Chapter 19

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|Remus's pov|

One night I was walking the halls when I see snape talking to Harry

"Harry what are you doing out of bed?" I ask and Harry shrugs

"Sleep walking you know I used to do it quite often as a child." Harry says and well true he did but he grew out of that didn't he?

But then snape started going on about the parchment

"It's hardly dark magic, seems it's enchanted or something to insult anyone who tries to read it, extremely funny Harry did you create this? Or did the Weasley twins? Seems like something they'd do." I say as I look at Harry knowing he definitely did not sleep walk, since he grew out of that and he hasn't done it in years "Now Harry will you come with me ok? I bet y/n would make you that anti sleepwalking potion for you, to make sure this never happens again." I say and Harry nods

"Ah brilliant I'd love if she would." Harry says as we walk off to my classroom, which I'll probably have to wake y/n up later and tell her of what's just happened

When we get to my office I sigh

"Harry we both know you weren't sleep walking, now I am extremely upset you didn't hand the map in to me, did you ever think if pad—Sirius got a hold of the map he'd find you? He was one of the people who created it so he knows how it works, you knew that and still didn't turn it in what do you have to say for yourself?" I say and Harry just looks at the ground

"I'm sorry." Harry says and I sigh and pull him into a hug

"Now I want you to go back to your dormitory and stay there, I'll talk with your aunt and we'll see if you get a punishment for this, also take a detour and I'll know, and you can bet your grounded during the summer if you do." I say as Harry starts walking off and stops

"I think your map may need fixing, it's showing dead people." Harry says and I looked confused

"You mean the ghosts in the castle?" I ask and Harry shakes his head

"No Peter Pettigrew showed up, that's why I left because I saw a dead man walking around." Harry say and I stop shocked

"That's not possible." I say and Harry nods

"Yeah I know, I think you may need to do some repairing uncle moony just saying." Harry says and I was in shock he saw Peter? On the map? That can't be unless he's alive, but Sirius killed him unless Sirius didn't kill him, then why would Peter fake his death? Unless he's the guilty one no way Peter would fake his death he'd come and tell me what happened if Sirius did betray the potters, so then did Peter actually do it?

'I need to talk to y/n, I don't care if she's sleeping we need to talk about this.'

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