Chapter 3

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The next day in class you were asked a lot of question about your husband and marriage

"Professor lup— potter um question what house is your husband from?" Draco asks and you smile at him

"Gryffindor." You say and Draco was shocked

"Wait what? Aren't you a Slytherin? You married a Gryffindor? Why would you do that?" Draco asks and you chuckle

"Because houses don't matter in the real world, what matters is their personality that's all nothing  else." You say and Draco nods

"Your also related to Harry Potter?" Draco asks looking at Harry not impressed, his favourite professor and a slytherin no less related to Harry Potter

You nod your head as Harry rolls his eyes at Draco

"Yes you see I'm his aunt, his dad is my older brother and Harry's father was also my husbands best friend. So I just grew up around a Gryffindor no wonder I married one." You say as you then quickly go back to the lesson as you try and keep the conversation on the lesson not on your marriage and husband, and even more away from your dead brother

|After class|

You lay down on your bed and a few minutes after Remus came in

"Man did you know someone actually asked me how I was able to convince someone as gorgeous as you to marry me? Like literally they said no offence professor just she's absolutely gorgeous and your well you. I'm sorry am I not the most adorable thing on the planet." Remus says as he unbuttoned his shirt and you smile sleepily as you chuckle

"You sound like Sirius." You say and Remus stops and frowns the laughter in his voice completely disappearing

"Don't mention his name again." Remus says now offended and angry you mentioned his name

"Well you do, sorry but that is probably something he'd say, I'm just saying it reminds me of him." You say and Remus grinds his teeth

"He killed your brother why would you ever wanna mention his name again?" Remus says and you get up and kiss him and he kisses you back calming down at your touch

"I know, and I just thought you sounded like him that's all." You say and Remus had to agree yeah that is definitely something that would come out of his stupid betraying mouth

'I truly can't believe Sirius escaped Azkaban, if I see him he's dead I'll kill him myself.'

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