the class yet or anything?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I haven't really been listening or anything, and the first time I answered my phone was when I saw your name on the screen."

"I should've been more careful, sorry." You inhaled deeply before letting it out and resting your head on his shoulder. "I don't know if I could have handled losing him a second time right in front of me though. I wasn't going to make the same mistake of saving myself instead of him again."

"I need to be more aware instead of just focusing on one objective. It could end up hurting those around me. I know how you felt though, and what it's like to start blaming yourself." He sat there while you just leaned on him, "He's not here."

"What are you talking about?"

"Kacchan. I don't think he's planning on coming."

"That's fine. He can't avoid me forever."

"I think Mom said that Mrs. and Mr. Bakugo were going to try to come later though."

You smiled even though he couldn't see it. It felt nice. The warmth coming from his body and knowing that it was okay. Izuku was really there, and everyone else that you knew was okay. It wasn't just another effect from the meds.  "Thanks."

He looked at your head about to ask what for but didn't respond and just let you lay there for a while. "They limited visiting time since your immune system still hasn't recovered fully, so I should probably go."

"Please don't." You held onto his shirt. "I don't wanna be alone again."

He hugged you back, "I have to. I'll try to visit tomorrow and then I'll video call you okay? Mom's waiting downstairs too. The sooner you heal the better alright?"

"I guess." He smiled and walked away as your hand just fell to your side as you watched him leave. You were all alone again. The reason? You didn't know. You just wanted to go home. 

You stood up and used whatever strength you had to move the bed over by the window before sitting down again. You played on your phone for a bit before you saw a person walking in the courtyard. You winced before realizing who it was. You ran out and managed to lose the few nurses that were chasing you before making it outside. Your legs felt weak but you didn't give them a chance to stop. "All Might!" You sounded frantic, but you didn't know anyone else that would be able to help.

He looked weak but he stopped and slowly turned to look at you. You were half hunched, and pale. He could see the eyebags built up, and how physically weak your body looked compared to normal. Your hair was messy, and your healing wounds and bruises didn't help. "Young Midoriya. It's good to see you back on your feet." He smiled and rubbed his neck. The sun was starting to set behind him, and it made him glow as the TVs did back in the day. "Look, I'm sorry but can we chat another time? I was just about to head to talk to your brother about something important."

"Just a minute. Please." He looked at you and nodded. "Did you forget that I have some of your power too?" You had imagined confronting him eventually but did it have to be so soon?

"No, of course not. Your brother thought you would be worthy and you are. You caught on quick without any help."

"Without any help?" He raised an eyebrow, and you looked down at the ground with furrowed brows. "I did it on my own because nobody was gonna stop and help me."

"I would've if you asked. I-"

"Why should I have to ask? As my mentor shouldn't you know to help especially with a power like the one we have now? It's always you helping Izuku, and I get it okay? I know I wasn't the one you chose, but I know just as much important info as him. I'm thankful he thought splitting the power with me or I would still be quirkless." Your vision became blurry. What was with all this crying? What happened to you? "Do you know how hard it would be to survive in a school like this without a quirk? In the hero program?"

His face softened, "Why didn't you bring this up earlier?" 

He went to put a hand on your shoulder but you smacked it away. "It was hard enough to live in the real world! I lied and told everyone I had one and that I had one but my mom banned me from using it. Izuku told people he was quirkless, and he won't tell me who it was but he got bullied ruthlessly."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"This society is hard to live in. People die every day, and even though there are heroes nothing changes that. You can't save everyone and I learned that okay?" You wiped your eyes with your clenched hands.

"Is this about young Bakugo? Please, don't blame yourself."

"I tried to save that little boy, Kota. I held off the flame villain Dabi on my own." You looked up at him and smiled with your eyes puffy and tears threatening to fall whenever your eyes moved, "Is that enough to make you finally notice me? I held him off... and now. Now, it's gone." Your head tilted down. "I lost my best friend for a while because I overused the power so Izuku could save that little boy. I tried my best every day in hopes that my childhood idol would finally notice me and the endless work I put in. My hope with getting half of that damn quirk was to receive your approval so tell me, please. All Might, is that enough?"

He looked away for a second before looking back with saddened eyes, "You're absolutely right. I should be paying attention to you, and all of your other classmates. I've failed you as a mentor."

You wiped your face and shut it off, "That wasn't it. You still see me as just another member of the class." You let out a short laugh and wiped your face again, "I don't even know why I try. Mr.Aizawa has helped me way more than you ever could. I mostly taught myself too. Just focus on Izuku. Your damn quirk is out of my body now so it doesn't matter anyway, does it? What was I thinking?"

"Young Midoriya, please stop." He grabbed your wrist, "You don't have to go. Let's talk about this."

"Don't touch me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have your stupid quirk anymore. It's just between Izuku and you again just like how you intended it to be. Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"Have you told him?"

"No. You and Aizawa are the only ones that know I don't have power. This was a waste of time anyway. You aren't the hero they showed on TV. At least not anymore. Thanks for defeating All for One so he's captured. Izuku will live up to your expectations. You made the right choice he'll make damn sure of that."

"It shouldn't just disappear. Y/N, we have to figure out what happened."

"Just don't try to coach me unless it's techniques. Bye, All Might." You waved as you weakly walked back. Right, when you stepped in the door there was a nurse waiting with a wheelchair.

Mitsuki and Marasru didn't end up coming. Something probably came up, and you were alone for the next couple of days until you were called. "Hello?"

"Hi baby, it's your mom. Your teacher is here. He said he would phone you?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Of course. Okay, so to start we sent out an email I'm sure you know what this is about?" You could hear All Might on the phone. Aizawa probably had to remind him to call you. From the sound of it, Aizawa probably wasn't there sadly.

"Yes, the dorms. About that. I don't think it's a good idea."

"What? Mom!" Izuku, he sounded shocked.

"I am not comfortable with my children always being hurt. We trust the school, but it's dangerous. If Izuku and Y/N still want to become heroes there are plenty of other safe schools that they can go to. UA isn't the only option."

"What?" You asked, "Mom no." You could hear the other side go quiet and then a door shut.

"I respect you All Might. You've always been there for the citizens. Little Izuku and Y/N have looked after you since they were little, but I'm not going to allow them to keep getting hurt. One of my babies isn't even home. How am I supposed to trust you guys when they keep getting hurt over and over again? As a citizen I thank you, but as a mother, I can't allow them to keep almost getting killed. They're children."

You could hear the door open again before Izuku's voice came through the phone again, "I got it. Mom, I'll just be careful, and I won't put myself in danger. I'm sure Y/N would agree right?"

"Yeah, I'm only here because I chose to try to do more than what we planned."

All Might peered at the phone with a sad look in his eyes before looking back at your family and then you. "I have some concerns about Y/N." Your stomach dropped, "I don't know if she should continue to take the UA hero course." You blankly just stared at your phone before it fell out of your hand and onto the bed facing the ceiling.

"What? Why?!" Izuku immediately rresponded.

"Listen young Midoriya, she told me something today. It could end up getting her seriously injured if she continues. Maybe we can look into transferring her into the support course or something along those lines."

"Why do you say that?" Your mom asked, "Y/N has been looking forward to being a hero just as much as Izuku. Then they got randomly blessed with these powers."

It was silent before the subject quickly changed back to the dorms. It was blurry though in your mind and you weren't really paying attention. You really only remembered All Might begging and getting on his knees promising your mom that he would protect the two of you at any cost. "Young Midoriya can I talk to you outside?" 

"Yeah, of course, All Might. Be right back, mom."

You heard a door shut and then a few moments later the phone was picked up. "Honey, how are you doing? Do you need me to bring you anything?"

You just stared at the bright colors moving around the screen until your mom's face focused on the picture. "I need to go, mom, the nurse is coming soon. I love you."

"Okay sweetie, be safe. do what the doctor says. Let me know if you need anything. I love you." She smiled before you hung up.

All Might walked Izuku outside of the apartments and looked over the balcony. "It's about your sister."

"What about her?" He asked, looking over, "Why did you say that in there? Is it because she caused some kind of trouble trying to help? I can talk to her about it but it's not that serious is it? It can be fixed."

"She's quirkless."

Izuku just looked at him for a second before furrowing his eyebrows and letting out an awkward laugh, "No she's not. We split One for All. Remember?"

"I don't think the hero course is safe for her. Even with the help of support gear, I don't think it's enough for a quirkless girl to become a hero."

No way he was saying this. Izuku took a step back and looked at him. His hero, your hero. This was the same guy that made you two believe anything was possible. "She isn't quirkless."

"She doesn't have One for All anymore."

His eyes sank, "What do you mean? How?"

"When she was fighting that flame villain? Dabi? She went overboard. She's quirkless again and I think it's best we let everyone know. It'll help-"

"No. I respect you as a hero and mentor, but you aren't going to do that. All Might, she made it into the school without a quirk."

"She can get killed."

"So can anyone else in this course, power  or not. I know she seems like a hard head, but she works hard. She care's for almost everybody. Despite the challenges, she was always there for me. Even when we were little. When she talked to you did she cry?" All Might stared at him before giving a slight nod, "Did you hug her, tell her anything that would make her feel better?" He just stood there as Izuku took it in. "She doesn't cry in front of people. Not if she can help it."

"I'm just worried about her, just like I would be for any of your other classmates."

"You don't get it. All Might you were her idol. All she wanted was to be like you even though she was quirkless just like me. We finally got permission to move into the dorms."

"I need to talk to Aizawa about moving her into the support course. The hero course is too dangerous."

Izuku just stood there. He couldn't overrule what All Might said, and he knew it. "Thanks All Might for helping me, but never talk about her like she's helpless again." He turned to walk back inside, "For being a quirkless, helpless girl who needs protection she's done a hell of a lot more than a lot of others have. She has a good heart. Don't degrade that." He shut the door behind him and All Might stood there for a second before turning back to go down to the car.

You were laying in the hospital bed waiting for them to give you the last bit of your treatments so you can go home. They had said that you could leave the next day as long as you follow their instructions. Other than that one day you reached out to Bakugo he hasn't come or contacted you since.

There was a knock at the door before it creaked open and a couple of your classmates walked in. It was Kirishima, Aoyama, Mina, Hagakure, and Denki. You just looked at them for a second before they walked further in. "Hey Y/N, sorry I couldn't come sooner," Kirishima said as he set down a small plate of cookies.

"Yeah, me too," Hakaure said, and you could see the clothes moving around. It was always interesting to talk to her since you didn't know exactly where her face was.

"Thanks." You said.

"We heard you get out tomorrow huh?" Denki sat at the edge of your bed, "Right in time to move into the new dorms." He threw a finger gun at you, "You can come to visit my dorm whenever you like."

You smiled a little bit, "Yeah. Thanks for stopping by."

"Of course! I had to see my girlie!" Mina threw her arms up in the air.

"I wanted to see the madam who broke the rules. I cannot believe you did that." Aoyama said, putting his hand up to his face. He was one of the last people you expected would come. He was always kind of weird but you always figured it was probably his family background.

"Thanks for coming you guys. I kind of wanna rest though before we all move in tomorrow. We move in like afternoonish right?" 

"You got it!" Kirishima smiled, "We'll see you there?"

"Yeah. I also maybe sort of want you guys to leave just so the doctor doesn't think I'm not doing what I'm supposed to."

"It'll be an extravaganza!" Aoyama yelled and threw his hands up into the air.

"How'd you guys figure out I was awake? I don't think Mr.Aizawa said anything did he?"

"Kirishima found out from Midoriya and then spread the word to Mina and I since we're all friends. Mina told Hagakure and Aoyama I'm guessing." Denki wimpily pointed at them before standing. "Come on guys let's get out of here so we can see her tomorrow hopefully not in a hospital. Get some rest Y/N."

"Yeah, get all better."

"Au revoir!"

They shut the door behind them. Quick visit, but it was nice to see some faces. Eventually, the doctors came in and did another check before removing whatever was still monitoring you. "You've healed nicely. Take it easy, and I doubt you'll listen but try not to get back into severe training right away. Take it slow and don't overdo it."

"Thanks, doc." You smiled before stepping out of the bed feeling free as you started to grab your things. You were still sore, and from running after All Might being the only time you stood up it took you a second to remember how to use your legs as well as you could have.

"Go ahead and get dressed. The papers for you to leave are signed by your mom already. She said she's at work so your brother is downstairs waiting for you. Let me know if anything else happens. Take care." He held up his hand before retreating through the door again. This time for good.

Your body was still bruised, and had cuts from surgery that were scabbed over. Some were still stitched. The soft cloth of your hoodies touching your skin as you slid it back on after days stung before it felt more comfortable. You turned to leave and grabbed the All Might plushie before taking the elevator downstairs. You held it in one hand and your phone in the other as the doors opened and you walked out into the lobby. You looked up and saw Izuku. You walked over telling yourself one foot after the other. He hugged you, and you held in the wince of pain from the pressure. It felt worse now that you were standing.

"Can we go home please?"

"Yeah of course."

"And, do you think you can drop this off at Bakugo's? "I was gonna keep it, but..." You held it up and just looked at the plushie. It fit in your hand perfectly and was in pretty good condition for how old it was. You just looked into the face though, and the yellow pieces of hair sticking off of his head before handing it to Izuku, "I don't want it anymore. It's Bakugo's."

"Are you upset with All Might?"

You turned towards him and just looked at him with a blank face. "He told you didn't he?" 


"Super. Let's just get out of here. I wanna go home." You started to walk out and he followed behind before helping you walk once he caught up.

"Mom ended up allowing us to stay in the dorms. All Might... he respects you. He only told me."

"He shouldn't have told anybody. I don't care if it was only you. It's my right to tell you not his. In fact, it wasn't even his business." A sharp pain hit in your side and you fell over, Izuku, catching you. It was just from your injuries and so much moving right after. "He shouldn't have even brought it up. He doesn't respect me. He's using me to get you to stay and UA, and to try to keep me out of the course. Being quirkless makes me weaker just by default. It's because if I get captured he's worried I'll talk." 

"No, he wouldn't do that."

"Think about it Izuku. Just think. Even if that wasn't it there has to be someone telling the villains the plans. Nobody was supposed to know where we went for that training camp. The USJ, they knew the schedule and who was supposed to be there. There's a person leaking information and it can even be as simple as he doesn't trust me."

"Wait, wait. Like a traitor?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't put it together yet. You've always been the chosen one so now he doesn't have to worry about me. I'll get help from Aizawa. Maybe he can teach me some tricks since he doesn't have a flashy power quirk. He handles himself with just his physical strength and scarf."

"I can talk to All Might. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding."

"No, he was out of line. I don't care if he's a pro or the number one hero. Yes, he's saved so many people but he wasn't a good person by doing that. Not even worth the name hero." You looked at the apartments, "Thanks for dropping that off at Bakugo's for me. I'll see you when you get back."

"Yeah, are you sure that you can walk on your own?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." You let go of him and ignored the pain as you tried to show that you were fine. Once the doors shut though you immediately grabbed on the railing. 

Izuku looked at the plushie in his hand before starting the walk to Bakugo's. He knocked on the door just for him to answer, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to bring this." He held out the plush and he snarled, "Before you say anything she doesn't want it."

"Neither do I, and I don't want your ugly ass here at my house. Screw off Deku!"

"Please Kacchan. Just take it back."

"No. Is this all you came for? It's a waste of time! I have better things to be doing!"

"Why didn't you visit her at the hospital?"

He furrowed his eyebrows before grabbing the plush and shoving him off the doorstep. "Get the hell away from me!" He slammed the door, and Izuku just stood there before he heard a lock.

"It's not right..." He barely said before turning and walking back to the apartments.

The rest of the night was catching up, getting the details. You were laying in your room admiring it before you knew you would have to pack it all up. You looked around before sitting up and turning up your music as you tore down the All Might posters on your wall. You rolled them and then collected all your figurines of the "great number one hero" before leaving them outside of Izuku's door. Walking back into your room, it was almost bare besides your own creations. It was weird, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to look at All Might the same. Plus, Izuku has always liked your All Might collections and fan art that you had created.

Packing some of your lighter things into boxes was fine until you tried to move heavier things. You could feel your vision go dark you got dizzy, so you got Izuku to help you with the last of it. "There's the rest of that, thanks for the posters." He was quiet for a second before he sat down on the edge of your bed. "Are you that mad at All Might? If I were in your situation I would be upset too. It's just we've looked up to him for so long..."

"No, I looked up to the hero that he was on the screen. He chose you Izuku. I'm just one of the class members."

"He does notice you."

"Sure, when he thinks I'll tell his secret to everyone." You sighed and looked around at all the boxes in your room.

He pursed his lips and turned away for a second to think before turning back. "He didn't want me to tell you, and he was even less happy when I split it with you out of the blue. I knew you could do it and make a great hero. With a quirk or without a quirk. If you had that extra power though I knew you could be unstoppable."

"Well now I'll have to figure out how to do it without it I guess." 

"I didn't mean for this to happen Y/N. I'm so sorry. I should've never tried to split it with you. Ever since that's happened so many bad things have happened. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'll live with it. We should sleep. The movers are gonna pick up the furniture tomorrow morning right? With the other things. Then we have to go to the school and move in and all that."

"I'll help you with yours if you want. It's your first day out of the hospital. You shouldn't even be moving into school yet, to be honest."

"Well, here I am. Glory and all." You wimpily moved your hand in swirls in the air before dropping it. "Goodnight Izuku."

He stood up and shut the door after saying goodnight and leaving. It was dark but the sound of a loud truck pulling up in the parking lot woke you up. It was blurry with the small light poking through before you pressed on your eyes hard and rubbed them vigorously until it was clear again. 

It was a long boring process of getting the things into the moving van and making sure nothing was left behind. You would've helped the poor men with Izuku if lifting anything over ten pounds didn't make you dizzy. Instead, you just sat there and watched them move thing after thing. They were hired by the school so there was no doubt they were getting paid well, but you still wanted to help. Then your mom said her goodbyes and you two started the walk to school. "If you need me to carry you at any time just let me know-"

"I'm fine." You were breathing heavily as you walked up the hill and stopped outside the gate for a second to catch your breath. Your knee buckled but you caught yourself just before Izuku lunged forward. "I'm fine." You wiped the sweat off your face before taking a final deep breath. 

Izuku just looked at you from going to almost dying from exhaustion to looking completely normal as you kept walking. You seemed to walk completely normal too, it was odd but he just followed behind you anyways. We're late, but hopefully, Mr.Aizawa will give us a pass this time. He should understand, right?

There were a lot of new buildings added to the side of the campus, and you could see your whole class gathered around one. It read, "1-A" on it, and it was huge. Without thinking you could feel your steps get slower before you hid behind Izuku. Like, they were strangers. You stood there and looked around for a second. "It's okay these are our friends you know? I'm sure they've all put it together that something happened."

"It's okay." You whispered before slowly letting go just to look to the side and freeze. A girl. What's she doing here? She has to be older. A pro? Your eyes scanned her as 
Izuku noticed you not following. The cape looks so familiar, the one in the hospital? Wait, it looks like it. She smiled and waved with her big yellow gloves. "Hey-" You reached out towards her.

"Y/N, we're already late Aizawa is gonna kill us."

"Wait, there's a woman there."

"Where?" He stopped and looked where you saw her, but just like in the hospital she was gone. "Are you okay? Is this a symptom? I can take you back to the hospital come on." 

"I'm fine. It's nothing don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Let me know if something's wrong." He sighed before turning back. 

"Oh my god, Midoriya's finally here!" Mina squealed and ran over to you guys followed by most of the class. You immediately ducked down behind your brother.

"Guys, please. Just chill out it's not what you all think. She just needs to talk to Mr.Aizawa."

He got them to stand back. You knew they were just worried and wanted to see you, but that's a lot. You walked over the hill and sighed. Denki and Kirishima were standing there smiling, and Bakugo was turned away a little behind them. 

"Glad to have you back ass-kicker." Kirishima held out a fist and you bumped it with yours. There it was, the bit of normalcy you've been longing for. 

Everyone was laughing and crowding around but he was okay. It wasn't just hallucinogens from the medicine they put you on. Some of your classmates were lingering around and everyone started talking again. "Asshole." You weakly punched Bakugo's shoulder and he looked down at you. "Why didn't you come to see me?" He shrugged, and as much as you wanted to ignore him you put your hands around his shoulders and hugged him, "I'm so glad you're okay." He put his hand on your head for a second before letting go.

"Can't see a weakling."

"I'm not weak, just healing. Thought you needed a handicap. I mean, I totally save your ass back there."

"Tch, more like trying to get yourself killed."

You shrugged, "It worked though."

"Y/N. Not to ruin the moment but "I need to speak with you. All Might has requested it along with your brother and whoever else you would like to bring that you trust."

"I want it to just be the three of us. It doesn't have to do with Izuku, no offense."

Aizawa shrugged, "I don't care let's just get this over with." You smiled as you followed him to the main campus.

"She's really weak." Izuku and Kirishima looked to Bakugo instinctively as he spoke.

"What do you mean man?" Kirishima responded, and Izuku just listened until he was spoken to.

"She's light, and her bones felt like twigs. Nerd! What did they give to her in there?"

"Kacchan, she almost died. She's been isolated for a while and fell into a coma. We're lucky she's even here right now. Have some respect. Especially since it was for you."

"Thank you for coming Midoriya." Principle Nezu was in a seat surrounded by the faculty. "We would like to have a word with you, please sit."

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