Chapter 47

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Remus picks you up and spins you around as he kisses you happily

"We did it finally I'm so happy we are finally creating our family I'm so happy I just can even express how happy I am, did I mention I'm so happy?" Remus says and you nod as you smile and chuckle

"Yes you did Remus I think you said it 5 times and I am as well, I'm so happy too, like having a baby with you is a dream come true." You say and Remus kneels down and kisses where the baby would be repeatedly

"I am so happy." Remus says and you were so happy for both of you

Remus has always wanted to be a dad and now finally he is

And you've always wanted to have a family with him and now you finally get that

'I can't wait to start my family with Remus this is my dream come true.'


You and Remus told Harry and Sirius who were both so happy for you both because finally your both having a child

Remus couldn't stop kissing you so happily

After your accidentally pregnancy that ended in you having a miscarriage you and Remus did everything to not have a kid for awhile, but Remus kept doing it because he got even more scared because of it

But you just wanted one after a year but well Remus didn't anymore

But now you both finally have a kid and are going to have one

Remus couldn't stop holding you and kissing you

"I love you so much." Remus says as he was so happy and couldn't  stop being so happy about you being pregnant

Which is to be expected Remus is about to be a father

'I can't wait to meet my child I don't wanna wait 9 months I just wanna meet them already, I can't wait to be a dad finally I'm gonna be the best dad in the world.'

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