Chapter 66

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It's been 2 months and the Weasleys invited you and Remus to dinner one night during winter break

So that's where you all were now

Isabella has started realizing she can laugh and she startles herself every time she laughs not realizing she can do it or shocked she did do it again

Isabella was laying on her stomach in the living room where Remus was talking with Arthur, Harry and Sirius

You were helping Molly finish making dinner

You then Isabella laughter and then a tiny shocked sound from Isabella

And then you here people say that was adorable

"Her getting shocked from her own laughter is very adorable." Molly says and you nod

"Yeah she has done it for a week she still isn't used to her own laughter which is adorable when Remus plays peek a boo with her and she gets shocked every time she laughs." You say as you hear Isabella laugh again and then get shocked that she laughed again and you chuckle

You walk in to see what's making her giggle so much and it seems they finished talking and Harry was now playing peek a boo with Isabella making her laugh and get shocked

Remus looks up from watching Isabella and smiles at you as you smile back as you look at Isabella who seemed to sense you were and moved her head to look at you

She then opens and closes her hand slightly in your direction so you smile and pick her up as she gets all grabby at your chest immediately

"Ah baby your hungry aren't you?" You say and Remus chuckles at how Isabella will show she's hungry now as she's starting to understand a bit more of how to communicate she just gets grabby at your chest now to say hey give me my milk

You just grab her blanket and wrap it around her as you sit beside Remus to feed her

Remus smiles at Isabella

"I could have done that you know darling I do have her bottles." Remus says as when she was old enough you bottled your milk so Remus can feed her and bond with her that way

"She was grabby at me so she wanted this I don't make the rules." You say and Remus smiles and kisses your cheek and then kisses the top of Isabella's head

You and Remus have been trying to make Isabella's first Christmas super special she may not ever remember it but well she'll have fun at her age

'Me and y/n are going to make Isabella's life the best ever and it is a bit difficult now with greyback trying to hunt down my daughter to turn her but it won't happen and Isabella will have the best life ever.'

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