Chapter 12

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You and Remus were sitting beside each other watching Harry's game

Remus kept his hand on your thigh like normal, you barely even notice it

But when Remus started squeezing you knew he was feeling anxious

"Darling what's wrong?" You ask and Remus looks over

"Sorry I smelt something it's nothing I think." Remus says and you kiss his cheek trying to calm him down, whatever the smell is it's making him anxious

You just try and keep his mind off it

But suddenly Remus stops and says Harry's falling

You quickly look over and realize what you were seeing and scream Harry's name


You and Remus run to the hospital wing as Harry was still not awake

You sit beside his bed and hold his hand

You look at Remus who was just as worried as you were

Remus got up to talk to madam pomfrey and make sure Harry is ok

You just brush the hair out of Harry's face as he opens his eyes

"Auntie?" Harry mumbles and you smile at him

"Hey, I'm here and Remus is here too." You say and Harry tried to sit up but felt dizzy "No sweetie lay down it's ok, just rest." You say as you help Harry lay back down

"What happened?" Harry asks and we'll Remus knows more then you so you look to him for help

"Dementors." Remus says and Harry nods as he was confused why one attacked him

"The game should have been cancelled because of the storm, honestly Harry your life could have been in danger I'm glad your not hurt too badly, but you should know you could have gotten seriously hurt. Also the dementors aren't supposed to be that close everyone is furious that they were." You say and Harry nods

"I know and I'm sorry I worried you." Harry says and you kiss his forehead

"Just please stay safe, especially with well the man Remus doesn't like me mentioning escaping." You say and Remus growls at the thought "Oh come on I didn't even say his name." You say and Remus shrugs

"I know who your talking about still." Remus says and you nod and sigh

'I hate Sirius just as much as Remus does, like he killed my brother and Lily if I ever see Sirius I'll make sure to kill him.'

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