Chapter 75

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It's been 5 months since everything

I've been trying everything I could to find y/n

Every month that passes Isabella grows without me and y/n drifts farther away from me

"Remus look we'll find them, I mean she must have went somewhere you know if, your her husband you've been around her since she was 11, you can find her." Sirius says and I try and think of anywhere y/n would go, I then look at a photo of me and y/n  at her parents summer house

"I think I know where she would go." I say as realization hit me like a brick

There's only one place out of the country she owns that she could go to whenever she needed to

I feel stupid I didn't realize faster

She's at her parents summer house

"Well where is she?"  Sirius asks and I pick up the picture as I kiss y/n then push her into the ocean  behind me, but she grabbed me as she fell so I fell with her

"Where do you think?" I say pointing to the photo and Sirius looked like he remembered the place too we had so much fun

"Oh my Merlin we're stupid." Sirius says and I nod we kinda are

"I have to go and talk to her." I say so filled with hope and Sirius nods

"Yes, but it's so late there's no way for you to get there, go in the morning." Sirius says I take a deep breath, he's right I would have to wait until morning

"How do I even talk to her? Do I just say I'm sorry and I was wrong? What if she doesn't forgive me? What if she's already moved on?" I put my face in my hands as tears fall from my face, I can't live without her

"You'll figure it out, I believe in you remus." Sirius says comforting me and I smile as tears were still streaming down my face

'I will bring y/n home I won't leave without her.'

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