Chapter 23

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|Remus's pov|

I woke up and see y/n I was laying on in a hospital bed, and gosh my head

I haven't had this bad of a headache in awhile, forgot how it feels like my skull is trying to push out of my head

"He's safe." Y/n says and I was first confused then realized Sirius is safe

I just nod and y/n kisses my forehead

"Just rest rem, your gonna be playing house with your boyfriend probably for awhile, you're gonna need a lot of energy to do that Rem." Y/n says and I glare at her, me and Sirius may have used to snog once and awhile but we never got together

"Ugh my head." I say and y/n smiles at me

"I know don't worry it'll all be gone in a few days." You say and Remus nods and slowly and carefully grabs your hand slowly "We'll be heading home early, you need rest." You say and Remus sighs as he grabs your hand and puts it on his cheek

You just smile at him

'Stupid snape snitched on Remus about him being a werewolf, I'm not gonna tell Rem right now he doesn't need to deal with it, I'll tell him once he's feeling a bit better or before we leave, but oh Severus is about to fucking die, first he makes students write about how bad werewolf's are and how to kill them so it's the first thing Remus has to grade! And he takes away Remus even being able to teach about how werewolf's aren't bad in class, he took away the one good thing Remus hoped to do de stigmatized that all werewolf's are bad. And then he tells the whole wizarding world Remus lupin is a werewolf, great thanks bitch now Remus won't be able to get a job thanks so much for ruining more of his life you piece of shit. Like wow he really can't let go of stuff that happened in Hogwarts? He really gotta ruin more of Remus's life? Take more of his freedom away? I can't believe him.' You think as you kiss Remus's cheek as he closes his eyes again


You finally got Remus home, Dumbledore said he'd send yours and Remus's stuff home to meet you both, and you told Remus about snivellus ratting him out and well he immediately told Dumbledore he's resigning, because he doesn't want his condition to be a problem for him 

But when you and Remus finally get home and when you open the front door you and Remus are greeted by Sirius with his feet up on your coffee table

In Remus's clothes

"Hey was wondering when you both would make it, hope you don't mind I made myself at home." Sirius says eating a bag of chips and you glare at him

"Feet off the table." You say and Sirius rolls his eyes

"Ok mom, actually speaking of moms where are the children? Obviously you both have had kids by now, so like they in Hogwarts already? Or do they get babysat by like Molly or something?" Sirius asks and you and Remus look at each other

"We haven't had kids yet actually." Remus says as you help him sit down in his armchair

"What? Have you both just not had sex for 12 years? I couldn't do it, if I wasn't locked away in Azkaban having only my hatred and need for revenge in me, now Uh hey moony wanna share your wife." Sirius says and Remus glares at him

"Touch her I will murder you." Remus says and Sirius laughs

"I'm kidding, don't mind if I crash here for awhile right? Great thanks also there's hippogriff in your basement just wanted to let you know." Sirius says and you look at Remus who sighs as Sirius starts raiding your fridge like he used to

"This is gonna be like when he found out regulus went missing right? We let him stay and then we couldn't get him to leave for months." You say and Remus sighs

"He's grown up.......hopefully." Remus says as he pulls the marauders map out of his pocket as Sirius walks over with cookies and snatched it up

"So who had it? Who won our beloved map over." Sirius asks and Remus sighs

"Molly's twins Fred and George and they gave it to Harry." Remus says as Sirius nods

"So you now know where the teachers stay, so where is it?" Sirius asks like an excited child

"I'll tell you later, but there's a secret room we never found can't get to it unless you use a password." Remus says and Sirius nods

"That is interesting." Sirius says as you notice a new injury on Remus that wasn't treated

"Daring your hurt." You say lightly touching it and Remus flinches away "Hey it's ok let me look at it." You say and Remus just stands still as Sirius was trying to not laugh

"You need to shave Sirius you look terrible." Remus says as you grab your first aid kit and treat his wound

"Well your talking you look terrible and you have a wife to stop that." Sirius says and Remus glares at him

"I only look bad because of the stupid moon." Remus says yelling the stupid moon as he looks at the ceiling

You kiss his cheek which he smiles 'Well guess Sirius will be staying with us for awhile.'

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