Professor Lupins wife

By MayaBooo

328K 7.2K 508

You and Remus had took Harry in when James and Lily were murdered. Now that Harry is in Hogwarts Remus doesn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapted 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 21

5.5K 117 12
By MayaBooo

Today Draco ran into your office

"Professor!!!! Granger just punched me and Potter and his Weasley friend just laughed at me as well, I thought you'd like to know, it wasn't even my fault they did it out of nowhere." He says and Remus looks over shocked and confused

You and Remus were just talking about stuff not really important

"Oh Draco are you ok? Yes I'll speak with them later Draco thank you for telling us." You say and Remus nods

"I swear he's too much like his father isn't Harry?" Remus says and you nod

"Yes causing trouble, my older brother has passed down his worst genes." You say and Remus chuckles as Draco leaves saying he needs ice for his eye


Remus runs over to you and grabs your hand and starts pulling you with him

"We have to go come with me." Remus says and you were confused but followed him

|Another time skip because I got lazy, also helped by LilithlilaK, so if writing gets extremely lazy it was her and I was too lazy to fix it, since I've been so busy with my candle business so I really don't know what Lilith wrote|

You and Remus got to the shrieking shack and Remus disarms Harry immediately

You motion for Harry to love and he does

"The once handsome Sirius black so ragged and old, what would your younger self say." You say and Sirius chuckles

"That I need a shower." He says and you nods as Remus looked disgusted by his smell

"Looks like you finally reflect your madness within don't you." Remus says and Sirius was still laying on the ground laughing

"Ah moony you'd know all about that wouldn't you?" Sirius says and Remus helps Sirius up and hugs him

Harry and his friends were shocked which yes they would be, you all should probably explain everything

"Let's kill him." Sirius says and we'll that's terrible out of context, Sirius really needs to remember his manners, oh wait he never had those

"No!" Hermione yells oh you all won't kill Harry your all talking about the rat, is she really this dumb to think you and Remus would hurt Harry? "We trusted you, Harry trusted you both! And your his friend? How could you both." She says and oh wow she really thinks you and Remus want Harry dead wow "Your a werewolf that's why he misses classes." Hermione says and you sigh what does your husband being a werewolf have to do with anything?

"Can we just explain?" You ask and Sirius interrupts you which your really getting fed up with him right now

"Enough talk let's just kill him." Sirius says and Remus looks over at Sirius who was getting really impatient

"Wait." Remus says and Sirius was fed up which you would be too but you are fed up with being talked over and interrupted

"I did my waiting Remus! 12 years of it in Azkaban." Sirius says and you rub his back

"It's ok Sirius you can cry, I bet that was tough on you." You say and Sirius ruffles your hair slightly, which he was always like a second older brother

"Ok kill him but wait Sirius we have to explain to Harry." Remus says and Harry was so confused

"I don't need any explanation you betrayed my parents your the reason their dead, you uncle moony and you auntie raised me and your on his side to kill me." Harry says and you stop everyone by yelling

"Ok everyone shut up, Sirius, Remus you both sound like your trying to kill Harry really need to learn what context is, please because fo you both even here yourselves?" You say and now Harry looked confused at what you said

"No Harry it wasn't him, someone did betray your parents but it was someone who until recently we  thought was dead." Remus says and Harry looks at you and you nod

"Who was it then." Harry says and Sirius chuckles slightly

"Peter pettigrew." Sirius says "He's actually in this room right now, come out, come out Peter." Sirius yells and wow Azkaban really did mess him up, but that's expected, or maybe it's just the need for revenge

Suddenly snape came and disarmed Sirius oh great more people just what you all need

Sirius and Remus try and get snape to leave which you got bored of their fighting

So you just grab your wand and knock snape out "Ok there it's over with boys." You say and Sirius shrugs

"We'll that's works." He says and you nod

"Now can we go back to the betraying rat." You say and Sirius nods

"Ok." Sirius says as Harry steps forward

"Tell me more about Peter pettigrew." Harry asks and we'll maybe he does believe you and Remus hopefully he does

"He was our friend he went to school with us, I almost considered on going on a date with him, Remus got jealous and asked me out then." You say winking at Remus who smiles and Sirius rolls his eyes

"You both can shag later." Sirius says and you glare at him did he really say that?

"Pettigrew is dead you killed him." Harry says pointing the wand he just grabbed from Hermione at Sirius

"No Harry he didn't, I thought so as well until you mentioned seeing him on the map." Remus says and we'll Remus told you Harry said the map needed fixing which yeah the map needed fixing, yeah sure it did

"It lied." Harry says and you shake your head

"The map never lies Harry now Peter is alive, and he's here and I'll never go on date with you." You say and Remus looks at you like really? Right now? Your trying to make jokes? This is not the time

"And he's right there." Sirius says pointing to Ron and Ron looked confused

"Me?" He says and you chuckle

"What no not you, your rat." Sirius says and Ron looks down at scabbers

"Scabbers?" He says and Sirius nods as he walks over

"Yes he's missing a toe isn't he? Well all they found of Peter was his finger, stupid rat cut it off so everyone would think he was dead." Sirius says and you walk over to Harry and hug him, which he hugs you back which you smile hoping he believes you all

"Prove it." Harry says and Sirius grabs Ron's rat from him and Remus uses the spell to turn Peter back into his human form

Remus and Sirius grab him and push him away from the door so he couldn't run out of it

"Sirius? Remus? My old friends." Peter says and he goes to run by them to escape but Remus and Sirius push him away

Peter looks over and sees you hugging Harry

"Oh and y/n too. Oh wait Harry you look so much like your father like James we were the best of friends." Peter says and you glare at him as you point your wand at him but Sirius grabs him

"How dare you speak to Harry, how dare you talk about James in front of him and y/n or even mention James's name out of your betraying rat mouth." Sirius says disgusted and you hold Harry close

"You sold James and Lily potter to Voldemort didn't you, you stupid rat." Remus says and you just rub Harry's back, he's seeing the man who sold his parents out this won't affect him well, your definitely restarting his therapy after today

"I didn't mean to the dark lord you have no idea the power he holds, now Sirius what would you have done? What would you have done?" Peter says and the more you heard peters voice the more you wanted to strangle him

"Die, I would die for James." Sirius says as you knew Sirius and Remus would kill Peter so you grab Ron and Hermione and try and hid their faces

"Don't kill him!" Harry says as Remus and Sirius were ready to

"Harry he killed James and Lily." Remus says and Harry nods

"We'll take him to the castle make him confess to what he's done, your friend Sirius would be free then and Peter would get locked up, let the dementors deal with him." Harry says and well oh right you all do need to get Sirius cleared you all kinds just wanted to kill him

'This is gonna be a long night, but we'll glad Harry didn't kill Sirius.'

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